Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.

January 1, 2023

Well sports fans, it's been a whole year!

One year ago I began to share my prayers and declarations with you, and journalled my progress in terms of growing spiritual fortitude, mental health, and body acceptance and friendship.

Three years ago, I was sick of feeling ineffectual, purposeless, and ugly. I had a relationship with Jesus, and was happy about my prayer journey, but in all honesty, I hated myself. When I began to speak the truth into and over myself, from dark a place of disbelief and paralyzing self hatred, things began to shift. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; one of two things happened. Either, as a result of my burgeoning ability to see myself in the myriad of ways that Jesus does, I began to make healthier decisions that impacted me physically and mentally, OR, I just became more able to see what was there all along as a result of the Truth of the Word of God breaking through the lies and garbage that clouded my vision. Maybe it was both. The ability to love oneself isn't selfish. Being free and clear to lift my focus off of perceived flaws and imperfections trailblazes a path to freedom, and liberates me from the grind of wasted time and grief. I became more and more free to celebrate my own purpose, to be curious about why I'm here, to lean into seasons, to really be present with my family, and to shake off the need to protect the vulnerable places inside of me that were so scary and tender. I experienced tremendous healing this year, that wouldn't have been possible had I not connected daily with my Source, and declared His feelings, thoughts, and love into and over myself. I can love more freely, express myself more clearly, and I'm not such a know it all. I can let things slide that would have driven me to distraction in the before times. I can opt out of things even though I know I'm good at them. I can say 'no' from a kind place. I can spin disappointment into possibility, because my life is solidly in His hands, and He calls the shots. I am free from the things that caused me such overwhelming stress and pain.

I know hard things await me. Life gets rough, but the spiritual infrastructure that I'm building with my Creator is giving me the integrity and strength to know, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that I can weather storms because He is with me, before me, above and below me, and most importantly, within me.

I began from a pretty fragile place. I said things that I didn't believe at all, but I believe in God, and I know that I was conceived of, designed, created, and placed with intention in time and space to accomplish the things that He crafted for me from the foundation of the world. How could I have the audacity to insult what He finds beautiful, creative, strong, and loving? I refuse to speak curses over His creation.

So today, I am resilient, expectant, joyful, mindful, and outrageously grateful to have been given this gift of freedom, and the invitation to the More. We are ALL invited to the feast of our own lives. Life truly is what we make of it, and my intention is to remain firmly within the pillar of profound Goodness that is my incredible Jesus. What a privilege to know Him free of religious ritual and fear. Because He is the embodiment of perfect love and wholeness, I am ME.



December 31, 2022

Whoah. It's New Year's Eve. A whole circuit around our star, four seasons, so much shift and change, and the privilege of living goes on.

Time is turning, a new chapter begins, and it's time to lay down the former things, shed my skin, shake off the things that try to hold me down, and recieve the deep cleansing and redirection that only Jesus is capable of giving to me.

Tonight, I walk into the Light, and through the veil a new creation. I receive this new year with joy and expectation. Anticipation, not trepidation. I want the courage to flow, the strength to do what's on the heavenly agenda for me, and the solidity of God. I open to an eagle eye, a sharp mind, a soft and receptive spirit, and the resolve to be who I was created to be. Tonight I move through the veil of human time with triumph and peace. I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into this new year. Let's accomplish things together, powerfully and effectively, hand in hand. I receive more of You right now. Thank You for 2022 and all of the lessons that I've learned and the opportunities You've given me. Thank You for the healing that's begun. I leave any vestige of religious spirit behind me this year, in Jesus' Name. I embrace and celebrate the freedom purchased for me by the Lover of my soul. Thank You so much for the honour of inhabiting this age and chapter of human history, God. I love You. Amen

December 30, 2022

I'm feeling so much adrenaline and expectation, God. We're all so poised to do a new thing in the coming year, so please erase any fear of failure, anxious thoughts, stress about resources, and concern for the things we feel like we didn't do well over the past 365 days, in Jesus' Name. I release the energy of heaven into 2023, God! I perceive a collective and clear sound of worship, adoration, reliance, far flung faith, and a clarion call to freedom that's never been experienced that will cover and enrobe this planet in order to bring restoration, realignment, discovery, healing, reconnection to Your omnipotence, power, and love, and a brand new appreciation for all of creation, Jesus. You're doing something wildly, creatively new, and I choose to perceive it in completely new ways, in Your Name. Energize the people of this world to cut through any and all lies about You that have festered and built walls, in Jesus' Name. This is the year that the walls collapse.

No more distractions.

No more obstacles.

No more lies and misunderstandings.

No more offence.

Only LOVE.

Only clarity.

Only peace.

Only restoration, healing, freedom, and deliverance from ALL evil, all over the world.



December 29, 2022

I'm coming in for a landing over here with this year long project, and am in full scale assessment mode. My nineteen year old observed today that I've changed a lot since implementing declarations and sticking to a habit of prayer over the last few years. My rage has subsided, my instinct to criticize and fault find is under control, and I have a ton more self awareness, so that I can actually isolate the junk that I'm prone to, and ask for help and transplants as needed from the One who aches to see me whole and healthy. One of the interesting things I've observed, is that God has transformed the bad into the good. The hotheadedness and rage-y tendencies are actually components of a spiritual aggression that gets things moving! I believe that my ability to perceive b.s. is God given, and I'm allowing Him to teach me how to cut through it, attack it in prayer, call it out kindly, and/or offer a better option. Now the instances that fueled my frustrations are highlighted by the Spirit, and I can appreciate how He is healing my vision and filling me with compassion and ability.

God, thank You for the ability to continue to transform and become more like YOU while remaining purely ourselves! It's a miracle. I welcome more and more healing and clarity into my being, and am asking that You lift me higher, so I can see the bigger picture like You do, Jesus. Help me to continue to want to see more, do more, and feel more in the Spirit realm, while my feet stay firmly on the ground where You've placed me. I choose satisfaction and obedience, God. I will go where You tell me to go, and do what You tell me to do. Yikes.

Thank You for making me to be who I am, and for the deep mercy that allows me to continue to learn and grow, God. I want to be more me this year, and to experience more of You. Show me how to live a life of meaning and goodness, free of religion and legalism. You've set me free, so I'm free...please show me what that means this year. In Jesus' Name. Amen

December 28, 2022

God, Your ability to keep me awake and alert when my body and mind are tired out is awesome. I love that Your energy is accessible, and that You're generous with it. I declare balance today for my body, mind, and spirit. Please help me to take a rest when I can, accept Your breath of life, receive Your wisdom, and to organize my time so that my day makes sense, Jesus.

I declare health and wholeness to all of my parts today.

I receive clarity of vision for my world, God, and ask that You inspire and direct me to help and lift the ones that You put in my path. Please pour out Your compassion, Jesus. Fill me with the ways that You feel, so that I can be like You. I receive the ability to make a difference, in Jesus' Name. I don't get to decide what is meaningful, so help me to lean into every assignment, no matter how ordinary I think it is, please God.

I apply the Blood to every place in this world that needs an overflow, and I declare abundant blessings and healing to the places and people who are hurting, Jesus. I direct the creatures of heaven into the hidden places, and declare that the ways of heaven be magnified. Fill me with a spirit of intercession, please God. Help me to care about the things that You care about, and jettison the things that don't really mean much in the grand scheme of things. I open to brand new purpose, a new way of worship, fresh eyes, and a passionate and energized spirit, in Jesus' Name. Let prayer be contagious, God. Help us to learn how to wield our words with power and simplicity. Please give us burning beings, so that we can't help but communicate with You and ache for Your conversation and presence. You are Help, incarnate. Activate hunger and thirst for You all over the world today, please God. You are waiting to meet every need, and alleviate pain and trauma. I declare Damascus Road encounters world wide right now, in Jesus' Name! Thank You God. Amen

December 27, 2022

God, thank You for constantly redirecting me back to what is true. I yield to Your Spirit today, and ask that the dynamic power that You embody would continue to cleanse and refresh me, so that I can be so full of Your kindness, calm, and peace, that it radiates out of me. I'm asking that anything that offends Your Spirit be washed out of me, so that I can be free, whole, and ready to do what You have created for me to accomplish. I am lifted above legalism by Your beautiful solidity and truth, and by who You are. You give me the ability to soar above fear, trepidation, and worry, Jesus. I lay down any striving or concern today, and exchange them for hope, expectation, and the peace and serenity that surpasses my understanding. I know You have great things in the offing, and I ask that You invade my mind right now, so that I can see and feel beyond the natural, and believe that whatever is on the agenda for me is completely doable, because You are with me, and are the Author of my life.

Thank You for liberating humanity, Jesus. Please show Yourself to everyone who is looking for You today. Your constancy, possibility, deliverance and wholeness are a question away. Draw us into Your presence with holy curiosity and desire, God. Erase disbelief and lies, in Jesus' Name. Give us love for each other that cancels criticism and slander, so that we can all move into our lives with purpose and zeal. Help us to see each other well, Jesus. It's so easy to find and focus on the junk that we all struggle with. Please illustrate so clearly today, that we CAN rise above the squabbles and crises that so easily ensnare us and cause our faith to shake. All it takes is an invitation, for a desire for eyes to see, and ears to hear, God. Please engage desperation and hunger for a loving God that is pure majesty and power. Bring every person who is seeking into Your massive arms today. Reveal Yourself in all of Your splendour and love, God. You make everything meaningful, and You are the Only One capable of sorting it all out. For every person who is lost, show them who You are. For everyone who knows You're real, but is flagging, energize and meet them, God! I declare a new day of encounter, and a revelation of the kingdom that's here! Enough sadness and hopelessness, in Jesus' Name. Power, love, soundness, beauty, hope, passion, and strategies of heaven, come, and overwhelm us with desire to see and know You, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth. Give us the heart of Your Son for each other, please God. Empower us to heal this place, under the unction of the Holy Spirit of the Most High. It's a new dawn, a new day, and we are a new creation. Hope, be perceived, in the powerful and beautiful Name of Jesus the Messiah. Amen

December 26, 2022

Jesus, I declare right now, that my heart, my mind, my body, and my spirit are Your home. I want to be clear, clean, and real, God. I want to think the way You think, and behave the way that You do. You made me specifically, unlike anyone else. I want to be utterly free of my weird human need to compare and contrast. Please help me to understand that You created me to communicate, and to make the time and space to listen, learn, and apply everything You have to show me, Jesus. I am moving into this season with fresh intentions. I will be full of worship and curiosity. I anticipate the excitement of seeing and understanding new things in Your word that are liberating and wild. I will use the words of Jesus as my lens as I ingest the rest of Scripture, and apply the widsom of the Holy Spirit to my work and my world.

I declare a fresh start, God! I welcome the energy, zeal, passion, abundant clarity, and deep love of Jesus into and over my journey and my work, in His Name. I want to be a conduit of freedom, God. Please open up opportunities, and launch me wherever You want me.

I have what it takes to live my life, because You are with me. You go before me, and You fill my story with purpose and beauty. You're at the beginning, the middle, the end, and the new beginning. We're just together. You're trustworthy and reliable, strong and mighty. You are the God of Esther, Job, David, Mary, and John. You are mine, and I'm Yours. You draw the boundaries, set the stars, move in the unexplored depths of the sea, and the undiscovered galaxies. You are God. Thank You for being real. Amen

December 25, 2022

When I ask about this coming year, and the plans He has for me, God's response is pretty exciting. He keeps on telling me 'You're free. Believe it.'

My ability to run into the arms and forgiveness of Jesus daily makes me free. I am no longer dominated by fear, sin, shame, or control. HE gives me the power and creativity to think with compassion and flexibility, and to overcome and reach beyond the natural, and into the supernatural and eternal kingdom of beauty and peace. Because of the birth, life, sacrifice and death, and ultimately, the triumph of Jesus, I am not confined or imprisoned by human time or expectation. I am an eternal, heavenly being, seated with the Great I Am. I'm human, fallible, troubled, and faulty. I am also completely redeemed, delivered, washed, inspired, led, loved, and seen by the Only One capable of lifting and guiding me to new heights, every single day. I am an overcomer, a trailblazer, an artist, a mother, and a person of value and worth. All because of You, Jesus.

This past season of declarations has taught me that my words have an impact that is unknowable in this age. The changes I continue to notice in and around me are shocking and beautiful. Jesus, You extend so much beauty and promise. I'm going to try more things, expect more goodness, believe in myself, love more deeply, let shit go that doesn't belong to me, embrace Your peace with abandon, and be more hungry to be like You, Jesus.

I'm going to be me with authenticity and courage this year, God. Please help me to step into the new things You've got for me with zero fear of man, and total awe of You. Amen

December 24, 2022

Today, I am able to rest.

I am surrounded by the activity of heaven. I have access to the Revelation four throne room of the Great I Am, which is full of movement, light, sound, worship, justice, and love. I am seen and known. I am as free as I want to be today. God, I open up to the More that You offer. I receive Your presence with gratitude and wonder. Open my eyes, Jesus.

I choose to experience my day with the vision of God. I declare that the kingdom of heaven is here with me. I welcome the Spirit into my life and my being in a new way, Jesus. Help me to see new facets of reality today. I want to know how to examine things with Your eyes, and live differently. I want to feel more alive today than I did yesterday, so I open up to everything about You that I need, God. Overwhelm me with Your power, goodness, wonders, authority, beauty and ability! You are magnificent, omnipotent, glorious, personal and holy. Lift the veil, Jesus, so that I can see beyond, and experience You more deeply. I love You, please help me to love You more. In Your Name. Amen

December 23, 2022


thank You for my life. Thank You for my partner, my kids, and every blessing that You extend to each one of us, every day. Thank You for my health, my mind, my body, and my spirit. Thank You for drawing them together into integrated wholeness all the time, simply because I ask You to. Thank You for healing the ways that I see and experience myself, Jesus. I'm staggered by the healing that You've gifted me with over the last few years, as a result of cultivating a habit of relating to and receiving You and Your thoughts and feelings for me. You are so accessible, and so ready to be welcomed! Thank You for Your provision, God. You are such a rescuer and deliverer.

As I move into this next year, I am open to whatever You want to do together. Please help me to release striving and works, Jesus. I lean into my purpose in this season, and put my hand into Yours, so that I can be full of stamina, confidence, and ability. Fill me with Your Spirit, please God, so that I can be a conduit of freedom and fulfillment. I want to articulate Your grace.

Thank You. Amen

December 22, 2022

God, thank You for the assignments You have for me today. I receive Your energy, ability, and interest right now, in Jesus' Name. I declare that I am capable of anything I put my hand to, because You're with me. Your Spirit fills me with focus and direction. I release stress, and open up to the peace that overides human emotion and circumstance, Jesus. I can feel You moving the junk and the thoughts that don't align with Yours out of my mind and body. I release and relinquish a controlling, fearful spirit right now. I will do what I'm supposed to do today with grace, calm, and trust.

Thank You for my family, God. Encounter and bless each one of them today. Enrobe them in safety and wholeness, please Jesus. Give them what they need in order to move through their day with confidence and openness to Your love and presence. Show them Your creativity and humor, Jesus. Reveal different and unexplored facets of Your character to each one of them. I trust Your complete protection and love. I declare and direct the Blood of Jesus into, over, and around my kids and my partner today as they wrap up loose ends and prepare for this time of being together and rest.

I receive Your eyes for me today, God. I have what it takes to be me, and as You continue to reveal Yourself, my confidence is built stronger, and my hope is healthier. Your reality is paramount, so I can see beyond this age, and into our future together, Jesus. You make everything more meaningful. Thank You for this day that You've crafted for me. Please help me to take joy, and to radiate Your presence and Your peace, Jesus. I breathe in Your divine nature and Your ability to be still and aware, and I breathe out anything that isn't of You, in Your Name. Help me to see the good.

I declare the mind of Jesus into me and mine. I receive Your clarity, calm, courage, and compassion. I release any propensity to dwell on things that I don't need to worry about or control, God, in Jesus' Name. All will be well. Amen

December 21, 2022

Having performed the athletic feat that is labor and birth five times, I'm always staggered by Mary's assignment. When I'm delivering a baby, I need stillness, quiet, calm, and to feel completely at home in my environment, so that I can go deep inside and hold it together in order to move through each contraction. Labor is a testament to the fortitude of the human mind, never mind the body! The idea of being in transit, outside, left to deal alone while my partner tries to find somewhere for us to be, and finally, in an unfamiliar, uncomfortable place that I now have to center myself in and focus on the task at hand, is inconceivable to me.

I know Jesus was born during the feast of Sukkot, the fall commemoration of God tabernacling with the Israelites in the wilderness, but I can get with marvelling about His coming anytime. We sang carols at church last Sunday, and I had a full scale emotional breakdown. God, as an infant, feels the quickening and squeezing that's the harbinger of birth. Travelling through the birth canal of His mom, and experiencing the neediness and vulnerability of infanthood, toddlerhood, childhood, and beyond. It's nuts!

I wonder at His Mother. What was/is she like? How strong, physically, mentally, and spiritually did she have to be as a young kid, to take this on?

What an emotionally mature, brave and respectful man Joseph was, to wrestle privately with God about his lady's God given assignment, and to follow through with honor and kindness in order to support and help her to do what was asked of her.

God, thank You for embodying humility and vulnerability, so that You could come here as a little guy, and grow and be here on planet earth, so that You would know and be familiar with every human emotion. Thank You for the deep wisdom of understanding what You had to do and why, and for being brave and beautiful enough to face everything. Thank You for Your earthly parents, Jesus. Please show me more about them, and help me to be as receptive, courageous, and solid as they were, even as they struggled with what was asked of them throughout their lives. I love Your life, Jesus, and I am constantly amazed that You did what You did. I have so many questions for You! Your birth is a us to get beyond what we know about it, and spend time pondering every detail during this season. When I think about my own births, I wonder what Mary and Joseph had access to, from a practicality standpoint. What's it like to give birth to God, enrobed in His presence within and without? What was the vibe in that stable, God? What were Your feelings? I'm so grateful for everything. Thanks. Amen

December 20, 2022

You know what I'm noticing the most lately? For the majority of my almost thirty year marriage, I was extraordinarily quick to take offence at any perceived slight. I made a point of misunderstanding my partner, and it came from a place of deep insecurity. I was always poised to take it wrong. And I super did. I was a masterful stonewaller and rager. Over the last few years of declaring the truth into and over myself, whether I believed it or not, God removed that need in me to be angry. He has and is healing all of the places that were/are fearful and vulnerable. He has instilled solid truth inside of me so that I'm free to hear what's actually being said, rather than the hateful narrative that I was believing. I read so far between lines that weren't even written that I was ruining a beautiful friendship. Now I can hear the things that would have set me off on a cavalcade of offence and anger, that would result in days of friction, and I choose not to freak out. I hear where I would have pounced on the negative spin, and instead, I take statements or comments at face value, and guess what? They're nice! Man, what a lot of wasted time and energy. Choosing the good gets easier and easier as I consistently invite healing, restoration, recalibration, and the clarity of God into all of me; mind, body, and spirit. If it seems simple, it is.

God, thank You for being aware of the healing that I need, in such a gentle and holistic way. Thank You for gathering all of the loose strands of my personality, and weaving them together into something strong. It's a privilege to move through my life with open eyes and an open spirit, and watch You reveal more of Yourself through Your gentle revelations and kind correction. Thank You for a partner that held on, and believed in the better version of me that he knew was always there. Thank You for his tenacity and loyalty. Thank You for keeping him here, and showing me that I am worthy of love and relationship, that there's zero need to shove people away because of feelings of inadequacy. You say that I'm valuable and lovable. Thank You for saving our friendship, God. Thank You for this person that's so funny, so present, so invested, and so lavish. Please continue to give us zeal for each other. Thank You for his constant energy for his family, Jesus. Bless and prosper him beyond his wildest dreams! Pour out Your favor onto and into him, as he builds and beautifies the city that he loves, God. Reveal Yourself again and again to him today, and protect and consecrate him. Enrobe and fill him with the energy and stamina of heaven, as he completes tasks today for the people he loves, and restore and lift him. Thank You so much for this beautiful guy, God. Fill him with power, and show him Your approval and celebration of and for him today. Thanks. Amen

December 19, 2022

God, thank You for rest. Thank You for showing me that my worth doesn't require constant motion or work. Thank You for teaching me that my relaxation matters so much to You, Jesus.

I choose to lean back onto You today, God. Just like John snuggled up to You at dinner, that's what I'm up to! You're so approachable and ready to be present and focused on me and on our friendship. Thank You for showing me new things about who You are all the time. There's no end to the things we don't know about You! Ignite curiosity and fascination, Jesus. Crush the religious misunderstandings about Your character, please. Reveal Yourself right now, in Your Name, to every precious person who may be believing lies about Your true nature, Jesus.

You want the best for all of us. You HAVE the best for all of us! Please show us how to speak to and believe in You, God. Show us how to trust and rely on You. Jesus, You are beautiful and everywhere. Open eyes today, in Your Name. Be seen and felt, God. In the Name of Your Son, I demolish, obliterate and remove every obstacle that would keep humanity from experiencing the truth of who You are! Come, Holy Spirit, and flood the earth with Your sweetness and rescue.

Jesus, I want to love You so much more than I already do. Please help me to level up my faith, loyalty, friendship and love. I want to drop all pretense with You. There's no point in hiding anything, so I guess I'll just be okay with You seeing me. I love You so much, Jesus. I'm open to whatever You're up to today. Amen

December 18, 2022

God, I'm putting my heart next to Yours. I want the health and strength of Your heart to impact mine. Please synch our heartbeats up, and help me to feel how close You are to me. I give You permission to heal any and every place within me that needs to line up with You, God. Flood my being with Your presence, please. Your joy is my medicine, and I receive it gladly, Jesus.

Today I declare that I have bigger, stronger faith than I did yesterday, because it's Your joy to teach and show me who You are.

I am beautiful, strong, capable, peaceful, open, loving, and calm, because I am a temple of the Spirit of the Living God.

The plans and purposes for my life unfold in the perfect timing of the One who writes my story. I reject anxiety or fear about what I'm 'supposed' to be doing, and walk with confidence into my life, knowing that I am valued and able to accomplish everything God puts before me to do, nothing more, nothing less.

I receive the inspiration of heaven today, in Jesus' Name. I have no idea what I'm capable of doing, thinking, or being, but I believe that You believe in me, God. I accept every assignment, and ask that You make me brave and courageous. I refuse to be afraid of people, situations, difficult tasks, or challenges, in the mighty and authoritative name of Jesus of Nazareth.

Thank You for every blessing that pours from Your being, God. I am highly favored, and I choose to see the Good. I am blessed when I go out, and I'm blessed when I come back home. I appropriate and aim that same blessing for, into, and over each of my kids, in Your Name. Reinvigorate their spirits today, please God. Breathe Your life and light into and around them. Show them Your sweetness and friendship in brand new ways today. Thank You so much, Jesus. Amen

December 17, 2022

Jesus, I acknowledge that You're standing by with open arms and an open heart, so I say YES to You this morning, and welcome You into my life, my mind, my spirit and my body. I choose an attitude of thankfulness, and actively switch my vision to Yours.

I apply Your Spirit, Your Blood, and Your protection to my home, in Your Name. Please station every resource at Your disposal to every corner and place within and without my house, Jesus. I receive Your presence with so much gratitude, and trust that You are filling the atmosphere and strengthening the infrastructure. I pray the Blood over every room, over the land, the property lines, the objects and the people in this place with the authority of Jesus. Thank You for giving us access to You and the safety and wholeness that You provide freely. We are blessed, secure, sanctified, and loved today. You surround each of us with angels, hosts, creatures, substances and sound, God. Please give us the ability to perceive your kingdom today. I declare a new way of experiencing Your goodness for everyone who reads this prayer, in Jesus' Name. Be revealed today, God. Help us to hone in every wonder and miracle that comes straight from the palm of Your hand. Every breath, heartbeat, and step that we take is overseen by You. Thank You for life, God.

Fill us with a spirit of worship and thanksgiving that we've not experienced before. Elevate our spiritual eyes, and strengthen us for our respective days. You are good, and Your love is enduring and real. I accept Your kindness and provision today, and extend more blessing, more love, and more devotion to You. I bless Your mighty heart today, God. Show me more, please. Amen

December 16, 2022

God, I choose to partner with You again today, and receive the joy that is my portion for whatever's on the agenda. Because You're with me, I can do anything that's required of me. You are greater than anything that would try to rob me of today. I declare abundant satisfaction in whatever I put my hands to, in Jesus' Name.

I apply the protection, peace, and justice of heaven to the lives of my kids today, God. Enrobe them in the alive and impermeable Blood of Jesus. Station all of the resources and creatures of the throne room around and about them, God, in Jesus' Name. Give each of them spiritual eyes to see what surrounds them, and open the eyes of their hearts to perceive Your presence. Restore and revitalize the full scale joy and satisfaction of Your salvation, Jesus, and hold their spirits close to Your heart. You are an all consuming Fire, God. I declare that my kids feel Your warmth and energy today and every day. Come and amaze them with Your love and favor. Overwhelm them with Your continued goodness.

Thank You for my people, God. Thank You for every step of every journey. I bless the process, and place all hope, trust, faith, identity, destiny, purpose and promise in Your hands again. In Jesus' Name. Amen

December 15, 2022

There are many, many days that I wake up feeling so off. Purposeless and pointless, already spent, heavy, and sad. Even before I've opened my eyes, I'm feeling bowed down and exhausted by my world. The most powerful word I've discovered to combat these feelings of existential dread, is a resounding 'NO!'. NO I will not succumb to these lies of despair and hopelessness. NO I am not useless or worthless. NO I am not valueless, ugly, stupid, or voiceless! I visualize the creeping horror as the entity it is, and literally shake it off of and away from me. I cannot fathom what it would look and feel like to be unaware of the beauty, love, power, and deliverance I have access to, always and forever. I exchange beauty and hope for the grief that tries to steal from me, wholeness, peace, expectation and the vision of Jesus for the grey channel that is trying to invade my being, and gratitude, worship, light, and invitation, for the heaviness of a partial and fleeting reality.

God, I welcome and invite You into every part of my being. I feel You moving through my mind, and expelling every thought and perception that isn't of You. You are balm, oil, fire, and wind, Holy Spirit, and I give You full permission to reset every part of me that has believed a lie. You are my ability to flourish, grow, exist, and impact my atmosphere with power, positivity, authority and love. You are greater, bigger, lovelier, dynamic and dominant. You are pure justice, and overarching, senseless Peace. You are my hope and stay. I can feel You changing my feelings and redirecting my thoughts. Somehow, through the looking glass, I see how You see, God. We're so with You in the heavenlies, as we're down here being watched and cared for...all at once. We soar and we trudge, at the same time, and one day everything will come into incredible clarity in the blink of an eye. You're so beautiful, God. You're my sanity, my strength, and my formidable protection. Thank You for Your willingness to renovate and cleanse my mind, spirit and body, Jesus. I lay all junk at Your feet, and ask that You forgive me for agreeing with anything that isn't of You. Thank You for being mine, Jesus. I can't imagine what I'd do without You. Amen

December 14, 2022

"Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh's glory now streams from you! Look carefully. Darkness blankets the earth, and thick clouds cover the nations, but God arises upon you, and the brightness of His glory appears over you."

Isaiah 60:1-2

Jesus, You are the Light of the world, who chose to leap into the void, as the embodiment of salvation, so that we could be with You, free of despair, forever. Your Light obliterates all evil, overwhelms and overpowers fear and abandonment, and draws us further up, and further into the warmth, safety, peace, and satisfaction of knowing that You have won the day, once, for everyone everywhere always.

I choose to allow You into my being, to flow and radiate through and from me, so that any darkness is gone from me as a result of Your presence. Have Your way, Jesus, and flood me with Light. I receive the brightness of Your glory, and the brilliance of Your love. I lift my eyes higher this morning. I look around and believe. I trust Your goodness for me and for the ones I love. I trust Your heart for everyone on this planet today, and say and declare 'arise and shine, because your Light is HERE!'

I welcome understanding and wisdom, God. I declare that the energy and power of Jesus belong to me. I will be full of zeal, and the thrilling and authoritative presence of the Holy Spirit of God. I receive the strength, wholeness, peace and joy of Jesus for today. I lack for nothing, in His Name. I am blessed abundantly, because I know the Psalm 23 God of the Universe!

I lavishly apply the Love, and the Blood that speaks a better word to my kids and my partner today, Jesus. Protect and sanctify each of them. Encounter them with Your radiance and splendour today. Lift our spirits, engage us, and help us to remember and bless You, God. I declare that Truth will prevail in every heart today, in Jesus' Name.

I entwine my heart in Yours, God. I receive Your tranquility and Your activity. I erase my agenda in favor of Yours. I hand everything that's bugging me over to You, and trust that You are unsnarling and organizing everything that I put my hands to today. I breathe in the peace of Jesus, and expel stress and anxiety, in His Name. I know beyond a shadow of any doubt, that You are God. You have the power to reshape, realign, redirect, and renovate whatever needs it in my life and in my day. Thank You for being real, present, caring, and full of blessing and beauty, Yahweh. I love You. Amen

December 13, 2022

God, thank You for continuing to heal and cleanse my vision for myself! It's wild to think about how much time I wasted being lied to about who and how I was. It seems like such a no-brainer to just ask to see myself in the ways that You drop the weird idea that it's too selfish, too vain, too flesh-focused. Never!! Inviting Your opinions released me from the time wasting obsessiveness of self hatred, and for that I am unendingly grateful, God! Thank You for launching me into a freedom that has no end, Jesus. Thank You for extending curiosity and possibility. Thank You for empowering me, lifting me, and energizing me for my own life, and, consequently, for the lives of others. I open up again, Jesus, and ask that Your joy and life overwhelm me. Holy Spirit, You are welcome within me, and I want More today. Please open my eyes again, God. Continue to speak to me, and help me to be a conduit of Your grace and ease. I love Your intensity, and Your peace. You are my All in All, Jesus. I receive the wisdom and revelation that You have for me for all of my next moves, and I lavish You with gratitude and love. Amen

December 12, 2022

Today I declare that every one of my kids will have a deep connection and encounter with You, God, as their Parent, Friend, Redeemer, and Victorious and Radiant Creator. I station every creature and substance of heaven that they need today around about and over each of them, in Jesus' Name. I pray that they experience deeper realms of trust and understanding as they go about their business, Jesus. I declare that the joy and satisfaction of their salvation and redemption be full, and that their spirits would be energized and enlightened by the power of the Holy Spirit. God, activate gratitude within them. Help each one to see how they've been rescued, helped, overseen and loved. Thank You for my family, God. Thank You for the journeys that we're on collectively and individually. I bless each identity and each story, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Remove any vestige of fear or anxiety, Lord, and make us brave. I'm asking that You continue to make me aware of the immense privilege of parenting these people, throughout their lives, Jesus. Please pour out wisdom and patience today so that I'm able to do my job well, and to look to and at You for every ounce of understanding and stamina. I choose gratitude and zeal today. Amen

December 11, 2022

Direct me, Yahweh, throughout my journey so I can experience Your plans for my life. Reveal the life paths that are pleasing to You. Escort me into Your truth; take me by the hand and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; I have wrapped my heart into Yours all day long.'

Psalm 24:4-5

I am entwining my heart with Yours today, God. I place my whole self alongside You, and invite Your Spirit into my being. Make me one with You, and redirect my mind, so that I can be full of Your thoughts, Jesus. I praise and thank You for the journey that I'm on, and I am open to the experiences that You've choreographed for me to walk into and through today. I trust You to make sense of it all.

I choose Your way of seeing. I bless the eyes of my heart, and my natural eyes today, Jesus. I accept Your lens and Your vision. I welcome the ability to see beyond the veil, and into Your kingdom reality, in Your Name.

I am ready, willing, and able to live my life. Your abundant joy and divine nature are my strength and my song. I am full of, surrounded by, and overshadowed by Your truth and Your presence. I am a temple of Your Spirit. I have access to the throne room and might of the Most High today, all day. I am a builder, an heir, and a creative and crucial component of the age in which I've been placed with such care. I am filled with the gratitude that impacts the atmosphere. I am a conduit of life and promises that were conceived in me from before the foundation of the world.

Please sharpen, hone, and remind me of the tools that You've given me, which are at my disposal today, Jesus. I am Your student and disciple, and I utterly reject any fear that would keep me still or silent in the face of need. I have the authority, stamina, and love of Jesus, simply because I've asked for it. I love You and I trust You, God. You are beyond words. I'm asking today for a new and fresh revelation of who, what and why You are. Please usher me into new realms of freedom and vision, God. Release me from the shackles of self examination and anxiety. You have everything covered and handled. I have been delivered because I am completely delighted in. I have what I need in You. You are God. Amen.

December 10, 2022

Focus: The state of permitting clear perception or understanding. The Center. The area that may be seen distinctly, or resolved into a clear image.

God, I adjust my whole focus today. I align my vision so that You become the Center of my world. I invite Your clarity and perception, so that I can see beyond the natural, and into Your reality. I welcome wonder, and receive again the faith that's brand new today. Bigger faith, more far reaching hope, and an ability to magnify the belief that lives inside of me to new proportions are mine for the asking, Jesus.

As my focus magnifies You, I'm able to step outside of a critical spirit, and express my gratitude to You with abandon and expectation. I stop right now and choose to see the myriad of ways that I'm helped, validated, overseen and cherished by You. I worship, celebrate, and welcome You, so that we can be in constant contact and friendship, God. You are my whole life. I declare that when I thank You, my entire being is flooded with health. I radiate Your peace, and Your presence. I walk directly into the wide open, expansive places that You've created for me, because You are pure Goodness, and Your love is enduring, solid, and unfailing. You never fail or forsake me. You never look away, God. I choose Your vision today. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I'm deciding right now to always align with Your thoughts about who I am.

You are mighty, unsearchable, beautiful, powerful, able, and real, God. You are present and personal. Jesus, You are zealous to make me excited about the life that You've gifted to me, so let it happen! I welcome new opportunities, and cast off the fear of man, in Your Name. I want to display Your splendour and reality in new ways that are accessible to people who've never thought about what You are outside of Religion. Please give me the language and the visibility to do what You put me here to do, in Your perfect timing. I declare this for everyone who reads this today; clarity, a new perception of the Creator, guidance without stress, pleasure in the process, the ability to revel in the love that they don't even know is felt for them, an encounter with the Lover of their souls, and the ability to connect with the One who pulls it all together. Period. In Jesus' Name. Amen

December 9, 2022

Today I let the plans and purposes that You've crafted for me unfold organically, God. I release struggle and striving, and I invite Your Spirit into my life, and the lives of my loved ones again, with the trust that You gifted to me from Your loving heart.

You are my Source, and my fount of all goodness and safety. You are my reality. I welcome Your breath, and ask that You fill me and mine to overflowing with the hope that overpowers doubt. Be free to move and surround us, Jesus. Display Your splendour in and through us. Infuse us with Your compassion and communication, please. Give us Your patience and Your vision for every person and situation today, God. Captivate us with Your mysteries and Your character. Please carry us all back to Your Word, and revitalize and activate our spirits again to celebrate our salvation and revel in the understanding that we are eternal beings. Your life and sacrifice translate us out of death and despair into a glorious and meaningful future, Jesus. I hand the gift of this day over to You to manage and organize, and I choose to take delight in my reliance on You. I cover everything I touch and use with the Blood today, in Your Name, Jesus. I declare favour and abundance into and over the mundane and the sublime. I activate the angels, hosts, and creatures of heaven to be stationed appropriately on our behalf today, and actively jettison fear, hopelessness and any feeling of loss or concern about next steps, through the power of the Great I Am. I cancel any agenda of pain or self doubt, in Jesus' Name, and welcome the abundant life and light of Jesus into the minds, bodies, and spirits of the ones who need to feel Your presence today, God. I love You, I appreciate You, and I hold fast to the hope that You planted within me today. Amen

December 8, 2022

I declare again that my faith is bigger, stronger, and more resilient today than it was yesterday. I receive more capacity for mountain moving conviction and trust right now, in Jesus' Name.

I speak life into and over myself, my family, my community, and my world today. Where there is confusion, God, bring clarity. I declare love and fearlessness in place of anger and despair, and openness of communication and an eagerness to hear one another that is unprecedented, Jesus. No more hiding, no more clamming up, pushing away, or separation. God, You desire unity and companionship, so I declare a spirit of friendship and the deep love and compassion of Jesus into and over my city. Connect us, God. Give us Your zeal to really see each other without religious legalism or fear. Help us to be like You, Jesus, for real.

I declare fascination today, God. Ignite curiosity and inspire the search for You. You will absolutely be found by the ones who seek You, whether they know that's what they're doing or not...I pray encounter, connection, face to face conversation and beautiful moments of awakening, Jesus.

I accept myself today just as You made me. I am Sam, and there's nobody like me. Thank You for my identity, God. I'm asking that You breathe on my being, show me my steps, and cover them with favor. Thank You for my life, and the lives of my loved ones. I apply the Blood of Jesus to the lives of my kids and my partner, to the routes to and from our home, to our vehicle, our houses, our animals and our belongings, in Jesus' Name, Amen

December 7, 2022

God, please gather in the scattered threads of my focus again. Where my mind has wandered, and gone into weird scenario territory, reign it in and redirect it, please. I choose Your path, Your narrative, Your plans, and Your purposes, Jesus. It's so wild how quickly we can turn back in towards ourselves, and forget that You have already got it all figured out and sorted, God. I activate my faith today, and declare that it is bigger than it was yesterday, in Jesus' Name. Integrate and reassemble me so that I'm undivided, God. Soothe my anxious thoughts, and come into clearer focus, please. You know all of the details, Lord. You are such an incredible protector and provider. Nothing can match Your power and majesty. You see what concerns me, worries me, and distracts me. I ask right now that You remind me that Your love and Your Blood speak a better word. That You have already written the story. That Your triumph thunders through creation, and resonates inside of each of my cells. Worry and fear are cancelled by the power of the Lamb. You pull it all into order, not from distracted chaos, but in the impeccable choreography that tracks with the lessons that You're always teaching me about Your character and omniscience. You are pure and perfect. You are life and energy. You are my Light and my God. Thank You. Amen

December 6, 2022

Wow, God! What a wild turnaround. Choosing gratitude and an expectation of Your goodness paid off big time. Instead of wallowing in freak out, despair and fear, deciding to give thanks and to expect You to show me how You move even in iffy times has caused a one hundred and eighty degree turnabout. You are so extremely thoughtful and lavish, Jesus. You show us goodness, mercy, provision, and such elegant and detailed care. Thank You, thank You, thank You, God. Declaring Your faithfulness is so effective, in the natural and in the spirit. Every single time You extend blessing, rescue and redemption my faith is elevated and strengthened, Jesus.

You are my Rock, Shield, Bulwark, Light and Survival. Your care is magnificent. You are my heartbeat, my senses, my surroundings, and my atmosphere. You are the air that I breathe, and the sybiotic relationship that us humans have with the trees was conceived of by You. You are at the end, and beginning of all things. The silver and the gold are Yours. Every molecule and atom listens to You, their Creator. I thank You with every fibre of my being for Your oversight and protection. I choose to be grateful. I choose to want more of You. I choose to look for You, and to be curious about You, God.

Thank You for my life and my being. I am strong, capable, creative, and loved. I am engaged, interested, and paying attention, God. Show me Your wonders again today, no matter how tiny. I love You so much. Amen

December 5, 2022

God, You are so close to me during disappointing or discouraging times. When You look like You're the furthest away, You're closer than my own breath. You are the Master Choreographer and Problem Solver of any and all issues, big and small. All I need to do is remember to tell You that I need You, I want You, and I trust You to work on my behalf in order to hand deliver solutions that would never have occurred to me. You intimately know every care and concern, so once again, I place everything that needs Your solving into Your lap, with absolute certainty that resolution, healing, and justice will come. You are the One who solves, deals, strategizes and directs with perfection and energy. You already know every outcome. I lavish You with gratitude for the protection and wisdom that I didn't/don't know was/is at play for everything I need handled right now. Thank You that Your ways are inscrutible, clever, flexible, creative and all encompassing. Your mind is never at rest, never overwhelmed, never exhausted. You execute justice, redemption, order and alignment at all times, everywhere. Right now I declare restoration, heavenly favor, blessings, abundance, provision, restitution, wisdom, guidance, connection and encounter for everyone reading this today. God, You are working and moving! You are active and awake. You pour out Your lavish goodness with abandon, so let it be done in the details, Jesus! Come and overwhelm us with Your presence and power today. You are who You say You are, God. You are true reality and life. You are God, and there is NO other. I receive Your peace now, in Jesus' Name

December 4, 2022

Jesus, the details of Your coming here as a person are overwhelming. The choreography of Your appearing is astounding. No tiny bit of timing, placement or casting was overlooked. All of it is meaningful. The more we learn about the puzzle pieces of Your birth and growth, the more awe we feel. You're not an LL Bean Christmas cataloge cover, You are a Jewish carpenter and King, born at precisely the right time in human history in order to usher in the complete renewal of all things. Give us a new and outrageous sense of awe and wonder for and about You, Jesus. Revive and refresh our love and honor, and awaken curiosity and awe during this season, please. Instill an eagerness that hasn't been there before to know more about You. Show us Your kingdom, and the reality of the heavenly realms that surround us, God. There's so much more going on, and I, for one, am desperate to see beyond the veil. I declare an opening of the spiritual eye today, in Jesus' Name. I pray WONDERS, and a zeal for the signs and miracles that are new, and a respect and honing in on the quotidian wonders that surround us every day. Electricity, magnetism and gravity, our physical systems, the flora and fauna of planet earth, the solar system, just everything that You've placed so carefully and with such love. Open our eyes, God!! Impact us with a new way of seeing our world, Jesus. Atoms and molecules shout Your Name! Reveal Yourself to this world today, and fill us with amazement and appreciation. Cause us to be filled with the energy to delve into the mysteries. Inspire us with desire for the ability to perceive You on another level! Touch the places in us that keep us dull, and shock us into encounter, God. I declare a world wide awakening of Love today, in Jesus' Name. Amen

December 3, 2022

Jesus, please open the floodgates of joy over each of my kids today. Overtake them with Your light and celebration. Show them how You move and sing over them, and open their minds up in new ways in order to bring order and heightened perception. Please expand the concept of YOU today, Jesus. Bring more understanding, more honor and more reliance! Invade them again with Your presence, love and goodness, and let them see Your hand on their lives. Please allow them to feel Your heartbeat today, God. Where they've been frustrated with not feeling You, rush in. In the places within them where pain and hurt hide, please surround and heal. Come and remind them that Your protection, help, wisdom, deliverance and oversight are easy for us all to access and live within. Thank You for my family, God. Surround us all with the creatures of heaven today. Shower us with Light. Please give us all new ways of seeing You today, in Jesus' Name.

December 2, 2022

Today I look from the outside in. Often my partner says to me that he wishes that I could see myself the way that he does. The amount of appreciation, mercy, and admiration that I feel for other women sometimes feels impossible to apply to myself. Being able to see like Jesus is the goal. I want to be able to see the whole person, free from the weird beauty/body constructs that I grew up with. It's enough already. I've come a long way, since the beginning of the's going on three years that I've been implementing spiritual truths and speaking them into and over myself. No more hate, wherever it's hiding. I'm giving Him permission to snatch it out and destroy it. In order for me to love others, I need to feel love and value for myself. It's not bad, and it's not selfish. It's scriptural.

Jesus, I choose Your eyes again. Please help me to cherish and value all of my parts the way that You do so that I'm free to go about the business of living. I reject self consciousness, and embrace self awareness, in Your Name. Help me to give honour to each part of me, no categorizing. All of me is beautiful and healthy, since You're here. Please bathe me in the mind of Christ, and give me Your perceptions and processing. I apply the Blood to every mirror I look into today. I preemptively thank You for shifting my vision and lifting my head, so that what seems so monumental becomes tiny...a lovely detail about me and my story. My appearance brings You joy. You designed all of me, so I'm thankful. Help me to see well today, Jesus. Please fill me with Your compassion and Your ability to see the Good. Make me brave in love, and help me to speak the way that You do so that others can see themselves in a new way.

I love my brain, my spirit, my body and my face, in Jesus' Name. I am free, and unfettered by self hatred. I am created in the image of God, and have access to His thoughts for me. I rise above earthly paradigms and requirements. I am seated in heavenly places, and I have been delivered and delighted in. I am a new creation, conceived of, designed, and placed with intentionality in time and space for such a time as now. I get to be me; full of the Holy Spirit of the Great I Am. Thank You. Amen

December 1, 2022

This August, my friend and I, plus our two youngest, embarked upon a pretty daunting project; to hike the entire 890 km. of the Bruce Trail, from Niagara to Tobermory. Each week we walk for three to five hours together. This person was someone whose friendship I'd let slide, and this time together has resealed our bond and given us so much to talk about. We are reconnecting and it's so needed. (Our sons are basically the same person and live in one anothers' back pockets...)

Today we were reminiscing about our time parenting little ones. She has five who line up in age with my five, and, serendipitously, they all get along and have done since they were tiny. The two youngest in our respective families don't know life without one another. We reminded each other this afternoon about how exhausting, rewarding, mind-numbingly boring AND 100% fascinating, satisfying and engaging it was-all at once.

Recently my adult middle child told me that something she really appreciated about her childhood was the very intentional atmosphere that surrounded her. Sunshine during the day, candlelight in the evening. Piles of reading material-different stories, comic books, and art supplies were switched out or replenished every few days, and music and lovely things were a constant. This was part of my work, and it gratified me to hear that it was noted and loved.

Parenting has been my full time career for almost a quarter of a century, and chatting about our shared history today, mixed with Edie's beautiful memory tribute served to activate a tremendous amount of energy for my home stretch...two still with me; 13 and 15. I needed that surge of inspiration and passion for them.

God, thank You for the journey that I've been on. It's a total privilege, and I don't take Your trust lightly. Please infuse me with the energy and zeal for the last leg of my parenting -young-ones-journey. I want to feel as passionate about parenting and leading this season as I did twenty years ago, Jesus! Renew my youth, and please give me the mind of Jesus for learning, activating, perceiving purposes and strengths, and for wisdom for next steps and opportunities, God. Thank You for every age, and for the friendship I share with these kids. Thank You for respecting me, communicating with me, and modelling parenting for me so that I can glean and learn from You, and apply Your character and creativity to my own parenting work. I am amazed by the way that You love and lead, God. You are a GREAT parent. Amen

November 30, 2022

'Faith enabled Moses to choose God's will, for although he was raised as the son of Pharaoh's daughter, he refused to make that his identity.'

Hebrews 11:24

I love that God chooses carefully where to place us here on planet earth. His will is that we are loved and parented well, but, of course, that's most often not the case at all. We're raised and surrounded by fallible human beings, some of whom have better impulse control than others. Nobody survives childhood untroubled. We don't have to let our past dictate our future. Being raised to be or believe one way, doesn't mean that we have to agree or stay within those parameters. God is bigger. Our identities are salvageable. We can be free.

God, You gave me my identity. I don't need to let my past or my pain define me. You connect me with people who are able to help me walk it out, and get anything that's polluting my ability to be wholly me up and onto the table. You cut through the crap, Jesus, in order to chisel away at the carapace of protection that I've built up around myself. Thank You for the journey of discovery and revelation that creates so much hope and energy. My life only gets more exciting the deeper Your healing goes. I give You permission and access to go into new places in my being and identity in order to usher in even more freedom and peace, God.

Jesus, thank You for being communicative and real. Thank You for always seeing me. Thank You for showing me that the more is always possible. There's no end to Your deliverance and adventure. I am certain that You are mine, God. I welcome the courage and boldness that only comes from You into me and into my life. I fasten my faith onto every promise, God, and apprehend them, in Your Name. Spark new life within me, Jesus, and propel me into new realms of prayer, worship, and petition. I'm asking for the compassion of Jesus for this entire planet. You say that when I'm speaking to You, that I am a warrior, capable of pulling armies from another realm into the fray. I direct the angelic and the hosts of heaven to every dark place now, in Jesus' Name. I ask for the open eye, God, for everyone who can't figure You out. Obliterate obstacles that keep people from the Real You. Smash false perceptions, Jesus, and show Yourself to everyone who needs You right now. You are the reason that I'm me. I love You and I know that You celebrate me constantly. Give people that revelation today, please God... that You spin, dance, sing and celebrate every single person You've ever made. Amen

November 29, 2022

‘Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go.’ Proverbs 3:5-6

God, it’s so easy to lean back into what I see and how I feel. Please help me to remember to apprehend Your mind, Jesus, in every situation, and for every person. It’s tough when I see my pal struggling, and have to push anger and hate to the side in order to be a vessel for Your thoughts and feelings for the one who is causing them pain. Pour out Your blessings and healing touch into and over everyone who feels so fragile, so broken, or so fearful that they lash out and hurt the ones they love with impunity. Give me the ability to support and be wise, God. Help me to give good counsel that doesn’t come from a place of rage. Jesus, You hate abuse and injustice, and You grieve that we as a people have decided that we need to stay in ugly situations because it somehow will make us more ‘spiritual’. Shower us with wisdom and solutions, please God. Give Your precious people the ability to create boundaries the way that You do. Break off religious mindsets and legalism that keep people hanging on to systems that don’t serve them well. You value our lives, Jesus, and You don’t want us to be in pain. Please invade every hurt place and person with Your love. Shine Your light of justice and revelation onto every hidden thing that keeps us in agony and shame. No more abuse, in Jesus’ Name, and especially IN Your Name!! Gross. Break the back of the patterns that hurt women, God. Bring us up and out of a history of injustice and injury. Reveal Your thoughts and ways for my sisters, Jesus. Show all of us who and what You are, for real, and lift us from the ash heap of silence. No more hiding, no more humiliation, no more dishonor. Highlight and open the hidden depths of silence and suffering, God, and give the ones who want to help the solutions and strategies of heaven for deliverance and aid. 

Help the ones who seem trapped in relationships that are painful and unfulfilling to attach themselves to You, especially those who are lied to about the ways that You value women. No more hurting people using Your word and Your character, in Jesus’ Name! No. More. Amen.

November 28, 2022

‘If it is a matter of power, behold He is the strong One!’ Job 9:19

God, You are pure strength. You are my atmosphere, and You direct and influence my senses and my steps. Your thoughts for me are unsearchable and impossible to count. You know every feeling I experience, and You are with me no matter what. I hand my day over to You, and trust that You will bring order to chaos, healing to brokenness, solutions to desperation, and peace to  tumult, in the Name of Jesus. I hand my children and their lives over to You again, and declare encounter and connection with You for each of them today. Feed them from Your hand, God. Guide them with Your voice and inform their decisions and thoughts, please. Their lives matter so much to You, and they are crucial and beloved components of the age in which You’ve placed them. Thank You for their creativity and sense of adventure. Thank You for their peace and ability to enjoy each moment, even in the midst of struggles. Thank You for their courage and mercy, Jesus. They are a wonder to me, and I can’t love them the way that You can. Please open up new realms of possibility and favor for them today, God. Show them the ways to walk, and infuse them with Your presence and power. Remind them, minute by minute, who and what You are on their behalf. Wake up any places that are slumbering or vacant, please Jesus. Allow them to feel whole and full of destiny, beautiful and worthy, and hungry and desperate for the only One who truly satisfies. 

Come and have Your way, God. Revitalize the satisfying joy and wholeness of relationship with You for each of them, wherever it’s flagging. Rekindle faith where things have been stolen or eroded over the last few years of inertia, Jesus. Renew and reawaken their spirits so that they feel energized, and brand new. Give them the gift of excitement about their own lives today, please God. I trust You wholeheartedly with my precious and intrepid people. They are so beautiful and interesting. Please remind them that You are fascinated by each one. Give them Your eyes for themselves today, and mirror Yourself inside of them so that they are amazed by what they see! Thank You so much for the gift of their friendship.  Amen.

November 27, 2022

As this project comes in for a landing, it has me wondering 'what's my next step?'. Moving into a new phase of prayer, writing, working, parenting, etc... is feeling very open ended, and kind of scary. My kids are growing and changing, solving their own problems, and figuring their own lives out. I gave myself a year to document and share prayer, and to notice the changes within and without. They are dramatic. I no longer feel the pressure to carry heavy burdens without help. I don't hate the way that I look, and I'm able to access so much more patience and peace. I feel very little stress about things that only God can change and shift, where before I absolutely knew He was the only answer, but surely I could make it all happen? Nope. I've learned to put all of my eggs in His basket, talk to Him about it, and stand back in order to watch Him work. God is amazing. Prayer is real, and accomplishes more than we can imagine.

Jesus, I officially say a solid 'yes' to every plan and purpose You have for me in the New Year. I can't imagine what all of the pieces will come together to be, but I trust You completely. You planted seeds in me that will flourish and grow in Your perfect timing. Whatever is conceived within me will absolutely come to fruition and be completed with Your help and oversight. I believe it.

Please call to attention everything I need in order to accomplish everything You put me here to do, God. Wake up the parts that need activation, and make me brave. Please give me energy, wisdom, and guidance in every facet of my life; homeschooling, parenting, partnering, creating, and building. God, please illuminate my next steps and make it clear to me what to do next. I refuse to get frustrated or make calls that come from human frustration or worry. I reject fear, feelings of insecurity, or the lie that what I do isn't 'good', and that it doesn't matter. What I do DOES matter to You, especially when it falls in line with my identity and purpose. Thank You for Your timing and Your connection. You hold things back, or conceal them in order to birth the new thing precisely when it's ready to be born. I lean into Your plans. I lie back on Your chest, Jesus, and trust Your motives and Your scheduling. You love me, and You know exactly what I'm to do. I am completely open to Your orchestration. You have opened doors and You've shut others. I choose courage, faith, stamina, hope, understanding, vision and patience for my own life, God. I direct every good thing towards my family, Jesus. Pour out Your perfect guidance and favour in abundance! Show us the next rung on the ladder for each one of us. Surround and protect us with Your Kingdom and Your Blood, Jesus. Speak clearly to us today, and engage our minds and spirits to be receptive to You in every way. You are so good, so loving, and so wise. I trust You with everything that I am and have. In Jesus' Name. Amen

November 26, 2022

'Help me turn my eyes away from illusions so that I pursue only what is true; drench my life with life as I walk in your paths. Reassure me of Your promises, for I am Your beloved, Your servant who bows before You. Defend me from the criticism I face for keeping Your beautiful words. See how I long with cravings for more of Your ways? Let Your righteousness revive my spirit!'

Psalm 119:37-40

God, even when we're dealing with scary, life or death matters, Your promises are true. You promise Life, and You long to pour out Your tenderness and mercy into and over us and whatever is causing harm to each one. Drench and saturate us with Your hope, Your revival, and Your love. You are whole, and undivided. You are our nourishment and our health. You are noble and honest, never callous or distracted. I declare a complete reversal of every plan and scheme that aims to kill, steal and destroy, in Jesus' powerful Name. I apply the Blood to every agenda of death, with the authority of Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy Passover Lamb, sent once to be a sacrifice, and to take on all of the junk of the world. God, You say that we are able to apprehend that authority; the right to make orders and decisions in the spirit, and to enforce obedience in Your Name. I direct the deliverance of Jesus into every seemingly hopeless situation right now. I call forward every creature, colour, frequency, sound and resource of heaven to bring all things into order, in Jesus' Name, and by the work of Your mighty right hand, God. I declare an end to the strategies of the evil one that pale in comparison with Your kingdom and Your abilities. I declare abundant LIFE in place of death, I speak flourishing abundance and vitality over the things that look lost, Jesus. I pray the mind of Christ into and over everyone believing in lies right now. Come and turn the ship around, bring rescue and restoration, and reveal Yourself, Holy One. You are full of beauty, blessing, justice, worthiness, and zeal for life itself. You are here with us, and You uphold and maintain the universe with unconceivable power! You are the Uncreated Creator of all things, so come and do what only You can do, God. Obliterate toxic mindsets and patterns that keep us in bondage to lies, and smooth the way for Your promises and solutions to manifest and find their way to their perfect places. You are so loving, so active, so gentle and so ferocious for each one of us, Jesus. Invade the empty or co-opted places right now, everywhere. Amen

November 25, 2022

Years ago, my Mum casually tossed me Patricia King's book on Declarations. Little did I know, it would change my life and send me on an experimental adventure of discovery and deliverance. The revelation that I was capable of harnessing the power of the Word in order to partner with God to usher in shifts of interior and exterior atmosphere was, and is, inexpressible. Our relationship with Him is as vast and deep as we allow it to be! What wild grace. What a Creator...He aches to encounter and empower us so that we can extend the hope of glory and the peace of Jesus everywhere we go, in creative and specific ways. Using Scripture to awaken, enliven, change, deliver, and align with the promises of God is a privilege and an honour. We really have no inkling how integral we are to the age in which we've been placed. Open our eyes, our minds, and our spirits, God!

Jesus, You make it very clear, that although I'm here on earth now, I'm actually a full fledged citizen of heaven. Help me to perceive my reality as Your beloved, who sits with You, listens to You, and is treasured by You.

I am enrobed by the Light of the World. I carry Your light and fragrance everywhere I go, and I don't have to be afraid of anything. Your goodness and presence surround and fill me. You are enough.

You are constantly building me up in faith, health, hope, and strength, because I belong to You. There's no place I can go that You don't see me. You know every detail of my identity, so I give You full permission to clean and save me again, from the inside out, Jesus.

Fill my vision, God. Give me Your eyes and Your mind for every situation, person, place and thing, please. Help me to be looking for the Good at all times. I choose to be covered in Your peace, Jesus. I'm so grateful to You for shifting my ways of inhabiting my tasks. You're teaching me to see the big picture, and to understand that I don't need to allow the things of this world to weigh heavy on me. Your yoke is easy and Your burden is SO light. I receive Your pleasure today, in Jesus' Name.

November 24, 2022

Trust: the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something

God, Your ability to unfold the best for me is staggering. When things go sideways, You constantly display Your reliability and wisdom on my behalf. It’s an honour to call on You. You are always unsnarling and organizing, displaying Your splendour and power in the darkest, and most confusing times. The favour that streams from You is unparalleled. Your care and oversight are staggering. Your wisdom is a wonder. Thank You for Your consistency and presence, Jesus. Thank You for the opportunities that come my way that illuminate Your character and kindness. I hand every hard thing over to You again today, and will stand back and allow You to show me who You are. Have Your way in every part of me and my story, God. I’m giving You premission again to renovate and realign me before You. I lay every dark thought and stupid thing I’ve said at the foot of the Cross, I ask You to forgive me and wash me, and I know beyond a shadown of any doubt, that it’s been thrown into the sea of forgetfulness, to be remembered no more. Thank You for constant fresh starts, Jesus. Thank You for renewing me, body, mind, and spirit.

I declare again today that You are reliable, true, able and strong. I direct that understanding over and into each of my kids right now, in Your Name. Please overwhelm us with Your precious favour today, God. Your ways and plans are so much higher than ours, so help us to get out of Your way. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

November 23, 2022

God, my complete confidence lives in You.

You are God. There is nothing that compares with You.

I declare today that because You live in me, I am strong, capable, calm, engaged, energetic and hopeful. Your joy is my ability to stand firmly on the Rock that I’ve chosen with peace and stability. I choose Your perspective for my life, and the lives of the ones that You gifted me with. Clean and clear our vision today, Jesus. Transplant any fear or anxiety with Your tranquility and understanding, please.

You are my Great Confidence. Please help me today to move through my world with appreciation, gratitude, pleasure and flexibility. I choose Your ability to articulate freedom and release, Jesus. I will inhabit my life with intentionality, energy, creativity and power. You are over all, in all, and You go before me constantly.

I appropriate the health of Jesus today for me and mine. I am beautiful, strong, sound, and steady. You are in me, before me and behind me. Cover us in Your protection today, Jesus. Surround us with the angels, hosts, and creatures of heaven. Protect our vehicles, animals, belongings, routes, and plans, in Your amazing Name. Amen.

November 22, 2022

God, today I aim to focus on You. I declare no more dead time. Wake my mind up, Jesus, and bathe it in Your blood. Reinvigorate my thought life, please, and inspire me to drop the things that plague me and keep me in a state of agitation. I reject any and all attempts to steal my peace, in Jesus’ Name. I accept Your presence, God.

Please enliven the spirits of my kids. Infuse them with joy, and remind them again of Your safety and the promise of their salvation, Jesus. Display their lives to them in different and interesting ways today please God. Renew and reinvigorate their spirits within them. Wake them up to Your beauty and truth Jesus. Please inspire all of us to want You more, and to invite You into every facet of our beings. Help us to lay down the things that never satisfy, and be open to Your nourishment and wisdom. Please give us ravenous hunger for You, Holy Spirit. Fill us with overwhelming gratitude for every blessing, every act of justice and protection, and every breath You offer to us, God. I declare favour, miracles, signs and wonders today, Jesus.

Shift our vision, God, so that we can see our own value. Help us to remember You as our mirror. Please give us heavenly clarity to see the reality of our beauty and worth before You. Compel us to come before You, Jesus. Instill total overwhelm in us when it comes to a new and fresh understanding of the privilege of prayer and worship. Interfacing with You is monumental. Inspire us, energize us, and draw us into Your chamber. Make us utterly lovesick, Jesus. In Your Name. Amen.

November 21, 2022

God, You promise that when I spend my life delving into my relationship with You, trusting You, talking to You and learning about You, Your response is pure pleasure. You provide for me, and You go before me in blessing. I am set apart and protected as I move about my world, and even though rough things happen, I know that You’re with me. You are behind, beneath, above, around and in me. You’ve gone into my future to prepare things for me, yet You’re in my past making sense of everything. You are the beginning, the middle and the end. You exist out of human time and space. You are the deep mysteries of the universe, but You are here with me; completely present, totally engaged with my life and my feelings. You are an uncreated miracle. I trust You with every detail of my life, and the lives of my loved ones, Jesus. I know that You are poised to deliver solutions that are steeped in favour and abundance. I believe that You want only the best for us, and I receive it, in Your Name. You are Goodness itself, God. You are the Only Source of Life. The world turns at Your pleasure. The tides stop where You tell them to. The stars hang in perfect order. You are magnificent, humble, omniscient, personal, the embodiment of pure Light, and my You’re my friend. That’s wild. Tell me more, God. I love You. Amen.

November 20, 2022

You know those crises that make you feel sick to your stomach? The last twenty four hours have been crammed with events that have been equal parts scary and disappointing. A car accident, major missed deadlines, and a lost kitten, on top of minor snafus that have all co-mingled to make me feel nauseous with stress and concern. My only recourse has been to fall at the feet of Jesus and whisper ‘help, ‘thank You’ and ‘please make a way.’ He’s answered with His soothing touch and presence, and has reassured me that all will be rectified and returned, forgiven and restored.

My former penchant for losing my cool has been miraculously repaced with an immediate need for Jesus to go to work, and the solid belief that He moves at the sound of my voice, leaves the 99 to go after the 1 (little cat), institutes kingdom favour and protection, and forges a trail in what looks like impermeable wilderness to us, but is no barrier to Him. The constructs of humanity have no power over Jesus and the kingdom of heaven. His authority knows no bounds! His peace and order are legendary, and He offers His mind to us in order to show us every good thing in His time.

God, I declare Your mighty favour over every deadline, scrap of red tape, and plan and purpose here, in Jesus’ Name. You are generous, and everything belongs to You, and must submit to Your choreography and timing. There is always a lesson, and sense to be made of what appears to be pure chaos. Your love and blood speak a better word, Jesus. I apply the Cross to every issue facing us, I lavishly access Your blood, and declare that I trust YOUR scheduling, Your plans, Your orchestration and Your hand, God. I place every ball of confusion in Your lap, and ask that You untangle every knot. Thank You for reminding me not to lash out in frustration or fear, but to bring it all to You and step into Your peace. You operate outside of human bureaucracy and regulations, and have all authority, all access, all power, might and dominion. I choose Your voice, Your ways, Your protection and serenity, Jesus. I send angels and hosts to all of the places they need to be right now. I ask for direction, divine appointments, miracles, signs and wonders that will take our breath away. Thank You for leading and teaching us, Jesus, through every hard thing. Amen.

November 19, 2022

Today is my intrepid mother's birthday. Diane is the person who showed me how to be an adventurer, a seeker, and a seer. My first memories are of fossil hunting, leaf piling, rock appreciating, shell collecting, and being outside together enjoying life. Even through intense, life altering circumstances, she remained a person who embodied curiosity and energy. My mum is humble, open, compassionate and tough. If you try to come at any of her grandchildren, buckle up. She is a gift, and holds fast to a childlike curiosity that is inspiring to be around.

God, thank You for gifting me with a mom who loves You. Thank You for her example of authenticity and fearlessness. Thank You for her zeal to parent me even under the craziest circumstances. Your wisdom and love live inside of her, and it's so obvious. Thank You for her safety and openness. Thank You for her passionate fandom of her grandkids, God, and her unshakeable friendship. She is a celebrator and a student of everything. I love her deep knowledge and her childlike tenacity and playfulness. Thank You for my Mom, Jesus. Amen.

November 18, 2022

Okay God, today, we do this together! I am totally grateful for Your healing and presence as we do this life as one. I can feel Your constant guidance and input when it comes to my ability to react healthily and with self control. I am really open to Your voice and wisdom today, Jesus. Help me to steward kid drama, business, emotions, and time today please. I receive an infilling of power, energy, and soundness, in Your Name, right now. I choose to use Your eyes, Jesus, and be aware of the value of others before You. I will open to the mind of Christ, and agree with Your choreography and vision for today. Your kingdom come, and Your will be done, here in me and my surroundings as it is in heaven. You are good, faithful, smart, strategic, and kind, God. I join myself to You again. I agree with You, I love You, I believe You, and I trust You. This is a day that You've lovingly made for me, and I choose to enter into it wholeheartedly with gratitude and expectation. Amen.

November 17, 2022

‘You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship. For they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what I’ve planted within you. Will you catch them and remove them for me? We will do it together.’ Song of Songs 2:15

I often think that as believers, we’re programmed to fear our own foibles, sin, and shortcomings, however dramatic or minimal they may be. We rebuke them, reject them, and often just try to pretend that they don’t exist. Lately, I’ve been thinking ‘what if I just take this out and look at it?’ ‘Why is this specifically MY struggle? What does that say about me? Good/bad/beautiful/ugly?’ What if we gave our struggle some oxygen and examination…took the power back, and gave it a good poke with a stick?

Those little foxes of compromise, conflict, self hatred, fear, shame, despair, hopelessness, emotional paralysis, and unhealthy habits or patterns…they love to camouflage themselves, stay tucked away, and flourish in the darkness. In order to place the power in the right hands, and to dismantle the internal structures that hinder relationship, we need to be honest with the One who knows all of our stumbling blocks inside and out. There’s no hiding. Being authentic and real with the Source of all goodness is the only path to liberation.

Jesus, I love that You say that we can do this together. Going rogue without You isn’t an option for me. Wake me up to Your reality and awareness, God. Please expose and shine Your light on all of the junk that tries to eat away at my life. Give me the courage to examine the how/what and why of my own sin, please. Empower me to face the perception that somehow You made me wrong somehow, and help me to open to Your truth about me. Let’s go after this stuff side by side. I will choose to perceive the new things that You’re doing, Jesus! Your plans and purposes are vivid and living. There IS change in the air! I WILL come with You, God. I will show You everything that I’ve tried to hide for so long, and I’ll let You speak to me about all of it. The season has truly changed. I choose to hear the song that’s on the air, one of freedom, colour, warmth, shift, dramatic reversals, forward momentum, loss, gain, beauty and bravery. Your timing is always right, Jesus. I trust You the most. Amen.

November 16, 2022

Today I claim the freedom of Jesus when it comes to the way that I see and inhabit my own body. I am made with intention, skill, artistry and excitement. God, You were and are full of celebration when it comes to me. You spin and dance over and about me. You love to look at me, and it brings You pleasure when I’m able to just be in my body without negativity or criticism. You are responsible for my ability to drop the harsh attitude about all of my parts. You nudged me towards the possibility of a life free of self hatred, and/or consumed by insecurity and self doubt. You’re the One who faithfully prompted me to repeatedly claim my birthright; clear, confident, faithful vision, free of negativity, in Your Name!

I am NOT an accident. I am a crucial component of and player in the age in which I’ve been placed. I matter. I am fascinating to You, God. I have value, and You are interested in what I have to say, even though You already know what it is! I can feel You building my confidence right now, Jesus. I place myself in Your hands again, and ask and expect that You recalibrate my mind to be in sync with Yours. Thank You for speaking to me, teaching me, and leading me out of a stagnant and archaic mindset, God. I receive Your freedom with so much gratitude. Amen.

November 15, 2022

Oh, my heart! My eldest son, my first baby, is twenty four today! He's the only one of my five who wasn't born on the hour/half hour. Of course. 2:42 AM on November 15, 1998, the most delightful blend of peaceful and chaotic entered my world and levelled it up more than I could've imagined. His being born was so ENOUGH for us that we didn't check boy/girl for ages. As my partner said 'does it even matter?'. He was that incredible. Soren was and is a gift that keeps on giving. He's a challenging teacher, a guide, and a model for being true and authentic, no matter what. He is an artist, musician, designer, ponderer, maker, man of action, and one of the funniest people I know. He's the first one on the dance floor, and the loudest and kindest leader of people, big and small.

Soren is good at being humble and knowing the depth of his worth all at once. He knows that he's a treasure, and he's happy to spread the joy. He is open armed and lavish with his time. It's an honour to be his mom and friend.

Jesus, bless my son today, please. Pour out Your favour and delight into, over, and around him. Enrobe him in Your love and protection, God. Lift him and speak clearly to him. Thank You for his beauty, his honesty, his energy, and his complete lack of fakery or artifice. Thank You for the respect that he carries for his family. What a wild thing to be able to say that my son has never disrespected me! That's bananas! But it's TRUE! He is so full of empathy, and the humour and chill of Jesus. God, thank You for his heart for justice and respect for little ones. Thank You that He gets it. Thank You for the attention he lavishes on my two youngest and their buddies, and thanks for showing my kids how to love each other well. I declare clear paths and open doors for my son today, Jesus. I declare solid direction and open ears to hear and know where he's to go and what he's to do, season by season. This kid knows how to live, and I ask that You bless that simplicity and verve, God. I declare abundance, provision, goodness, faith, hope, and the joy of the Lord into and over my kid in Jesus' Name. More life, God! Thank You for the fabulous creature that is Soren. Amen.

November 14, 2022

Ordinarily, this is the one week out of the year that I let my freak out flag fly. There's so much on the dock for me to accomplish and be present for, and this time of year I am used to feeling unrelenting stress and pressure in my body and brain. I've been low key expecting that old anxious shoe to drop any time now, and it hasn't...simply because this year, I was smart. I preemptively asked for prayer support from my people, and let me tell you, I feel it down to the soles of my feet! I always used to feel like I was supposed to shoulder the tough things alone, like it was somehow weak for me to ask for prayer support for the 'small' things in life. Now, I am beginning to truly understand that we were made for this. We are made and placed near one another in order to lift and support each other, no matter what, and prayer is the most powerful tool for those much needed infusions of power, energy, and a sound mind. In weakness, humility and friendship, we are STRONG together when we stand in the gap for and with each other.

God, thank You so, so much for community. Thank You for the teaching and presence of Your incredible Spirit, who is always up for leading us again into that place of allowing You to shoulder and carry the yoke. You are so full of pleasure for our journey together, Jesus. You long to sweep us off of our feet in wonder and appreciation. You are strong, mighty, kind and capable. You deliver and lead us because You take unprecedented delight in each one of us! You pluck me out of tight spots, and place me in wide, open planes of beautiful industry and calm, purpose and pleasure. You gave us the proclivities and strengths that make us truly unique and special. You are ever ready to undergird us and shower us with the endurance and zeal that are specifically ours. I accept Your invitation to allow You to help me, God. I can feel You changing my mind. I am so aware of the prayers of my pals that come from a place of love and loyalty. Thank You for all of the precious people in my life, Jesus. Each of them enters at precisely the right time. It's amazing.

Thank You for protecting my immune system this week. I declare the Blood of Jesus into and over all of my parts, so that I can thrive and help this week. I receive the joy of the Lord that is complete health, sanity, and safety right now, in Jesus' Name, for me and my house. For all of the kids that I'm with this week as well, I declare enthusiasm, inspiration, courage, creativity, and the pleasure of Yahweh. God, let them feel Your approval and adoration in the midst of drama week! Show them that You're right there with them, please. Ease their minds, and collate and organize every line, every move, and every response, in Your precious Name. Bless today, and every day, Jesus. You are the Best. Amen.

November 12/13, 2022

God, You promise that when I open, You fill. You fill my mouth with the words of heaven, You fill my lungs with oxygen, You fill my mind with peace, and my body with energy and stamina. You fill my heart with hope, and my future with good things that You planned for me to experience and do from before the foundation of the world. You take up space within me with Your incredible, indomitable Spirit, that bears all things, believes all things, and expects the radiance of life and the Light of Jesus to grow and expand. Your presence is satisfying, inspiring and engaging, God. Your ideas and creativity are unmatched and fill me with vitality and zeal for my own life, and You direct my gaze and emotions so that I can partner with You to intercede with expectation and gratitude.

You know every need, and You're aware of all pain and lack everywhere, Jesus. I'm asking today that You meet everyone who is struggling where they are, in ways that are tailor made to each one. Come and turn the tide today, God. Reveal Yourself as Deliverer and pure Salvation. Obliterate every lie that inhabits this planet about You that keeps people at arms length from You, Jesus. You are not passive, aloof, or religious. You are personal, deeply invested, and so poised to rectify every problem, and neutralize every threat. You bring healing and restoration at the sound of our voices, Jesus. Please invade, and do what only You are capable of doing in our midst. Engage curiosity about You everywhere. Your deep love and compassion turned the tide of humanity, once, forever. Make us truly, madly, deeply grateful today in brand new ways please. Your creation shouts about You, the atmosphere thrums with Your presence and sustaining grace. We release You from the boxes and formulas we've decided to encapsulate You in so that we can wrap our minds around You, God. Overwhelm us with Your mystery today, all over the world!

Break every addiction, eradicate threats to life, sweep across the nations with Your beauty and power, Yahweh, and collect us all back into Your arms today! I declare a complete release from futility in the Name of Jesus. Be awake and receptive to a new day of flourishing, abundant Life, by the powerful hand of the Great Source of All.

I align my mind, will, and perceptions with Yours, Jesus. You are clear, strong, solid, and the embodiment of artistry and freedom. You exist beyond our human comprehension, and that's okay. You are my All in All. I lean into Your mysteries and wonders today. Show me Your beauty, Lord. Please allow me to see myself and my world in the ways that You do, so that I'm free to be me, and move about this place with the abandoned love and purpose of Jesus.

I am lovable, beautiful, capable, strong, authoritative, teachable, humble, steady, and open, in Jesus' Name. I claim the vision and clarity of Jesus for the places and people around me. I access the ability to articulate heaven in the ways that You do, God. I will see Your goodness in the land of the living, and praise and bless Your name and Your ways. You are eternally Good. I lock into You again right now, and call myself Yours forever. Amen.

November 11, 2022

God, I want to be aligned with Your limitlessness. There's no end to You. My adventure with You is as wild as I want it to be. I can't help but feel like I'm not accessing the tiniest fraction of the opportunities You offer to me, as a result of my human need to box us both up. I open up my mind and my heart to You again today, Jesus. I'm laying down my assumptions about and plans for my life, and instead, I'm putting myself in Your hands. Please make me brave, God. Help me to stop putting limits and fetters on my journey because of fear. I reject the need to control and baby-proof my life, Jesus. I want the holy wild to invade my spirit, and to live from a place of radical trust and wholehearted identity. I want Freedom. Jesus, please invade me with the freedom that You purchased for me with Your whole being. Liberate me from the tyranny of self scrutiny and puny attempts to succeed and grow that have no root in You. I want to grow WITH You, God. I want to be so saturated in Your presence that I am a threat to self hatred and fear. I need Your courage, Jesus.

Please give me a strong heart and steady spirit to continue to parent the young lions You gave me, Jesus. Help me to see them the way that You do, and continue to fill me with the solid knowledge that their lives are deep and meaningful. You put trailblazers in my family, God. You placed the experimenters, the artists, the questers, and the creative seekers in my lap, and I'm so grateful. Please fill me to overflowing with wisdom and freedom for them. Refresh and lift them, God. Renew and direct them. Light of the world, impact their hearts, minds, and spirits again today with Your beauty and presence. I trust You with my people, Jesus. Lavish them with love and mercy right now, in Your name. Amen.

November 10, 2022

What do I do with my fury?

How do I steward my wild rage against eating disorders, poverty, the trafficking of children, abuse, war crimes, and rampant injustice? What am I supposed to do with the passion that makes me want to punch walls and drive a truck through something?

Sometimes I feel like I'm exploding. That's when the outrageous, offensive, 'too good to be true' mystery of prayer and intercession becomes not just a gift or a privilege, but a lifeline and real time rescue operation, one that I sometimes cannot even believe that I get to participate in, that promises answers and action, regardless of what we see in the natural, or what's revealed to us. There are countless situations whose resolution we won't be privy to until we're standing before Jesus, and He introduces us to the people we didn't even know we were talking to Him about! Abandoning ourselves to the infilling and promptings of the Spirit of God on the wall of intercession is impactful, powerful, a total honour, and a skill that gets sharper and more heavy duty with practice.

God, Your forgiveness is so STRONG. Your self control and love are legendary. Your hand moves at the sound of our voices, and Your wisdom in every single situation is inscrutable. You are slow to anger, even though You see everything. Your love is deep.

I lay my human rage at Your feet again, Jesus, and ask that You transform it into prayer. Mold my anger into an unprecidented passion for intercession, and fill me with Your compassion, please, God. Remind me that everyone and everything has an origin story. We don't just wake up one day and roll up our sleeves, ready to do horrible things. Generational trauma, abuse, lack and pain are all to blame for the horrors of the world, and we know their source. God, flood me with Hope for everything that causes me to go nuts, please. Compel me to enter Your presence with audacity as one of Your children, knowing that You love it when I do. I want to make a difference here, God, and things can get so gross. Please fill me again today with the stamina, energy and light of Jesus, so that my prayer tanks are full and operational. I give You total permission to turn my anger into prayer that's saturated in the love that You have for Jesus.

Thank You for emotions, God. Thank You for the strategies of mastery so that they don't ride us into the ground. I align mine with Yours today, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

November 8, 2022

Today, the phrase 'holding space' was running through my mind. It's one of those ideas that appeals to me, when it comes to the people in my life...being a safe and present person, a port of chill when someone needs to vent, etc...

God said this afternoon to me, 'I hold space for you, you know.'

You really do. You are present, open, and protective of my needs, God. Nothing I say to You rocks You, or makes You frightened or freaked out. You never take on my negative emotions, and You only serve to bring deep peace to me as a result of Your attention and devotion. You're the wisest eyes, the most compassionate heart, and the biggest Father. You have ALL the time, and You never rush me. You're more aware of me than I am of myself, God. You honor my journey, because You're the only One with the deep insights, all the spoilers, and every solution. You are always calm and steady in the face of my big emotions, my wild rage, my lowest lows, and my most ecstatic, pinnacle moments...You are beside me through all of them, and Your love underpins my existence.

God, You are safe and trustworthy. You are my Home, where I live free of shame or fear.

You are a constant Space Holder for me, and I literally AM space for Your Spirit. I am a vessel, temple, and carrier of Your beauty and presence, and it doesn't diminish my identity. Your Spirit highlights me. You enrich me. Your Light gives me strength, and flexibility in the face of what I first perceive as 'problems'...just another opportunity for You to show me who You are for me.

Thank You for being You, God. I love You. Amen.

November 7, 2022

God, thank You that the closer we become, the easier it is for me to bounce back from disappointment. You show me the ways that I'm blessed, and You recalibrate my priorities. Thank You for every opportunity, resource, and gift that's mine. Thank You for the constant moves You pull behind the scenes on my behalf that I'm not even aware of, Jesus. I choose to be satisfied by what I have today, in Your Name.

I declare that the brain, spirit, body and face that belong to me are pleasing to You, and, therefore, pleasing to me. I receive Your strength, hope, peace and stability today, Jesus.

I declare abundant blessings over my kids right now, in Jesus' Name. Awaken them in a fresh and personal way again to the radiance and possibility of their complete salvation. Help them to perceive Your love today in different ways please, God. Revitalize and lift their spirits within them, so that they soar, are energized, and forge new pathways in this life. Thank You for Your constant inspiration and guidance, Jesus. Thank You for giving them Your ability to relax, and to lean into their lives with You at the helm. Thank You for the deep gifts of their friendship, and for their individual presence in our family.

Thank You for life, God. I declare LIFE over the Ukraine today, as they head into a winter that looks bleak to the naked eye. Come and do what ONLY You can do, Jesus. I direct every angel, host, and creature from the throne room of heaven to be about Your business. Deliver, provide for, heal, shore up, protect and comfort every person who needs You. I declare miracles of light and heat, in Jesus' Name. I pray shocking peace over a people who are exhibiting remarkable resilience and courage. Encourage them, feed them, hide them, empower them, and show them who You are, please God.

You are true authority and power. Flood that land with Your presence, in Your Name. Amen.

November 6, 2022

“Let hope burst forth within you, releasing a continual joy. Don’t give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times.” Romans 12:12

“Because we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

Some months ago, I singlehandedly coined the phrase 'muscular hope' (at least, I think that was me), and it struck me again today in the shower. When I used it a few months ago, it pertained to Joseph, just hanging in and hanging on, no matter what. This morning I did a bit of habit shifting, as a result of seeing some not great patterns falling into place...just exhaustion and the need to 'turn off' causing me to turn to entertainment too much for comfort. I thought again 'muscular hope! Yes. More of that.'

I want my expectation, desire, and belief in ultimate Goodness, God, to always be building a vigorous and robust faith in the timing, provision, intentions and happiness of my Creator. My belief that my God is constantly at work protecting, maturing, enjoying, and speaking to me helps me to construct an unshakeable structure of pleasure and peace within. No matter what I see, experience, or deal with-God is God, and everything will make perfect sense one day. It's my honour to be talking to Him all the time about the things that need to be handled, and the more I connect with Him, the more I see His powerful presence and workmanship. I can perceive His deliverance and creativity all over the world. His joy becomes mine, and the endurance that Jesus embodied in order to fulfill His promises becomes accessible to me. That, my friends, is muscular hope.

Jesus, I can feel the Hope that You possess rising inside of me even as I type this prayer. The triumph of eternity and the Prince of Peace are radiant and alive in me. You are real, alive, and so zealous for my heart, and You hold love like fire for everyone all over the world! You are so powerful and positive. You deliver, heal, rescue, and restore at the sound of my voice, and the more I ask of You, the more You do. You are stability, sanity, satisfaction and confidence. You are beautiful, passionate, intelligent, and enjoyable, Jesus. The Hope You pour out is dynamic, it grows and matures within me the more I acknowledge and lean into it. It's active, vital, high powered and fiery. The gifts that You placed within all of us from before the foundation of the world expand and radiate the more we tap into them alongside of You. Please keep telling me about who I am in You, Jesus. Show us wonders today! Peel back the veil and be known to everyone who needs Your voice desperately right now, God. Your heavenly realm, and Your kingdom here are more real than anything I can actually see. You created angelic beings to help us, and You give us awareness and authority to unleash heaven into the places that need it in real time. I declare a release of the resources and beings of heaven into the world, in Jesus' Name. Be revealed today, Great I Am. I choose muscular Hope again. Amen.

November 5, 2022

“Whenever my busy thoughts were out of control, the soothing comfort of Your presence calmed me down and overwhelmed me with delight.” Psalm 94:19

This week I heard a couple of my pals slap talking their bodies. Comparisons were made, and complaints tallied. It’s so easy to do, because there’s always something we feel doesn’t measure up; too big, too little, too heavy, too slight, too weak, not enough. When I hear my kids denigrate something about themselves, it really hurts my heart. I wonder how grieved the cataloguing of undesirable body parts makes our Creator. It’s another tactic, forged in the pit, to keep us neutralized and sad. When we harness the positivity and celebration of God in and for the totality of our beings, we free ourselves from a habit of time wasting and self focus. It’s tough to get a handle on, but learning to side with Him makes everything better.

God, we are Your pleasure. Your love for us stretches beyond our atmosphere and into eternity. You are a celebration. You are constant and endless, and You promise to accomplish every good thing You began in me, so I choose to value and treasure the vessel that You placed my spirit inside of. Everything matches with You! All of my intricate parts have been knit together in the quiet in order to represent the real me. I am grateful for the way that You made every part of me. Everyone on this planet, past, present and future is beautiful in Your eyes. God, please help us to see rightly! Give us the strength and wisdom to jettison the shallow standards that keep us in thrall to the systems of this world that speak lies. Empower us to move beyond a hollow, earthly definition of ‘beauty’ that shifts and changes with the whims of fashion. Our body parts all find their origin in You! That’s wild. Thank You for the privilege of living, Jesus. Flood us with wisdom and zeal so that we can see the big picture and glean energy from You for our lives and families. Please come and deliver us from anything that we’ve allowed to sully our vision for ourselves and for others. Celean the lense, Holy Spirit. Help us to be wise about what really matters. Help us to celebrate the ways that we look and are the way that You do. Give us merciful, open spirits that choose to see the good and the beautiful, Jesus. Thank You for the non stop opportunities to learn, grow, be, and change, God. Fill us with Your Spirit again today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

November 4, 2022

Oh God, thank You for always calling me Yours. Thank You for blessing and keeping my children, and for Your constant goodness to them. I am full of gratitude today for our health, and for our resilience, that only comes as a result of Your faithfulness in our lives. You build us and shore us up. You protect and empower us. Your provision is obvious, and Your constancy and unfailing nature are miracles.

Today, I have the mind of Christ. I am fearfully, wonderfully, and creatively made. I welcome the day with open arms, and move into it with fresh understanding and the joy of Jesus. I apprehend Your strength and vitality, God. I call forth every bit of heavenly help that's needed today straight from Your sanctuary, and ask that whatever You deem appropriate and necessary be stationed around us from morning to night, in Jesus' Name.

I cloak myself in the armor of God. I wrap salvation around me, and use truth, righteousness, and peace as clothing. I will value, treasure and delve into Your word, which is a scalpel, a weapon, a tool, and a salve. I am honoured by Your friendship, and I'm always grateful for Your mercy. Please continue to cleanse my vision and my thoughts, so that I can be as compassionate and creative as You are when it comes to other people. I choose to sit at Your feet, and I WILL get better at it! Please make me hungry and curious, Jesus.

I am me today. I have enough, I can do what I need to do, and I am loved and seen by You, God. I declare a fresh awakening within me and mine, in order that we be aware and energized by Your presence and Your Light. Come Holy Spirit, even though I know You're always here, come and be magnified within and without us. I ask for spiritual eyes to see what surrounds me, Jesus. Help me to perceive You. In Your Name. Amen.

November 3, 2022

God, today I declare an utter renewal within me. I choose to be energized and inspired by You in order to fulfill every expectation, execute every task, complete every assignment, and to remain completely connected to You before, during, and afterwards.

I will see myself and my world the way that You do, God. I receive the eyes of Jesus for every person I interact with today. I welcome Your friendliness, mercy, humour, compassion, joy, verve, receptivity and patience into my being, in Your Name.

I accept the healing that You offer freely for me and mine, wherever we need it today, God. Come and do what only You can do, and transplant, organize, remove, augment, calm and recalibrate as needed with my full permission, Jesus. You're the only One who sees the whole picture correctly and who is able to connect every dot and make everyone and everything integrated and whole.

I hand every perceived problem over to You to work on, God. You are the Solution. Make ways where there seem to be no ways, demolish strongholds, create miraculous, favour saturated, and strategic wonders that are irrefutably anchored in You! You are the Beginning, the Middle, and the End, Jesus. You made it all, and I declare today that everything I have comes from You. Thank You.

Thank You for my body, mind and spirit. Thank You for my family and my wild blessings. Thank You that You have plans for me that I couldn't imagine. I'm here for it, Jesus. Show me my next steps. I open up to the possibilities of heaven, in Your Name. Amen.

November 2, 2022

Today is my lovely middle child's nineteenth birthday. She's been through the wringer over the last two plus years, and has weathered all with masterful faith and awareness. She learned to check in with her brain, refused to let her feelings boss her around, and has conquered some very scary things.

Today I bless her with continued healing, clearer direction, freedom from grief and despair, and with the elevated faith required to survive as a young person in the here and now. I bless her with deeper connection to and knowledge about her Source and Creator, and pray that her strength becomes massive as she walks out her valley times with Jesus at the center of her life.

Thank You for her interior beauty, Jesus. She is the most balanced, wholehearted, compassionate and caring person I've ever met. Thank You for the gift that is her. Please speak clearly to her today about her value as a treasured and crucial component of the age and place You designed her to inhabit. Lift and energize her, God. Pour out everything she needs today, and give her the eyes to see Your hand at work in her life. She's already accomplished so much, and is so humble about it. Shower her with Your approval and Your pride in her today, please. Continue to cleanse her vision for herself, and instill hunger in her for supernatural nourishment, Jesus. You are her Daily Bread. You are her future, and You have incredible plans for her that will only be made more solid as a result of the resilience she's learned over the Pandemic, and all of the perceived 'losses' she's experienced. You've been saying the entire time 'just wait until you see what I've prepared for you, E!'. Manifest Your incredible favour for her, God. Continue to illuminate and protect her every step. Hold her hand, and bring her further on, with open eyes of wonder and gratitude. Thank You for the life You've given her, and for the privilege of being along for the ride. Blessings flow from Your being for her, and I'm so thankful. Amen.

November 1, 2022

Man, life is really working overtime trying to get me frazzled. Waking up feeling overwhelmed is super not the look. This is when I go to the tried and true verses that instruct me to stop feeling consumed by tasks and anxiety, and allow God to sort and organize my day so that I can move with calm from one thing to the next. I aggressively push back against the agenda of worry and failure. I draw back and allow my vision to clear, and for the perspective of Jesus to invade my mind. ‘I get to…’ becomes my mantra, not ‘I have to…’, and I’m able to edit my day with authority and mercy so that I don’t become bitter or agitated. I welcome the Peace and quieting of the Holy Spirit of God into my being again, so that I feel purposeful, not pressed.

God, You say in Philippians 4:8, that I’m to keep my thoughts locked onto what is authentic and real. I have legitimate things to accomplish that originate in You. Your plans for me are never too much to deal with. Not only are they things that I am capable of doing, but I am supercharged for success as a result of Your presence inside of me. I reject the feelings of oppression and overwhelm, in Jesus’ Name. I welcome power, energy, wisdom, inspiration, and compassion in and for myself. I will rest when You say ‘rest’, and spring into action when You prompt me to.

I choose the mind of Jesus for myself today, so that I can make wise decisions about my time. I am open to Your creative solutions with regard to the structures I have to build and detail today and tomorrow, God. It’s so easy for You, and so often I forget to ask for Your input.

In Matthew 6, You tell me to refuse to be worried or anxious about what’s coming my way. You’ve proven Yourself time after time, God, as Someone who unsnarls, dismantles, rebuilds, repairs and redirects with effortless perfection. The stuff I turn myself inside out about requires one touch of Your hand in order for it to make perfect sense.

I will take one day at a time, Jesus. I welcome You and Your character into my life in a fresh way today. You give me what I need to parent, to partner, to work and to enjoy. I place myself within Your column of Goodness again, and trust You to make it all make sense.

I trust You with my family today. I declare the Blood over my kids and my partner right now. I release the angelic to minister to them, protect them and guide them today. Thank You for all of the resources we have access to as a result of the sacrifice of Jesus. I place the Cross solidly before each of my loved ones, Jesus. Thank You for another day. I will treasure it and honour it. Please help me to maintain my chill. Amen.

October 31, 2022

This is the very day of the Lord that brings gladness and joy, filling our hearts with glee. Oh God, please come and save us again; bring us Your breakthrough victory!” Psalm 118:24-25

God, You are the Light that eradicates any and all darkness. Jesus, You have always been in existence. You are the eternal Sound, the creativity of heaven, the face of God, and the Salvation sung about in the Psalms. You are ancient and all knowing. You are a fountain of goodness, and an unending Source of peace and reality. Nothing can overcome or overtake You. Perfect Light of Truth, overwhelm and overcome everyone who searches today, with Your reality and tangible presence. You make a way where there seems to be no way, and You lead us up and out of any prison of torment for Your Great Name’s sake. I aim Your Light today, Jesus, into every person or place that struggles blindly. I declare miraculous visibility today, so that You are seen and felt with clarity, beyond the shadows of doubt or circumstance.

I apply the Spirit of the Living God to the tunnels and hiding places of the enemy, in the mighty and powerful Name of Jesus. Jesus, YOU SHINE. You are colourful, and Your voice splits the rock. You are the Word of Life, the law of Moses, the Morning Star, and the Crucified Messiah of Calvary. You stepped down into the world that You created, knowing exactly what was going to happen to You and why. You experienced a human birth, lived as a baby, a kid, a teenager and an adult. Your miracles were so countless it was impossible to record them all. You went forth to the place of torture, humiliation, agony, and ultimately separation from YOUR Source. You gave up Your Spirit at the same moment that the Passover lamb was sacrificed, descended into the place of torment, snatched the keys of death and hell, preached the best news I’m sure anyone had ever heard, and ascended to the right side of Your Father, after pouring out Your amazing Blood onto the mercy seat of the tabernacle of heaven. Your Blood shouts with triumph and beauty. It manifests justice and redemption. It heals, seals, melts, and steadies. Jesus, You did it. You are here with me, and You are everywhere else, because You are a mystery of the universe. You are safety itself. Thank You for the deep comingling of Love and courage that changed the course of humanity, once forever. Be revealed today and everyday. In Your name. Amen.

October 30, 2022

Today I am officially ready for the More, the New, and the Unexpected, God. I put down the expectations I have for my life, and the plans that stem from things coming easily to me, and I receive Your plans, purposes, and paths for me. Please continue to correct my course, and guide me into the destiny that You hand crafted for me, that will take me places I can’t even conceive of, Jesus. I step out of the conventional, and into the unknown today. You are beckoning me forward into things I can’t see yet. I choose Your forward momentum, and Your connections and highlighting. Help me to meet Your agenda and run with it, God. I’ll stay with You, listen to You, and follow You. You know my frame and my interior better than I ever will. You know what I’m capable of as a result of Your presence and prompting. I’m here to shine for such a short time, and I’ve already been blessed beyond anything I could have imagined. In this pause between plans, I’m confident that You are rubbing Your hands together with anticipation for me. Your love is so loyal, so unsearchable, so vast and so solid, God. I put all of my trust in You again today, and place my life, my identity, and my destiny in Your hands. I want to lean in like Mary, when Your Spirit told her the crazy things that were about to go down. You were there with her, so she knew that You had it all on lock. She agreed with shaking simplicity, and so do I. Here I am, Maker of heaven and Earth. I’m aligning my purposes with Yours, as scary as that feels. You call me called. You equip me with every single detail, every bit of spiritual muscle, and every ounce of courage I need to continue to do what You want me to do. You say that my entire being is beautiful and pleasing to You, so why would I question Your craftsmanship? I just won’t. You fill me with power, authority, endurance, holiness, awareness and vision. You have levels of faith for me that I’ve not experienced yet. I am officially telling You that I am ready to be ready, God. Please fill me with the desperate, confident faith of David, that You delivered to him as he selected and sorted his stones, and called on the only One who was able to propel him forwards onto the field of battle and testing. You never fail, You always answer, and You are constant, sure, and loving. Just like the lady I can’t wait to meet, I say a resounding ‘YES!’ to You today, God.

October 29, 2022

Offence: annoyance or resentment brought about by a perceived insult to or disregard for oneself or one’s standards or principles.

“Lord, You are so tenderhearted, and so patient with people who fail You. Your love is like a flooding river overflowing its banks with kindness. You don’t look at us only to find our faults, just so that You can hold a grudge against us.” Psalm 103:8-9

Wow, just when I think I’ve got this following Jesus thing in the bag, along come situations wherein I perceive deep insults to me and mine that result in knee jerk gun jumping and anger. It’s really shocking how easily we slip into offence, and react from a place of self/family preservation that has no bearing in reality. This week I heard a thing, believed a thing, and reacted immediately without gleaning the truth or taking a minute to ask questions or collect information. It feels pretty good to be self righteous, I’m not gonna lie. The human instinct to be correct and on top is strong in me, and I hate it. If I’m going to be like Jesus, I need to listen, hear, and process well. I need wisdom, discernment, peace, and a solid understanding about my place and position as a daughter of God. He’s the One who judges well, never me.

Jesus, I declare right now that I will seek and accept new levels of freedom from pride and arrogance that have only served to bring me low. Conceit and pretension, I reject and evict you right now, in Jesus’ Name. I choose to be humble, open, and able to hear difficult things that might be hard, because You are the One who makes me able to withstand the truths that are tough to walk out. I have Your strength, Jesus, because You live in me.

Jesus, You are so positive, and so FOR every single person here on earth. Your patience is legendary, so I apprehend it, and ask that it would empower me to be able to see past slights, be able to unsnarl untruths with out feeling attacked, and to release grudges and hurts without keeping the fragments inside in order to call out, or administer jerk justice later. Your kindness and compassion flows in a torrent from Your Being straight into mine, so far be it from me to withhold anything that You want each of us to have and to give freely without the human need to be right. It’s a wild thing to contemplate, this compulsion to be correct. I let it go, and ask that the place inside of me where it lived be filled to overflowing with Your Spirit, God.

I am more than able to embody the compassion of Jesus. I welcome it, and am deciding to walk in it.

I release offence, and receive instead obedience and the pleasure You feel, Jesus, when You interact with people. You anticipate the best, so that’s what I’m choosing to do.

Thank You for the self awareness building that You are obviously doing, God. Thank You for the incentive to repair and rebuild that before our relationship became stronger, would have taken months, if not years. You want us to be in relationship with one another, it’s Your prototype. I will do better, and get better at being like You, Jesus. Thank You for being an example, and for never being offended by me.


October 28, 2022

Jesus, thank You for forging, maintaining, overseeing, and clearing the paths and side trails of my life and the lives of my kids. No matter where or how we deivate from the Plan, You’re there to redirect and recalibrate us. I declare today that I choose to see You in every step, that I refuse to fear, and that I put all of my trust in You and Your plans and purposes for our lives. It doesn’t matter how bleak or impossible things look on the surface, we all get our John 11:15 moment again and again, as many as is needed, over the course of our lives. You offer constant revitalization to us, because Your heart is kind. More opportunities to see how radically invested in our lives and stories You are..they're always in front of us. Today I choose to see You everywhere, Jesus. I place my kids in Your lap again, and pledge my faith and my trust in You. You care in ways I could never understand, about every single detail of their existence. You are in, around, and before them, leading them on and illuminating their steps. Give them open eyes today, God, in order to fall in behind You, so that their lives make sense and are safe, even when You call them to do wild, ‘unsafe’ things! Unleash them from any unbelief, or fear, in Your powerful Name, Jesus. Inspire them to ask for the things that they need, like little ones. Help them to not feel like they have to accomplish things on their own, in order to make us proud. Instill in them the solidity and confidence of Jesus, so that they know, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that they are already worthy, loved, valued, and so deeply seen by the Lover of their souls. They’re here to love and be loved. Period. Strip away any of the trappings of fear or false confidence, God. Please reveal who they are to each of them with the gentleness that only You embody. I declare zero rush, no panic, an obliteration of human expectation, a demolishing of strongholds or generational trauma that may be binding them to old patterns, in the Name of Jesus, and I apply the Blood to the doorposts and lintels of their lives, bodies, and spirits. You are Good, God, and You are for them. You are the only One who’s opinion matters. Have Your way completely in the lives of my kids today. In Jesus Name. Amen.

October 27, 2022

Jesus, within You is LIFE. You hold the essence of Creation. Nothing grows, changes, prospers or thrives without Your Presence. The life of the spirit, the body, the energy and reality of eternity, our health and our equilibrium all find their origin in You. You are poised to pour out excitement about and enthusiasm for Life, our own lives, and the lives of others. You encourage and inform us about the importance and value of our world; the animals, plants, resources, and beauty that were intended to bring us pleasure and connection, and point directly at You. Today I acknowledge Your Majesty and Supremacy as a result of seeing the miracles of the natural world. You made the topography of the earth so that I could wonder at and explore it, You breathed life into animals so that I could be moved by their ferocity, sweetness, and sameness…we’re all together here. You thought of everything. You made plants, and trees for us to fill ourselves with energy. You are God, and You are a person. Jesus, You are a beautiful, accessible Mystery and Friend. Thank You for the world that You created and stepped down into in order to gather every person, past, present, and future, to Yourself. What a close, deep bond You offer to all of us. I pull that gift into myself again today, Jesus. I see it for the treasure it is, and I honour and thank You again for seeing me, loving me, protecting me, and respecting me enough to be in, around, and for me all the time. Thank You. Please let my gratitude resonate and radiate today. You’re the Best. Amen.

October 26, 2022

Thank You for all of my parts, God. I declare integration, celebration, and acceptance within me. I choose to be grateful for and appreciative of the way that You made me think, look, and speak. Thank You for everything that’s conceived within me, Jesus. I will see myself today the way that You do, and I will take the joy and peace that comes with the confidence and trust in God. My beauty, worth and value exist outside of human greed and flightiness. I don’t need somebody in a corner office to tell me what’s wrong with my face, body, and/or mind. I am a miraculous creation of the Most High. I have purposes to fulfill, and the dreams of Your heart are alive in me. I am stunningly detailed, wildly connected, full of the Spirit of the Maker of heaven and earth, and I matter to God. Because of all of this, Jesus, I’m free from the hell of self scrutiny. You made me well. You redirect and readjust me every day, as soon as I ask You to. You lift my eyes, You wake my heart up, and You sensitize me and show me what needs to be done. You are my Source, Jesus. You see the real me, always. You mirror me back to myself with clarity and definition. Thank You for Your sweetness and constancy. I love You so much. Amen.

October 25, 2022

I was having a ‘hiding from God’ day today, until, while I was out on my walk, some song came on that hit me sideways and helped me to see how dumb it was to sequester myself because I’d fallen back into an unhealthy behaviour. Hilariously, God uses the music I love, which happens to be primarily the butt rock of the eighties, in order to speak to me about my choices, and my relationship with Him. This both makes me laugh, and appreciate Him so much.

I can’t remember what spoke to me, but it’s often the speed and energy of the music that helps me to feel His presence. I love the high intensity of Jesus. I love His authentic feelings and His zeal for fun and activity. When I stopped to wait for a light, there He was, saying ‘girl, what are You doing? never hide from Me. I love You!’

I think what’s bumming me out about my own sin lately, is that it’s kind of like buying an indulgence. I know I want to do something that doesn’t meet the mark, or make Him happy, I know it’s going to feel good in such a hollow and fleeting way, I know I’m gonna feel bad about it afterwards,…buuut I can just apologize, right? Right??

I’ve been feeling so convicted about this. I want to be able to excise those thoughts immediately, but so often, I’m tired, weak, hormonal, you name it, and my guard is down. Then I feel so sorry, I say that I’m ‘sorry’, but still realize that I can’t keep taking grace for granted.

God, You wouldn’t tell me to take every thought captive if You didn’t think I was capable of doing just that. I’m back, and I commit to being proactive and steady when it comes to temptation. I will never hide from You. It’s impossible anyway. There’s nowhere I can go where You aren’t. I want to feel true repentance, and real desire to separate myself from the junk that seems to know just when to sneak into my mind. I cover my brain with the Blood, and declare that I am a daughter of God, a priest, a king, and a student of Jesus. I was purchased and redeemed, I sit in heavenly places, and I am a friend of God. I am clean, holy, consecrated, and beloved.

I believe and declare that You love me in the midst of my humanness. I think that’s the point. You’re God, I’m a person. You have the strength and forgiveness I need, and it flows from Your heart to mine because You are constantly good, shockingly gentle, always pouring out redemption and calling us back, no matter what.

Jesus, I’m so grateful for the constant do-overs that You hand out. You must get so sick of us choosing the squalid and the terrible, when You offer us the gold. I choose You again today. Thanks for welcoming me back. You’re the best. Amen.

October 24, 2022

Today was a day I had been anticipating with dread, simply because it’s jam packed from one end to the other with what I was perceiving as total drudgery. What a miracle to be able to choose to greet it with gratitude and welcome it with expectancy. Changing my interior channel from an eyeroll to eagerness was the work of an instant. Jesus switched my vision, and flooded my feelings with appreciation for the privilege of being alive, and an ability to see every blessing that I exist inside of…regardless of what things seem to be, or are on the agenda for today. I have the energy, inventiveness, positivity, forsight, endurance, and stamina of the One who knows my weakness, and powers me up after reminding me to ask.

Jesus, today is Your day! Your plans for me unfold minute by minute, and I’m thankful. You enrobe this planet in Your love, You send help from the sanctuary in the form of angels, hosts, creatures, colours, and acts of justice and healing that happen instantaneously, or over human time. You build, demolish, clear, clean, and renovate at a simple ‘please’. Your word resonates and thrums with life through eternity, and we get to delve and discover with the help of Your miraculous Spirit.

God, permeate every mind, spirit and body today with the impetus and ability to be able to feel and find You. You radiate Your power from the core of the earth, to the atmosphere, back again, and beyond…You are Everything.

You hold stars in Your hands, You stitch my cells together and breathe oxygen into my lungs. I lay down every single burden and pressure, understanding that Your promise is to lift and alleviate each and every human weight and entanglement because of who You are, and as a result of Your overarching Love. Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light, today and every day, Jesus. I receive Your help and I thank You for the ability to literally pick up Your joy and make it my strength. You are the Problem Solver, Strategist, and Facilitator of my life.

I am enough today. I have the energy and power I need for today, because You’re a part of me. I am loved, and, therefore, loving. I have been saved, ransomed, relieved, lifted, cleansed and treasured by the One who keeps the world turning on it’s axis. You are mine, and I’m Yours. YOU are loved today, God. Amen.

October 23, 2022

God, Your Spirit lives in me and is constantly at work refurbishing my faith. As I see Your hand at work in my life, and in the lives of my loved ones, my reliance on and love for You grows and expands. You have my faith, and You are my hope. You listen when I speak, and You answer me in Your perfect timing.

I declare new levels of faith and friendship today, Jesus. You are all of Your names, and Your attentive favour is obvious all around me. I bring every need and issue to Your feet, and I leave them all there for You to sort through and attend to, knowing that You hold all the answers. Thank You for alleviating stress and worry, God. Thank You for the internal healing You provide that's both gentle and dramatic. Thank You for the favour You pour out over and for my kids and my partner, Jesus.

Thank You for being the entirety of the law and the prophets. You are everything, You are good, You are here and You love me.

Jesus, You conquered every evil at the Cross, so I place that same Cross in front of each of my kids today. Everything MUST confront it and be sifted by it, in Your powerful Name. Your protection and majesty is unparalleled. You are my heartbeat. I trust You with my whole life. Have Your perfect way in each of my kids right now, Jesus. Be real to them in completely radical and new ways today, that astonish and delight them. Encounter, connect, renew and refresh them again, God. Be obvious and unforgettable, in the ways that only You can be.

You are pure and powerful Light. You obliterate obstacles, distractions, and bondage with Your gaze, words, love, and presence, Jesus. I declare a new day of faith, for everyone who reads this prayer, in Your amazing Name, Amen.

October 22, 2022

Today I had a lady date with my soon to be nineteen year old middle child. We had the most gentle time together at Black Creek Pioneer Village. It was a sweet pocket of peace in an otherwise relentless season of work and busyness. She and I strolled aimlessly, and chatted and reminisced about childhood and play, and she thanked me for the bubble of time my partner and I provided to her and her siblings to just explore and be. This is such a gift to me, being able to hear their perspectives on a childhood of play and imagination.

We interfaced with some sheep for awhile, and talked about the original purpose of animals, as friends and companions. We watched them just sheep around, and appreciated their lives. She said many times over the course of the day ‘how on earth could all of this be an accident? Everything is so specific, and so special.’ This in itself is such a prayer of gratitude to me. To be aware of the intricacies, the relationships, and the intentionality and goodness of Creation definitely blesses the One who made it all for us to enjoy.

I came away with such a deep love for her, and such a thankfulness and feeling of honour to be present for her life. We’re all so loved and seen, and we fulfill such special roles here on this planet.

God, thank You for my daughter’s awareness of You. Thank You for her ability to lift my heart and my spirit with her words and her memories. It makes me think of the ways that You love to hear us remember and appreciate all of the things You’ve done and are doing for us as a Parent. So often I take everything for granted. Today I saw things again in a fresh way as a result of Edie’s talking me through what I was looking at, how resonant and meaningful a sheep could be. Their faces are fascinating, and we looked for a long time. We saw little kids experiencing things, and took joy in it. God, thank You for wonder. Thank You for the parents who decided to show their little guys a good time today.

I bless parents today, God, with all of the fascination of a kid FOR their kids. Help all of us to be kind, and to share and teach curiosity and honour in ways that they can carry throughout their lives. Help us to be door openers, Jesus. Give us the courage to keep the lines of communication and friendship open always. I declare healing over family relationships today, in Your Name. It’s never too late to repair anything that’s broken, so please inspire and ignite our desire to be whole and healthy together.

I declare a fresh anointing of astonishment and fascination for this world, God. Give us childlike eyes for the natural and the supernatural. Ignite deep wonder today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

October 21, 2022

Jesus, today I step outside of all of my preconceived ideas about You, and open myself to all of the new things that You want to show me about who You are. I reject any Pharisaical ideas or beliefs that have crept into my mind and spirit that are purely the result of my being a human being with limited bandwidth for Your immensity and mystery. I’m letting You out of the box today, God. Please continue to amaze me with Your intricacy, Your kindness, Your presence and Your power. You speak clearly to me through the tangible and the serendipitous. Open my eyes again, please, to the ways that You move with me, wherever I go. Have access to all of the parts of me that need You the most today, Jesus. I believe that as soon as I give You permission to heal, impart, excise and/or add, You’re more than happy to oblige. Your constant desire to clean my vision and pour out new levels of mercy for myself is so appreciated. I love You for it, Jesus.

The healthier You make me, the more energy I have for others. The debris You remove from me frees up so much space for Your compassion, mercy, empathy and peace. Have Your way again, God, in order to do what only You know needs to be done in me, as it is in heaven. You see the real me, and I agree with You today about who I am.

I want to love like You, Jesus, and to be able to extend actual aid today. I want to prioritize prayer the way that You did/do. I can feel my heart waking up these days, and it’s painful and scary and beautiful. I can feel repentance become genuine, and not just a behaviour that’s required of me when I know I’ve screwed up. Thank You for waking me up, time after time after time. There’s no end to the vitality I have access to, as a result of Your presence in me. Please help me to be aware of my choices today, and keep me from flagging and giving in to things simply because I feel some kinda way.

I receive Your life today, Jesus. I acknowledge, bless, and welcome Your Holy Spirit again right now. Your reality is so good. I want all I can handle today. Keep my eyes on Your beauty, and my mind alert and full of Your glory. I choose You again. Amen.

October 20, 2022

Fall can really kick my butt if I let it, but one of the ways that I'm managing to mitigate freak out, is hiking on Thursdays with my pal and our two youngest sons. Spending the day in the forest is a total gift. We push ourselves to walk between ten and twenty kilometers per hike, and I'm noticing the changes in my body, my stamina, and in the forest itself, as the seasons shift around me. Building habits is so rewarding, be they spiritual or physical. Strength comes when we let it.

God, thank You for the myriad of ways we can accept the health and wholeness You offer to us. I say a resounding 'yes' again to Your invitation to appreciate my surroundings and abilities. Thank You for the corner of the world that You placed me in. I choose to see beauty, shift, and friendship. It's an honour to be able to watch the angle of the light change, and feel the world turn and close in for the months ahead. Thank You for the people I get to spend my days with, and for the seasons we've experienced in our relationships. I'm amazed by the natural world, as I walk through it. Thank You for forests and cities, and for the wild paths that You set before us in all of the places we find ourselves in. You are everywhere, God. Your voice is clear, when we still ourselves in order to listen, and Your hand is evident, when we decide to see.

Thank You for my human family, Jesus. Thank You for the opportunities You offer me. Seasons are miracles. The world turns on its' axis, and we experience Your creativity and protection in the lives of trees, and the animals that plan for the lean times, in the wind, and in the angle of the sun. This world is amazing. Thanks for having me here, God! I love it, and I love You. Amen.

October 19, 2022

God, thank You.

Thank You for my family, for warmth, food, clean water, clothing, and every extra that I take for granted. Today I see and count my blessings, and I extend blessings, abundance, protection, connection and safety to everyone who needs it, in Jesus' Name. Holy Spirit, intervene and surround today. Jesus, come face to face with the ones who need to see Your eyes. I trust You with every need, God. Amen.

October 18, 2022

I’m looking at 2 Timothy 3:2, in which we’re warned that in our age, people will become self centered lovers of themselves. I’ve been sitting with it. Jesus, You say to love others the way that we love ourselves, so obviously we’re to love and value our own beings, and treasure our senses, gifts, and appearances. We’re to be Jesus centered lovers of ourselves, so that we can BECOME love, in the ways that He IS LOVE. To be out of love with oneself propels us into a spiral of time sucking self focus and loathing that is the antithesis of what God wants for us.

God, I want to be so full of love, approval, and confidence, that it’s uncontainable. I want Your radiance to flow out of me, and to be magnetic. It’s Your will that I be content and happy with the way that You made me, so that’s what I’m deciding to do.

I am a masterpiece who brings my Eternal Creator tremendous joy.

I am a vessel of His Spirit, creative power, ingenuity, calm, and inviting nature.

I am strong, capable, free of concern about my appearance, finances, future, family, purposes, and identity, in Your Name, Jesus.

I choose to be energized and attentive within my family today, God. Please fill me with the love that You have for Jesus for each one of my kids, and for my partner.

I declare all of these things using the incredible gift of Your powerful and unshakeable name, Jesus. Amen.

October 17, 2022

Today was rough. Compromised sleep, sneaky PMS, family friction, and being the point person for emotional burden bearing all came crashing down onto me, reducing me to a puddle of teariness, frustration and weariness. Enter; friends. God sends the perfect people in His perfect timing.

God, I'm so beyond grateful to You for Your loving choreography and rescue in the form of others. Your prompting and solutions are mind boggling. When You say that I can do all things as a result of the fact that You empower me from the inside, You're also organizing the people in my life who hold encouragement and knowledge for me to reach out and extend the life that THEY carry as a result of knowing You.

Thank You for the incredible miracle of help in human form that stems from Your Spirit and a wide open relationship with You.

Thank You for the science of rest, and for friends who wield different skills.

Thank You for the strategies and solutions that flow from Your Being, which are accessible in real time.

Thank You for my life. You are a Regenerative Resource of endurance, courage, forward momentum, gratitude, clarity, perspective and most importantly, LOVE.

Thank You for having compassion towards me, God. I love You. Amen.

October 16, 2022

God, thank You for watching over my kids, big and little.

Thank You for the plans and purposes You have for them to prosper them, protect them, provide for them, encourage and strengthen them, and to deliver their destinies to them day by day, in Your perfect timing. Thank You for the courage I need in order to watch them stretch, try, succeed and fail. Thank You for the valleys and the peaks of their lives, God. I trust that You’re there with them during every trial, test, and challenge that comes their way during their respective journeys. Thank You for your loyalty to each of them, and for directing their steps, when they’re ready for You to illuminate the paths they’re to take.

Thank You for constantly calling them back to Your heart, no matter what. I’m so grateful for the creative ways that You gave to each of them, and that their communication and connections with You all look so different. You are a multi faceted, interdisciplinary Artist of the highest calibre, and I recommit to getting out of Your way, so that Your glory and majesty can be experienced fully by each of my children, wherever they’re at. I refuse to cast a shadow between You and them.

You have only the best of intentions and plans for every one of them. I declare blessing and covering over their lives and stories now, in Jesus’ Name. Have Your way, God, and bless them beyond their wildest dreams, with YOUR wildest dreams! You hold every second of their existence here in the palm of Your hand, and You breathe life into their minds, bodies and spirits as soon as we/they ask You to.

Please resurrect the things they thought were dead as a result of the last few years of stillness, Jesus. Edit their human expectations, and free them from feeling stuck, limited, stolen from, or frozen. Nothing is wasted when You’re in the picture, so please help each one to hear clearly from You, and receive the truth directly from the throne room of heaven. Flood their beings with hope, faith, the positivity of Jesus, the foresight of Jesus, and the satisfaction of Jesus, please God.

Bless and prosper these precious ones, Lord. Thank You that even now, You’re showering them with the favour of God, and the favour of man. I am expectant, joyful, and full of energy and stamina on their behalf. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

October 15, 2022

Jesus, when we take the initiative and interact with You, Your heart is moved. Our conversation has a profound effect on You. Prayer/worship/devotion isn’t JUST about our awe, love, gratitude, or comfort, but it’s also about Your tremendous, earth shattering devotion to and emotions for each one of us. You’re not merely Your stories. In Your time as a person here, You travelled and searched in order to touch, speak, hug and hold, weep with and for us, rage on the behalf of a humanity so broken by religious rules, and You loved so hard, and so ferociously. You still do it all.

As fully God, and fully man, You made connection with Your Father preeminent. You gave Yourself to prayer. You modelled a life that was devoted to truly seeing people, as they were in the moment, but also as they truly existed through time, and through God’s eyes. You left in order to usher in a new age of prayer, attachment, and LIFE, here and eternally. You’re still here, still speaking, still loving, and still intervening with passion and determination. You see the entirety of our stories, and You love them.

When we place ourselves at Your feet, and give all control, shame, and fear over to You to banish, You pour out Your loyalty, and Your incomprehensible grace. Thank You for being, Jesus. What a relief! Thank You for shouldering every burden, and for alleviating heaviness.

I declare lightness, ease, relief, reassurance, and calm over everyone reading this right now, in Your Name, Jesus. Regardless of what the natural realm is telling each of us, You are here, You hold all answers, and You are solidly for us, and never against us. You are closer than we know, and collectively we say ‘Yes’ to You again today. Help, hold, protect and comfort everyone who needs it right now. Demolish the plans and schemes that look impossibly big, Jesus, through the majesty and power of the Blood that obliterates evil effortlessly. You shine, You are our All in All, and when we say ‘Jesus, if You want to, You can do this…’, You say ‘ I WANT TO.’

Thank You feels so little, but that’s all it takes.

So, thank You. Amen.

October 14, 2022

This morning, Mark 10:13 jumped out at me; “parents KEPT bringing their children to Jesus so that He would lay His hands on them and bless them…”. I confess that sometimes I forget to give my kids back to the only One capable of seeing to it that their destinies come to fruition, whatever that looks like. It really struck me that I need to remember to be doing it just as diligently for my adult kids, as I do for the two youngest.

Jesus, today I’m asking that You put Your hands on each of my kids heads, and that You bless them. You champion and favour them, God, and You forge and trailblaze the paths that they have in front of them. Please bless every place they’re to place their feet today, and protect and encourage each one individually. Motivate, stimulate, and encourage them, as they do their lives today, please Jesus. Activate their minds to new heights of creativity and possibility. Infuse them with passion for their respective strengths and opportunities. Lift their heads, and shower them with inspiration, encouragement, and exhilaration.

Anoint each one to be able to accomplish everything that You’ve planned for them to do here, in this lifetime, God. I declare energy, peace, serenity, engagement, compassion, inventiveness, humility, and ingenuity into, over, and around each one of them today, in Jesus’ Name. I pray a complete release of stress, worry, or fear. You are bigger, more powerful and completely able, God, so please enrobe each of my kids in formidable faith today. Show them who they are to You, to their family, and to the world, as sons and daughters, and as crucial components of the age in which they’ve been lovingly placed. I trust You again with my kids, God. They’re Yours before they’re mine. Amen.

October 13, 2022

God, today I ask that You would cut through any despair or exhaustion, in order that we can harness the power of Your Word for our own lives and situations, and to intercede with hope, faith, and vitality. Ignite all of us with fresh ability and courage to come before You on behalf of the people and places that need You desperately. I remember and know You as a Light in the darkest place. Sitting in my fear and grief in the NICU, waiting to see which side my daughter would land on, You found me there. Holding onto what seemed like the last shred of my sanity at the Hospital for Sick Children, You cloaked me in Your goodness, and kept me alive. You fed me strength in my weakest, most frail hours, and showed me Your love, divinity, and humanity. Right now, attach Your self to the ones who find themselves in that place. Invade the darkness with Your overwhelming and life affirming presence. Lift our eyes, God, from the worst case scenarios, and the shadow plans that seem to shroud and consume our hopes and our loved ones. With the authority of Jesus Christ, we say a resounding ‘NO’ to theivery, the agenda of death, and to despair and horror, in Your powerful Name. You are Mighty and personal. You are with us in the places that we find ourselves. You created Triumph.

You love us, and You are made of healing. I declare that the promises, purposes, and plans of God that find their ‘yes and amen’ through Jesus be unleashed, and that by the Blood of Jesus, all attempts to hobble us and propel us into places of pain, be rendered null and void now. I speak signs and wonders, shocking acts of justice and restoration, and that the visibility and strategies of heaven would come, in Jesus’ Name. Prepare us to be rocked by Your provision and intensity on our behalf, God. I thank You preemptively for everything You’re doing today in order to restore balance, health, and the expectation of Goodness. Amen.

October 12, 2022

“If your faith remains strong, even when surrounded by life’s difficulties, you will continue to experience the untold blessings of God. True happiness comes as you pass the test with faith, and receive the victorious crown of life promised to every lover of God.” James 1:12

When I get down to it, really all I have today is my ability to continue to believe in You, Jesus.

Staking my life on the reality of God is what I choose to do. You conceived of, designed, and built the entire universe; the small things that I can see and understand, and the far reaching, eternal things that have remained undiscovered. You made a clear sound, and performed wonders. I believe that again today.

You are omniscient, all powerful, all knowing, capable, humble, joyful, eager to intervene, and ready to meet my gaze again today. I turn from negativity and fear, in Jesus’ Name, and instead, I align myself with everything about You, understanding that I know only an infinitessimal amount about Your Being.

I stand on every precedent set in Hebrews 11, and choose to see beyond the horizon, because You, Yourself are faithful beyond all measure, God.

I claim favour today, on behalf of my children. You know every need, every lack, every fear, and every fall. Please powerfully encounter them today with shocking acts of love and provision, God. You have been so good to all of us, and I stand here today knowing beyond a shadow of any doubt, that there is no shadow of indecision or manipulation within You. You are a tremendous Father, and You never turn us away unheard or without response. Your timing is perfect, You are wise, and You see the Big Picture. Please invade our beings today with Your Faith, love, and compassion. I choose You today, Jesus. I declare the vision of God, for me and for my family, in Your Name. Amen.

October 11, 2022

Just when I think that I can’t possibly…there You are. You’re so patient with me, God. The plot eludes me constantly, but I’m allowed to keep coming back to You as my Source of everything. I acknowldege that You are God, and I’m so grateful to You for drawing me into friendship. You are mine, and I’m Yours. You are Multiplier and Divider. You are a Sonic Boom and a Whisper. You are such a Mystery, and so present and attentive to me. You’re my safety, my adventure, my courage and my peace.

Thank You for the body You gave me. Thank You for my mind, my ways of seeing, and for my life. Thanks for the years that I’ve had here, God. Thank You that my life goes before me, and carries on into eternity. That’s huge. I choose gratitude again today. Thank You for taking all the heat, Jesus. Amen.

October 10, 2022

For awhile now, I’ve been in the throes of confronting my very human propensity to rush to judgement when dealing with other people. It’s such an easy fallback, the refusal to see ones’ own flaws, but rather to tear someone else apart so that I can feel somehow better about my own ‘failings’. Lately, I’m finding that the scariest verses in the Bible are Matthew 7:1-2; “Refuse to be a critic full of bias toward others, and you will not be judged. For you’ll be judged by the same standard that you’ve used to judge others. The measurement you use on them WILL be used on you.” Ouch.

God’s judgement is perfect. To judge well is to administer justice: truth and fairness. He upholds honor, and is uncorruptible. God is wise in His judgements, where I’m just casually just busy being a jerk. Fault finding is Not His M.O.

I’ve noticed that in cultivating a habit of connection, and maintaining a prayerful and alert mindset has taught me to begin step out of old patterns of criticism for the sake of itself, to be aware of other ways of interpreting, inhabiting, and perceiving God. Everyone is searching, and we all get tired and carry burdens of personal history. God is kind, wise, and just, and I want to be more like that.

God, You say that Your wisdom becomes more and more visible to those who embrace it. As I step into a desire for Your ways of seeing people, I want to access Your wisdom; Your emotional and relational intelligence, Your knowledge and insight when it comes to others. I want to be so open to Your voice and Your compassion and respect, that it becomes harder and harder to see flaws, and easier to see the good.

Jesus, You said it Yourself that our requirements were to love You, and love other people. Please help me to do that well. I embrace Your wisdom. I hold it close, accept it, and welcome more of Your nature inside of me. I reject snap, feel-good-in-the-moment, selfish judgement, and want to love like You love, God.

I declare freedom from criticism and impatience, Jesus. I claim Your mind for my own. I will let Your pleasure, wholeness, satisfaction, radiance, triumph and delight be my continual feast. Your perfect plan for my life hinges on my ability to experience gratitude. So I thank You again for every blessing You pour out into and over me and my family. Thank You for the opportunity to grow, be, learn, and try again. Amen.

October 9, 2022

God, You are a healer. I declare complete healing, wholeness, hope, miracles, signs and wonders right now in Jesus' Name, to those who need You to intervene in their bodies, minds, spirits and situations. Invade our beings with Your holiness and Your power, so that we are amazed and astounded by Your love and compassion! You care, and You can. Jesus, You are standing right in front of us and saying 'what is it You want Me to do?'. Give us the energy and faith in order to reach out and take hold of Your prayer shawl, Your hand and Your power. You are willing and able to repair and restore. You are healing itself. Come and do what only You can do. Please and thank You. Amen.

October 8, 2022

God, I’m always surprised and delighted by Your immediacy.

This morning I was driving myself completely bananas looking for something I’d misplaced, and had zero recollection where in my house/van/general vicinity it could be. I could feel frustration start to simmer, so I took a second to simply ask Him to show me where it was, waited a beat, and then walked directly over to the place it was hiding. Literally hiding. I hadn’t put this item in the spot I found it in, and it was so weird…almost like a bit of a reminder that He’s invested in the tiny things in my life, not just the big stuff.

Thanks for being so close to me, God. Thank You for Your friendship and Your practical help. I turn to face You again today, and I believe beyond a shadow of doubt, that You hold the best in Your hands for me. Even when things look bleak, You remind me of Your authorship and authority over the entirety of my life. One day, all the pieces will come together in unity, and I’ll marvel over Your mastery of time and space.

Thank You for pouring on the energy I need in order to move through my day. Thank You for the rest that I have access to. I declare safety, satisfaction, connection, encounter and renovation into, over and around all of my family members today, in Jesus’ Name. Fill us with thanksgiving, joy, solidity, and mercy for each other, God. You are for us, and never against us. Thank You. Amen.

October 7, 2022

I'm always reminded, during times of intense activity that can lead to anxious thoughts, of the way that I allowed myself to live just a few short years ago. I tended to let a stress strata build up inside of my mind and body that was completely unsustainable. Layer upon layer of concern and embodied anxiety about requirements and expectations built up until I had tearful, angry meltdowns, primarily at myself. I've been in a pretty constant state of wonder these days, that as I've built a habit of daily prayer that cleans my slate and reorganizes my mind, I've been able to steer clear of the heavy yoke that felt so lonely and awful. Connecting constantly with Jesus heightens my sensitivity to healthy, boundaried ways of being, and prompts me to hand everything over to Him, all of the practical, daily details, requirements, and seemingly silly needs, AND all of the deep, spiritual stuff!

Jesus, I'm actively handing everything that would cause me agita over to You again. You can, want to and will alleviate all stress about the things that I need to accomplish and acquire today. You made everything, own everything, and provide everything, in Your perfect timing. I'm thanking You preemptively for every piece of equipment I need to source, every inspiration I need, and every scrap of energy required for each task today. Everything I have on my agenda that needs to be done, I'm going to do it for You.

I reject pressure, mental strain, loneliness, and tension, in Your powerful Name, Jesus. I trust Your timing and Your ability to supply perfectly. I choose wonder at Your ways and Your oversight. You want the best for me, so I welcome it. Fill every spot previously inhabited by negative responses and emotions, God. I want to be full of Your Spirit, verve, initiative, peace, and faith. You are Hope itself; the expectation of Goodness. I expect that Goodness today, because You love and care for me.

Thank You for demolishing that build up of stress that has no business being anywhere near or in me, God. I breathe in Your sweetness and Your solidity right now, in Jesus' Name. Thank You for the tremendous privilege of accessing and applying the Mind of Christ. Amen.

October 6, 2022

I’ve just got home from a busy, full, exhausting day, and I’m feeling alive, sleepy, and grateful.

God, thanks for people and activities and communication. Spending an entire day in the forest, and walking until we’re spent has recharged me.

Thank You, Jesus, for my life. Amen

October 5, 2022

Today I rediscovered a love of teaching art. The last show I participated in took place five days before my twenty three year old’s birth. Since then, I’ve put my BFA to good use crafting killer paper dolls and really great knights, dolphins, princesses, etc…Today I resurrected the language that was living deep inside of me, the words I know that help me to describe and detail were all still there. The ideas and ways of creating hadn’t left me behind.

I am an artist and a teacher. I am a creator and a maker. The things that were placed inside of me that make me Me are still parts of my makeup and my identity.

God, Your timing and storytelling are always impressing me. You allow things to become dormant in order for them to feed off of experience and lives lived, and You wake them up when they’re ready.

I am all of my parts. I am my past, present, and future. I can grow, change, learn, and evolve, while still remaining authentically me. You are my inspiration and my muse, Jesus. You are the most creative, and the most adventurous. I choose to walk into the More that You have for me today. Thank You for reminding me who I am every day. Amen.

October 4, 2022

It’s wild how susceptible we are to our feelings. In reality, we’re in charge, but that’s so easy to forget when things get wild. It really seemed to take me way too long yesterday to master the snarl of emotions and fears that were trying to take over, but that’s where God sends in the reinforcements in the shape of friends. A gentle tug back into reality was so needed, and I felt the benefits immediately.

God, thank You for community. Thank You for the people You’ve placed in our lives who speak truthfully and eloquently, so that we’re rescued from ourselves by the ones we trust. Thank You for being the sort of parent who never toys with our emotions, but instead delivers us from evil, and guides us to ability and self awareness. You’re an excellent teacher.

I choose to allow You into my emotions today. Please bring my hormones into healthy alignment, and give me the mind of Christ.

I will breathe, wait, listen and lean into Your parenting wisdom when things get confusing or frustrating. I access the self control of Jesus.

I am built to last, strong and courageous, and I am thankful and full of awe and wonder.

I am safe with You, god. You are my Protector and my Defender. You lift me up and infuse me with the energy and vision I need in order to do my day.

Because You love me, I can love other people.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

October 3, 2022

I woke up this morning at 3:30 feeling stressed and pressed. Fall always feels like a runaway snowball to me, and I find myself livin’ for December. I had a fist of pressure sitting on my chest, and managed to get it together enough to get on my prayer call at eight and report about how I was feeling. My buddy laughed and said ‘don’t believe anything you think after nine pm!’ So. True. She also led us in a powerful activation of loosening our grip on the things we think we control, and leaning into the ability and omniscience of I Am. My peace was immediate, tangible and miraculous. I felt my anxious posture relax, and a warm, light feeling of trust and reliance took the place of stress.

As soon as we were worshipping, and focusing on Him, He just said simply ‘what do you need?’ I articulated what it was I was worried about, and almost immediately I noticed that my phone had lit up with an email notification…someone was offering exactly what I was trying to source…and it was a weird request, believe me.

As I wrestled with myself earlier in the morning, God had dropped the word ‘empower’ into my mind. To empower is to give someone the authority and power in order to accomplish what they need to get done. To empower means to make stronger, and more confident, to gain freedom, and energy. The Word says that we are strengthened with ALL power, that He grants us, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power in our inner man.

God, I understand that You empower me to do what needs to get done. Not through my physical strength or human power, but by Your Holy Spirit.

You have access to everything I need, practically and spiritually, known and unknown. I don’t even have to understand what it is that I need in order to flourish with strength and confidence, but I give You permission to empower me, wherever and however I need it, God.

You strengthen me with everything I need.

You radiate forth from within me, Holy Spirit. I choose to be a conduit of Your transformative beauty, rest, and light.

I choose to be at peace and know that You are God.

I am expectant and thankful.

I am choosing to trust You, God. I allow You to go to work inside of me in order to renovate, reorganize, add or excise, in Jesus Name.

October 2, 2022

God, thank You for loving my kids far more than I’m able to. Thank You for being so attentive and loving towards them. Please continue to show them the way forward into their lives, and speak to them in ways that they specifically understand. Thank You so much for protecting and guiding them. I reject control, fear or shame on their behalf, God. Instead, I declare and welcome identity, destiny, fearlessness, a sense of wild adventure and creativity, and even more lashings of faith into, over and around each one of them in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for their sensitivity, their positivity, courage, authentic confidence, and deep joy. I declare patience, discernment, sensitivity to the experiences of others, and a deeper reliance on Your Holy Spirit.

I speak the blessings of God over the lives of my kids today. Be free to flourish, explore, give, receive, honor and truly see others, in Jesus’ Name.

I declare healing, restoration, clarity, vision, receptivity and openness to You, God, in ways they’ve never experienced before. Your kingdom come, and Your will be done in their bodies, minds, spirits and stories as it is in heaven. Amen.

October 1, 2022

On the calendar of God, we’re currently at the tail end of the Days of Awe, the days of wonder in between Rosh Hashanah-the new year, and Yom Kippur-the day of atonement. These are feasts that Jesus Himself celebrated during His time here. The Feast Days of God are meaningful, resonant, and relevant. His timing matters, and His culture and traditions are where more of His identity can be found.

Awe is an emotion that combines reverence, wonder, and amazement, inspired by the sacred, by authority, and majesty. When we open up to awe, we experience joy, humility, trust and overwhelming capacity for worship and devotion. Our ability to delve deeper into gratitude grows, and we become more aware of the myriad of ways we are held, protected, seen and loved by an omniscient, all powerful Creator.

God, we are in awe of You. The creativity of this planet is staggering. The diversity and beauty of every people group displays Your splendour. Every discovery and invention speaks of Your mysteries and Your pleasure in seeing us move further into Your kingdom of majesty, detail, and secrets which are our honor to seek out.

Thank You for instilling the ability to wonder into every person. Please deliver the ones who are struggling just to survive, who are barely hanging on and aren’t able to even think about being in awe of You. Please give us rescue, protection, eyes to see, and ears to hear, God.

As we move further towards You, Jesus, the world becomes wider. Instill fascination, energy to participate actively in the health of this planet, hope, and a fresh appreciation for the things we take for granted, God.

You are awe inspiring. You are the majesty of nature, the symbiotic relationships, the connections and the Light. You are the Keeper of the tides, the One who holds the constellations in place, and sends the seasons, time after time. You place the boundaries, know the recesses of the depths, and command the weather. You are Overseer of the flora and fauna, and the Great I Am who inspires us to understand and make sense of the natural world.

You are beyond comprehension, outside of time and space, and completely accessible, all at once. Thank You for being Magnificent, God. It’s a shocking privilege to be Your friend. Amen.

September 30, 2022

God, as we stand before You, and take stock of the ways that we’ve hurt one another, please forgive us, and help us to learn how to be a part of healing and repairing. We collectively agree to shoulder the burdens of other people, we commit to comforting, helping, and engagement. Give us the humility we need to sidestep offence, in order to confront the sins of our ancestors, and to be an integral part of offering our attention and our action, and in order to lavish our fellow human beings with whatever they need in order to receive hope, restoration, space for mourning, and the ability to be able to articulate their rage, sorrow, and loss. For all of the babies and young ones whose lives were stolen and horrific, please pour out Your compassion, God, and onto survivors and the families whose precious young people were taken. Your Name was used with careless abandon in order to victimize, rob, and obliterate entire people groups.

You are the One who created the beautiful diversity of this planet, and You love all of us fiercely. You warn us to be very careful about the ways that we treat little ones. Your retribution in the place of abuse is terrifying. God, show us how to help, light the way so that we can lift our human family, and know how to get out of the way.

Forgive us, Jesus. We’re so sorry. Please teach us how to love better, and to know how to walk beside others with respect and honour. Today, I’m really sorry.


September 29, 2022

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.” Isaiah 26:3

God, today I am determined to claim Your ability to remain calm, steady and strong, no matter what’s going on. I understand that my ways of interpreting and processing are my own, that You made me well, and my emotions and thoughts matter to You. I invite You again into my mind, so that my internal identity is constantly being informed by your Spirit. I have the ability to allow You to help me to process and sift every reaction and that every word that proceeds out of my mouth is agreement and prayer. Help me to agree and pray with You all day today. I set a guard over my mouth again, and I choose Your model and example, as an Edifier and Builder, Jesus. I reject all temptation to criticize, destroy or insult Your creation.

I am committed to turning to You today. I choose the Peace of Jesus, so that I can embody and radiate it to my environment. I invite the eyes of God to change my vision and to help me to be able to see rightly. I declare that the compassion and empathy of Jesus are welcome to take up residence inside of me today. Jesus, help me to love the way that You do… I’m asking that You magnify my ability to love well today.

I declare a new day of understanding. Open our minds, God, to Your love, and justice. You are standing by, waiting for us to look Your way and ask for help. Please permeate this world with Your presence today, and answer every question. It’s okay that You’re uncreated, mysterious, and full of splendour. Please activate curiosity on a global scale today, Jesus.


September 28, 2022

Thank You, God, for crafting a new day for me to experience. Please help me to be able to put everything in order with the help of Your Holy Spirit. Give me the wisdom to understand, and the energy to partner with You so that I can be proactive and engaged in my life and the lives of those around me.

I lift my city up to You, and thank You for every person. Please encounter, bless, and heal everyone who needs You today, in Jesus’ Name.

I extend forgiveness, hope, peace, security and gratitude today. Energize me to want to be more like You, Jesus, please.

Please refresh and awaken me to Your reality and Your kingdom, God.

Help me to make healthy decisions and to choose positivity and direct communication, Jesus.

I declare a restoration and/or gifting of the Joy of salvation, and the renewal and revitalization of spirits and minds today, in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for life, God. Please help me to appreciate today. Amen.

September 27, 2022

Today I have what I need, and I am enough.

I invite You, Jesus, the crucified, resurrected and triumphant Messiah of Calvary, into my mind, in order to continue to still the storms that try to rage unchecked and consume my thought life. Your peace and Your Spirit permeate my brain, and bring order to chaos, simply because I’m asking with expectancy and gratitude. You are welcome, and I give You access today, not just to my mind, but to all of my parts.

I throw open the doors of my home again to You, Holy Spirit, and fully expect that Your presence will impact everyone who comes in. I give You permission to work in the lives of my family members, Jesus. Have Your way.

I thank You preemptively for everything You’re currently doing on my behalf, and for the world that I live in. You hold it all together, God, so thank You for Your tremendous oversight and Your palpable, liberating love. I ask that everyone, everywhere would look to You for help right now. You are where True Help is found.

I declare a clear sound, that ushers in an age of prayer and worship that is unprecidented in human history; a non-performative, genuine, outpouring of radical love and celebration, in Jesus’ Name.

Enrobe my kids in Your blessings today please God. Shower them with Your kindness, and captivate them with Your identity. I love You, I believe in You, and I want to be more like You. Amen.

September 26, 2022

God, no matter where I find myself, I am surrounded by songs of deliverance that were composed in Your heart, and sent directly from Your sanctuary.

You walk alongside of me through the valleys and back up onto the peaks. You are as available as I allow You to be.

I give You permission, Jesus, to be my Unfailing Deliverer and my Healer.

You hold all of the facts, and You know every detail and nuance about each situation. You are my Solution, and You embody the Light that I need in order to find my way.

I invite You, the Light of the World, into my mind, body, spirit and story, so that when I’m able to see the pattern of my life, Your hand is visible, and everything will one day make sense. Even though I walk through challenges that threaten to break me, You’re with me and Your Spirit fills me with all of the strength I need in order to move forward, and not back up in panic and pain.

You are my very present help. You are the refiners fire. You will NEVER fail me, leave me, or pretend that You don’t know me. You are with me in whatever circumstance I’m in. Your love and power envelop me in safety and security. You have the desire and ability to connect me with whoever and whatever I need in each moment of my journey. I declare that the help that I need is mine, because I’m asking for it right now, God. You are a great Parent, and You don’t play games with my heart.

You are my trustworthy Friend. You are the most free and unfettered person who has ever lived, Jesus. You came here to live in order to liberate humanity from religious striving, death, hatred, and futility. I declare RELEASE today, in Your Name for anyone who is feeling stuck, fearful or lost. The reality is that You see us, You know us, and You love us. You pour out curiosity, energy, zeal and hope. You are preparing perfection for each one of us. I declare a renewal of and/or gift of elevated faith again or for the first time for anyone reading this, in Your power and ready Name. Amen.

September 25, 2022

God, it's a fact that whatever comes at us in order to harm and shame us, is transformed through You into ultimate Good in order to activate and strengthen our faith, and to solidify our allegiance to and trust in You.

You are my Great Deliverer. You reclaim my life from sorrow, horror, and pain every time I ask, in Your perfect timing. You heal, soothe and alleviate all chaos. Jesus, You illustrated, in Your time here on earth, Your ability to speak to storms, and command them to cease and desist. You break through the veil of despair and You exhibit Your endless loyalty to us time and time again. You are our rescue and redemption. When the enemy prowls around, looking for a port of entry, Your presence in and around us is present and firm. You are real and true.

Jesus, for anyone struggling today, I declare release and protection from any and all attempts to rob, kill and destroy, in Your powerful Name. You are greater, bigger, omniscient, all consuming, and wise. Your ability to take the dross and create a story of triumph is unchanging and reliable. Your compassion and deep wells of love, fiery fidelity, and ability are a tsunami of power against any darkness.

You lift the ones who are flagging from their pits of sorrow or fear, and You provide the energy to continue to move through the day. You remind us who You are when we cleave to You in desperation, and You are the lifter of our heads. I declare a seal, and a secure wall of protection and sanity in and around those who are dealing with the unthinkable today. I apply Your Name, Jesus, to every circumstance right now. Your Blood and Your identity speak the better word. Nothing is impossible, nothing is a deal breaker, and nothing can separate us from You. You are Truth, Security, Wisdom, Healing, and Protection. Encounter everyone who needs You today, please.

Your mind is perfect. You hold every solution and strategy that's needed. Your problem solving is unparalleled. I declare open channels of receptivity between Your mind and the minds that need Your decisive action right now. Demolish strongholds and obliterate shame and fear, in Your holy Name. Please replace ungodly beliefs with the serenity and solidity that You embodied on that boat when You said 'Peace. Be still.' Vanquish and calm the storms that have attacked and are rocking our worlds, Jesus. Deliver what's needed please, restore and encounter.

I declare that Your kingdom come, and that Your will would be done, no matter how impossible things look in the natural, God. I preemptively thank You for every miraculous act that proceeds from the Throne Room today. You are the Great I Am, the Commander of the Host, the One Fathful and True. You are God, and there is NO other. Amen.

September 24, 2022

I pray and extend the blessings, abundance, provision, grace and beauty of heaven into, over, and around my kids today, God, in Jesus’ Name. Thank You for their lives and their safety, and I declare Your goodness over them. I declare that all plans and purposes to prosper and guide them into their destinies would come to fruition today and forever. I ask that You would lavish them with compassion and receptivity to You minute by minute today, and that the eyes of their spirits would be wide open to see You in every instance of favor they experience.

I believe that each of them will have a new and refreshed vision for Your reality and friendship, Jesus. You say to ask for good things, and to believe that when we ask for the promises You’ve made to us to be fulfilled, that You go to work on our behalfs. You created each one of us to know You, to love and follow You, and to rely on You, so I’m asking that You encounter my kids and renew and reactivate them wherever and however they need it. Thank You that we don’t have to adhere to religious laws about our beings, but that we can attach ourselves to You and be open to Your instruction and love so that we can flourish and grow as the people You made us to be.

I speak life into my kids, in Jesus’ Name. I declare radical authenticity and freedom for them. I see Your hand at work, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to know each one of them, God. They are all so different, so alive, and so full of Your creativity, and spirit of celebration and humor. Please magnify their capacity for You, as the Light of their worlds. Eradicate any propensity for holding onto darkness or negativity, in Your Name. Remind and encourage them to walk forward into Your arms, again and again today, God. Thank You that You’ve called each one of them by name, and for loving and protecting them. I apply Your Word, Your Blood, and Your deep Love and Compassion to their minds, body, and spirits again today, and believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that You are always working in and for them. I reject fear, control, and shame on their behalfs in Jesus’ Name right now. With the power and authority that lives in me because of Your mighty presence, Jesus, I say with crazy faith that this is a New Day for them in You. Thank You for each one of my kids. Amen.

September 23, 2022

God, You say that it’s wise for us to be dependable and faithful. You Yourself don’t need to depend on anyone, but You value trustworthiness and reliability in Your children. You promise joy and blessing to the ones who remain alert, ready, and prepared to receive You at all times. I choose again today to be leaning on that door, and waiting eagerly for You, having shored up my oil and stayed faithful and attentive. Where I’m flagging, You revive me. When I lose the plot, You redirect me. When I fall into old patterns that don’t serve me, You remind me who I am to You. As overwhelm threatens to overtake me, You alert me to the tools that are mine in order to repel attacks of distraction and panic.

I declare my loyalty to You again today, God. Your constant support and focus is eternal and strong, and I want to direct that back to You from me. You are faithful, unwavering, committed and steady, Jesus, and I claim all of those attributes for myself again so that I can be more like You. Please alert and redirect my kids where they need it today, and fill them with joy unspeakable and full of glory, no matter what’s going on in their day.

The word that keeps coming to me about You today, God, is ‘stalwart’. You are secure, balanced, reliable, dedicated, devoted and hard working. You are our safe place. Jesus, when You walked forward from the garden into that day of torture, knowing every detail of agony that was coming Your way, You were STALWART. Your loyalty is breathtaking. Teach me to be more like You today, please God.

Thank You for coming here as a little one, a toddler, a child, a teenager and a young adult Jesus. Thank You for sacrificing Your self so that we could be free and united. I shake off any shackles or junk that’s tried to adhere itself to me, and claim again that it’s Your Blood that makes me clean. Amen.

September 22, 2022

"If you embrace My message and believe in the One who sent Me, you'll never face condemnation. In ME, you have already passed from the realm of death into eternal life!'

John 5:24

God, today I choose Your life. I open up to Your desire to help me to grow, to Your activity, and to the positive and healthy changes You guide me towards that continue to fill me with Your hope and mercy. I take Your Spirit into my being again today so that I can continue to learn to resemble You, Jesus. I reject any attempt to rob me of my life and my security, and apply Your Blood to my mind, body, and spirit, in Your Name.

I love that You appreciate me, and that You're constantly proud of me for trying to do better, and to reject a striving, religious mindset. I declare myself wildly open to You today, Jesus. Please continue to lead my life and the lives of my loved ones. Your favor and presence is so obvious and appreciated. You're so caring and so detail oriented for each one of us. I declare abundant life into and over my kids today, God. Encounter and overwhelm them with Your goodness and involvement in their lives all day please.

Thank You for making Your life accessible to each person here on earth today. I declare open heavens, and new ways of seeing and understanding You that transcend any rotten branding or history, in Jesus' Name! Sweep away the preconceived ideas about You right now, with the gift of Your Blood, and clear every channel of perception for everyone in Your perfect timing, God.

I declare open eyes, ears, minds and spirits that can finally receive You, Jesus. You make our work more fulfilling, our rest restorative, and our lives meaningful and full of purpose and destiny. You make EVERYTHING better. Everything.

I declare and believe that Your kingdom is here. I choose to be aware, awake, and full of compassion and prayer all day today, God. I set a guard over my mouth, and ask that You clean the channels between my mind and my speech, so that I'm able to create life with my being, because I am full of Your Spirit of revival and beauty. I am alive as a result of Your excitement and planning about and for me. Thank You for conceiving of me, God. I am deciding right now to rise to every occasion that You present me with today.

You are good. I pray all of this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

September 21, 2022

I’ve been writing in my daily prayer journal for years now. Today I want to share my prayer from May 14, 2020.

Jesus, You are my mood elevator. Thank You for delivering me from depression into Joy. Beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, and praise for heaviness! I’m asking for more understanding, more discernment, wholeness, purpose, and bandwidth for celebration. I want more connection and more relationship with You. Thank You for my kids. Please pour Your Spirit out onto and into them, God. Please communicate whatever it is that they each need to hear today.

For my pals who don’t know You Jesus, please encounter them in whatever way, shape or form resonates with them. You know exactly how to communicate effectively with each one of them. I receive on their behalf today: contagious joy, hope, zeal, revelation, gratitude and wisdom. Reveal Yourself, God.

Thank You for the friendship we share, God. Thank You for Your blessings and Your hand of favor on my life and on the lives of my family. Please restore to all of us the joy and wholeheartedness of our salvation, and revitalize and renew a powerful, aligned, connected and righteous spirit within each of us today. The joy of the Lord is our Strength. Amen.

September 20, 2022

I’m feeling a little scattered today. Shallow breathing and hamster wheeling what’s on my agenda over the next few months and thinking; ‘Impossible!’. It’s interesting that, even though I know better, it’s so easy to slide into the mire of mental busyness, and give myself over to low key panic…’If I can just get through to late November everything will be super chill.’ That’s really NOT how life is supposed to be.

I CAN and I WILL do all of the things that are waiting for me to execute with power, stamina, grace and skill, because I do it all with You, Jesus.

I reject panic, anxious thoughts, and self doubt, in Jesus’ Name. I receive a sound mind, the ability to organize and choreograph, the energy and stamina of God, and the inventiveness and ingenuity of the Holy Spirit.

I breathe slowly and deeply, and match my pace with Yours, God. I bring Your divine nature into my being, and I allow You to take up every space. I am full of Your patience, ideas and creativity, and I am at rest. I am moving forward into and toward all of my assignments with confidence and peace. You are at the helm of my life, God. You call the shots. Amen.

September 19, 2022

“…Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.” Matthew 23:37

I wanted to take a minute to examine Job 22:28, “declare a thing and it will be established…” To announce, under the unction of the Holy Spirit, that a new day has dawned, and that you are notifying the realms of heaven and earth that a new state of order and adherence to the Word of God is now in effect, you become a diplomat of the kingdom of the Great I Am. As someone who, as a result of following, loving, and hosting within the presence of Jesus, you have His authority to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience in the natural and in the supernatural. When we align with the Word, which is Jesus Himself, in order to declare to our land ‘be released from futility!’, or to claim protection, health and salvation for our land and loved ones, we become navigators and adventurers, we are filled with hope, faith, and wonder, and we can understand that every word, EVERY word that exists our mouths, is prayer.

I know I’ve shared this before, but the only strategy that’s worked for me in order to authentically obliterate self loathing and a constant focus on the things I didn’t like about myself, has been to speak His truth over myself… ‘My body is beautiful, my mind is clear, I have radiant, deep purpose, my life matters, and I am worthy and valued.’ Period. This is a game changer, folks. Examine your hearts, minds and spirits, and find wherever you come up wanting. Apply the Word to yourself like medicine, and soon you’ll begin to notice wild differences in your attitude towards your own being and life. Declaring miraculous rescue for victims of trafficking, abuse, and the ravages of war, degredation and pollution WILL move mountains, but you’ll probably have to wait until you’re in that throne room with Him at the end and beginning of it all in order to meet the people who’ve been impacted by your occasionally nutty sounding declarations of massive rescue and deliverance.

So, on that note God, I declare a shift in the atmosphere when it comes to leaning into making bold declarations. Energize us to dream big with You in order to impact this world, Jesus. I speak an infilling of tremendous passion, and an increase of spiritual hunger and excitement.

I declare fascination with and curiosity about Your Word, God. Let the scroll be consumed with fervour and zeal, in Your Name.

I offer You my thought life, God, and ask that You teach me how to have more self control and love.

I am a diplomat, I will be sensitive, aware, effective and full of peace.

I have the mind, authority, compassion and flexibility of Jesus, because I want it, and I’m asking, like You say to do, God, with boldness and expectation.

God, You are so interesting and clever. You are beyond my comprehension, and that’s okay. I love You, and I want to love You more. Amen.

September 18, 2022

God, You are the All Sufficient One. Today I choose to rely on You to provide me with all I need. You are fulfilling and smart. You are full of solutions, and You are open handed. You know exactly what I require, practically and emotionally. I open myself again to Your love and detailed care, for me, and for my family. When I need to be reassured that You're working in every painful place, world wide, all I need to do is ask You to help me to come alongside You, listen to You, and then speak out the changes that need to occur, using Your Word and Your authority.

You care more than I ever could about every life, every story, and every place here on earth, and Your intervention and restorative power are like fire, and like a hammer, to consume, purify, break and build. You are ever vigilant, always working, and constantly lifting, and Your ear is to my mouth.

I choose Faith again today. I release favor, and the Light that obliterates futility and destruction to every place, right now, in Jesus' Name. I apply You, Jesus, into every painful place, every scenario of war and desolation, I aim Your Spirit into the caverns and dungeons of darkness, and ask and believe that You will highlight the ones who need to be seen, by those who can deliver aid in the natural. I'm asking this for the people I know, who are close to me, and for people who are on the other side of the world. Make every connection, Jesus, and prepare the ones who are poised and positioned to rescue right now to deliver precisely what's needed in real time.

Help me to learn to care about what You care about. Teach me how to pray and to intercede, God. Show me what's possible because of who You are.

I believe that I was created to be Your friend. I am loved mightily, so that I can love and radiate Your Hope and salvation.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

September 17, 2022

God, it’s becoming easier and more instinctual these days, the more I turn to You and invite You into my being and experiences, to be able to at least try to see through Your eyes. Spending time with You pushes me to see the best of people, and to offer honesty tempered with Your ability to articulate strength and loving kindness at the same time. Jesus, I want complete freedom from suspicion and doubt. I need You to continually cleanse my motives and my perceptions, when it comes to other people. Please draw me closer to You every day, so that I can continue to become the person I am.

Today I choose not to fear what others may fear, and to continue to pray audacious, large prayers, that seem preposterous in the face of my little faith. Here’s where I grow, God. I will be so full of Your indomitable Spirit, that the impossible becomes ordinary.

I preemptively thank You, God, for the restorative work that You do. You are perpetually calling us back to Your feet, even though we haven’t left. You hold my family in Your hands. Our names are written on Your palms, and in Your book of Life. You promise a work of restoration that is inconceivable, and places that are impossible to imagine. I believe, God, help my unbelief.

I apprehend a larger Faith today. I believe that You are God, and there is NO other god before You. I lay my idols at Your feet, the ones I’m aware of, and the ones that hide. Clean, purify, and refine me, Jesus. I submit to Your instruction and Your presence. You are the Only One capable of protecting me, teaching me, guiding me, and clarifying every part of my journey in Your timing. I speak this over my children right now, wherever they are with You. You are the Touch Stone of our lives. You are our solidity and our safety, our comfort and our future. Thank You for being real. Amen.

September 16, 2022

God, thank You for the invitation to be open hearted and forgiving. I choose today to listen to You during the busy and the quiet moments, in order to receive Your teaching, wisdom, and compassion for other people. I understand that the more open to You I am, the more understanding I will experience.

I choose to allow You to be the guard over my mind and mouth today. Please knit my thoughts and my communication together, so that what I extend represents You well. I reject hotheadedness, and a reactionary mindset, Jesus. I attach my mind to Yours right now. I welcome Your problem solving abilities, Your strategies for Peace, Your wisdom and Your empathy into my being today, in Your Name.

I am deciding to make a habit of being completely receptive to Your abundant energy for life, and choose also to abound with understanding and patience.

My eyes, ears, mind, body and spirit have blessing resting in and on them, because of our relationship, and Your constant proof that You watch over me so carefully and lovingly.

I declare massive blessing over my kids and partner today, in Jesus’ Name. I apply the beautiful medicine of Your word over my city and my world. I declare that the downcast will look up today, and will come into contact with the Light of the World. I pray that those who are struggling in any way today will encounter the order, relief, and burden bearing of Jesus. I’m asking and expecting that You will save and deliver Your people today, God. I preemptively thank You for every miracle, big and small that is happening and will happen today.

I choose a grateful heart today. I understand that welcoming gratitude propels me into a place of mental clarity, and helps me to see the myriad of ways that I am cared for and overseen by You. Gratifude feeds gratitude.

Thank You for the gift of today. Thank You for the tasks that You’ve organized for me to accomplish because You know that I have what it takes to be successful at them. I release stress, and embrace confidence and solidity, in Jesus’ Name. I walk straight into Your arms of love now, and understand that I am enveloped by Your column of profound goodness. Thank You. AMen.

September 15, 2022

God, You say that when I’m able to harness self control, and release all frustration and offence to You as a free exchange of junk for Goodness, You further reveal my identity to me. When I realize that I’ve sinned, and fallen into the familiar trap of slander and anger, and I apologize to You for cursing where I should have blessed, You gather me back up and show me what true, redemptive grace looks like, every time.

I declare right now that I reject hypocrisy, irritation, bitterness and offence, in the Name of Jesus. I receive the ability to love well, the calm and wisdom of Jesus, boundary strategies that come directly from heaven, and the eyes of Jesus for other people. I choose to see rightly, and to move in and from the place of compassion and strength that I have direct access to.

You set me free from evil, God. So I’m asking again that You do a clean sweep within me. I invite Your presence, Your Blood, and Your Spirit to take up residence again in all of my parts, in Jesus’ Name. I’m here as a representative of Hope, so please teach me how to extend and communicate You well. I choose Love again today. I declare freedom from the bondage of offence and rage. I pray blessings over those who decide to misunderstand or cause distraction, in Jesus’ Name. Cover them in Your peace, Jesus. Clarify their vision. Show us all who You really are, and release anyone who may be struggling with Religion or legalism from any straight jackets of shame or control.

I declare freedom today. I receive freedom and choose freedom, for me and my house. I want to respect my loved ones and those You put in my path today the way that You do, Jesus. Please flood my mind with Yours right now. I am strong, energized, abundant, favored, blessed and infused with Your Holy Spirit right now, simply because I’ve asked and You deliver. You are Wonderful, God. Amen.

September 14, 2022

God, today I choose to allow You to replace any anger, fear or freak out with excitement, expectation and energy. I am open to Your teaching and guidance.

I declare that the patience and peace of Jesus lives in me, because I have access to everything You are. You are the shockingly faithful Prince of Peace. Right now, I open up completely to the peace that completely confounds human reason and understanding. Saturate me with Your Spirit, God, so that I radiate Your glory and goodness.

I have the confidence of Jesus wherever I go. I take up space, and shift atmospheres as a result of the One who goes before me, lives within me, and works ceaselessly on my behalf.

I have the authority of Jesus to enforce obedience in the spirit realm, so right now I command that anything that is harrassing or distracting my kids, leave, in Jesus’ Name. I declare and apply the Blood over and into them, and ask that every Word about You that has been spoken over them, every thought about You, every prayer, would resonate and reach, from them to You, God. I declare fresh connection.

You are beautiful, loving, powerful and personal. You are the Creator, the Beginning and the End. You are the story of the world. You’re my friend and protector. I trust you, God, with everything that I am, and everyone I love. I know that You will restore all things, so I position myself at Your door, and I intend to stay there.

I love You. Amen.

September 13, 2022

God, today I allow You to empower my life.

I choose a transformed mind, Your mind, Jesus. I invite You into my being, and ask that You erase and obliterate all negativity and anxiety, in Your Name. Any/every thought that doesn't have it's origin in Jesus, Go now. I am a new creation this morning. I have the clarity, hope, energy, and life of Jesus Christ, and am able to move freely into my day with the Joy of God, which imparts strength and positivity to all of my parts.

You are within me, around me, before me, and behind me, Holy Spirit, and You feed me wisdom, love, and insight.

I reject negativity and fear, in Jesus' Name. I embrace the love that sustains me. I ask that You clear my vision and allow me to see everyone and everything the way that You do today, God, including myself. Because You are for me, and not against me, I can do all of the things that are on the books for me, minute by minute, full of the problem solving ability of Jesus.

You are my health, my protection, my sense of self, my ability to love well, my rhythm, my rock and my life.

I apply Your Word to my day, and to my family, in Jesus' Name. I can take ease in the fact that You are busy all the time, operating behind the scenes to show me favour and grace.

I receive Your love right now. I breathe in the Peace and wholeness of Yahweh, and release anything that holds me back from moving freely into the day that You've made for me to experience. I cover this day, my family, my home, and my mind with the Blood of Jesus, and ask that You station whatever You deem appropriate and wise around us in order to deliver deep comfort and security, God. Thank You for September 13, 2022, a day tailor made and crafted by You for each one of us. Help us to find You today.

I can feel You shifting my negative thoughts and attitude right now. You are truly here, entirely personal, miraculously accessible, constantly present, and You are the embodiment of True Love. You are the Light of the World.

In Jesus' Name, I ask and declare all of this. Amen.

September 12, 2022

God, thank You for activity and work. Thank You for all of the things You've provided for us to discover and be interested in.

Today, I have the mind of Christ.

I am seated with You in heavenly places AND I'm all in here in the place You've given me to be.

I choose to be engaged and positive.

I am powerful and able because You've made Your home in me.

The same atomic power and glory that exists in Jesus and gave Him the ability to explode out of a state of death is alive and well inside of me.

I am beautiful, capable, worthy, and valued. You see me, and You know me.

My interests matter to You.

My struggles are opportunities for You to show me, again and again, who You are for me, Jesus.

You comfort, cover, and protect me always.

You energize me, and You give me rest.

You are my Hope, my promise, and my eternal Home.

I love and cherish You, God. Thank You for conceiving of, designing, naming and placing me in time and space so that I can accomplish things You made for me to do, and discover the things You've placed in my path.

Thank You for my life. I choose to take delight in it.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

September 11, 2022

“All praises belong to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For He is the Father of tender mercy and the God of endless comfort. He always comes alongside us to comfort us in every suffering so that we can come alongside those who are in any painful trial. We can bring them this same comfort that God has poured out upon us.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

It’s so hard to want to be comforted when anger, frustration and confusion make the most sense. Horrific things happen every day. Unthinkable acts of violation and aggression poison this place that was intended for pleasure, and the old refrain ‘why would a loving God allow…’ goes up when we haven’t experienced His comfort and rescue in real time. When we don’t have a relationship with the Only One able to guide us through trauma, it’s the hardest thing to believe that He cares. I know. I remember the feelings of terror and darkness that plunged me into separation and despair. I’ve felt death cornering me, and there didn’t seem to be any answers. When my baby was dying in front of me, I felt far away from a loving, all wise, personal God…the keening, travailing, and agony were so real. Until my Mum reminded me that every bit of human pain and experience was heaped into and onto Jesus on the Cross, and He was grieving with me and listening to me. None of us is a stranger to mind bending tragedy. God IS Comfort. As soon as she spoke that to me, I was able to see up and over somehow.

His being and presence alleviates distress, and His love and oversight make a way in the darkness that never fails us. As my pal Denni said today ‘we are under the influence of Love.’ We can access goodness anytime we choose. It’s just hard to remember to do that when all hell is breaking loose. When we want to push His love away, it simply waits for us, and never leaves it’s post.

God, I receive Your comfort today. I place my cold, fearful, human heart next to Yours. Your strength is my strength, and You understand every feeling and every struggle, because You were here as a person, Jesus. Your comfort belongs to me, and I accept it all. Brokenness doesn’t freak You out. I choose to be honest with You, to align myself with You, and to give You permission to heal me from the inside out. As Your comfort and love permeate my being, I feel Your goodness, and Your order beginning to operate and bring me into a new place of hope and understanding. I choose to be still and allow You to be MY God. There is always fresh possibility and promise with You. You are always able to draw me into new realms of experience and ways of seeing the world I live in. You knit broken hearts back together, and You use time and friendship to show us how to keep on going. You are only Good. You want the best for everyone here on earth, no matter what we all think. You are full of everything we could possibly need. Please show Yourself today to everyone who needs intervention and help right now, Jesus. You are Comfort. Amen.

September 10, 2022

Today, I’m learning. Unpacking childhood and all of the misunderstandings and fears that were hiding is hard. But God, You are with me every step of the way, and You’ve chosen the timing. Thanks for showing me where You were during scary and confusing times, and thank You for healing the little person who was so hurt, and sad, and confused. You help me to go back and retrieve all of the good stuff, and You heal everything that was broken. It’s not easy, but I trust You. Amen.

September 9, 2022

“Heaven’s kingdom can be compared to the tiny mustard seed that a person takes and plants in their field. Although the smallest of all the seeds, it eventually grows into the greatest of garden plants, becoming a tree for birds to come and build their nests in its branches.” Matthew 13:31-32

Oh, the small beginning. What I do here everyday often feels so insignificant, and so tiny, compared to all of the hyper-visible people with gigantic platforms, who have a gazillion followers. God really grilled me about motive in the first few months of this year; who and what’s it all for? Why share prayer everyday when it’s mainly my buddies who access them? That’s precisely why! This is my tiny project, with massive ramifications. We all matter, and we all need encouragement, a new angle of vision, a breath of energy, and some comfort and community. Despising the small thing is the antithesis of wisdom. The prayers we prayed years ago are still praying. Building a habit of connection and desire is solidifying my faith. Prayers have blast radii with no end. They continue to creat long after we’ve forgotten about them.

A tiny mustard seed blooms into a tall, healthy, flavourful, and complex plant. It receives nourishment from its’ matrix, and sends out strong taproots that hold it securely in place. It’s flowers are delicate and dense. What was once so little and lose-able becomes impressive and firmly rooted. It’s a home for creatures, and has a relationship with the land.

God, thank You for the day of small things. Thank You for Your ancient wisdom, and that You’re found in the tiniest detail of the natural world. I keep coming back to the verse that says that when we embrace Your wisdom, then we begin to understand it. The gift of faith transforms us into seekers of mysteries. Your kindom unveils itself around us, and all we’re asked to do is agree with who You are. Please give me the passion and desire to actively run with and towards You, and to marvel at and appreciate what You’ve made for me. Thank You for the tiny things, God. Wake us up to really see what’s been in front of all of us the whole time.

I choose to be satisfied with my life today. I declare favor over everything I put my hand to. I invite You, Jesus, to teach me again how to speak to people in ways that will communicate You authentically. You say in Your word, that nothing said about or to You has ever returned to You having accomplished nothing, so activate everything I’ve ever said to and about You today in order for it to continue to speak and take root wherever needed.

I believe that what I do matters. I will continue to be obedient to You in and from a place of prayer. I lay down human expectations and wants, God. It’s all for You, and I ask that everyone who needs to read what I’ve written here over these last months would feel Your presence and Your reality. You are the crucified Messiah of Calvary, Your Name means ‘salvation’, Your Spirit brings life, power and joy, Your love is indescribable and powerful. Jesus You are the only safe and steady place for me. I trust You whith everything that matters to me, and I love that You are always showing me new things to care about, and connecting the dots of existence so that I see more clearly how this world works in harmony with You, regardless of the foolishness of destructive forces. You are the Light that forces darkness into obsolescence.

I declare safety, protection, sanity, clarity, and hope into and over my family today, Jesus, and I apply Your Blood to each one of them. I call forth help and strength from the Sanctuary, in Your Name. I speak wisdom, discernment, a sound mind, and a healthy heart into each of my kids today and every day. Please remind them where their help comes from, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

September 8, 2022

God, You are so capable and eager to rescue us when we are at the end of our respective ropes. You are merciful, personal and wise beyond our human understanding. Your choreography and oversight of our lives is astonishing. You erase evil and cover the places it affected with a palimpsest of wisdom, joy, gratitude, and sense. You take our pain and confusion, and metamorphose it into strength and purpose. You conquer what was meant to destroy us, and You transplant Life. You sow a garden out of a land of desolation. You renew a dry, broken thing, and pour Your living water into and over it until it’s drenched and flourishing. God, Your hand is blessed, Your movement is gorgeous in it’s simplicity and magnitude, and Your intervention is life saving. You are alive, and You care, our Great Deliverer. You are enough.

Thank You for our bodies, our minds, and our spirits, Jesus. Thank You for melding us together into beings who bring You tremendous joy. Thank You for our ability to move, breath, and have life, abundantly, no matter what season we’re in, or what we’re currently experiencing. You are real, solid, and accessible. Thank You for finding us beautiful and captivating, in all of our parts, in our thoughts, our strengths, and in our weaknesses. Because You live, I am filled with power. Because You’re in, with, and beside me, I can do what I need to do. Because You are a masterful Creator, I am worthy, pleasing, strong and able. I have what it takes to be a part of the world You placed me in. I bless all of my parts right now, in Your Name, Jesus, and I extend that blessing to every person and place, all over the world today. Be blessed, and know that God is God, and there is NO other. AMen.

September 7, 2022

I was reading the book of Matthew this morning, and, as usual, something I’ve never seen before jumped out at me. In Matt. 11:19 Jesus says that ‘God’s wisdom will become visible to those who embrace it.’

When I lean into, celebrate and acknowledge God’s experience, faultless judgements, His impecable decision making, His knowledge and innate, infallible Goodness, I learn how to see who, how and why He IS. As I get closer to Him, when I think I’ve really got Him figured out, He just gets bigger, in the best possible way. His mysteries invite me further into the eternal paradigm of passionate discovery and loving hunger. We don’t ever seem to know what we want, until He beckons us into a kingdom of satisfaction, even in the pits and valleys. When we throw our arms around a Perfect Parent, and a Creator that’s still actively engaged in showing us the freaky reality of an insect, a storm, a fingernail, or a deep sea creature, we start to understand that that’s the entire point. It’s all made for us to wonder at. Simplicity and complexity, hand in hand. It’s okay.

Every day I look at myself and the world and people around me with wonder. When I was little, and had zero clue about who or what God was, I would think ‘how do I know I’m me? How do I know I’m alive? Why are people born?’ (Not HOW, by the way…it was the ‘70’s, we all knew how we arrived). When I finally succumbed to the beautiful wave of understanding and acceptance that it was perfectly perfect to believe that I was placed with intention where I was to be by a personal Messiah and Uncreated Creator, I could finally take a breath, and open my arms to wonder and mystery. My questions were being answered. All the time, a new way of looking at the world every day, through the lens of God. There will always be learning, growing, changing and being. Prince says that forever is a mighty long time, so I’m ready to be amazed every minute by new things.

So today, for me, and for anyone who needs to say it again or for the first time, my prayer is this: YES!

Thanks God. I love You. amen.

September 6, 2022

Wow, God, it never ceases to amaze me, that when I ask for a total change of heart and mood, You come through. The heaviness of yesterday morning was gone without a trace when I woke up today. My middle child and I prayed together before the two youngest emerged, and we claimed peace and interest into and over them. We chose the mind of Jesus for all of us. We blessed the day, and were thankful. As a result, there was no friction, no stress, no tailspinning or panic. We had a lovely day.

I’m definitely not naive enough to believe that every day will be so delightful. We’ll have some that are bummers, for sure. But God takes the crap and makes it meaningful. We learn lessons at the bottom of the barrel, and as long as we ask for a hand out, we’ll always GET out.

God, You’re so attentive, and so faithful. Please help me to elevate my faith to meet Yours. You’re teaching me that You hear every request, so that I can build my interior infrastructure with You, and believe for the gigantic, tall orders. Thank You for the revelation of blessing. Thank You for being a superlative teacher and mentor for me, Jesus. Your patience and creativity are legendary, and I choose to look to you everytime I’m flummoxed or exhausted. Thank You for being a part of my families’ education. Thank You for being in, around, behind, above and below me, while also being at the beginning and end of my life. Thank You for eternity, and for the opportunity to continue to learn and discover forever. What a concept! Thanks for today, God, it was a total gift. Amen.

September 5, 2022

I was feeling such heaviness today. There it was, again, that familiar pressure, and the sense that I didn’t have what it takes to take up the yoke of educator that is, in reality, a familiar and exciting friend. Fear had found a foothod. It’s impressively relentless, really. However, as soon as I opened my mouth to speak to You, Jesus, it dissipated immediately. Miraculously and dramatically. Gone. Friendship with You is the gift that keeps on giving. You are truly the Light that obliterates and banishes darkness with Your constant presence. Attaching myself to You, relying on You, trusting You with my whole heart and with my family transports me into new and open places of Peace and Security. You are with me, so I’m able. You believe in me, so I do too. You are already involved in tomorrows plans, you’re there already, as well as being fully present here, with me. You’re the Prince of Peace, and the keeper of my joy. You delight in the learning process, and the gentle relationships fostered as a result of shared space and discoveries.

Jesus, help me to see You as my Treasure, now and forever. I can’t thank You enough for all of the ways that You rescue me. Right now I receive everything I need for tomorrow in order to teach, impart, communicate, encourage, inspire, and learn alongside my kids, in Your Name. I welcome Your humility and understanding. Thank You for being my light and my guide. You are my Great Confidence. I choose to do what I see and perceive You doing. I actively take Joy, and thank You for the privilege and honor of getting to do the work that I do. I declare deep love for my kids, God. I have what it takes because I host Your incredible, massive presence. Thank You for changing the direction of my feelings. Thank You for being so accessible and close. Please pour out Your presence into and over everyone who may be doubting themselves right now, Jesus, in Your Name. Amen.

September 4, 2022

God, You say in Your word that we are to speak from the heart and to the heart, in order to revive who/whatever is flagging. There are many people who are dreading this coming week. Preemptive exhaustion, frustration and/or anxiety is palpable. New learning journeys often come with a tremendous amount of baggage, and instructors and students need to be filled with compassion, revitalization, understanding, love, and energy. Jesus, please fill each of us, in this season, with inspiration that draws us onwards toward and into our identities and purposes. Strip away the excess, the stress, and the stuff that makes us feel dumb, or ‘less than’ in Jesus’ Name. Please activate our minds, and give us the stamina to lean into the journey this year wholeheartedly. Protect the ones who need protection, highlight them, and bring them friends, and community. Please cause leaders of all ages to emerge, whose passion it is to call all people higher, and to extend hope and imagination. Restore the value of play, open ended time, and nature. Soften us, so that we can learn the important things, God. Help us to see one another really well, please. Relieve us of the need to focus on the money=success paradigm, and show us how to live well. Kindle curiosity in all of us, Jesus, for all of the facets of our world. Please infuse us all with the ability to honor and respect everyone while we’re learning alongside of one another. Pour out a spirit of cameraderie, understanding, and patience, please. I declare a new season of learning that’s unlike any other. Peace, kindness, consideration and esteem for each other, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

September 3, 2022

It’s making me laugh that I got the month wrong yesterday. Wishful thinking, I imagine. Every year, at exactly this time, I can feel a creeping dread, an impending doom, and icky parental guilt and fear prowling around me, looking for a place to land. I’m a homeschooling parent, and often, even though I have three very clever, engaged and active grown kids, and I can see the beautiful fruit of a childhood of learning and freedom, it sometimes feels very scary to be the main educator and facilitator. My two youngest are still here with me, and I’m their person. In early September, I tend to wake in the wee hours thinking ‘what am I doing?!’ It’s then that I see the choices before me; cave to the insecurity and anxiety of feeling utterly incapable and less than, or rise to the occasion and take up the torch of teaching, and of imparting a zeal for learning and questing that lasts a lifetime. It’s my job to model curiosity and engagement, to always be open to questions, to listen, and to guide kids towards their interests and strengths, while at the same time, making sure that we don’t close any doors prematurely. It’s a lot, and after the ease of summer, it can feel very heavy.

I choose today to reject fear, and to cancel out any feelings of overwhelm that have no place in our family journey. I have what it takes to be solid, inspiring, calm and capable, because You’re a part of me. I look at the incredible kids that my partner and I raise and have raised together, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to know them well, and to be their Mom. I’m grateful for the outrageous privilege of being able to be with them for as long as I have, and that You’ve given me the tools, God, to gift them with freedom, confidence, and the ability to see what’s important, in the grand scheme of things. I choose to be brave and resilient this year. I choose Your chill, Jesus, and Your guidance in this chapter, as we learn together. I commit to remembering to fix my gaze on You every day, and to welcome Your Spirit into our beings so that our days have rhythm and meaning. Thank You for the resources that we enjoy, please continue to show us what we need in order to make learning inspiring, thought provoking, and full of destiny and pleasure. I choose Your ability to be articulate, patient, receptive and always, always approachable and trustworthy, Jesus. It’s my honor to do what I do, and I choose Your vision for my family, my home, and my job, in Your Name. Amen.

August 2, 2022

“Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your Light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you! Look carefully. Darkness blankets the earth, and thick clouds cover the nations, but Yahweh arises upon you and the brightness of His glory appears over you!” Isaiah 60:1-2

God, You are magnificent. Your Light permeates and obliterates all darkness, everywhere. I send Your extravagant, healing presence to every hidding place, right now, with that ancient exhortation and promise; ‘Arise, shine, your Light is here!’, in order to flood the earth with the knowledge of God. Radiate and shine, Jesus, into every dark and desolate place, with Your pure energy and love. Let Your beauty and perfection be tangible and visible to every person desperate for that beckoning touch that propels them into feelings of peace and wholeness that then ushers them into Your open arms. I direct Your perfect Light into me and my family right now. Thank You for transforming every lie, every attempt to steal, and every negative into a shining positive as a result of Your truth and identity as a friend and deliverer. You do everything perfectly. You are wise and powerful and kind. Have Your way in our lives today, and please be constantly reminding each of us of our worth and importance in this age. You have RISEN, Jesus, and Your triumph is our glory and destiny. We bring You joy, and it’s because of us that You endured every bit of agony and humiliation on that Cross. You looked into the eyes of every human being, past, present and future, and said without any doubt that we were worth walking forward from that garden and into the darkest, scariest, most painful part of Your life. You saw and see it all. Thank You for being the only Light. Amen.

September 1, 2022

God, thank You for restful, guilt free days of reconnection and conversation. Thank You for the moments in time when you realize that the stuff you thought was a big deal before hardly registers anymore. Thanks for solid and lasting friendships that transcend age and experience. You’re so good at organizing and introducing people. I’m really, really thankful for my closest friends today, God, kids included. Thanks. Amen.

August 31, 2022

Over the past two years, my family has weathered a lot of storms. One of them is still making itself felt, and although it’s no longer a rager, it’s still tough. When something is happening to us, individually, it’s so much easier. When it’s your kid, it’s torture. There’s so much loss and destruction behind us as a result of the last two years. Plans have been derailed, and tremendous loss has gone down around here. Identities that once looked sensible and rock solid, have, themselves, been rocked. What we’ve been learning, though, is that God is always at the bottom of the bitter cup. That is, if you’re looking for, relying on, and believing in Him to turn what you perceived to be garbage, into treasure.

We’re realizing, slowly and painfully, but surely, that He’s always the answer and the final word, no matter how we perceive what’s going on. His wisdom is inscrutable, and His heart is kind. We are who we are, and our purposes and destinies are overseen and supported at all times, no matter what things look like with our human eyes. I refuse to follow the false narrative of fear and horror. I reject despair and futility. I know, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that all will be restored and returned, in due time, because He is ONLY Good. His promises are Yes and Amen, as a result of the identity, courage, and loyalty of the sacrificed Messiah.

Jesus, You make me able to strongly and effectively push back any agenda of darkness, whether it’s within my family, or worldwide. You’ve equipped me with weapons of destruction for the demolishing of strongholds, and with the tools required to build and repair. Your word is available to me as a purifying fire that burns and illuminates, and as a hammer to build, tear down, or fix. Your language is strong, beautiful, and powerful. I align my thoughts with Yours, and agree with Your truth for my kids and their lives. I receive, on their behalf, Your healing, peace, and freedom. You are the antithesis of a lie, so I ask that right now, Your presence would repel and obliterate any lies that my precious ones are still believing, whether they’re aware of it or not. Thank You for being the safest place. Thank You for never giving up on us. Thank You for constantly extending the opportunity to do better, God. Thank You for telling me the truth. Amen.

August 30, 2022

I’ve been paying attention to the word ‘respect’ lately. I hear a lot of parents bemoaning the fact that they either don’t get enough, or that they feel they deserve more of it. This got me thinking about my own kids. Often, I feel quite judged by Christian parents, because my kids don’t fit the old mold. They are artists and experimenters, they are bold in their questioning and deconstructing, and they feel zero compulsion to look a part simply because they love God (No skinny jeans, Blundstones or beanies…). Sometimes they are provocative, and possibly offensive to a religious spirit. What remains the same always, however, is their allegiance to Jesus, and their friendship and reliance on Him.

What they aren’t, ever, is disrespectful to their Dad and me. I’ve been combing our history, pondering hard, and wondering WHY??

Respect is a feeling of deep admiration and regard for the feelings, wishes, and rights of another. I’ve come to believe that respect is learned, not earned. Kids don’t wake up one day feeling genuine honor and value for their parent’s thoughts, hopes, and abilities unless they’ve experienced it for themselves. When we, as parents, as people, model genuine respect for our kids, from babyhood on, we teach it, slowly but surely. I’m in a season of trying to remember, and pondering, how do you show a baby respect? A toddler, little kid, a teenager? It’s like building, start with the foundation of needs being met, eyes being met, a peaceful, listening presence that doesn’t freak out, or need them to behave or parrot so that I look ‘good’ to someone else. When we show that we care more about what they’re experiencing or feeling than what others are thinking, that’s when we model respect, and ultimately, God. It’s a show, not tell, situation.

God first loved AND respected us, as a Perfect Parent. He values our feelings, and the qualities that make us special, He cares about our wishes, dreams, thoughts and opinions. He loves our unique ways, and would never embarrass, humiliate or use us to somehow feel better about Himself. He’s too secure, whole, and full of indentity to need to disrespect us.

God respects me. I respect Him. He’s the epitome of understanding, patience, and kindness. I want to do better because of His respect. I value and treasure it. He loves me. He called me into His arms first, then I learned to love Him. I want to be a parent in all of the ways that He is.

God, thank You for valuing everything that I am. Thank You for having deep regard for my personhood, my spirit, my mind, my proclivities, and my dreams. Thank You for opening my eyes, inspiring me, teaching me, and giving me the tools that I need to live a wholehearted life. You are constantly gifting me with things I didn’t know I needed. Thank You for teaching me to respect my kids, God. Thank You for the two way street of humanity. You aren’t a status Guy, You don’t require that we be a certain age in order to speak to You, or be Your friends. Thank You for Your radical freedom, that doesn’t see the way that we see. All You require is a willing heart. Please forgive us for the ways that we put You in an organized box, and make all kinds of assumptions about You and Your kingdom, Jesus. You are good and true. You value love and respect, and You built all of us to receive both. I extend my love and respect back to You right now, God. You’re so worthy of it. Thank You for Your constant instruction. I love that You meet curiosity with answers, and then with MORE curiosity. You’re a Wonder. I love You. Amen.

August 29, 2022

‘For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and a sound mind.’ 2 Timothy 1:7

Today this is what I strongly claim for all of my kids. You were NOT handed fear, anxiety, infirmity or confusion. You have an all access pass to the mind of Jesus, and to His power, authority, peace, sanity and love. I declare a complete trade in, on behalf of my children right now, in Jesus’ Name. Beauty and tranquility for desolation and agitation, wholeness, satisfaction, blessing and sanctification for inertia and sadness, and gratitude and clarity for heaviness and grief. I apply the Blood of the Lamb to cancel out fear of the future, self hatred, rage, frustration, and stagnation, and I lavish them right now with the abundance of heaven, with blessings that blow their minds, with prosperity of spirit, and with sound minds that are flexible and creative.

You were all born for this age. Everything you need is available to you in order to run your respective races with supernatural endurance and stamina. For the joy set before you, you can endure and triumph, because the Great Intercessor modelled it all for us. Be filled with the ability to inhabit this world, and to flourish within the life you’ve been gifted with. I declare new encounters, new levels of faith, deep trust and reliance, wisdom and understanding that is new and surprising. I bless you with Real health, not the way the world defines it, but the vitality empowering gratitude hack. Be filled with thankfulness, no matter what, in Jesus’ Name. Open your eyes to see that giving thanks begets clarity and discernment. Blessings are attracted to the grateful. I declare the health and wholeness of Jesus into and over you…his mind, body, and Spirit. Amen.

August 28, 2022

“my heart explodes with praise to You! Now and forever my heart bows in worship to You, My King and My God. Every day I will lift up praise to Your name with praises that will last throughout eternity. Lord, You are great and worthy of the highest praise! For there is no end to the discovery of the greatness that surrounds You.” Psalm 145:1-3

This morning my partner and I hauled our carcasses to church. Yesterday’s festivities had us pretty depleted, but we felt compelled to get there, and I’m so glad we did. The updraft of worship and magnification of the Spirit of God in and for the atmosphere, and for the city was magnificent. There was a tangible, palpable presence that was shifting heaviness and doing interior work as we simply enjoyed thanking Him. I love to think about what the creatures and substances of heaven are up to when we dial into the throne room and add our voices, spirits, minds and bodies to the activity of worship there…it’s here, but then it’s there…we’re here, but we’re also, somehow, there? It’s so nuts, and so out of human time and space, and I’m so glad that I don’t need to understand, because it’s just Real.

God, thank You for the opportunity to just let go, and open our mouths, move our bodies, and taste the freedom of worship. What a crazy miracle that as we do that, Your kingdom is moving on site, to excise junk, add good things, heal, protect, gift, guide, and unleash peace and direction that we didn’t even know we needed. Thank You for all of the different streams and expressions of loyalty, love, and worship, God. Give us all more love and honor for one another, so that our voices come together to usher in a new day of release and revival. You’re so free, so lyrical, and so desirous of connecting, Jesus. Compel us to lock eyes and lavish You with joyful celebrating, no matter where we are or what’s happening. You’re capable of changing any narrative from desolation to triumph. Thank You for being the Master of Timing. What we think of as derailment, is miraculous realignment when we add You to the equation, God. Be free to work Your wonders in the lives of my kids. I release control and fear, and step back in wonder and worship in order to watch You work. I’m giving You my worship today. In Your Name. Amen.

August 27, 2022

Today was truly excellent. We celebrated our youngest’s transition from childhood to teenagehood with a Blessing party. His family and friends surrounded him and spoke words of appreciation and love in a public setting. I was beyond moved hearing his siblings shower him with their words of affirmation. I want to share my blessing here, in order to perhaps inspire you to think about the ways that you love your people.

Here’s what I told my precious youngest;

A, you were the biggest, snuggliest, most intense, loving, busy and clever little kid. You’ve grown into a really connected, thoughtful, fun, self assured, quietly confident and beautiful person. You notice everything, and you make space for everyone. You see and appreciate the efforts of others, and you endeavour to simply enjoy life. These are skills that take many people a lifetime to master.

You make a point of checking in with each of us, to ask after our days, feelings, or whether we enjoyed a meal. You are a genuine pleasure to be with. There’s no rush with you, even though you’re such a busy guy. You make everyone you interact with feel loved and valued.

I trust you with my heart, and I’m so grateful that you’re skilled in the art of listening. You’re able to talk about your feelings and process things, even when it’s hard, or painful. I really admire you, and I love to be with you.

As you move into this new chapter of your life, I bless you with more of that legendary confidence that you’re famous for. That your authentic, calm and security would multiply, and be magnified, and would continue to impact the people and atmosphere around you.

I bless you with the ability to never leave behind your tenderness, and that you’d stay YOU even as you grow, and change.

There’s no one like you. I bless you with deeper connection and relationship with your Creator, as friend, protector, and confidant. I bless you with a life of extravagant and abundant Joy that’s accessible even in the inevitable valleys of your journey.

A, you were a joyful baby, a joyful kid, and now, a joyful teenager. I pray protection over your mind, body, and spirit, in Jesus’ Name, now, and every day.

I bless you with the Joy of God, that is real, lasting strength. I bless you with continued, rock solid identity. You are an excellent person. I’m honored to be your mom and your pal. I bless you with the God given ability to inhabit your life with purpose, zeal, wisdom, and the unshakeable knowledge that you are loved, valued, seen and worthy. Amen.

August 26, 2022

Just over here being a sweaty, emotional wreck today.

God, I need help today to just be OK. My mind is being mean, and my body is stressed. Please show me what practical things I can do that will bring relief, and please shower me with peace right now. I acknowledge that it’s kind of awesome that my life usually goes so smoothly that thanking You is easy, but I’m choosing to thank You on a crummy day, which You still made for me, by the way. I know that mental clarity and serenity come when I remember You and give You the gratitude You deserve, so thank You for Friday, August 26th, 2022. It’s the only one I’m gonna get. Thank You for the opportunity to step right over offence and miscommunication. Thank You for showing me how lovely my friends are, over and over again, and that even though there are communication breakowns, they’re never deal breakers. I choose to receive Your blessings, and then to extend them. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to not know You. Amen.

August 25, 2022

“Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then, as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:21-23

As I move through this chapter, of taking Communion and focusing on the gifts of the Cross, the strategies and patterns that work overtime to keep me down are coming into stark focus. With daily Communion, and my new habit of declaring Joy over and into my kids, come double barrelled accusations and insult that feel like they’re generated within. But I know better now. The thoughts that say ‘fat, ugly, ineffectual, stupid, burden’, and are coupled with disrupted sleep, and my website going haywire and refusing to allow me to upload for hours, really bring home the wild truth that the Cross, and what Jesus did to death, are an all out, audatious attack on the enemy of my life.

Today I woke up with the phrase ‘hold the line’ on my lips. (Not the Toto song). I’m to stay here, and to use the tools that I’ve learned are at my disposal to confidently disperse the attempts to rob and humiliate me. Communion is a celebration of the Blood and body of Jesus, and the atomic power that it holds is a radical threat to death, sickness, lack, and loss. These attacks are meant to hobble me, to distract me from the Cross, and what and Who belongs to me. Right now, I access that precious Blood, that is the most powerful, impermeable substance in this world and beyond, and that has the ability to repel anything thrown at me and mine. As a result of Your indescribable sacrifice, Jesus, I have the privilege of applying the gift of the Blood to my kids, my partner, my home, workplaces, routes, vehicles, belongings and finances, in Your Name, right now. Nothing crafted against the act of remembering what You did and what it means to me/us will prosper or be allowed anywhere near us today, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth.

You are our protection.

You have clothed me with this body, and designed my appearance.

You meticulously crafted my mind so that I would perceive and process in ways that are entirely specific to me.

You inform my thoughts.

You fill me with energy, no matter how crummy my sleep was.

You direct my steps.

You fill my gaze.

You have my attention.

You lift my eyes from the miracle that is me, onto other people, so that I can represent Your love with confidence and honor.

You empower me to work out Your good will for my life with power, might, and a sound mind.

You satisfy me.

You make me brave.

You fill me with faith, love, and anticipation of Your awesome plans and purposes for each one of my family members.

Ultimately, You are for me, never against me, and one solid fact remains: You love me.

Thank You for the Cross, my Friend.


August 24, 2022

“God stooped down to lift me out of danger, from the desolate pit I was in, out of the muddy mess I had fallen into. Now He’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place and steadied me as I walk along His ascending path. A new song for a new day rises up in me every time I think about how He breaks through for me. Ecstatic praise pours out of my mouth until everyone hears how God has set me free.” Psalm 40:2-3

Today marks the third day of our taking Communion as a way of bringing focus back to Jesus, His Cross, and the miraculous and unprecedented triumph that resonates daily within and without each of us. I’m asking Him to impact my big kids with new ways of seeing Him in their beings and lives. As we venture out into the world, the only brave place to seat ourselves is at the feet of Jesus.

Today I did it with my eighteen year old. It was dramatic and impactful. She is coming out of a dark and desolate time. Everything she thought she was and would do was whisked away during the pandemic, and she was left bereft, and empty handed. Today marks a new season of Hope and engagement, as a result of sitting quietly together and safely exposing our shame, disappointment, and every perceived failure. I could feel the fresh start. It was palpable. We told the truth, looked at the Truth, and gave Him honor as the only One capable of authentic and lasting restoration and return. Everything that was stolen will be returned, with interest. All that we thought was going to happen will be recalibrated and restored. There is rescue in the change. Who knows what would have happened if everything had gone according to our human plans?

Jesus, Your timing is unparalleled. There’s so much rest in knowing that healing and peace is accessible, and that You know precisely when to unleash heaven. You are our Illuminator and Deliverer, the Gentle Conquerer of death, hell and the grave. You are bigger than our sorrow. It’s so crazy that the seemingly small act of eating, drinking and remembering actually speaks reparation and energy to our physical cells, to our thoughts, and spirits. Communion is robust, and powerful. Thank You, Jesus, for Your plans and purposes, that prosper and bless us, and show us hope and destiny! Thank You for every act of justice and love that You pour out. Thank You for rescuing my kid, and showing Her Your heart.

What my kids don’t know, is that I’m reading scriptures of identity and joy over them. I am waking their spirits up, and showering them with the approval of their Father. I declare that their capacity for His joy be enlarged and expanded, and that they’re amazed by the way that they feel, see, and think! The joy of God is their ability to live with abandon and satisfaction! Thank You, God, for the gift of power, might, sanity, and the kingdom of heaven that is here. You are AMAZING. Amen.

August 23, 2022

“Since you call on Him as your Heavenly Father, the impartial Judge who judges according to each one’s works, live each day with holy awe and reverence throughout your time on earth. For you know that your lives were ransomed once and for all from the futile and empty way of life handed down from generation to generation. It was not a ransom payment of silver and gold, which eventually perishes, but the precious Blood of Christ-who like a spotless, unblemished lamb was sacrificed for us.” 1 Peter 1:17-19

Jesus, as I look at You and the cross where You allowed Your self to be brutalized, separated, and murdered so that we could be together, I’m aware that I have zero clue about what it really means. I am hungry to know the depth of Your feelings leading up to and on that day. I know that You were aware of every moment of sheer agony and torture, and You still did it. You still walked with intention and purpose into the stupid human trap that had been set for You-for GOD. Sometimes I feel horrible for the people who were involved in the brutality of that day. When you’re born into a system of religious fear and intimidation, how do you know?? How are you confronted with the Messiah and you still miss it because of a spirit of Religion? How is it possible to be around You, Jesus, and still not get it? Please let me never miss it, God. Please free me from any religion or fear that keeps me from You and Your mysteries. Please make me wise, brave, discerning AND curious, Jesus. Please let my curiosity be guided by Your Spirit into new realms of Your kingdom, and new levels of courage and questing.

As I partake of Your Divine Nature, Jesus, I ingest personal revival, practical direction, a staggering reduction in stress, or fear of the future, I invite hunger for You into all of my parts, and receive the ability to inhabit my life with peace, exuberance, and appreciation. I anticipate that You will be feeding me satisfaction mixed with fresh engagement and zeal for my days, even when they appear overwhelming. I am capable of accomplishing every task that You’ve presented me with, because we do it together, God. You are in, around, before, behind, above and below me. You’re the Beginning, the Middle, the End and then the New…

This is a new season. I claim new rhythms, inspiration, stamina and endurance in the midst of the gift of pure Joy. Your Joy is my strength. Period.

Your flesh is true food and Your Blood is true drink. You are nourishment, Jesus. What a crazy concept. I’m asking for more revelation about the Cross this week. Tell me how You felt in Your body, mind and Spirit, Jesus, please. I want to experience a new love and appreciation for You, and I pray that my kids find You in new ways as they venture into the mystery of Communion with You. Thank You for the Cross. You are the truest Friend. I love You. Amen.

August 22, 2022

"I am passionately in love with God because He listens to me. He hears my prayers and answers them. As long as I live I'll keep talking to Him, for He stoops down to listen to my heart's cry."

Psalm 116:1-2

"Relax, rest, be confident and serene, for the Lord rewards fully those who simply trust in Him."

Psalm 116:7

God, Your table is expansive, extravagant, and vast, but it's also intimate and private. You listen attentively to me, while at the same time You're focused on every human being on planet earth. I am constantly on Your mind, while You are enacting justice, and sending help from the sanctuary all over the world, every second of every day. You are powerful, capable, unfailing, outrageous, monumental, and ferocious. You are made of fire, outside of human time and space, and able to do anything at all times. You are surrounded by creatures, light, sound and energy. You are a mystery that will resonate into eternity, while at the same time, You're totally accessible and easy to talk to. Your ear is to my mouth, while You're active and engaged in world events that require Your constant attention and intervention. Who and what are You? You are beyond comprehension. You are uncreated and full of wonders. You are the Messiah, the Light of the World that obliterates darkness and despair with Your presence. You are science, art, equations, and lyrical poetry. You are life, blessing, abundance and glory. You are the beauty realm, and You are here with me.

Jesus, Your sacrifice is shocking and beautiful. Your courage is unmatched. You are pure celebration and radical, audatious freedom from religious mindsets and patterns.

Thank You for everything You are, God. Be unleashed and welcome in me and my family. Show us Your wonders! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

I'm starting a little week long project with my kids and one of their buddies. We'll be taking Communion and exercising gratitude, and checking in on our mental, spiritual, and physical health along the way! I anticipate radical shifts and big Love. To look at the Cross, and the tremendous, earth shattering, deeply personal sacrifice of the Beautiful One is going to do deep, healing work. He looked from the Garden into today, and called us worthy. His love is unfathomable, His bravery and loyalty are breathtaking. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and LIFE that is forever. Come, Jesus, take us by the hands, and show us Your sacrifice in new and mind shifting, spirit empowering, health giving ways please. You are so radical and shocking in Your freedom and ways. Bring us into a new season of fruit bearing and healing that we couldn't imagine if we tried. Thank You for my family and their willingness to be open to this project and Your compassion. I love You so much.

August 21, 2022

God, I acknowledge that ALL goodness and refreshing comes from You, and I claim a totally renewed mind this morning.

I exist for Your pleasure, and when You look at me and all of my parts, You say that You made me well.

I have a mind, spirit and body, and they exist in harmony today because You are integrating and healing them all the time.

I have the energy I need today for everything You’ve planned for me. I declare a fresh flood of purpose, clarity, joy and blessing into and over me right now, in Jesus’ Name.

I have the love that You have for Jesus in abundance today for my family, my neighbours, my city, my world and myself, and I trust You to communicate solutions and real time help for each one.

I am powerful, clever, joyful, wise, and beautiful because You say that I am, God.

I have the privilege of Throne Room face time with You every minute of every day, so I will avail myself of it.

I am loved beyond comprehension, valued and adored, no matter what.

Thank You, God, for my life. I choose it again, and jump in with abandon today. You supply all of my needs.


August 19, 2022

Alright! Another day of city and people moving is on the agenda. I am preemptively choosing an unoffended mindset. I will let others organize themselves and their stuff, and will generally just live my life and appreciate the opportunity to travel. I’m only capable of changing myself, so I will breathe in the peace and serenity of Jesus, while at the same time, roll up my sleeves and take ownership of the things I’m in charge of. No more, no less. I am blessed with abundance and promise. Thank You for another day to be with my family, God. Please flood each one of us with Your presence and Your mind. We are connected and bonded, and any attempt to rob us of our relationships today is declared null and void in the name of Jesus. We are protected by the Blood, enrobed in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and fully accepting of the humor, ease, and kindness of Jesus. Period. Amen.

August 18, 2022

Here’s what I’m learning on vacation: let go of expectations.

What I get, what I work towards, what comes my way, and the ways that I receive and conceive of all of it is a gift. Whether it looks like the complete opposite or not, my life, with its triumphs and struggles, the roads and valleys I traverse, the lessons I learn that are tough or painful, the heartache, the lessons, the mistakes and missteps, and the oxygen that keeps me alive are overseen and informed by a Force that is the only One capable of making gold out of garbage, and lifting me up out of every pit of despair, desolation or shame. The preconceived human belief that only sensible, linear things happen until they don’t, is one that hinges on reward and punishment. I am learning to let go of a mindset of deserving. There is ease in an existence free of expectation. I am loved, and I don’t need to do anything to BE loved. What an incentive to live! What freedom to cultivate a personal relationship with God, and let Him bring it all into focus in His time. The very real troubles and problems that we all deal with become opportunities for Him to display the splendour of order and rescue that we couldn’t choreograph if we tried. To lean back into the arms of God, and to tell Him our concerns, and leave them in His lap, over and over again…what an impossible gift! There are things going on with us that only He can solve and heal. Guess what? I trust Him implicitly to do just that, and in the interim, there are probably a million lessons that He’s teaching me about letting go of the idea that I can solve everyones problems. The only expectation I have is that He’s going to be faithful to see everything through with flying colors.

God, I’m letting You know again that I trust You with everyone and everything that needs help in my world. You know precisely what’s going on, and how to fix it, so the ball is in Your court. I’m taking my hands off of the wheel, so that You can direct all of the situations that need Your guidance, healing, and intervention. You are all powerful, all knowing, and are made of Love. You see multi dimensionally, and through our beings into the things we aren’t even aware of that are our real, true, essential selves. Please go deep, God, and restore order. Kingdom of heaven, come, and Your will take up residence inside and around all of us, Jesus. Give us the ability to let go of a worldly, deserving mindset, Holy Spirit. Fill us with the beauty and peace that speaks of a world beyond our knowing, and give us freedom from presumption and anger. Give us hunger for the presence, fire, and tranquility of God. I declare that the peace and rest that we’ve experienced NOT go away, but that it would stay and grow, and take hold as we travel into the next season, God. I choose the joy and the strength of You this fall. I declare and apply the faith and hope that comes only from Your heart. Freedom for everyone reading this, Jesus, in Your Name. Amen.

August 16, 2022

Whew! We made it to Montreal from Ottawa and are all zonked, so I’m gonna steal some material from my youngest;

‘Lord, thank You for a GREAT day, and please bless my whole family! Amen.’

August 15, 2022

I woke up this morning with the word ‘release’ ringing in my ears. The ability to be emancipated from the obligations I heap onto myself without being aware of how heavy they are is pushing me into a place of self examination. I’m realizing that in many ways, I am my own worst enemy. I decide that I’m the only one capable of pulling things off that don’t even need to be done, or that in order to do the work of my life properly, I have to be all things to all people. This is a recipe for disaster. Within my family, all I want is to be with them, and to be able to speak freely and impart the things that matter; love, honor, kindness and compassion. I want to pass on the ability to hope, and to have faith. I don’t need to toil, and be constantly busy in order to somehow justify my existence. It results in my feeling stretched thin. I want to learn how to love well, and to be available to my kids and my partner in an authentic way, not in a deep sigh, oh well, jerky kind of way. I can choose release.

I have already been sprung from confinement, set free, liberated, delivered, and rescued from death. As a result of Jesus taking my place, I am truly free.

Your yoke is one of ease, and You shoulder every burden so that I can focus on You and on the people You’ve given to me to do my life beside. Even when I walk through valleys of pain and shadows, I am carried, held, and full of the wisdom imparted to me by Your Spirit. As a result of Your choice to emancipate me from a death sentence, I am discharged from the obligations of performative busyness, and launched into the expansive freedom of a life with You. You make me a better parent, partner, and person, and I am so grateful to You for the space to breathe and to be. Thank You for the release of Your presence, Jesus. You never stop lavishing me with freedom. I get as much as I can handle.

Thank You for patience. It was pretty funny today, seeing my teenage self on vacation. I remember going fully internal and being so in my feelings that I couldn’t see how I was impacting anyone else. It was a gift to be able to remember, and to dredge up the wisdom to know what it was that teenage Sam needed in the moment. How tender and funny that it was as simple as a hug and an acknowledgement that it’s hard to be a kid. God, You are amazing. You use all of our negatives to hand deliver a positive. Thank You for tempering anger and offence and doing the crazy alchemy that You do to transform it into understanding and tenderness. You are so good. Thank You for growth. I declare more release, not just for me, but for my whole family. For everyone reading and agreeing with this prayer, in Jesus’ Name. Be released to move, act, flow, and be, in His mighty, powerful, and Liberating Name! Be released from suffering, sorrow, pain and fear. He is ready, willing, and able to break every chain of bondage, and radically lift you out of the pit of stagnation and heartbreak. Be Free NOW! Thank You God. Amen.

August 14, 2022

God, thank You for the stillness and space to reconnect. It’s awesome to feel free from all of the things that cause me to forget that I’m blessed beyond measure, and to appreciate in new ways the people the people that I get to do life with. Thank You for all of the healing that You’re doing within my family as we talk and relax together. Thank You for a partner that really partners. Thank You for kids that are friends. This holiday is helping me to see that the in the trenches work that was done when everyone was little resonates into true companionship and respect as they age and mature. It feels like a treasure.

Thank You for each of my children, God. I declare more Light into, around and over them right now. My prayer for them is that they are able to move through their lives knowing that You are the Author of every triumph, and that You never fail or forsake them in the tough times. I pray that every word, every prayer, every connection with You that they’ve ever experienced would resonate and grow within them, so that their interior strength is magnified and unassailed. Thank You for every plan and purpose You have for them, God. Thank You for the trials that bring them back to You every time. We’re working through some pretty heavy challenges together, and I’m in awe of Your wisdom and presence in them. Thank You for the privilege of knowing these specific people, Jesus. Please be a tangible help to them, and display Your wonders to each one. I’m so grateful for their company, their love, and their beauty. Amen.

August 13, 2022

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve instinctively counted to five multiple times per day. It felt glorious to gather my not so little people together this morning and head out into the day together. Everyone is old enough to just sort of do their own thing, not drown, and be content on their own, but we’re all ultimately drawn together in a friendly, easy way. Seasons of family go through wild permutations, some way more intense than others, but this is really worth waiting for. Coming through the years as friends is something I’d never trade away. Staying unflappable and open, brave and judgement free, is paying off. It’s really tough to keep your cool through the seasons of child/teenagehood, but it can be done. God is the best Parent, and He never chases us off with scary emotional outbursts or ultimatums. He loves our individuality, and is eager to come alongside us in order to temper it, and to help us to mature and to grow. I think sometimes we miss the fact that we’re literally His family, and what that means. There’s nothing we could do that would have Him disown us, or turn His back to our vulnerability or half cocked attempts to control ourselves. His is loving, and the epitome of self control. He sees the reasons behind everything. He loves our pleasure and agonizes with us when we’re in pain, even though He sees clearly through to the other side. God is my parenting inspo, and when I hone in on His ability to just BE, and apply it to life with my kids, then living is easy.

Just got in from an epic restaurant search, that resulted in an hour of walking with very hungry, grumpy people. T and I just held the positivity line, solved the problem, and got our pleasant, fed family back. No admonishing, no snapping, no issues. Keep the bar high, and model the composure of Jesus. I say it like it’s easy…

I choose to model my parenting after Yours, God.

I will keep my cool, even if everyone is being weird, and be a force for positive and healthy emotional reactions. You are my rock and my strength within my family relationships.

You are enough. I don’t have to be scared, rocked, or full of rage. I choose Your mind, Jesus, for my family, big picture and in the moment.

We don’t have to toe the party line when it comes to our family culture or vibe. We’re all so individually made and we all interact together in our own special ways. Thank You for the freedom to be ourselves, together, God.

Thank You for the privilege of being able to take time away and reconnect. I invite You again into the mix, and thank You for the love that we all share that isn’t forced, pressured, or conditional. Thank You for the idiosyncrasies of my kids and the ways that You made them to look and to communicate. I accept them.

Thank You for my life. I’m really grateful. Amen.

August 12, 2022

We’re finally on vacation! The lead up is always brutal, no? It’s taken years of trial and error to make it to wherever we’re going without my partner and I arriving on the brink of divorce! Finally, finally, FINALLY we’re able to organize, pack, and navigate without utterly losing it on each other. I attribute this to God’s constancy and teaching. He’s giving me fresh self control every day, and I’m still not the greatest at avoiding offence, but it’s exponentially better than it was. Every time I start to get riled up, He’s right there to help me to have mercy, and to be able to diffuse any immaturity and anger, or express myself appropriately. It’s completely right to expect polite treatment and respect, and to advocate for oneself in the moment, but picking a fight because of exhaustion or short temperedness leads to a crummy start to a vacation. There was a little tension at the end of the drive, as a result of a stressful driving situation, but that got put behind us in record time (for the two of us).

I’m thankful for a merciful mindset, God, and the desire to be able to express myself cleanly. I want my motives and my emotions to line up with Yours. We all have an origin story, and we all get a redemption arc, if we want it. Please help me to walk that line of compassion for others and myself. I want to be super understanding and loving, but that loving entails saying the hard things sometimes. Please help me to be able to articulate what I need or observe the way that You do, Jesus. Help me to have the zeal to lift others out of self pity or anger with Your words and strategies. My choices precipitate my emotions, so help me to remember to make the leap.

I declare the mind of Jesus for myself and my family. I speak the joy of the Lord into and over us. I protect this time together in the Blood of the Lamb and declare that it’s sacred, safe, and full of pleasure and sweetness. Bless, prosper and favour my kids, please God. I apply Psalm 91 to all of us, and thank You preemptively for an awesome holiday. Your healing and oversight are beyond my capability for gratitude. Thank You for saving us and rewriting our reactions. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

August 11, 2022

I just said something out loud to my youngest child that really gave me pause. He’s kind of a gigantic procrastinator, and, while the thought of being overtly rude to his mom and dad gives him hives, he will absolutely attempt to prolonge the agony of chores or try to weasel out of them all together by being his usual charming self. We’re all in vacation prep mode, which means all hands on deck, so being MIA would definitely put him directly into the dog house with his siblings. He rolled up his sleeves and attacked his tasks, and I heard myself say ‘Good job. You did the work I asked you to do without complaining, and you did it well. Thank you.’ Then I stopped and listened to the words I had said again and thought ‘do I do that? Do I really listen to my heavenly Parent and do what He asks me to do, or do I pretend I didn’t hear, do something entirely different, or just say, in lots of seemingly creative and clever ways; ‘NO.’?

God, please forgive me for being inadvertently rude in my passive disobedience. I’m so guilty of being careless and cavelier about our relationship because You are so kind and loving. I slip by on the ways that You feel about me, and pretend that You don’t occasionally ask me to do the hardest things. I’m so sorry. I am committing to being attentive and obedient, God. It’s not my best thing, You know that, but I’m willing to work on it with You. You are so gentle and merciful, and I’ve taken a lot of You for granted, or believed that my wildness and unruliness was part of my charm before You. I know that You love me for me, but obedience is better than sacrifice, so I’m gonna do the difficult and uncomfortable thing, God. I’ll be attuned to all of Your communication, not just the stuff that pleases me. Again, please forgive me for straying, losing focus, and just plain disrespecting You. I want to listen, do, and make You glad. Thank You for the tiny glimpses and teachings that You give me throughout my day, and thank You for using the people who mean the most to me to illustrate Your heart. It’s a new day. Amen.

August 10, 2022

“Listen! Are you thirsty for more? Come to the refreshing waters and drink. Even if you have no money, come, buy, and eat. Yes, come and buy all the wine and milk you desire-it won’t cost a thing. Why spend your hard earned money on something that can’t nourish you or work so hard for something that can’t satisfy? So listen carefully to Me and you’ll enjoy a sumptuous feast, delighting in the finest of food. Pay attention and come closer to Me, and hear, that your total being may flourish.” Isaiah 55:1-3

I’m all about the free exchange of my junk, my pain, and my loyalty, for the blessings and nourishment of an unfailing, all powerful Father. I will pay attention, God, and I’m offering You my mind and my being in order to be completely revived and refreshed right now. I consume Your word, and believe that it informs my health, and cleans my spiritual eyes. You are my food and water. I move closer to You, even though I’m not sure what exactly that means, it doesn’t matter. My intention is to get as close to You as I can, so that’s what I’m deciding. I’m giving You my focus and my time. You’ve been so faithful to me, and have restored my childlike trust in my own body, I am amazed by You. You are capable of giving the gift of satisfaction, in ways I couldn’t have asked for, so I’m anticipating More, God. I’m asking for the revelation of possibility for every Believer, for every person, and every place. It all matters to You, Jesus. Help us to enter into the unknown with openness and anticipation. Help us to choose Your blessings and Your heart. Give us the courage to go beyond where our minds are. There’s so much more than meets the eye, so please nudge us towards the mysteries, please God. Open the doors to the wilderness and the God dimensions! We want to see You, interact with You, and agree with Your ways and actions. You are beyond our comprehension, so how could we colour You inside of the lines? Please expand our capacity for belief and receptivity, Jesus. You were such a status quo disrupter when You hit the scene, so help us to never cram You into a box! You’re unlike any other, so help us to perceive You. You are the best, and so ready to lavish us with the food and drink of heaven that builds our spiritual stamina and energy and floods us with mercy and deep love. Thank You for the privilege of faith. Thank You for being real. Thank You for Your Blood. You are the Bread of Heaven, and I/we love You. Amen.

August 9, 2022

“But nothing of theirs was missing, whether small or great, daughters or sons, spoil or anything that they had taken for themselves; David brought it all back.” 1Samuel 30:19

Devastation reigned. Grief was palpable, and the crying went on until there were no tears or voices left. When David and his warriors came back to their homes, their families had been taken and their city utterly destroyed. Nothing was left. His people turned against him, and wanted him dead, but David strengthened himself in his God, pursued his enemies, overtook them, and rescued every one of the people who had been trafficked. David recovered ALL.

I sit with this a lot. Nothing I’ve experienced has ever been this huge, or this painful, thank God. Horror, loss, blame, and the threat of murder. I’ve never experienced one iota of this desolation. To come over a hill thinking ‘I’m home!’, and seeing nothing but destruction to a soundtrack of silence. How do you strengthen your self in the midst of that? How do you summon your faith and allow God to lead you to victory and redemption? What was David’s secret that launched him into a full out assault on the powers of darkness that gave him the energy to pulverize his enemies for twenty four hours, and lead a cities’ captives home? I believe that it was a lonely childhood in the secret place, and a lifestyle of the expectation of the Goodness of God. David was God’s friend, when God was his only friend. This is the key to recovery and triumph. This is how we take back what’s been stolen, and how we violently quash attempts to destroy our peace. With the quiet, simple conversation that builds our friendship with and reliance on the One who is pure Restoration. This gives us the power, in the valley, to strengthen ourselves in His power, and to move forward, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything will be recovered and redeemed, in His perfect and impeccable timing. Childlike trust is where it’s at.

To strengthen oneself means to be bound and attached to God. To be encouraged, hardened, confirmed and valiant. In placing ourselves within His strength, we are made sound, powerful, and mighty, capable of things we had no idea we could do.

God, I live underneath Your massive shadow. You are my only solid and safe place. You constantly deliver and protect me. You uphold me and gather me under Your wings. Having a revelation of You and Your hosts that surround and undergird me makes me brave and free. I refuse fear, because You’re bigger, God. You’re my refuge, my health, my solidity and my vision. I am a conqueror because You give me strength and power. I will be Your friend forever, and will always be speaking to You, God. I acknowledge that Your kingdom surrounds me, Your Blood flows and roils around me, Jesus. Thank You for Your constant communication, through Your Word, Your creativity, and Your amazing voice. You are so loving, so faithful, and so eager to see me soar, God, so I choose to let You have dominion and preeminence in my life, and the lives of my partner and kids, in Jesus’ Name. Thank You for being with me all the time. I breathe in Your Spirit and Your hope right now, God. I release anything that has no business being in or around me, and ask You to forgive all the dumb stuff I do and say. Thank You for being with me. I love You. Amen.

August 8, 2022

God, You are the origin and source of all goodness in my life. I choose to give You the place of honor today in my mind, my body, and my spirit. You are the reason I want to connect with You in the first place…You deposited the gift of faith inside of me so that I would look for and find You. There is no other Being like You. You are the Great I Am, the Creator of All, Beginning and the End. I take comfort, strength, and wholeness from Your names and attributes. My heart is alive as a result of Your blessing and presence. I declare that I will have more wonder, more interest, more desire, and more reliance on You today. You are beyond description, God. You listen, and You act. We human beings decide things about You all the time that are so audacious in their presumption, and so false. Please forgive us. You are Justice, abundance, love, protection, assurance, and confidence that’s pure and real. You are a Parent and a Friend. You are the embodiment of Glory, and You wear majesty and honor like clothing. You are shocking in Your zeal for humanity and restoration, God. You are focused on everything, all at once, and You’re still able to know every hair on my head, and to never stop thinking about me. This is how I know to trust You with my family. You’ve never failed any of us. You never falter, or bail, or forget. You are my God, and I choose You. Amen.

August 7, 2022

God, today as a result of believing in You, I choose to believe in myself; the me that You believe in. I can do tough things because I’ve welcomed You into the entirety of my being. Please flood me with the confidence of Jesus and install genuine hunger for You in my spirit and mind. Continue to purify my motives, and my understanding of what constitutes ‘success’, God.

Please encounter my kids right now, precisely where they’re at, and manifest Your peaceful and fiery presence in irrefutable ways, Holy Spirit. Ignite and inspire them, and gift them with desire for Your nourishment, with purpose, identity, hope, peace, joy and levels of faith that they’ve not experienced yet! I apply Your Blood to them and I declare that I trust it, no matter what, Jesus. Please make all of the right, miraculous connections for them, so that their next steps are clear. Thank You for all of Your unseen, behind the scenes moves that keep us all alive, God. Please help us to remember that You’re the source of everything, and that our gratitude keeps us aligned with Your mind. Thank You for the mysteries, the pain of yearning and wanting, for the dissatisfaction of separation, God, that propels us into curiosity and friendship with You. More, please, Jesus. I’m so grateful to You for my family today. You know what needs to be done. I put everyone in Your hands and declare again that I trust You implicitly. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

August 6, 2022

Yesterday I decided to take a page from my own advice repertoire, and create a window of time for pure pleasure and rest that didn’t have anything to do with edifying kids. I chose to refuse to be buffeted by the familiar human refrain of ‘I should be…’, but intead opted for a lazy afternoon with easy to be with people I hadn’t seen socially in a long time. The day was full of space to be silly and moments of intense connection, laughter, some healthy tears and silence, and new frienships were forged, our kids existed on the periphery, having the wildest water fight of their lives. This small group expanded organically over the course of the day, and it fed me in ways I couldn’t have planned. As a chronic organizer, that seemed to be the secret I finally uncovered; protect the time and provide the space, the interior and the exterior environment for fellowship and ease…and the day falls into place with divine encounters and new relationships forged.

Letting go is tough for me. I’ve always felt the need to stave off chaos. Yesterday, I reveled in it, and it was life.

God, thank You for these surprising life lessons. You allow us to grow in ways we never knew we could, and in ways that we can’t predict. You’re so kind, and when we’re depleted, You hand deliver gifts in the form of people, to energize and lift us. We all need each other, and that’s precisely how You made us. You rejoice when we socialize and connect, because You are social and relational. Thank You for the divine choreography of new friendships. Your ability to bring us all face to face over lifetimes is stunning. You know precisely who we need, and when we need them. Thank You for the last two days of really personal growth and awareness. Thank You for being so faithful and responsive…we don’t ask, we don’t get, so thanks for inspiring the ask! You are behind every healthy instinct, Jesus. Help us to open to Your help and artistry always. You care about our social lives, our careers, our family interactions and health, and You are so invested in our Joy. Your presence in the midst of the fun was palpable yesterday. You were celebrating our conversations and eye contact, our laughter blesses Your heart. The holistic nature of the day brought You tremendous satisfaction, and it was so obvious that You brought people out of the woodwork to partake in a love feast that was full of ease and abandon. Thank You for creating us to need one another, and to need rest and silliness, God. You are truly, madly, deeply Good. Amen.

August 4, 2022

Okay, first of all, I just got in the door after what feels like weeks of errands, kid moving, and organizing everything and everybody, not to mention constantly making sure people weren’t eating trash exclusively. I think it actually HAS been weeks. It’d be very easy right now to feel stressed and pressed, but instead, perhaps a little boundary reset and check in with myself in order to back things up and be able to refuel. I’m not going to lie to you, I’m exhausted with Summer. For some reason, rest has been hard to come by this year. Maybe it’s just getting back to the way it was; lots of hangs, activities, people, and sleep overs to the ultimate max! Whatever it is, it’s been tougher than usual. I feel depleted and, to be frank, a little maxed out with being ‘that house’…the one everyone under eighteen wants to hang out at. I truly do love it, but I am feeling kinda ready to get back to rhythm and regular hours.

God, thank You for gifting me with the awareness that it’s okay to be tired, done, and ready to change things. Thank You for the times that I come to the end of my rope, shed some tears of frustration, and then look to You for answers and energy to problem solve. Thank You for helping me to believe in boundaries and self respect. I love that You love when I’m not a doormat!

Thank You for all of the incredible friends You’ve brought into my kids’ lives. I bless every one of them right now with safety, identity, peace, and a relationship with You that launches them into their lives and gives them security and hope. God, would You please restore family relationships that are broken or tenuous right now. Deliver parents from panic and constant freak out, and help us all to be free of concern about optics. I declare freedom from worry and relational struggle for every kid, and every family that has come through our doors this summer, Jesus.

Thank You for making my house a place that people want to be. Thank You for a peaceful place for kids to land. Thank You for the aura of calm celebration, and the space for candid conversation, God. Please give T and I the energy we need to come through this summer with flying colors, and deeper relationships with the kids that hang out here. Help us to be like Jesus to them. You make every party more fun, every casual chat is more meaningful, each meal is a special moment, and You lighten the mood always. Jesus, You make everything better and cozier, so help us to summon the zeal we need to throw our doors open to the people who need it at precisely the right times, and the wisdom to close them when we need to rest. Thank You for seasons, God. Amen.

August 3, 2022

I am new today. Everything untrue that I thought was true yesterday, isn’t true today, because I’m choosing to allow You to heal my mind, Jesus. I am transformed, awake, alert, and realigned as a result of Your goodness and zeal to see me whole and operating at full capacity. You love me, and You think that every part of me is marvelous. I receive Your thoughts, opinions, and dreams for me today, in Your Name. I choose Your refreshing, and a new infilling of Your vital Spirit right now. I choose to see rightly today. I am deciding to connect with Your heart and mind, for myself, my family, and the people and places I come into contact with today. I declare all of this for the world I live in, God. Refreshment, rescue, an outpouring of Hope, and Your presence, everywhere. Your kingdom is here and it’s accessible, so please inspire us to go there, to welcome, and to see it. Beauty, abundance, peace, healing, restoration, freedom and a release from the futility and barbarism of war, trafficking, victimization and generational hurt and trauma that feeds itself, in Jesus’ Name! I declare a miraculous breakthrough of Your Light and Your justice now. Make every connection and pull of every audacious rescue in this moment, Jesus, worldwide. Be new, earth. Be released from futility and brokenness. Be unleashed to flourish and provide nourishment and homelands that have been established for people groups by the One who positioned us all. Forgive us for greediness and the human desperation for dominion and control, God. Heal our minds and our lands, so that we can live well, and with enough for everyone. Bring us back to friendship and reliance on You, please. I declare a zeal and passion for this planet and the precious people, animals and resources that You’ve gifted all of us with right now, everywhere, in Your Name! Show us Your wonders, big and little today, God. Amen.

August 2, 2022

When I make a declaration that’s aligned with the Word of God, I’m making a formal announcement that carries the authority and force of law, and that proclaims the beginning of a new way of being. It impacts my interior and exterior atmosphere, and brings clarity, freedom, and growth. Declarations that agree with the goodness of God, with the efficacy and beauty of the Blood of Jesus, and with the pure and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit, promote a flourishing, safe, and transcendent space, within and without. Declarations are powerful mind changers, vision clearers, and intercessory tools that are beyond compare. Speaking His Words and Heart through our own specific vocabularies, and in our own God given voices, never fails to shift darkness, enrich experience, create impermeable safe spaces, and build spiritual and mental strength. I’ve put declarations to the test in the realm of physical stamina, when I was daily attacking the Dundurn Stairs. These are almost vertical killers, that are a punishing workout…all 330 plus of them. When I began doing them, I’d just drag myself up and down semi-successfully. I never felt powerful or strong, just nauseous and barely able. One day as I was approaching them, God said ‘declare Yourself able and powerful, and see what kind of a difference it makes.’ I figured ‘why not?’, so I said the first thing that popped into my head; ‘I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.’ I prayerfully repeated it as the stairs got closer and closer. Guess what? I was able to take them on with gusto, stamina and more power than I ever had before. God was speaking to me as I climbed about the parallels between moving up the escarpment, and triumphing over and within my own life story. He gives me every scrap of energy I could ever need, I just have to ask, declare and believe.

‘I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.’ Philippians 4:12-13

God, I declare right now an infilling of power, might, soundness of mind, revelation of authority, and the strength and stability of Jesus for everyone reading this. I speak salvation and restoration within every spirit, in Your Name, Jesus. Not what the world sees as churcianity, but true, authentic spirit life that’s already been deposited within from before the foundation of the world! Your creation shouts Your existence, so I declare open eyes. You are easily perceived, as soon as we say ‘show me’. Provoke us to ask, seek, find and take rest, God. Come in Your tremendous love and power and overtake and overwhelm us with Your reality. I declare an encounter for everyone reading these words, tailor made and real, Jesus. Come and speak to the open ear, be visible, tangible and fragrant. You are the Master and Creator. You have preeminence here. You are the crucified Messiah, the Morning Star, the Nazarene Builder. Your power is perfect and Your peace is indescribable. Come and take up space, Holy Spirit, and give us a fresh understanding of the power we weild as a result of our ‘yes’. Realignment, curiosity, peace, and freedom are yours now, if you want it…just ask and be ready for something completely different. Amen.

August 1, 2022

Another month in the books! This project started off scary, and has grown into a pleasure. God is so good at using the things He gives us when we let Him. It’s both odd and perfectly sensible that we have to stretch and try, fail and triumph, sometimes all at once. My partner calls it ‘meeting Him halfway.”

Jesus, thank You for every gift You give. Thank You for the weird honor of having to step out in faith in order to activate them. How would we know what we’re here for if we don’t push the limits of comfort or put in the hours to get better? Thanks for showing us, at precisely the right times, what to do and how to do it. Please forgive us for ignoring Your prompts and Your favor. Open our eyes and our minds to be brave and creative trailblazers, like You. You made us with such a purpose, and we miss it a lot. Help us to hear You, perceive You, and value our journeys the way that You do, God. Please release us from navel gazing and fear, and propel us into places we didn’t ever see ourselves in. Give us faith in ourselves, please. If You’re with us, we can do whatever it is we’re here to do. I declare total restoration of confidence now, in Jesus’ Name. Deliver us from a place of shielding or cowardice, and launch us into new realms of boldness and awareness, Jesus. Help us to be who are authentically are, free from self criticism and hatred, in Your Name. Please inspire us, guide us, and give us the trust in You that we need in order to move forward, rather than live a life of stagnation or backpeddling. I declare forward momentum, and a leaning into the plans and purposes that You hold for each of us, to prosper us, heal us, support us, and hand deliver the hope that sustains us, while at the same time speaking clearly to us about our God-given identities and rock solid destinies. Thank You for the privilege of prayer, God. What a crazy gift. We love You. Amen.

July 31, 2022

I am continually amazed these days by Gods’ impeccable timing, and the real interior changes I’m experiencing as a result of finally being ready to dredge up and expose some painful and entrenched lies that had taken up residence within me and had worked overtime over decades to distract me, waste my time, and cause me to see myself improperly. Last week, I shared a new part of my story with a group of women. I publicly stated that I’d been dealing with an eating disorder for almost forty years. It’s genesis was a throw away comment that was a veiled compliment, but the delivery was a bummer because it was given by a thirteen year old boy in the early ‘80’s. How crazy that I’d held on so hard to something so seemingly innocuous and silly. I recognize the tactic, that’s for sure. As soon as I shared this secret, I was able to see it properly, to lay it out on the table and examine what it really looked like. Instead of the all powerful, bossy, pervasive, capital ‘L’ Lie I thought it was, it was tiny, ugly and desperate. The enemy of my life wants me enslaved to this stuff. When we keep it all bottled up because we want to be better than our pain, we give it power. I refuse to feed anything like that anymore.

The wild thing is, as soon as I said what had been true for so long, the last vestiges of its control were utterly vanquished. It was completely gone. I’ve had stages of relief, but on that day, I experienced a freedom I didn’t know was possible, through safe, friendly confessional conversation with people I know care about me. Now I’m curious about any other places within that have been co-opted through the years. God is and wants freedom for His children, and He doesn’t move until we can handle it.

Proverbs 23 says that as we think, so we are. That to compare ourselves to others is poison. To go after self awareness and simplicity. I want my mind, body, and spirit to be healthy and in synch. I want to think about myself and others the way that He does.

God, it feels unbelievable to have so much space inside of me! I was so unaware of the places within me that were taken up by things that had no business being there! Please continue, in Your outrageously kind wisdom, to illuminate to me where to look next, and how to allow You to clean me out. You know just what to do and when. I love that I don’t have to stress about healing and wholeness. I just allow You in and give You permission to operate. Thank You for Your choreography…as we become eager for humility and closeness with You, You impact the hidden places. Please build my hunger and zeal for health in all of my parts, for true kindness that doesn’t need an audience, for a sane mind and flourishing spirit. I choose inspiration and momentum for my life that is outside of the realm of human achievement and performance. I ask this on behalf of my partner and my kids, God. Clean us where we need it, and wake us up to Your shocking compassion and love. Let the ‘love of God’ not be just three words. Please permeate our beings with Your radical and liberating love, Jesus. You are our health. I’m open to so much more freedom and deliverance, so be free to do what only You can do in my life, and the lives of my loved ones. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 30, 2022

People are so weird. Whenever I’m expecting someone to be friendly and polite, and then they aren’t, my surprise is real. I’m laughing as I write this, because it sounds so naive and dumb, but holy cats, dealing with fellow Believers can sometimes be a real eye opener. It’s certainly ridiculous to assume that we all have the same origin story or motives, or that we’ve all been taught similarly. My confusion always comes when what we DO share is the instruction to honour and behave towards one another like Jesus does, and then the opposite occurs. Yet another instance to examine the ways that I bless, set boundaries, love well, and advocate for myself, all at the same time. I have to step back and consider all of the angles, choose the way I respond, and remember to bless the person that is puzzling me. Jesus was and is able to maintain healthy boundaries that take the emotions and needs of others into consideration, while at the same time refusing to be messed with. I love His delivery and His clever way with people. It’s great to also see, as a result of the interaction I had today, that spiritual maturity is actually a thing, and this project and habit of connection and prayer is informing my ability to remain unoffended, able to bless wherever the person in question is at, AND to maintain self respect and the ability to lovingly draw lines in the sand regarding how I will and won’t be treated. It’s pretty great.

God, You see every relational challenge we experience, and You are always on standby with lashings of mercy and wisdom. Please, remind us every time to avail ourselves of Your presence and limitless compassion; for the person or people in question and for ourselves. You’re the great Healer and Connector. You are so able to lift us into places of blessing and intercession that we often miss as a result of instant offence. Would You please flood our beings with Your ability to relate to one another, Jesus. You take people we find completely awful and You make them into friends. God, I extend tremendous blessing to everyone who has ever wounded me, or just been unkind. I’m asking that You pour out favor, prosperity, friendship with You, and a brand new ability to feel the empathy and depth of Love that You embody, Jesus. You are capable of erasing offence and misunderstanding. Please wake us up to the stories of others, so that we can see past any foibles or ways of relating that we don’t understand. Help us to want to understand, God. Give us Your eyes for people we wouldn’t necessarily choose to hang out with. Help us to climb up and over the obstacles of offence, Holy Spirit. We’re a family here, so please instill the Love that You have for Jesus in each one of us, for each one of us. I reject anger, bitterness and scorn, in Your Name, and receive in exchange Your understanding heart, God. Please help me to navigate the pain of others well without compounding it through withholding my companionship and kindness. Thank You for organizing and healing my mind. Please fill this planet with Your goodness and Your love today, God. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 29, 2022

As I was doing dishes this morning, I was reminded of something I said years ago in a message about prayer; “I was sick of going from crisis to crisis and panic praying.” It’s interesting that when one doesn’t make a concerted effort to connect, days, weeks, months can go by in which you’re just sailing along, things are fine, until they aren’t, and then you’re desperately storming the gates of heaven and wondering why your adrenaline is threatening to blast out of the top of your head! I was often in this position, and, because there’s some sort of guilt that we live within, as a result of not regularely or continually paying attention to the only One capable of calm rescue and order, we go to someone else who has a deeper connection, treating them almost like a ‘prayer professional’ that has a more direct line to God. I specifically recall phoning my Mum to pray for something kid-related and undramatic, but because she was ‘better at prayer’, I’d rather have her do it for me. That seems bananas to me now, but I absolutely understand. I thought that her language and chemistry with God somehow bought her VIP status to the Throne Room. It didn’t and it doesn’t. We all have His ear, everyday, all day. He loves our friendship. It’s the only thing He can’t give or do for Himself. Our proximity and camaraderie doesn’t buy us status before Him. What our habit of conversation and connection DOES do, is keep us in a place of trust and calm, even when storms that rock our respective worlds are raging about us. Often the lessons that bring us to the feet of Jesus are so painful, so traumatic, and so life altering, that they do the opposite, and we decide to live outside of His peace in anger and frustration. That’s tragic to me, and very likely utterly heartbreaking to Him.

As trust and allegiance grow, as we see Him move in ways we never could or would have anticipated, our ability to recognize the mighty hand of God in and on our lives becomes second nature. A traumatic and excruciating miscarriage becomes a moment cemented in time in which He shows me what true, pure forgiveness and Gratitude look like. An abortion grows five more children. A life of misteps and pain become the roadmap of grace and an illustration of outrageous rescue and protection. A terrifying birth and fatal disease morph into a living, healthy daughter who is a sign and a wonder as herself.

GOD IS GOOD. He longs for our attention and He is poised to intervene always. In the great times, the ordinary times and the straight up horrible times. There are no crises where He is. He is order itself. He is the embodiment of peace and protection. He is Psalm 91. The Blood of Jesus purchased our friendship and eternity, and we have total, unrestricted access to the Uncreated Master of All. How could we forget?

God, remind us today, please, just Who You are. Be welcomed into our lives and our stories. You’re the Author and Designer, so come and take up constant residence within us and around us today! Thank You for being awake, alert and able at all times to set all things right, however that looks. You are at the beginning, middle and end. You’re at every hurdle and roadblock, You celebrate with us and You grieve with us. You give us the ability and energy to advocate like Jesus in the middle of absolute hell. We are strong because You are strength itself, God. Your mighty right hand holds us and ushers us along into my day and we trust You completely. Come and do what only You can do today, Jesus. We acknowledge You for who You are. Remind us to always be talking to You, relying on You and giving You glory, honor and love. Help us to see the good in ourselves so that we can extend that privilege to everyone else. You are only capable of creating beauty. Help us to see correctly today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 28, 2022

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

God, Your Word clearly says that in the moment that I’m standing before You, any secret motives and hidden darkness will be revealed. I’m opening a new chapter with You, today, in which I’m asking that You dredge up the things within me that are hiding and causing me pain or keeping me from You in any way. I want You to peel back the layers of human protection, in Your time, and in Your kindness, so that I can feel clean, and free of anything that isn’t authentically me. I want complete freedom from anything that isn’t needed or good. Please illustrate and reveal, Jesus, and please give me the honesty and humility to deal. I’m scared, but I’m ready for this process, God. Begin to make me truly sorry for the crap that I’ve done, please. Give me the words and the wearwithall to know how to be totally free and clear of the things I’ve used to replace You in my life. I’m sorry for doing and saying things that have hurt Your heart because they ultimately hurt me and others, God. Please help me to see that the joy of my salvation is new every day, and gets bigger and brighter with age. Revitalize and enliven my spirit right now, God. I want tremendous energy for this life! I want to live as authentically and as freely as possible, and then to extend that possibility on to others, so clean my mind, heart, spirit and body, Jesus, please. I welcome Your presence and Your revelations.

I’m asking this on behalf of my family, God. Unveil the love that You carry for each one of them, and kiss them awake again. Open our mouths to create beauty and vitality with You. Prompt us to see the good, and to do what we see You doing. Allow us to see ourselves correctly, and with compassion and value, Jesus. Please show us how to love ourselves so that we can love the ones You put in our paths. I declare Light for darkness, I ask and believe that a divine exchange would take place within us…the canker of ugliness uprooted and transplanted with a flourishing and healthy attitude of openness and reliance on the Creator. You are our Source of all nourishment and life, God. Open our eyes and our beings to Your all encompassing love and power today, in brand new ways. I know that You agree with a desperate heart, so make me desperate for Your renovation, please, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 27, 2022

It's what You wanted in the garden It’s what You wanted on the mountain It’s what You wanted on the crossbeam Just a heart that was fully in love. Jon Thurlow, Fully in Love

After an extremely dramatic morning, this song realigned me and thrust me back into a place that was hungry for the order and peace of Jesus to intervene, where despair and chaos reigned. There was such an influx of trust and faith that rode in on this song, it turned the tide and refocused my eyes to be trained on the script of God. The enemy of our peace wants us divided and enraged, to pull rugs out from under one another, and to be always full of mistrust and anger. He will stop at nothing, and thinks it’s entertaining to use our kids to sow fear and frustration. To remember that relationship and love is where it’s at is foundational. The God given skill of drawing back and taking a beat to remember to ask to feel the ways that He does about situations and actors that are threatening to us will always pull order from chaos, and stillness from the maelstrom.

God, You want our hearts, that’s all. You live to show us Your awesome kindness. You love love and You want us to experience the maximum. We get so caught up in the search, that we miss what’s right there in front of us. You’re right there, ready to love us. It’s all You’ve been wanting, forever. You extend chance after chance, and possibility after possibility. Today I say YES again. I choose to hope and believe that You are the only One who can satisfy me with Your all encompassing, expansive, eternal love and presence. I ask that You encounter my kids and their peers with this love today. Communicate the depth of Your passion and reality to them please, Jesus. Cover and protect their hearts, bodies, minds and spirits with Your Blood, and deliver them from any struggles with the culture they inhabit that are neutralizing them please, God. Holy Spirit, manifest in new and amazing ways in and for them today. Show them Your abundant, reliable, and exciting adventure that goes above and beyond their expectations and dreams. I trust You with my whole heart, God, and with those of my children today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 26, 2022

God, thank You for Your constant forgiveness. Thank You for the literal bloodbath that is the Cross. Thank You for Your eternal mercies and Your faithful favor. Please encounter humanity with the gift of vision and gratitude. I declare a miracle of revelation today; that everyone would be arrested with the heartsickness of separation from You, and the immediate relief that floods in as a result of reaching out to You. Jesus, You’re the only One able to lift my head. You make everything liveable. I can make it through with You and because of You. You give the gift of strength and stamina constantly, and it’s always changing to fit every need and nuance. I’m so grateful to You, God, just for being real. Thank You for making the world that I know. Please heal every place that needs to be aware of Your reality today. Open minds to the clarity and revolution that is thankfulness, Jesus. You are worth our focus, so please encounter us. In Your Name, Amen.

July 25, 2022

‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’ John Keats

If beauty is the combination of features and attributes that please the senses, and truth is just reality, then what we can rely on is this: our beings are entirely pleasing to the Creator, who put in the actual work in order to craft us with intention, uniqueness, and diversity.

I decide again to ‘fill my thoughts with the Word until they penetrate deep into my spirit. Then, as I unwrap His Words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of my being.” Proverbs 4:21-22

If I’m thrilling and exciting to God, if He enjoys and values my interior life, and treasures the ways that I look, how could I possibly tell Him that He’s mistaken? I can experience renewal and pleasure simply by allowing Him to tell me how He feels about me, and agreeing with Him. My job here is to believe Him and take Him at His word, so it must be correct that I’m awesome.

I’m really grateful, God, for the constant revelations that stream from You about how You feel about and see me. You treasure everyone. We are Your poetry, theme, and radiant, constant hope. You call us perfect, satisfying, majestic, royal, graceful, fruitful, and victorious, regardless of what we think. You overshadow us, and cause living water to bubble, and the life You placed within us to flourish and bloom. Have Your way, God. We’re tired of being full of doubt. We open up to the absolute truth about identity right now, in Jesus’ Name. Conceived of, designed, created, upheld, protected and celebrated, we thank You, and give You honor and lavish worship. Our focus magnifies, and where we place our energy, there our energy goes. Have all of it, God. Thank You for the forms, faces, spirits and minds You’ve gifted to each one of us. We’re blessed, favored, appreciative and eager to experience MORE freedom. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 24, 2022

Today was one of those Sundays that had me thinking I wasn't going to go to church. I have experienced this enough to know that when that happens, the service is precisely where I need to be. Even so, I had committed to slacking off and hanging out at home...until my youngest son insisted we go. Aaand of course, it was exactly what I needed in every way. My spirit needed a transfusion and my mind needed some realignment, which was just what I recieved.

I came away feeling inspired to empty myself entirely of religious judgements and assumptions, to reject the compulsion to judge the journeys of others, and to appreciate even the tiniest of steps towards a Kind and Loving Creator. To understand that He sees our lives so wildly differently from the ways that we do.

I want to experience a wider beauty, a deeper story. I want to value communication and complexity the way that He does. I feel compelled to break off and reject my tiny ways of categorizing and compartmentalizing creation. I want the vision of God for this place.

God, I reject any spirit of religion that's inhabiting me. I want to be completely free to see what's really in front of me, through Your eyes. Be my vision and my comprehension, Jesus. Please give me Your empathy and discernment. Help me to see the miracle of living that we move so cavalierly through all the time.

When You say that we're fearfully and wonderfully made, what You're trying to tell us is that we were made, by You, with intentionality, reverence, adoration and deep honor. You made us with such heartfelt interest, and deep respect, to be completely unique, loved, and set apart!

I want the ability to embody this, God. Liberate me from any navel gazing that keeps me in a place of criticism and human verdicts that have zero to do with You and Your kingdom and ways. I want to get over myself in the best way. Thank You for making everyone so beautifully diverse. Thank You for the opportunities You extend in order for us to walk deeper into a place of unconditional love. I choose love today, Jesus. I choose Your approval.

Thank You for my family, God. Please continue to show me how to be thankful for, and to pray for each of them with purpose and faith that sees Your plans and dreams for them through to their fruition. I love You, God. Please teach me to love and trust You even more. Amen.

July 23, 2022

I woke up today with a ball of feelings, thoughts, to-do’s, and plans that were quietly overwhelming and messy. I often tell my older kids that many mornings I can feel the existential dread approaching and trying to infiltrate my mind and my heart, and I have to actively reject it. It’s all about choice. I get to decide how I’m going to feel about my day. My solution is, regardless of how busy things seem, to prioritize quietly sitting with God and choosing to be at peace. I decide to begin the day with the stillness of knowing that I have unlimited access to perfect order, love, and a calm body, mind, and spirit. My choices precipitate my feelings, so today I decided again to put myself and my list of tasks into His hands, and trust Him to guide my actions and inform my thought life. No stress, only order.

Again and again, He teaches me how to interpret my day, and to call my time into alignment with the intentions of heaven. As I do this repeatedly, I learn that this is the safest way to attack my life with gusto. In the peaceful space around the work, He lifts my mind and breathes into my body so that I have the energy and wearwithall to overcome and withstand. He gives me wisdom that isn’t mine, and I want to do better, without feeling unworthy.

I’m choosing to be grateful again for every blessing and every detail. Hot water, safe housing, power, family, health, the time and space to think and process. There are so many places, everywhere, that are struggling with troubles I can’t even name. Within my neighbourhood there are horrors beyond my comprehension. I am blessed, and I want to want to help where I’m able, from a place of deep appreciation. I am desperate to access the deep wells of compassion and heavenly strategy that are within my reach.

God, help me to see. Highlight and underline the people and places that need whatever I’ve got, please. Open my understanding and my empathy so that I can be like You wherever I go. Help me to get beyond myself. It’s so easy to be okay where I am. I need to be nudged out of comfort zones that I’ve known all my life, and this is such a scary and uncomfortable ask, God. I want to be strong enough to see what and how You see. Show me how to help, Jesus. Give me the words to create rescue and healing, as I partner with You to usher in a new way of being, here in this place that You decided I should be. Please refresh my hope and my faith in Your ability to unleash heaven where all that’s visible is futility. I open myself to Your ways of communicating and extending abundance and blessing, Jesus. You are so smart, and so kind. You ache to dispense restoration, so help the ones who know You to know what to do, please. Thank You for this city, and for everyone who lives here. Thank You for each neighbourhood, each family, each business and home. Thank You that You’re here, and You’re attentive to every need and desire. Please open the eyes of our hearts, to receive the Real You today.

I feel full of words and worship, but so empty of real love. I want to experience the ways that You love, Jesus. Please help me. Fill me with the love that You have for Jesus, God. I open up to a total shift inside of me. Please inspire me to be zealous for real change. Pour out Your love and presence over and into this city and every person in it. Release us from fear and striving. Help all of us to see one another rightly, and to see You when we look at one another. Compel us to clothe You, feed You, and stop to talk to You. Let heaven be tangible here, God, and restore all. It’s a tall order, but I feel like You love that stuff. I choose change. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 22, 2022

I just had to take a minute to talk myself out of yelling at loud roofers to can it so that I can sit spiritually and write some prayer for y'all. I'm getting better at self control, I promise! Less yelling and reacting, more communicating and taking the time I need in order to see others the way Jesus does, and to speak confidently and kindly, rather than flying off the handle because I'm being inconvenienced (or think that I am.). It makes me laugh that my perception of myself is one of calm serene spirituality...until I 'need' to absolutely go off on someone for some sort of infraction. It's getting much, much better, the more I build my habit of connection and desire. At the end of everything I know, I want to feel like I at least tried to be loving. I want to know what the expression of real love is. To be gentle, but unyielding, peaceful and passionate, strong and protective, with a burning heart that wants better for everyone. So, while Sia doesn't need dollar bills to have fun tonight, I'm gonna just be okay with three guys who are doing a boring job in the intense heat.

God, please bless those workers across the street with endurance, self control, peace and health. Keep them safe and protected, Jesus, and bless them with the desires of their hearts. Encounter each of them in the specific ways that would impact them and bring them into Your presence. Thank You for their stamina and their humor. Forgive me for that old need to control my environment that I still struggle with please. It's okay. Please continue to teach me, Holy Spirit, to be patient and calm. I reject instant freak out, and I'm grateful for all the healing that's gone on inside of me. Keep working please, and take up more space, God. Thank You for the privilege of continuing to be able to grow and mature. I will be more like You, Jesus. I will see with Your eyes, and speak, touch and move like You. Please lavish those roofers with Your goodness right now, and provide them with everything they need, in Your Name, Amen.

July 21, 2022

God, today I'm choosing transformation. I allow You to reorganize my mind, and energize my spirit. I welcome Your protection, and acknowledge that it takes many forms. Your Blood enrobes me, Your creatures surround me, Your sound and presence fill me with power and positivity. The spirit life that flourishes around and within me is massive and abundant. My environment is beautiful because You're here with me. No matter what my world looks like, no matter the chaos, You're accessible and able to help me to pray with clarity and hope. I apply Your Blood to the world, and anticipate that You're going to move today, everywhere. I choose to see with Your eagle eyes today, Jesus. Your vision is good and kind. You are pure, radiant Justice, so I call You into every scenario of pain and violence. Come and do what only You can do, please. I preemptively thank You for Your miraculous intervention.

Please protect, bless, and prosper my kids and my partner today, God. Cover them with glory and goodness. Activate their hearts, spirits, and minds today, and remind them who You are for each one. Rebuild any broken connections, please Jesus. Radiate Your hope and light within them. Wake any parts of them that are sleeping, and hand feed them the ability to discern and inhabit their stories with authority and momentum. I plead the Blood over every one of their footsteps and decisions today. I call down the hosts of heaven into their lives today, let them see Your favor and blessings, God. Thank You for each one of my kids. Please inform their ability to express gratitude to You for the air that they breathe today.

God, thank You for my life, my work, home, mind, body, face, spirit and abilities. Thank You for the gift of being able to say 'thank You'. Help all of us to see the myriad of ways that we're cared for, loved and valued right now. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

July 20, 2022

I’m taking some time to revisit my wild journey of healing and appreciation for my body and being so that I can share it with some women this week. It’s funny that for years, I steered clear of the Song of Songs in the Bible, because of my intense disdain for all things flowery and romantic. Wow, was that ever dumb. What a wild picture of the intensity and abandoned love of Jesus. The visuals and symbolism are clear; He’s obsessed with me and focused on filling me with freedom. He wants the beauty that He meticulously placed within my being to radiate out of me and impact my environment, free of cultural restraint and/or prevailing fashion! It’s such a liberator, this book. He calls my interior a ‘beautiful paradise’, and promises to breathe over and into me in order to awaken what lives inside. He begs me to open my heart to Him, and puts Himself into a posture of vulnerability from a place of deepest Love. Jesus redefines beauty and reestablishes what it’s actually supposed to be: diversity, identity, and true, radical freedom to love and be loved.

Jesus, thank You for Your words of constant affirmation. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; my season of shame is over! My boring garden pests of self-hatred, fear, hopelessness, or feelings of being overlooked or flawed are burned away, and the result is a healed perception of myself…the real me. The me that gets to keep on growing, and being, and learning, forever. You are the gift of Clarity, Jesus. My body is NOT an apology or a problem! My face isn’t the be-all and end all of my existence! Aging isn’t a sin! You made me perfectly, and You can’t tear Your eyes off of me. I’m fascinating to You…my thoughts, ideas, plans, and ways of being keep You tuning in. Any of my perceived flaws are reminders of Your tremendous grace, eternal hope, and my future of wholeness, whatever that looks like! You hold nothing back in Your ability to continually create a healthier me, as long as I let You. I choose today to open up my heart, mind, and spirit to You, because You keep showing up with more peace and freedom. You never disappoint, and You’re never disappointed in me. I choose to forgive anyone whose ever made me feel ugly or less than, and I release them from my anger and frustration, in Your Name. I can see now that it came from their own places of wounding or desire. I love You so much God, and I’m so grateful for the trip we’ve been on together. I want to go further, higher and deeper with You, so that I can experience more of Your delight and Your goodness. Thank You. Amen.

July 19, 2022

Today is the birthday of a person who was instrumental in bringing me back to life after a particularly difficult season. A chapter I thought would live on and flourish had ended abruptly, and one spiritual sister, mentor, and best friend had left for new adventures in the natural, while another had flown away pretty suddenly and traumatically to be with the Lord. It was all so sudden, shocking and awful. I felt crazy inertia and was left holding a seemingly blank book. Everyone was dazed and confused.

Enter B. She came in sideways with a Lightness and depth that I didn’t know I needed. We fell hard and fast into a friendship that helped me to carry on with my life. She held out her hand as His hand, and guided me up and onto a new and different path. That’s how He works, we think we’re going one way smoothly, and things turn upside down. It seems chaotic, but He’s in every detail, including the people He’s selected from time immemorial to nudge us into places we didn’t know existed for us. This pal partnered with me to be a herder of Hope, and a community builder. To create the spiritual infrastructure that had been waiting in the wings for us to collaborate alongside the Master Creator. She and her partner are radically humble, eminently present and reliable, and never fail to lift me and cheer me on. They represent a facet of Jesus Himself to me.

Friendship is a miracle. The echo of His humor, support, and wisdom. My B is my Jedi Master, trustworthy teacher, and safe harbor of wild silliness. I’m encouraged to be forever myself with her. We laugh, cry, get stupid, and pray for and with one another, and it’s just the best. Where had she been all my life? Waiting to be revealed at precisely the right time, by a Father who knew precisely what and who I needed at a time of deep confusion.

God, thank You for my beautiful friend, who reminded me of the incredible, sometimes unbearable Lightness of being! Thank You for Your choreography, and Your kindness. Thank You that You reserve people for the exact right moment in time, and You highlight and unveil the perfect pals for us. Thank You for her outrageous, tenacious, wild sistering and her ability to push me higher. Thank You for her intelligence, humor, and freedom. It’s nuts that we all carry Your character in different ways, and B makes me more curious about who You are. She is a conduit of Your Spirit that informs the atmosphere, and I’m forever grateful for Your introduction. Please bless her with MORE today, God. Fill her with the information about Your creation that she craves! Teach her and lead her deeper into Your wide, expansive places of Peace, and continue to fill her mouth with the melodies and strategies of heaven. Show her even more about the connections that happen second by second between the natural and the supernatural. I am amazed by You through her. Bless, prosper, and shower her with Your goodness and friendship again today. Thank You for giving her to me. Amen.

July 18, 2022

“Since you call on Him as your Heavenly Father, the impartial Judge who judges according to each one’s works, live each day with holy awe and reverence throughout your time on earth. For you know that your lives were ransomed once and for all from the empty and futile way of life handed down from generation to generation. It wasn’t a ransom of silver and gold, which eventually perishes, but the precious Blood of Jesus-who like a spotless, unblemished lamb was sacrificed for us.” 1 Peter 1:17-19

God, I position myself before You in respect and wonder. The simplicity and mystery of my salvation is enough for me. You are focused on me, and on the entire world, simultaneously. The resounding ‘holy, holy, holy’s’ of the Throne Room are in response to the impossible to count acts of justice, mercy and compassion that You commit every fraction of a second. You’re constantly working everywhere to sustain and create LIFE. Your unfathomable love and desperate desire for our friendship and attention keep You riveted to us constantly. I choose to let Your clear eyes guide my life. You are pure and living water, Jesus. You are the sound of the air and the Light of the World. You are heartbeat, breathe, survival, sunrise and sunset. You are mine. I choose holy awe and appreciation for Your crazy sacrifice, Jesus. You took all trauma, pain and brutality, and allowed it to overcome You for a time, so that we could be together, whole and healthy, at the beginning of Everything. I love You, help me to feel Your love on another level today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 17, 2022

God, thank You for being my energetic and eternal Hope. I place my tiny flame of hope inside of You, Jesus, in order for You to breathe onto and into it, and then return it to me as a constantly burning reminder of Your promise of goodness and Your perfect and unchanging plans for my life. I firmly hold onto the expectation of the restoration of all, and I believe that You will make all things completely new.

You love when I put my expectation, trust, and dreams in Your hands. I agree with whatever it is You've got for me to do. I refuse to flag under any inertia or stagnation, and I choose the forward momentum of Jesus. I anticipate the work of my Triumphant Hope.

I believe in and call forth the plans and purposes of my children, God. Remind them of the joy and satisfaction of their salvation, and surround them with Your peace. You're the provider of simultaneous adventure and tranquility. Please cause them to live every day in awe of You, with abundant gratitude and appreciation for everything that's theirs. Give them the zeal to shape their lives after Yours, Jesus, however that looks for each of them individually.

You are God, always and no matter what. You're my strong Father, and I trust You with every chapter of my life, and the lives of my loved ones. Cover and protect them, Jesus, and hand deliver a revelation of You today that they've never experienced before. In Your Name. Amen.

July 16, 2022

“The people were absolutely beside themselves and astonished beyond measure. And they began to declare, “Everything He does is wonderful! He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak!”’ Mark 7:37

Jesus, are constantly opening our eyes and ears. You fill our mouths and heal our minds. You spoke to this guys’ ears and tongue to ‘open up now!’, so I claim the same for my mind, body and spirit. Open up and receive the truth about how/why and for Whom you were made!

The parts that still tend to dismay me make Him happy because He’s made and placed them with excitement and high level design. It’s my honor to learn how to see and appreciate them rightly. God, I’m deciding to step outside of culture, prevailing fashion, and the gaze and judgement of others, and say a resounding and faithful ‘Thank You’ and ‘I agree’. I am made by a dedicated and talented Craftsman, for whom the word ‘mistake’ doesn’t ever apply. I’m so much more than the components that I’m able to see and feel. I go beyond what I perceive make me Me. I give the dreams and thoughts of God for me permission to inform my choices and vision today. I am free of criticism and hate for His creation, and that includes my body and my being. I don’t want to miss any opportunity for You to lead my life, Jesus.

I reject self scrutiny and focus. I will age with gratitude and abundant joy in the process. I am beloved, important, beautiful and interesting to You, and that is enough. I pray a revelation of this for everyone who wants it, in Jesus’ Name. Freedom, and utter unshackling of every chain that’s bound us in distraction and fear because of what we see as ‘flaws’. We are fearfully, wonderfully, intricately made, and You call us Your children. Give us Your eyes for one another, God, in brand new ways today. Your ways of seeing are so much higher and more merciful than we know. I choose You again today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Today I'm choosing to value my body and my mind with Spirit-led decisions about nourishment. I'm letting You be the One who guides me into ways of living that build my stamina, self-image, and sense of value and worth. I choose to set an example of honor and satisfaction for my kids today, God. I will celebrate and feed myself with freedom and joy, and I refuse to be buffeted by lies about my face or my body. I am beautiful and strong. Facts. I am clever and confident, able and eager to walk into and inhabit my day, whatever comes down the pipe. I surround myself with Your goodness and ways of looking at me with total, unbridled love, that's then able to radiate out of me. Thank You for waking me up. Amen.

July 15, 2022

“Your future is bright and filled with a living hope that will not fade away.” Proverbs 23:18

My past, present, and future are surrounded, uplifted and informed by, and packed to bursting with more goodness and promise than I can comprehend. It doesn’t matter what my eyes see or what my brain tells me, the truth is that I have impact and value. My life is meaningful and full of the expectation of radiant hope. One day, every detail and every pain and hurdle will fall into place and make perfect sense. My story carries weight in this world, and I’m giving You, Jesus, my comprehension and ability to discern what I experience, in order for You to bring order and wisdom to the narrative of my day. Please give me more ability to hear Your perspective and see the way You see today. I declare radical calm and peace into and over myself, my family, and my city today, in Your Name. I declare a flourishing, abundant, miraculous release from any and all futility and despair, right now, with the authority of Jesus of Nazareth. Be alive, in His Name, and step out of a mindset of sickness and sadness. The life and mind of Jesus are accessible in real-time, and will launch us out of the pit of unhealthy desperation into a lifetime of wonder and curiosity that builds faith and understanding! The lungs of the world aren’t working at full capacity, so come and fill all with the breath of God, Holy Spirit! Release Your living Hope today in new and incredible ways. Be visible to everyone, God. Open our beings up to see what’s right in front of us…nature is talking all the time about how detailed and abundant You are. Our systems and abilities, however tiny or weak, reveal a God who creates and revives. I declare a new angle will be taken today! Our vision WILL shift, and the Real You will come into focus. I believe it. You’re real and present, and any stupid lies that whisper ‘what kind of god…?’ will be SILENT, in Jesus’ Name. You will fill the silence and the void with Your creative voice that thunders and speaks through the tiniest detail of a day will be heard. Your sound is everywhere, we just have to take a beat and allow You to communicate, so I declare a holy pause, into and around every person on this planet, in which You can break through the religious rhetoric, the lies, the busyness and the pain and victimization of ALL, today, in Jesus’ Powerful, Loving, All Consuming Name. Amen.

July 14, 2022

“I leave the gift of peace with you-My peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts-instead be courageous!” John 14:27

The internet is certainly attempting to rob me of my peace today, that’s for freaking sure. But I guess if that’s the full extent of my life’s problems right now, I’m doing pretty well. It’s so easy to get wall kicky and infuriated because I’m trying to write about peace, while at the same time, I’m being thwarted by my own website! Lolz. Life is so unfaaair! It’s moments like these that make you sit back and examine exactly where your head is at. my peace is so easily threatened when things don’t go precisely the way I think they should. The truth of the matter is that I’m instructed not to allow my circumstances to dictate my level of calm. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around me, I host the Prince of Peace in my interior ecosystem. So there’s that.

First of all, God, thank You for that very unfunny reminder that You are my peace, and I’m not to let any struggle or frustration jeopardize it. I am a vessel of peace and confidence. I am in the middle of an absolutely warless state…as a warrior who stands strong against the enemy of the peace of the world. My war is already won, the thief of my life utterly vanquished, even though sometimes it feels and looks like all hell is breaking loose. My peace is secure and unassailable, even though I need to always be reminded of that. I choose to be undeterred by danger, pain, or threat. I declare that I am valiant, intrepid, and dauntless, because of the One who surrounds me and suffuses my life and my being with PEACE and security. Thank You for the miracle of peace, Jesus. Today I declare that everyone reading this prayer feels deeper levels of peace, new and surprising calm, and an encounter with the activity and serenity of heaven, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 13, 2022

Oh man, I’m excited today! One of my very best pals, who moved out East around six years ago is coming over this aft. If it hadn’t been for her firm belief that I WAS, in fact, a person of prayer and a leader, who knows if I’d have been launched onto the trajectory that was to become a focal point of my life. This person is a sister to me and has had just the most difficult years of her life go down. She’s a fierce, loyal, and tenacious person in the Spirit and in the here and now, and I couldn’t be more proud of her, or more stoked to wrap my arms around her and laugh until I barf this afternoon.

God, G is a testament to Your faithful presence even during the darkest, dirtiest crapstorms of our lives. You patiently listen to our rage, and You understand our wordless sorrows. Your very Being allows us to continue to move through our lives, even when we lose people who were our right hands and our most avid cheerleaders and friends. Thank You for being patient, God, and for guiding all of us up and out of the pits that we find ourselves in, the deep wells of grief that You don’t rush us from, but sit calmly and with unbearable compassion flowing out of Your heart. You’ve felt it all, in Your body, mind, and spirit, so nothing is too ugly for You to understand.

Thank You for my beautiful friend, and for the authority that she earned in spades with her loyalty to You, even during her darkest hours. Thank You that there’s always, always Light to be found in the denouement. Thank You for reunions that break our hearts with their depth, and the things that can’t be said, but communicate through just holding each other, heart to heart. I’m crying just thinking about seeing her…what does that say about Your anticipation to be literally holding us close at the end and beginning of all things, Jesus? Your body must be aching for it!

I’m feeling so explosively happy to be seeing her, talking face to face and being able to touch her and for our eyes to say the things that we can’t… it’s really all of a sudden hitting me that You do feel like this all the time, for all people. I don’t want to withhold myself from You, Jesus. I want You to feel satisfied in our relationship, and to be able to give You that friend time that You crave. I get it, just a little bit, today.

We’re friends, You and me. I’m going to make sure to maintain my end of our relationship better, God, as a result of how I’m feeling about seeing G today. Thank You for Your unending patience for the people You created in order to love and be loved. I receive the simplicity of that today, in Your Name. Amen.

July 12, 2022

For years, even as a believer, it would frustrate me to no end when I’d hear people say things like ‘God says/is saying…’. I’d think ‘WHAT?! How do you even know??’. My annoyance and jealousy propelled me to go after whatever it was that others seemed to be able to hear/see/feel…After even more years of cultivating the ability to hear and perceive Him for myself, it’s still a crazy, unbelievable miracle that the Creator communicates. All it took was time. I needed to take a minute, dial down, and believe that God was a person who wanted to talk, open to a specific way or ways for us to speak back and forth, and we were in business! He is never silent, I just didn’t know how to listen. When I relax and ask ‘how should I pray? or ‘what are You saying right now?’ and then just give Him air time, I begin to receive impressions, words, ideas, sudden reminders, and very vivid images. Things get ‘dropped’ into my mind, seemingly out of nowhere, but they apply to whatever it is I’m speaking to Him about, or things He wants me to pay attention to. Sometimes it’s what may seem coincidental, an advertisement that echoes precisely what He told me hours prior. I think sometimes we just can’t even imagine that our Divine Source is obsessed with simple chats. He loves having friends.

Here’s what I think my work as a human being is: to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, to be awake to His love and His voice, to build my curiosity in and about Him through time spent with Him, and to continually place myself in a posture of alertness at rest.

I want the confidence, vigilance, ferocity, and gentleness that I know You embody, Jesus. I understand that You feed my identity and reveal more to me every day when I simply ask You to. I want an even more seamless connection with You, and I refuse to compartmentalize You, or attempt to keep You apart somehow from my ‘regular life’. There is no sacred versus the profane with You. The heavenly and the ordinary are all Yours. My life is my life, and You’re here with me regardless of what choices I’ve made throughout my day. I want to parent the way that You do, see myself the way that You do, and value and uphold my tiny corner of planet earth that is modeled after the ways that You do. I put myself in Your capable hands again, God. I bring my kids and my partner before You and ask that You saturate them with blessings, and with Your beautiful Spirit. Relieve any stress or fear, in Jesus’ Name. Open our senses to You, Holy One. We love You. Help us to love You more. Amen.

July 11, 2022

“I am the Gateway. To enter through Me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. A thief has only one thing in mind; to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I’ve come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect-life in its fullness until you overflow!” John 10:9-10

Jesus, today I want to experience more of Your love and affection. I’m focusing on You right now, and all of the beautiful Light and freedom that You embody. You are the One who sets me up for success, even when I can’t see or feel it. Being attached to You insures my eternal life and my daily experience. Whatever comes my way, I can deal, because You’re with me.

Today I remember whose and who I am. I hold Your authority within me. You’ve given me the authority and power in the spirit realm to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. Everything forged against me MUST submit to Your Being and confidence. I’m giving You the reins of my life, and am acknowledging that You made me to be spirit, mind, and body. Please integrate and align me today to stand under and inside of Your safe column of profound Goodness. I’m putting my family in there as well and trusting You with each of them again. I choose the satisfaction of Jesus for my time and my thoughts today, God. I am fulfilled and gratified as a result of hosting Your spirit inside of me. My ideas, imagination, and inspiration flow from the throne of Life. You are pure water. You are my Trailblazer and my great Confidence. I’m walking through the Gateway that’s You all over again this morning and I’m asking that You speak to me about my worth and my value today, so that I’m capable of seeing those qualities in everyone I come into contact with. We are all made in Your image, so I’m choosing to notice You. I welcome the overflow, in Jesus’ Name! I declare fullness of Life, in me, my family, and my world. Where You are, darkness fails to exist. You take up ALL of the space, Jesus. Please open me up to deeper realms of communication with You all day today.

Please surround my loved ones with Your tangible presence and show them how much You care about every detail of their lives. Send Your solutions and strategies directly from the Sanctuary today, God. They are in Your capable hands. I’m declaring and asking all of this in Jesus’ powerful Name. Amen.

July 10, 2022

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.” Zephaniah 3:17

God, the gift of faith that You gave to me immersed me in Your presence and protection. Now I’m completely covered in Your life. You’re literally here with me and You’re happy to be mine. Your songs and movement reinvigorate me constantly, and I have access to Your Joy. Your emotions are the embodiment of Your well-being; Your bliss, freedom, and constant celebration are a mystery and a puzzle since You also see the worst of the worst of human behavior. You never look away, and Your delight is warfare against desolation. When I connect to Your feelings, it’s impossible to feel hopeless. The onus is on me to choose the ways that I’m going to feel, so I attach myself to Your mind and Your exultation today. I choose to notice and be aware of my surroundings, which encompass more realms and activity than I can comprehend. I shake off any doubt, anxious thoughts, or fears, and I receive Your well-being, in the Name of Your Son. You turn shame into praise, and downheartedness into rejoicing because of who You are. I am Yours and You are mine. I will make time for You today, and choose to fill my thoughts with the many ways that You’re so good to me.

I thank You again today for the ways in which You made me. Thank You for the journey of releasing pain and trauma that You’ve set me on. Please make me brave and valiant, so that I can face all past and pain. It belongs to You alone. You’ve placed every tear I’ve ever cried in a specific place and they mean something to You. You restore my spirit and my mind daily and I’m transformed always by Your grace and kindness toward me. Thank You for my body, every part of it. Thank You for the ability to feel pleasure and connection. Help me to access more healing and openness today, Jesus. Please be reminding me to direct Your Spirit into and over my kids. I’m so grateful to You for each one of them. Restore joy unspeakable and full of glory to them where and however they need it, God. Speak to them about how integral and valued they are to and by You. You are for us all, never against us. Your wild triumph is inconceivable, but please allow us to taste Your wholeness again today on new levels.

Thank You for every privilege, every safeguard, every bit of favor and blessing that comes our way, always, Jesus. You are so reliable and present. Your ability to make everything better is so miraculous, so thank You. In Your Name I pray for all of this, for all of us. Amen.

July 9, 2022

My prayer on June 28th was for a pal of mine who was dealing with all kinds of attacks on her joy. Today she’s getting married, and all of the snafus and roadblocks have come to the happiest and most serendipitous of conclusions. Of course. She focused on inviting the solutions of God, no matter what they looked like, and has been amazed by His kindness towards her.

God, thank You so much for Your faithfulness and Your sweetness. You are so reliable and so invested in our celebrations and time markers. I’m so grateful to You for redeeming my buddies’ day. Your favor has been obvious. You teach us over and over again that attempting to wrestle control from You never works. You’ve got it all in the bag! I’m applying the same faith and reliance that my friend had no choice but to rely on, to the inside of me and mine right now. All outcomes are Yours, in Jesus’ Name. Be free to organize and arrange my life so that Your presence shines brightly and irrefutably. I’m aiming this favor at and into my kids and my partner, God. You’re the ultimate Master of Reality (if you know you know…lol). Come and continue to do what only You can do in terms of ironing out wrinkles and unsnarling the knots and snags of our daily living. Thank You for rescuing something that appeared to be sinking. You are the Hero of the hour today and every day. I love You. Amen.

July 8, 2022

Jesus, You speak and share about the highest realm of reality. We have zero clue about the degrees of beauty and splendor that are ready and waiting for us. Worlds without any vestige of pain, sickness, or striving. Pure learning, doing, and togetherness; forever. Travel, exploration, artistry, and celebration are ours. I try a lot to imagine colors I’ve never seen, but it’s impossible. Think about having to explain the color blue to someone who’s never been able to see it. We can’t conceive of a place where everything is new, safe, and meaningful. I know in the core of my being that a place where I’m the best me and will be able to experiment, try, and become without any limits, is ready and waiting for me. I want to connect with that place in the here and now, and Jesus You say that the kingdom of heaven is available to experience as a result of connecting intimately with You. That my being can be flooded with as much as I’m able to stand, I just have to commit. Today I want to experience more heaven here on earth, so that’s what I’m asking for. In every facet of my life today, I’m welcoming Your presence and Your kingdom. Heaven, invade earth in more tangible ways today, in Jesus’ Name. I open my being to the peace, inspiration, and ingenuity of Your being, God. Holy Spirit, surround and infuse me with new levels of strength, power, vision, and insight, please. Give me Your eyes, Jesus, for the place I live and the people around me. Help me to partner with You to release nature from futility and destruction with my words and my actions. Be free, flourish, be abundant and alive in a new realm today, in the Name of Jesus! Please inspire people who are flagging under the heaviness of negativity and disappointment with a flood of heavenly possibility today, God. We have the ability to connect with our surroundings and impact the air that we breathe! Be well, be clean, be new, in Your Name. Thank You for giving us the power to change the places we inhabit through simple relationship and conversations. Lift our spirits, Jesus, and revitalize our hope. Overwhelm our beings with the expectation of the restoration of all things! You are real, mysterious, accessible, and loving. Thank You for today. Amen.

July 7, 2022

Often, I struggle with whether what I do from day to day is ‘meaningful’ or not. Is my life impactful or significant? Particularly since I dont earn cash to do what I do, it can feel very hollow and little. I do a ton, but it isn’t monetized, and as a result, if I’m not vigilant, this can make me feel like a burden. Being still and choosing to step outside of that worldly rat race-y mindset is required.

Jesus, You say that everything I do matters because I’m basically doing it unto You. When I take time to hear my family, feed them, and maintain a healthy and welcoming place for them to land, it’s a big deal in Your eyes. When my buddies and I create safe, edifying spaces for kids, You are celebrating and valuing us.

When I do the work to get above and beyond myself and move into heartfelt service on behalf of other people, You couldn’t care less that I do it for free. In fact, it’s an offering to You from the place You carefully set me in. Others would probably love to be able to move throughout their respective days just focusing on nurturing and creating. It’s a total privilege that I need to be abundantly thankful for! So THANK YOU for the outrageous opportunity to allow the quotidian to transform into golden meaning. Thank You for a chance to be home base, a quiet ear, the hands and voice of Jesus. It’s a gift to be able to step back and examine my intentions and my position. I redirect my gaze today again to take You in and align my incentives and purpose with Yours. My objective is to embody You here where You carefully set me.

I release striving and a hollow definition of worth today, in Jesus’ Name. I am important and relevant because You say that I am, God. I will do all things for You today and I choose to see You in all people, no matter what. (That seems almost like a scary challenge…)

I am loved, valued, and enough today. What I do matters. You care about my actions and my heart position, so I place my heart, mind, and spirit next to Yours right now, in Your Name. Amen.

July 6, 2022

Over coffee, this morning, my partner and I were sitting back and marveling at our kids. How can they be so themselves, so authentic, and so loving? Their confidence and honesty are breathtaking to us. They have always been so present and so communicative. We were just feeling in awe about the many impossible-to-predict paths they’re taking and their creative ways of living and doing their lives. Their relationships with God are just facts. They converse, trust, and share with and in Him in a comfortable and easy way. How did this happen!? What did we do/not do? We certainly can’t take the credit, that’s God, man. My partner posited that we had always tried to be as confident and loving as Jesus towards them. We tried to model His chill and His compassion. When I say ‘tried’, that means that quite often we failed. We failed hard and a lot. But I think that teaching our littles to feel mercy towards us and extend forgiveness when we screwed up, was a pivotal piece of the equation. Authentically, honestly, kindly modeling a God whose major reason for being is to LOVE has reaped tremendous parenting rewards. No acting, no performative talking over their heads to others, no shaming, and no fakery. Choosing to switch off the ‘what will the neighbors think?’ switch was crucial to our being able to build lasting and solid friendships with each one of our kids. I want to be as assertive and self-assured as Jesus, and as approachable and trustworthy. I want my Love to be what goes down in history.

Jesus, thank You for being the King of Boundaries. Your confidence and overarching Love and oversight are legendary! I’m watching You, and I’m still eager to learn everything You have to teach me about how to value and honor people. Thank You for the privilege of parenting the kids You assigned to us. They are so special and awesome. Thank You for the intricate and intelligent ways that You created them to be so individual and so wild. Thank You for the friendships they have with one another…it’s an honor to be able to see them. Please continue to speak with them and guide them in the ways that You do. Help them, even more, today to see You in everything and everyone. Give them new levels of mercy and compassion, and help them to see themselves correctly all day today. Show them how You see them, Jesus, in order to further free them from any stress or striving. Speak to them about the fact that they are Your Art. They are so full of liberty and fire already, in so many different ways, so please be communicating with them about their identities and purposes even more and in even more interesting and creative ways, God. I refuse to fear on their behalves. I know and believe, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that they have what it takes as overcomers and champions of this age because You are detail-oriented and intentional about how, when, and where You place us in the story of humanity. They’re here now because they have loving, ferocious, and strong DNA. Bless and prosper them in their spirits and in the natural today please, Jesus, and fill them again with Your revitalizing Spirit that saturates all of us with strength, joy, peace, and hope. Every good, perfect, sensible, and wonderful gift comes directly from Your hand, and I declare Your favor again over each of my kids today. Thank You for them. They are a treasure…but You know that already! I declare all of this into reality today, with and in the authority and satisfaction of Jesus’ Name. Amen.

July 5, 2022

I am thankful for today, and I open my being up to the joy of the Lord as my mindset and my strength. I choose physical, mental, and spiritual vitality and health. I will nourish myself with the choices You put before me, God, in all things. Please help me to recognize all of Your gifts and identity in the natural world so that the mysteries and reality of the spiritual realm will be continually unveiled before me. Your breath is our breath. Your focus keeps the symbiosis of flora and fauna operating. Your hand stabilizes our planet and we still miss it, over and over. Please remind me all day today to see You at work and to celebrate Your faithfulness and presence. Thank You for all of the activity that’s going on inside of my body right now, and thank You for the spiritual realm that is busy around me. I align my mind with Yours, Jesus, so that my surroundings are healthy and beautiful. I reject rejection, bitterness, anger, and misunderstanding, in Your Name. Only the flourishing, strong, fresh and expansive presence of heaven is allowed to impact my ecosystem. I declare all of this for my kids. You are so faithful to them, I can see the favor of God informing their lives daily, no matter what. Please continue to illuminate their decisions and steps. Help them to interpret their journies with wisdom and pleasure. Give them what they need to navigate the tough stuff, God. I declare the mind of Christ for each of them right now. I speak health and wholeness into their brains, bodies, and spirits. Be released from any feelings of futility or hopelessness through the power and deep love of Jesus of Nazareth. Call our minds to a higher place, God. Clean our thoughts so that they can perceive You and remain attached to You. Open us up to the beauty realm of heaven, and amaze us with what’s possible and accessible. Create a perimeter of safety and creativity through the power of the Blood. I trust You with everything again today, God. Thank You for abundant life and overwhelming blessings. Amen.

July 4, 2022

“God will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to do what pleases Him.” Philippians 2:13

Today I’m spending ten hours at an amusement park with teenagers, and I’m pretty pumped about it. I’ll be relying on my faithful energy ATM, Jesus, for the power to move with abandon and joy into my day and wring every bit of fun out of it. God, You never get tired, You never flag or run out of steam. I’m relying on You to keep me full of vigor and enjoyment. I love these kids, and You’re going to be enjoying their fun all day. Please keep me full of what I need, give me peace and stamina so I can be alongside them, and surround us with angels, hosts, creatures, power, and protection all day, God. I preemptively cover all of us with the Blood, and ask that intergenerational relationships become deeper and more effortless as a result of the time we’re spending together. Trust, friendship, conversation, and enjoyment, flow today, in Jesus’ Name. No more separation or hiding. No more hierarchy or awkwardness. Just fellow people. Thanks for teenagers, God. Please build Your kingdom today with all of us. I’m choosing to see this people group rightly, as You do. Amen.

July 3, 2022

“A fountain of Life was in Him, for His life is light for all humanity. And this Light never fails to shine through darkness-Light that darkness could not overcome.” John 1:4-5

Jesus, You are an unexplainable pure Light. The light that exists in You is available for me. You are the fountain of refreshing that never stops flowing, and nothing exists apart from You. Where You are, darkness is canceled, null and void. Light of the World, come and overtake me right now, fill me with hope and enthusiasm for my life and my people. Please compel me to feel the way that You do about my surroundings and the individuals I come into contact with, Jesus. I’m asking for that same zeal to point the way to You with gentleness and compassion, tailor-made for each of Your precious ones, that You gave Your cousin. Open the eyes of the world to an awareness of You in really new and different ways today, God. You are the eternal Upholder, the constant and only One able to pave the road of my life with beauty and meaning. Thank You for new levels of gratitude and understanding, God, so that when things seem to go sideways, I’m able to perceive Your hand and presence. I’m asking that each of my cells be open to an infilling of thankfulness and worship so that I become radiant with Your life. Let my mind be even more open to Your wisdom and ways in order to make sense of everything I see. Help me to marvel, Jesus, at the smallest facets of creation, and let me take good things from every interaction and experience. I want to keep delving, seeking, and turning things over in order to see Your mysteries and treasures. It’s beautiful that we don’t have to exist in sameness. What a lie that is! We’re all so crazily and individually crafted to illustrate how wild You are. Help me to rise above perceived ‘flaws’ and see myself the way that You do. All of my parts are pleasing to You, God. I choose honor and gratitude for every bit of me, inside and out. I opt out of criticism and self-hatred again. I choose to value myself and be open to new levels of love and approval so that I’m free to move through life unfettered by self-focus. I am fearfully, wonderfully made with purpose and intentionality. Far be it from me to complain about the ways You decided I should look, think and operate. Clean my thoughts, my lens, my decisions, God.

I give You so much thanks for my life, Jesus. I’m blessed beyond measure in ways I can’t even conceive of. Thank You for shepherding my kids through their respective journies. Please protect and hedge them in above, below, and behind, and continue to trailblaze a path for each one of them. Fill them with Your Spirit and revive them wherever they need it, Jesus. Give them Your zeal for their lives and let them be free of striving and stress today, in Your Name. Amen.

July 2, 2022

I have been anointed with fresh oil; fruitfulness, strength, productivity, cleansing, rejoicing, light, perseverance, encouragement, positivity, and incentive to request, over and over again, the mind of Jesus. God, please impact me with even more appreciation for the massive privilege of being able to align my mind with Your Son’s. I want to be so close to You that our systems are in synch. Help me to always aim for Your vision and Your feelings. Thank You for the ability to push back against religious homogeneity, and to step out from the safety of sameness. We’re all so wildly different, please help me never be scared of anyone I don’t understand. Please give me Your understanding, Jesus. I receive Your compassion and Your words for every moment. Thank You for the desire to peel back what appears to be ordinary in order to appreciate the mystery.

God, thank You for opening up tremendous possibilities and giving me hope for my future. Thank You that as I take tiny steps, You organize and arrange my life so that it all starts to make more sense. Being open to more love, in every way, ushers in more opportunities to release freedom and destiny, and I’m excited to see what You’re up to for me.

Thank You for the crazy dovetailing of healing and prophetic teaching, for clean vision, and for the confidence to share my story. Thank You for every bump in the road of my life that’s led me to where I am, please fill me with the courage to move out into a new season of vulnerability. I want to be a bridge to other sides. I’m open to whatever You want to do. Please impact me with the reality of how people are feeling about themselves, God. Continue to speak to me about how to help, please.

Thank You for painful memories that I’m able to draw on in order to sit with other people who have experienced self-hatred and confusion. Thank You for delivering me from self-focus and criticism. Thank You for using all of the junk that had me mired in awfulness, to highlight the wonder of freedom and peace.

Thank You for my being; my mind and my spirit. Thanks for my face, my body, hair, senses, and gifts. Thank You that I’m able to communicate and create things. Thank You for my family and every blessing that You’ve gifted to me. Please make me truly grateful, God. Please cover and protect my family, in Jesus's Name. I breathe in Your peace on their behalf right now. Amen.

July 1, 2022

“God, You’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge. You’re a proven help to me in times of trouble-more than enough and always available when I need You.”

“Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I Am God. I am God above the nations, and am exalted throughout the whole earth.” Psalm 46:1&10

God, no matter what’s happening in our lives, no matter what things look like, You are still in control. Regardless of what or how we see, Your wisdom is inscrutable and Your power is unparallelled. Once again, we give You honor and glory as the King and Ruler of all. Your ways are higher than our ways. We can’t possibly understand what You’re capable of on our behalf. We ask for help, we believe You’re able, and we get out of Your way. All fear, go. All anxiety, leave. We reject all of our small attempts to control or manipulate one another as a result of panic, in Jesus’ Name. We put all of our hope, destinies, and futures in Your hands again, God. You are our safety and our abundant Source of all blessings. When we ask for Your help, we choose to put ourselves into position to receive it. You are more than enough; overflowing, vibrant, life-changing aid. Thank You for being You and making it Your job to rescue us every single time we need it. We trust Your timing and Your strategies, whether we understand them or not. You are God and there is no other. You are secure and unshakeable. Your wonders are impossible to predict, and perfect in execution. You are the Mighty One, the Commander and Overseer of this world and beyond. Everything is in balance because of Your voice. We breathe, live, and move because of Your deep love and mercy. Come and help wherever needed, God, right now, in Your Son’s powerful Name. Amen.

June 30, 2022

“Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember the former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19

Yesterday called for a major transformation of my mind. Stepping outside of the moment and the feeling was key to being able to accept renewal and realignment from a God that aches for me to keep inviting Him to do new things and lift me to new levels of peace. Being alert to the constant possibility of brand new understanding and ways of experiencing Him is really mind-blowing. There’s always more to discover and apply.

Being able to jettison past garbage and hurt is a gift. The fact that it’s eternally erased is hard to wrap my brain around, simply because it’s stuff that’s hard for me to get past and forget. Thank You, God, for constant transformation and forgiveness. Thank You for the Blood of Jesus.

When I’m feeling uninspired or useless, You remind me that I’m a crucial component of the age that I’ve been placed in. You tell me that I haven’t even scratched the surface of my potential and purpose. You flood my mind with calm and order. You open up channels of positivity and desire for more of my own life. Thank You for giving me back my focus and my vitality. It’s all You, Jesus. You are the King of Life, and You never hold back, never sparingly dole out half measures. You’re lavish and full of fire. Your passion is limitless and it’s contagious. Thank You that I can take what You’ve done for me and apply and declare it for my family, God. Reawaken, reignite, reaffirm and remind my kids who they are because of who You are! Restore the utter joy and lightheartedness of their relationships with You in a brand new way today, Jesus. Shore up their faith in places they didn’t know they needed it, please. Strip away any lies or ugly residue that’s crept into their thought lives, Holy Spirit, and pour Your refreshing out all over them right now. You’re a cold, gigantic drink of clean water after days of dry wandering. You are pure Light that cleans and illuminates our interior environments. You are the One who lifts and empowers, Jesus. Thank You for Your constant friendship.

God, thank You for all of my parts. Thank You for giving me the kindness of Your eyes for me. Thank You for everything I’m able to do and everything I will do. I’m so grateful to You for speaking to me about my value and worth. Amen.

June 29, 2022

I woke up today feeling just awful. Like, deflated and empty. Thankfully, I’ve learned that when that goes down, the first place I’m to go is the Word. The miracle of the Presence was reinforced again as I was led to Psalms that reminded me that when feelings start to boss me around, the safest thing to wrap around myself is the prompts and promises of the One who writes my story and longs to enrobe my mind in the peace that surpasses all human understanding. Jesus, You are the Words that You speak, that morph and resonate and bring deliverance from all errant thoughts that speak inferiority and weakness. When discouragement is poised to overwhelm me, Your true poetry revives me and infuses me with the strength that You instruct me to TAKE from You. You’re made of strength and nothing of Yours is lost when I literally grab energy and power from Your Being! You’re the Regenerative Resource that is never exhausted. I have unlimited access to throne room health and the wholehearted Joy that is capable of coexisting with circumstances that seem, to the naked eye, to be a huge bummer. I clothe myself with Your radiant Hope and Light today, Jesus.

I exist in a personal, energizing relationship of unity with a miraculous, all-powerful, and uncreated Christ. I choose today to really listen to what’s true. God, please show me how to treasure and utilize my time wisely and to value Your instruction, even when it’s really uncomfortable. Thank You for paying attention and gently guiding me to where I need to be. Thank You for realigning my mind and my heart so that I’m in a perfect position to receive from You. Thank You for constant do-overs and for always catching my crazy falls. I’m deciding again today to assertively hold onto my Hope, and to expect Your goodness at every turn. I speak the soundness and solidity of God, the restoration and resuscitation to every place on earth today, even though that sounds crazy to say. Let Your presence be known in new and amazing ways right now, Holy Spirit, just when things look to be their most divisive and violent. Heaven is here. Please let us perceive it. Revival is so personal. Flood the dry places and light up the dark, Jesus. Deliver and rescue the ones who are in real danger today. Wake us up to the privilege of conversation with You, in Jesus’ Name. God, the same way You changed the format of my day, and the ways I was thinking about my life, do it for everyone, please! Change our ways of seeing, re-ignite zeal, and help us to usher in a new era of delight and honor. Help us to dial into Your frequency and help us to see Your kingdom come and Your will being done. Give us the flexibility and friendship of Jesus, please. Give us such a tremendous, passionate love for this planet that we’re compelled to partner with You to save it, prepare it, and call it out of futility and exhaustion. Awaken, enliven, invigorate and energize us today, Jesus! In Your Name, Amen.

June 28, 2022

“…now you have another opportunity to see who I Am so that you will learn to trust in Me.” John 11:15

“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are His lovers who have been called to fulfill His designed purpose.” Romans 8:28

A good buddy of mine is poised to celebrate one of the most joyful, exciting days of her life, but is being consistently derailed and faced with road block after road block. Her peace and ability to enjoy the process are being robbed from her, even though her life has been consumed with pouring herself out on behalf of others for years. She’s faithful, tenacious, loving, and strong, and as of right now, is truly at the end of her rope. As a bystander, I can see the malicious strategy of the one being that’s focused on her feeling targeted and alone. The thievery is obvious. It’s infuriating.

God, first and foremost, I thank You for this time. I declare that this is another opportunity for my friend to see You move on her behalf and deliver a beautiful day full of miracles and wonders. Thank You for the ability to celebrate and experience Your rest and celebration. Thank You for everyone You’ve got waiting in the wings to swoop in and help in every detail. I declare solutions and ease of movement. Reveal Your strategies and positioning, Jesus. Obliterate every distraction, every problem and obstruction, and smooth and erase any and all relational friction that’s seemingly tied to this event, in Your Name. This is a day that’s on Your calendar, and I reject, with the authority of Jesus Christ, any attempt to mess with it. Your kingdom come, and Your will be done every minute leading up to and during this time. Let this be another instance in which she can see Your hand all over it. Bring every answer to the fore, God. I trust You and stand in the gap right now on her behalf. Fill her with positivity and energy where she’s flagging and discouraged and give her fresh eyes for her day. Show her Your favor please, Jesus.

God, I pray this for all of us today. Infuse us with the ability to see above and beyond any troubles that have come our way. Let them be our opportunity to call on You and stand by to see the Goodness that You’re famous for! We get out of Your way right now. Go to it, Jesus, and amaze us with Your creative problem-solving. Cover us with favor, blessing, and protection. Any ties to negativity or agreements with lies, get lost, in the authoritative Name of Jesus of Nazareth. All things must work together to bring splendor and honor to Your Name and Your being. We are held and treasured and all we need to do is ask You for help. So please help, God. Please shower us all with beauty and vision wherever we are right now, no matter what. Empower us to trust You and Your ways. Activate our spirits and align our wills to Yours so that we can see rightly. You are God. We’re not. You can do anything. I declare miracles, signs, wonders, connection, and vitality today over all of us, in Jesus’ Name. Health, abundance, prosperity of spirit, humility and love, come and take up residence. We are Yours and You’re ours, God. We love You. Amen.

June 27, 2022

“He has filled them with skill to perform every work of an engraver and of a designer, and of an embroiderer, in blue and in purple and in scarlet material, and in fine linen, and of a weaver, as performers of every work and makers of design.” Exodus 35:35

God, please stimulate my imagination today to be able to understand that I partner with You to create. You inform my experience, intelligence, and insight. In every facet of my life, whether it’s something I deem important or not, I receive and believe in Your interest in it and Your ability to propel me into fresh appreciation and creativity. In my parenting, partnering, making, and being, You deliver transformation, energy, and power. I claim fresh eyes for my day and the jobs that I have to do. Again and again, I want to see rightly. I am in awe of Your desire for us to perceive the importance of the seemingly mundane. Everything matters to You, and I declare that Your attitude towards every minute of my day is mine, in Jesus’ Name. You’re capable of giving me ways of interpreting the things I’m to do that will stagger me and give me more zeal! I open myself up right now to Your angles and perceptions. I invite the vision and mysteries of heaven into my time, right now. I receive Your health, abundant zest for life, Your ingenuity and artistry into my body, spirit, and mind, Jesus. There’s never been a man who's more alive than You, so I attach myself to Your being again. I love that You love Your life! Please give me more of that. I am blessed, favored, and full of everything I need today. Please radiate out of me and into my home, family, and neighborhood, Holy Spirit. Inform my interior ecosystem and allow it to impact my surroundings, in Jesus’ Name.

Jesus, thank You for Your Blood. I apply it to my kids and my partner again today. I can visualize it surrounding them and enrobing them in protection and beauty. Let it permeate every part of them and energize and comfort them. You promise hope and a future, God, please communicate that via Your perfect Blood today. Liberate them from any negativity or feelings of inertia in Jesus’ Name. Bless and prosper them, lift them higher and infuse them with supernatural strength and presence of mind today. Please impact them with Your miraculous presence right now, in ways they’ve never experienced, and hand-deliver wonders to them. Show them how loved they are, God. Inspire them to new heights of ingenuity and creativity! Allow them all to feel the miraculous and incredible Spirit of the Most High at work in and around them all day today. Thank You for life, Jesus. Thank You for energy and zeal. Thank You for Your sweet protection and provision. You own and allocate everything, so I declare again that I trust You to take care of it all.

I’m asking also that every person be able to perceive You today, free of offense or assumption. Please open eyes all over the world, so that we can all be free. You are waiting to be found.

I’m thankful again today for my body, God. Thank You for making me look the way You want me to look, to think, process, and feel in ways that are specific to me. Help me to value myself the way that You do, so that I’m free to see above and beyond myself. I jettison self-criticism and self-focus again, in Jesus’ Name, and I commit to making healthy, positive decisions based on the ways in which You see and love me. I am beautiful, powerful, adored, and worthy. You love me, so that’s enough. Allow me to receive, metabolize and then extend that love to everyone I’m in contact with today, Jesus. You have lots of plans for me, and I don’t want to rush Your hand. I’m open to whatever You’ve got. I love You. Amen.

June 26, 2022

I wasn’t able to post yesterday, and I didn’t freak out about it. That’s a big deal for me, inner healing-wise. My tendency to blow the expectations of others out of proportion is dwindling. I’m just a person and sometimes things don’t happen the way I want them to. The world doesn’t rest on my shoulders.

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how we view the bodies of young people. One of the things we, as older adults, need to do is to start seeing our young ones as whole people, not body parts, not fetishized, not a problem. Aiming our own hurts, fears, and paranoia at them only hurts and serves to drive a wedge between us and them. What kind of world would this be, if we honored and valued the bodies of young women and men the way that God does? How much negativity and need for things that cause so much division would be obliterated?

God, today, I choose to see kids clearly, as You do. They are whole people, fully formed and valuable. I honor their autonomy and their boundaries. Help me to be able to give them space, while at the same time being a safe person, and a doorway to You, not in a ham-handed, dorky way, but in an authentic, loving, engaging way. Help me to be someone who extends security, who is trustworthy, and embodies You in ways that compel them to get closer to You. You are the Peace that surpasses any and all understanding, Jesus, please encounter these precious ones with that same Peace right now, worldwide. Give us hearts and words for young ones that hit bullseyes and melt stone. Help us to see beyond our own stories and pasts so that we can be clear-headed and panic free. Put Your words in our mouths and Your wisdom and kindness in our minds. Give us Your hands and eyes, Jesus, please. Help us to extend healing, security, and solidity to the people group You hold so dear. Thank You for these guys, God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

June 24, 2022

“Your future is bright and filled with a living hope that will never fade away.” Prov. 23:18

The fever dream of the last two and a half years has left lots of us either in a state of weird inertia or still mopping up the family/relational/mental health/financial crises that we had to shoulder as we stewarded kids, households, businesses, and loved ones through a previously unexperienced pause season that was confusing and painful and seemed interminable. So much heartbreak. So much seemed so lost and gone forever.

Psalm 90 promises that a God who listens and cares more than we know is poised to redeem our time and pour out delight and ease of movement as we lean back into His wisdom and timing. Cutting the worry and striving ushers us into a broad, expansive, positive place of trust and reliance. It’s quite a feat, handing over all of our fear and control. I’m gonna just relinquish any gut-wrenching concern about my kids’ futures to Him again today because it’s all I know how to do at this point. What’s my worrying about things that only He can iron out going to do for anyone? Zero.

All I’ve gotta do is stand hard on that verse. I’m placing my kids smack in the center of it and keeping them there. Guys! Your future is so bright and will be so surprising, richer, and more real than you can imagine, because the hope of His beauty, eternity, calling, destiny, and loyalty are alive inside of your beings! The powerful radiance of His dreams and plans for you are beyond your dreaming. The solidity of His choreography is a wonder unto itself. There is no shake-ability there. Your lives won’t fade, won’t stagger, won’t be erased as a result of the last two years. You’ve been forged with fearlessness and faith. Your lives are secure. Your identities have become expansive and more than you knew.

God, thank You for the years that You used to help us to see that You are all we have. Thank You for bringing my kids up and out. Now please usher them into a new and triumphant season that makes sense of the time that seemed to make no sense. Unravel it all and communicate Your love and presence to them again, Jesus. Thank You for Your Hope. Thank You that even when things look really dark, You’re the only One left standing. You’re my/our strength and protection. You’re the master Writer and Lyricist. You’re ‘the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me. You’re the only God for me, and my Great Confidence.’ I reject worry and concern. I welcome and embrace wisdom and calm. You underwrite and provide without fail, God. I choose to trust You again today. I hand my kids and their futures over to You with anticipation and gratitude. You’re the Best. Amen.

June 23, 2022

As I was out walking this morning, I felt a sudden influx of energy that was powerful, and unlike anything I’ve felt in a long time. It’s interesting to note that a lot of the things I’m asking God for come to pass when I least expect them to. Energy, stamina, passion, zeal, curiosity, acceptance of self, fresh eyes, new levels of love, the ability to parent with extreme chill, etc…all hit differently and at different times. I’m learning to believe in what the Word says, that when I ask for something good, I get it, but I’m not in charge of the timing, just the aligning. I place myself in a state of relaxed readiness and believe that it’s already given to me, I just don’t ‘know’ it yet. He hasn’t failed me yet, and I don’t expect He ever will.

It’s no accident, then, that when I got home I read Romans 6. I’m attached to Jesus, grafted to Him. I grow together with Him, continuously. I am empowered to walk out my life with fresh vitality daily and am utterly unresponsive and dead to the things that will hurt and derail me. I mean, I’m bad at all of that, but I get to be transformed and transforming as I repeatedly attach myself to the goodness of God. I get to get better at becoming like Him. I get a fresh start every day, all day. He sees my heart.

The shocking grace of Jesus allows me to choose my own Master. I choose the One who extends peace, security, eternity, wholeness, beauty, abundance, and joy. Eye hasn’t seen, ear hasn’t heard, and the mind can’t comprehend what’s in store for us. Who cares if it doesn’t make sense? Literally, nothing makes sense. Everything is wild, miraculous, and weird. God made all, is all, and oversees all. I’m choosing radical, radiant, childlike faith again today. No matter what.

Nature talks about Him. The order and expansiveness of the universe and the unplumbed depths of the sea resonate with His mastery and mystery. He is the All in All. Why not? Why not say ‘show me what You’ve got, give me a hint, tell me about Yourself.’ Look around, look for Him. He’s easily found and consistently unoffended and eager to chat. He’s coincidence and serendipity. He’s seemingly offhanded overheard remarks. He’s color and sound that brings us to tears, or inspires us and whispers possibility and power. Why not say ‘sure’?

God, thank You for the ones who study and search. You made mysteries so that our minds could delve and sort. We are made to sift and seek. You’re at the end of everything waiting to be found. I’m asking today for a break in any wall of pride or disbelief for the sake of disbelief. You’ve been so misrepresented throughout history that its sort of a miracle that the real You can be found anymore, but there You are. No crappy branding or selfish theology can hide the radiance and depth of Your love for each member of humanity, for every animal and plant, every discovery of the things You placed carefully in time and space for our delight brings You joy unspeakable and full of glory. I pray right now that You’d be found by everyone who’s seeking, everyone who needs to feel like themselves, who needs to feel purposeful, loved, approved of, satisfied, rested, peaceful, and seen. Make Yourself real to them now, God. Jesus, You are just real. You’re the Jewish Messiah, fulfiller of all promises and healer and deliverer of everyone, no matter what. You’re capable of everything, including breakthroughs and restoration. Please connect with everyone reading this, right now, in whatever way resonates with them, in order to bring them into Your arms of peace. In Your Name, amen.

June 22, 2022

Forty-nine years ago today, my person was born. Big T has been with me for over half of my life, and I can’t imagine moving through time without him. The amount of choreography that went into our meeting in the kitchen of a shared house in downtown Toronto twenty-seven years ago is staggering. Generations of people-moving so that we could have our moment. We fell fast and didn’t waste any time. We’ve been through the wringer separately and together, and I can always trust him to speak clarity and calm to me when I’m freaking out. Being easy on the eyes is also one of his greatest features.

Our spiritual journeys dovetailed under the aegis of God, and He kept on delivering the ability to trust one another more deeply and communicate more effectively and kindly. We’re two alpha dogs that have managed to successfully co-exist and flourish because of the Teacher we have. As we both learn different techniques that help us to understand each other, we implement them (sometimes begrudgingly). We ask for more love, more desire, and more energy for each other. We keep cheering one another on, reassuring each other, and undergirding our respective identities and strengths. We’re also massive jerks from time to time, and have had to dig deep into wells of humility that we didn’t know were there. There’s always more love available. Moving past the initial phase of romantic shivers and longing can be a drag. Things can get boring if you let them, but that’s where God meets us. Asking for things to get wild, for desire and excitement to build rather than dwindle as the years progress is exactly what He wants us to ask for! It gets so much better!

God, today I’m so thankful that You heard my silly, exhausted, small faith prayer that I’d meet my person. T is a miracle and I bless him today with everything his heart desires. Thank You for his heart and stamina for the city he loves, and for his family. Thank You for constantly rewiring both of us so that we stay friends. I’m staggered by his loyalty and steadfastness for all of us. Thank You for his tirelessness and his positivity. Thank You for highlighting and lifting him. Thank You for his beauty and his kindness. Please continue to knit us together and let us continue to be able to model parents and partners that love You, love each other, and the journey. Please bolster T and enrobe him in Your extravagant love today, Jesus. It’s hilarious to me that You and he look alike. Thanks for making him funny and fun. Like You, he makes things better, easier, sillier, and more meaningful without things being boring or dry. Thank You for teaching him how to be a wise and safe dad. I’m overwhelmed that he’s mine and Yours. Please bless and prosper him today with abundance and peace; body, mind, and spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

June 21, 2022

Wow. I love a good funeral. One that’s full of reminiscing, emotion, laughter, and appreciation. My Aunt got such a heartfelt, friendly and tearful sendoff from her four adult sons. It was an honor to be witness to it. Her kids’ tribute made me want to be the kind of mom she was. They all spoke about the amount of laughing they’d all done with her. They talked about her zeal for life, taking singing lessons at the age of ninety, etc…’Her drug of choice was people!’ That’s when my daughter elbowed me in the ribs. That’s my opiate also.

As I sat listening to the homily and scrambling to catch up to the call and response stuff, I began to wonder what the point of it all was? What’s the reason we believe? Sure, we get the miracle of faith deposited in our spirits and that’s wild, but what keeps us there? What keeps us searching and hanging on? Definitely, the Peace of Jesus is beyond explanation, the constant rescue and revealing, the protection and solutions that we have access to are great and miraculous for sure.

For me, I think, it’s the complete freedom from Religious mimicry and masking. I don’t have to fit into the box that society and the age I inhabit have picked out for me, as a person of Faith. I’m just me. He’s just Him. We know one another. It’s my privilege to pour over and delve into scripture, under the unction of the Spirit of God, in order to have my questions answered and my confusion quashed. Authentic identity and friendship with God are miracles unto themselves and are eminently possible for every citizen of planet earth.

God, thank You for my identity. Thank You that I never have to hide, or swallow questions that I have for You because they may seem inappropriate or too simple. You’re a massive entity that can absolutely handle my concerns and queries. I’m so grateful that I don’t have to edit myself around You. You know what I’m gonna say before I say it, and we have that kind of no holds barred relationship. I respect and honor You so much, and I want to feel more of that for You. I believe in You and I know You made me and are pleased with me. Thanks that I don’t have to pretend to like You. Please help me to want to know You even better and more intimately. I’m asking that You help me to break out even more from any worldly or preconceived ideas about how I’m supposed to be. Please continue to strip away anything that isn’t the real me, Jesus. I love You and I’m so beyond grateful to have been able to be a part of Aunt Edie’s life. She was/is awesome. Thanks for her. Amen.

June 20, 2022

Today we’re off to Ottawa to celebrate my Great Aunt’s life. She died last week surrounded by her kids, with an exhortation to be kind, and a smile on her face. She lived a full, rich life, punctuated by seasons of extreme sorrow, hardship, joy, adventure, and love. Aunt Edie lived through the depression, World War Two, and inventions and technology that changed her world. She lost her husband young and was a single parent in an age when support systems were meager and help and community in that arena were lacking. Edie was always welcoming, warm, encouraging, and never judgemental. Just the best.

God, thank You for a life well-lived. Thank You for family and for being Aunt Edie’s safe place and quiet support in the dark times and the happy ones. Thank You for the opportunity to come together to remember her and celebrate her journey. Thank You for the time I had with her as a kid, God.

Thank You for the privilege of life. Please fill me with wisdom and understanding, every minute of every day, in order for me to appreciate my story and my surroundings. I choose to value my life and the lives of others with a fresh, awake heart today, Jesus, and with Your eyes and mind. As I watched Aunt Edie age, my heart just expanded for her…please give me that kind of grace for myself, Jesus.

Thank You for everything You have planned today. Please alert me to all of the deeper meaning behind and underneath even the simplest thing. I choose to see well today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

June 19, 2022

“For the Lord God is One, and so are we, for we share one faith, one baptism, and one Father. And He is the perfect Father, who leads us all, works through us all, and lives in us all!” Ephesians 4:5-6

I have a great Dad. He’s gentle, funny, beyond generous and lavish, super safe, reliable, and attentive. Even with a seriously brain injured and physically limited child, he took us all to see the world-no limits! Needless to say, he’s a stellar Grandpa too. But, for many, the word ‘Father’ is, at worst, painful, triggering, horrific and unthinkable, and at best, unrelatable. As Misty Edwards sings ‘even the best fathers are just broken brothers.’ Everyone has their origin story, and it’s up to us as individuals to break generational bonds of trauma and pain by partnering with the wisdom of the perfect Parent to bring deliverance, guidance, and connection with others who hold keys to freedom.

Many of my closest relationships are with people who have come out of toxic and shocking childhood experiences with the people whose job it was to support and protect them. God has turned their stories into ones of incredible overcoming as a result of His wisdom, love, and authority so that they can then live healthy, satisfying lives, and bring revelation, deliverance, and God’s perspective to those locked into those same painful experiences and patterns.

The facts are: God is THE Father. God is my Father. God is your Father. Regardless of what we experienced at the hands of our earthly fathers; awful or healthy or a bit of both. No matter what, He is a solid, excellent, present, unfailing, and supportive Father.

For a long time, I didn’t feel like I needed to know Him in that way, because my experience of fathering was just fine. I was a warrior, an intercessor, a brave mom, a do-er, and a leader. Adding ‘daughter’ to the list wasn’t interesting to me. He informed my ways of being without ever being my Dad. It wasn’t until I began to slow down and really listen, spend time with Him without working, or to an end of some sort, that I began to experience Him as a Parent. He just likes me. He wants to talk with me and hang out. He’s the prototype. We get it so wrong, in so many ways, that sometimes it’s impossible to see Him as an entity who just loves and enjoys us and is more than willing to intervene, but is waiting for us to come to Him and just hand it over.

We have an entire, interconnected system of spiritual activity related to our history, our mindsets, personalities, and daily experiences. Our lens through which we see our heavenly Father needs daily cleaning and constant reset. He’s not human. He’s everything. He made, owns, and operates everything. He’s got this. We can leave it all in His lap and trust Him to show us how to do it all…

God, thank You for being the First and Last Father we could ever need. Please help us to see how we need You and that You stand by at all times, ready and able to parent us with compassion, creativity, and more love than we could conceive of. Please give us childlike trust and reliance on You. We can’t do this alone. I make a point right now, of leaning into You and letting You love me. I’m your precious person. You love more mightily and more deeply than I ever could, and my love for my own kids staggers me and brings me to tears, yet it’s a shallow, conditional, human kind of love. Thank You for Your powerful love, God. Thank You for existing and for being a Dad. I trust You with everything about me and my life. Thanks for my earthly Dad. Thank You for making my partner a superlative Father, even though he wasn’t shown how to do it by anyone but You. That’s a miracle. I love You. You’re my Father. Amen.

June 18, 2022

“With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who might try your patience.” Ephesians 4:2

Patience: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Without the input and teaching of the Holy Spirit, it’s tough to discern when you’re being like Jesus and when you’re just being a door mat. Having boundaries and self-awareness combined with a healthy understanding of one’s own purposes and identity are also crucial in living out the mandate to love others as oneself. That’s assuming that we’re all able to see our own worth through the eyes of Jesus. He’s not a pushover and He’s the ultimate Master of boundaries, sensitivity, and awareness. Jesus is the most patient and the most kind, and it’s impossible to imagine Him being manipulated, mean, or taking any kind of abuse lying down. He plays the long game.

God, I want to be able to demonstrate authentic humility. I really suck at it, but I want to be better. I want to learn how to be like Jesus in all things. I want to be transformed over and over, as I embrace You within me. I’m recreated all the time, as long as I ask to be. I’m trying, God, and I need You to continue to train my thought life and my reactions. I want to be strong and compassionate, wise and gentle. I want Your ability to sort through events and interactions as they happen and to be able to be the calm within the storm for other people. You’re the Rock that I’m hanging onto, and I choose You as my model of solidity and truth.

I choose radical freedom from pride and arrogance while being able to gratefully and gracefully accept the honor and distinction of being a king, priest, and child of God, all at once. This is why Your mind is a Wonder, Jesus. You’re the embodiment of true integrated identity, and Your interior health is my goal, not just for me, but for my family and beyond. What would a world full of people full of You look like? It’d look like heaven. This is what I’m asking for, and I want to be a part of it. Please help me to know how to contribute in my little sphere, to the fulfillment of every promise and the healing of the planet. Please give me a Spirit-led outlook and a servant’s heart, Jesus, while at the same time, please allow me to see the nobility, destiny, and purpose that I embody. I am a miracle of creation, but I want to go low. Please gift my kids with all of this today. Please help us all to see how fearfully, wonderfully, and powerfully we’re made, and give us the ability to see it in others all day long. Heal our vision for one another, God, and fill us with Your outrageous patience. This is one of the reasons You’re the Best Parent, You are unflappable when it comes to our screw-ups, and You always pick us up and let us try again. Thank You for always giving us another chance, God. Today I’m so grateful for Your forgiveness, presence, parenting, and patience. You’re the best. Amen.

June 17, 2022

God, today I choose gratitude and the ability to allow my mind to be at rest even when it’s busy. I’m taking a moment to invite You into my thought life, decision-making, and the order and rollout of my day. I declare protection and provision over my whole family, Jesus. I have the authority to partner with and call forth the warriors, creatures, hosts, and angelic presence of the sanctuary in order to bring the atmosphere of heaven into our respective days, so that’s what I’m doing in Jesus’ Name. I apply the Blood and I am open and ready to feel and experience the Peace that You embody within me. I breathe in everything that You have for me today in order to be aligned with Your thoughts, dreams, and visions for me and my family, God. I believe in Your care and Your love for me and mine. I know that You see loveliness when You look at me, and I attach myself to the ways that You think in deeper and more meaningful ways right now.

God, please surround my kids today, in all of the different places they need to be, and strengthen them for every task that’s on the agenda, in Your Name. Please impact them mightily with Your presence and Your stamina. Please enrobe them in Your perfect peace, no matter what. Extend the possibility and power that belongs to them, and please let them receive it with gratitude. Surround them with the hosts of heaven and keep them visible only to the people in their lives that want the best for them. Protect them from anything or anybody that would want to hurt them, God. Show them all what You see in them. I declare that they would perceive Your beauty realm today. Show them Wonders and favor, Jesus. Show them the real You, again and again, all day, please. Allow them to feel Your salvation in new ways, and restore a living and vibrant spirit within them, no matter what. Please give them a zeal for You in ways they haven’t experienced yet. Activate them for their own lives, and deliver Your strategies and plans as needed, Jesus.

Show us Your glory and Your presence in a fresh way today, please, Holy Spirit. Be real, tangible, and obvious to us. Show us the Truth and amaze us with Your gentle, sweet oversight. I pray that we would all feel and understand how loved and adored we all are, everyone, worldwide today, God. Invade this planet with vision and positivity. Eradicate evil and flood the earth with a desire to partner with You in order to usher in real change. Help those who feel helpless in the face of seemingly insurmountable evil and violence to see that You’re the only option and solution. You’re the only One capable of putting all the toothpaste back into the tube! I love You, God, and I trust You with my people and my world. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

June 16, 2022

“You perceive how God sees you in the mirror of the Word, but then you go out and forget your divine origin. But those who set their gaze deeply into the perfecting law of liberty are fascinated by and respond to the truth they hear and are strengthened by it-they experience God’s blessing in all they do!” James 1:24-25

“He sacrificed Himself for us that He might purchase our freedom from every lawless deed and to purify for himself a people who are His very own, passionate to do what is beautiful in His eyes.” Titus 2:14

Jesus. today You’re the reason I have for being myself. I place myself again inside of my safe space: the identity You crafted for me specifically. I invite You to motivate and inspire me to delve deeper and to connect every component of my makeup to You alone. I want to be so knit together with Your Spirit that my gaze is always directed in the places You want it to be, and not on myself or my perceived ‘flaws’. It seems odd or misplaced to be constantly praying for personal freedom and self-love, but I firmly believe that I need to see and feel about myself the way that God does so that I can be free of navel-gazing or dumb criticisms! It’s liberating and lightens burdens.

You are my motivation, God. You’re my sole reason for the urges I have to make, do and be. You gave me an imagination and a drive to accomplish the creative works that are set before me, whether I’m aware of them or not. What I do here in the natural has eternal ramifications, and I want to be able to trust You to direct my goals and vision. So I’m declaring again today that I DO trust You implicitly with my future and the plans and purposes You’ve lovingly crafted in order to bring my life into focus and to give it meaning that I won’t entirely understand until I’m right there before You and You show me my real biography, the ‘behind the scenes’ documentary You’re in the middle of creating with me. I trust You with my kids’ stories. I trust You with my partners’ life and goals. I see You, God, in every chapter, every struggle, and every triumph. You are our protection and our Source. You iron out every wrinkle in Your timing and Your perfection.

Jesus, you gave us all everything we need, deep within our minds and our spirits, to accomplish everything You’ve set before us. You would never try to trick us or make us feel stupid. Everything we need is provided, in real-time. We don’t have because we don’t ask, so I’m asking today, on behalf of everyone who needs, to provide every detail, tool, and inspiration to accomplish their day with contentedness, zeal and confidence.

God, please inspire us to find You in Your Word, and illuminate our eyes so that we can see precisely what we need in there today. Help us to ingest Your beauty and Your love as a result of cracking open the pure representation of Jesus, inspired by Your Spirit, who breathes over that crazy, living object! I declare a radical shift in disposition and belief, deeper faith, and desperate, joyful reliance on a Father who never turns His back and is always communicating, in Jesus’ Name.

It always bums me out when people make assumptions about what the Word of God is saying, or how boring and dry they think it is. It’s the biggest hoax in history, perpetrated by a being that wants us uninformed, ill, sad, lacking, and ultimately dead, that the Bible is lame. It’s ALIVE! It speaks and feeds us energy and abundant fire for being living beings that have the authority and approval of the One who causes the tides to stop and start, the galaxies to exist, the weather to operate, and Who informs molecules and atoms and every system and cell in our bodies! It’s Love and solidity. Jesus, Your Word is beautiful. Please give me the impetus to delve deeper today and be hungry for whatever it is You’re saying to me in there that’s specific and applicable to the details of my day. I reject distraction and misdirection.

I choose this fascination for my family and for the world. Ignite passion and curiosity, God. Authentic identity is ours for the taking, and life becomes pleasurable, even in the tough times, as a result of Your constancy and oversight. The mysteries become magical, rather than scary. The questions become prayers, complaints become worship, and desperation begets loyalty and love. I love You, God, please help me to love and honor Your Word in new ways today, and allow me to see myself and my world well, through Your eyes, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

June 15, 2022

Here’s a simple declaration for your day: I am strong, beautiful, powerful, faithful, and open to the joy of God today. Your joy is all-encompassing and far more detailed and wholehearted than the ways that we understand. I am open to Your oversight and ability to sort and sift my life in order for it all to make sense in the long run. I trust Your timing and Your full heart. I am at ease in my mind because Your promises and presence are true and real. I choose to trust and understand today. I’m grateful for Your protection and Your kingdom that surrounds me. Thank You for my health right now, no matter what things look like. I choose to let You in and I give You full permission to establish new and miraculous homeostasis inside of me; body, spirit, and mind. I deliberately open the eyes and ears of my spirit right now, in Jesus’ Name. Today You have really good things planned for me. I will believe in Your love and Your rollout, God. I let go of stress, striving and fear. I say a resounding ‘NO’ to lies, misconceptions, ugly thoughts about myself, offense, and anxious ways of looking at my life in Jesus’ Name. I invite the plans and purposes of heaven into my day. I receive the peace, discernment, and energy of Your Holy Spirit, please. You are real and You are FOR me, not against me, no matter what. Please help me to maintain an atmosphere and environment of gratitude, goodness, positivity, kindness, and alertness today. I am awake and aware of the forces that inform my life; the choice is always mine whether to invite or host one or the other. I choose You, God. You tell me the truth unfailingly, so I close my ears to lies and I shut my eyes to misdirection or perverse ways of looking at people or situations. Only the Good today. I choose Love and beauty today. Please help me to see through the junk to the treasure in all things and all people, including myself. Help me to see this world correctly and give me tremendous love for every person and every place. Please give me energy and zeal for intercession, so that I can speak Life to this world always. Rescue, realign, redeem and reawaken this planet today, God. I love You and You are welcome in and around me today. I speak this prayer over my family and my day, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

June 14, 2022

Today my youngest daughter M has an appointment at the hospital. It’s a good news scenario but would have until very recently, plunged me into paroxysms of panic and paranoia. Childhood confusion and trauma regarding hospitals were very real for me, and M’s first year of basically living there didn’t help to alleviate any of the body stress and internal freakout that even the word ‘hospital’ triggered inside of me. Today is about her, not me, and as the day for her amazing appointment approached, I waited with bated breath to feel the same old feelings. The miracle of confession and inner healing that occurred the night before my birthday this year was life-changing, apparently! The safe space that ushered me into new realms of freedom, surrounded by women who care about me and my story was only possible as a result of the goodness and kindness of a God who knows His timing perfectly. It was my time so it could be M’s time. She gets to go to this appointment today with a Mom who isn’t hiding or angry or ready to fight. We’ll enter that building with the tangible presence of the only One capable of flipping a script of pain and terror to one of triumph and freedom. This is going to be epic, and I’m so happy for my girl. God, You are beyond good.

Jesus, this day was on Your calendar before M was conceived. You are, and will be with us as we enter the doors of that place, and even though You’re already there preparing the way and orchestrating our time there, You’ll be walking through the doors around, inside, in front of and behind us. You will be there with us as our Peace, as a Healer and Chain Breaker. You will change the atmosphere in the clinic we’re headed to. Bless the surgeon we’re meeting with beyond his wildest dreams, God. Bring divine appointments to us as we wait, please. Give us Your eyes today.

Jesus, I can’t thank You enough for what You’ve done. You’ve taken, over and over again, scenarios that were meant to break us, and You’ve woven scar tissue that is strong, powerful, and has spiritual integrity that’s utterly unbreakable. You’ve served us Authority on a plate. You’ve created the art that is my daughter and her biography. You showed my older kids what Salvation looks like in the here and now that will be with them forever! You brought T and me together in ways that we would have missed outside of crisis. Thank You for everything, beautiful Rescuer. You are Light and Joy. Thank You that we ARE the actual Joy set before You, Jesus, and it’s Your delight to deliver us. Please continue to show me/us Your power and order today. We know it was You and it continues to be You. Jesus, the You that stopped for one little person when You were here as a human being on planet earth is the same Guy who does it over and over again because You went to be with Your Father so You’d be unfettered by human time and space. You’re capable of anything! Please continue to amaze and astound us with miracles today. Your ability to weave the fabric of lives is a shocking wonder and I’m so glad to know You. Thank You for my daughter and her story. Thank You for all of the things she can do. Thank You for saving her life and mine. Thank You for coming here Jesus, so that we can be alive in ways we can’t fathom yet. Cover us today with Your Blood, and surround us with heaven. You’re pure protection, health, and authentic courage. Thank You. Amen.

June 13, 2022

“Jesus, knowing full well what was about to happen, went out to the garden entrance to meet them.” John 18:4

This right here is probably my favorite verse in the entire Bible. Jesus, fully God and fully man, knew every single excruciating detail about what was about to go down. He knew every tool of torture and what it was going to feel like when it was used to shred and traumatize His body. He knew the inconceivable agony of dragging raw wood on an open back through a sea of hate. He knew the dark void that was about to fill and surround Him as He was utterly separated from Himself. He knew. And He walked forwards into it because He’s made of Love and He knew the denouement of the entire story of humanity. He never backed up, but instead asked to be able to stay alive in order to fulfill the requirement for eternity once, and for all.

Jesus taught us prayer. He removed the veil and restored us to our Father through the Blood that coursed out of His body. He modeled fidelity and faith. He moved forward always.

Jesus, first; Thank You. Your word promises that gratitude breeds clarity and right-mindedness. I’m so grateful to You for purchasing an eternal paradigm for me and my world. Thank You for restoration. I claim it for my kids and my partner today in a fresh and alive way, I choose the hope of glory, because what else is there?

Jesus, Your timing, Your courage, and Your intensity are mine today because it’s all there for the asking. I choose Your momentum and Your focus. Thank You for the privilege of a life of prayer. A buddy of mine said this morning that ‘prayers are zero gravity.’ Our communication with You doesn’t fall to the ground but travels and resonates forever in a myriad of specific ways. Our prayers catch the wind and go where You tell them to go, God! The ancient prayers are still alive. Every prayer still praying. Add this one to the mix, God. I believe in the timeless blast radius of prayer. Father, every prayer I’ve ever prayed for healing, breakthrough, and rescue still speak, and I partner with You to breathe on them all again! Jesus, You exist outside of time, and You treasure our words and our emotions. You honor our connection and our conversation. You remember and You move. I’m reminding You of every need today, God. Please do what only You can do, and let Your kingdom come and Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.

What You say is true forever. I pledge my allegiance to You all over again, Jesus, and I’m open to Your thoughts, words, and messages, however they arrive. You are so good. You’re so welcome in and around me today.

I declare sound minds for my kids, Jesus. Any foment, fear or distraction, Go, in Jesus’ Name. Fill them all with Your foresight and problem solving skill, God. Let Your chill and peace be their go to today. Please remind them to bask in the radiance of Your perfect favour and Your unfailing goodness. Revitalize and strengthen the joy that’s found only in You, and energize their spirits within them please, Jesus.

For me, please continue to help me to see the way that You see. I choose to pull my gaze off of myself and onto You. It matters what You say about me. Period. Thank You for my life and my people. Thank You for the abundant blessings that You deliver to my doorstep daily, God. Thanks for being so into me. Thank You for being funny and real and always a million steps ahead. I love You so much, please lavish the ability to love You on everyone everywhere today. Amen.

June 12, 2022

God, You want my thoughts attached to the reality of heaven. You extend the ability to see the way You do to me. I say ‘yes’ again to Your clear vision of eternity and restoration. I intentionally release everything and everyone I see today from the futility of the fall, and call it into perfect positioning and release to fulfill the plans and purposes of God. Come back under the authority of the One who conceived of, designed, and successfully pulled off the Creation of everyone and everything that’s ever existed. Be well, be whole, be free, in Jesus’ Name.

Lord, give me the confidence to know that I have a say in the health of this planet because I have an open audience with You in order to call in Your favor and alignment. Help me to understand even more the ways in which You created me in order to partner with You to unleash growth and healing everywhere. Liberate me from fear or a desire to copy or repeat patterns because they seem to work for someone else. Please help me to simply be me in the here and now. Please teach me the language of heaven for the earth! Captivate me with what’s possible, Jesus. Launch me into the new season of the restoration of all things with grit, childlike trust, and freedom, and with passionate faith that believes all things as a result of my relationship with You.

Today I speak peace, wisdom, wholeness, sanity, artistry, and light into my being and into the spirits, bodies, minds, and lives of my family and beyond. Be tangible in every way today, Holy Spirit, for every person, worldwide. You live for tall orders, so I’m asking that You reveal Yourself in crazy ways today all over the place, Jesus. You make everything so much better, safer, more fun, easier and deeper. Please have Your way in all things. I apply the Peace of Heaven all over this planet right now. I choose to see and believe in a Good Father who is active and personal. Be released now, God, to do Your Wonders! Jesus, run to the places that are the darkest and most degraded, immediately and light the way out! Open the pits in the ground, break open the mountain fortresses, take captivity captive in the ways that only You can! Highlight the ones who feel invisible and prepare and activate the ones You’ve earmarked to be caregivers, whether they know it or not. Wake us up, God, to care for orphans, the trafficked, victimized and seemingly unwanted. I want to be a help in the natural as well as the supernatural, so please talk to me about how to do that. I trust You with this world and everyone in it today, God. I trust You with my thoughts towards myself. Please organize and edit them so that they’re healthy and true. Lift my gaze so that I can see over and out of myself today, Jesus. I love You so much and I want to love You more. Amen.

June 11, 2022

“We look away from the natural realm and we focus our attention on Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection.” Hebrews 12:2

“Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is unseen…Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words. He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.” Hebrews 11:1&3

God, today I’m feeling super heavy for the teenagers who are slogging through childhood trauma. Even when they know You, it’s so hard to see up and over the pain they didn’t know how to process in the midst of hell, and that they’re still holding onto in a confusing cocktail of responsibility, blame, old ways of coping, and shame.

How can they even privately articulate what they need when their minds have been polluted by the ones who were supposed to be their protectors and safe places? How can they see You properly and give words to the rage and hurt of years? It’s beyond unfair and horrific, God, and You’re the ONLY ONE capable of complete redemption in these scenarios.

Jesus, You’re the example and trailblazer of radical, robust Faith because You exist in the perfect places and You see what we can’t. You’re able to gift parents and caregivers with the mental and spiritual agility to help these precious teenagers to articulate and process their pain in Your perfect timing. You’re able to pour on the faith and trust in outcomes when things seem too dark and insurmountable to even face. Your wisdom and discernment are all available, so I’m asking that for everyone involved in this scenario, You pour it on now, in ways that are full of GLORY and breakthrough! Blood of Jesus, be manifest now, in every son and daughter who needs to be delivered from the Sheol of their own interior lives, in Jesus’ powerful, loving and authoritative Name! Restore, resurrect and rewrite childhood for them, God, as the most all-encompassing, passionate parent of all. You literally HOLD solutions in Your hands. The appointed times of heart, body, and mind restorations are written indelibly on Your calendar for each of Your beloved children. Embed and instill a fresh desire to be like You in every facet of these kids’ lives, in Jesus’ Name.

God, Your rewards are generational and resonant. Please wipe out trauma and abuse from minds and bodies that have these people in patterns that keep lies in control. I declare a shattering and demolition NOW, of obstacles, distractions, and adherence to the safety of pain and desolation, by the Blood of the Lamb. Enough is enough. I declare safety, healing, wholeness, desire to be free, clarity, and abundant blessing into, over, and around these kids immediately, and I declare a renewed and mighty zeal for freedom for their loved ones. I speak comfort, peace, and healing into and over the people that You’ve positioned to love these ones into adulthood, God. Fresh passion for parenting, today, in Your Name. I declare utter Transformation and Restoration, Jesus. New eyes, hands, words, and strategies. Erase any offense and shame. Steep and infuse every family member in security and an understanding that they’re seen and valued. Jesus, Your timing and instruction are impeccable, so please refresh our faith to new levels and allow us to lean again into Your ways that are higher than ours. The facts are the facts; You love all of us and You want us free. You don’t just say that stuff, You act. So please show these young people wonders today, God. Release them from any/all shackles that aren’t their fault! Give everyone around them fresh vision and renewed ability to care about them as You do. Please help, Jesus. You deliver them because they delight You to the core of Your being. Do what only You’re capable of doing today, please. We choose faith. Amen.

June 10, 2022

Yeesh, technology. Today it took me hours to be able to upload, and for once, I’m not mad about it. I’m learning to get out of a complain-y, rush-y headspace and just lean into His timing, in everything…the monumental and the quotidian and seemingly irrelevant. It all comes together to build a day, and I’m choosing more and more to be okay with whatever God wants to do with my time.

I’ve been sending my three eldest prayers via text every morning, and felt to share todays…

God, even though I don’t feel it, I’m thanking You for Your perfect timing in my life. Even when it looks chaotic or confusing, I know Your hand is on me. Your rhythm and your time are perfect. I trust the plans and purposes that You have for me. I lean into Your wisdom today. I am beautiful and powerful because You say that I am. I have the mind of Jesus today, so I officially welcome Your thoughts into my brain. I give You permission to be in all of my parts, Holy Spirit. Flood me with peace and confidence, please. I’m worthy and valued.

I choose to open my eyes to see Your favor for me and the wonders that You put before me that are so specifically for the two of us. I am smart, able, and full of the energy of heaven today. I’m strong and mighty, regardless of how I feel. You have things on the agenda for me that You planned for from before human time began, so I choose to trust You and Your choreography again. I have the sanity and solidity of Jesus. Switch the lens, God, to one that shows me Your goodness all day. I want to perceive You and all of the things You do and feel for me. I am loved, safe, and calm today in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

June 9, 2022

Jesus, right now I breathe in Your peace, and I breathe out toxicity and stagnation. I open my lungs to the oxygen of heaven and receive the atmosphere of Your presence. I release pain, whether I know its origins, or not. I release offense, past hurt, and trauma, and I bring Your love and Your energy inside of me all over again, God. You’re my healer, and all You need is permission to go into the places that I’m not aware of that are holding on to poison. Fill those places with Your Blood, and wash all of the infirmity out of me, please Jesus. I want Your wholeness and Your vision. I choose Your words for and over me. I change my mind again today in order to align myself with Your ways of living. You are free, wild, holy, and good. You are a runner and a fighter and a lover. You hold everything in Your hands, and it all works according to Your order and Your planning. I focus on Your abundant love for this planet and everyone and everything on it today. Have Your way, God, in every wartorn and ravaged place, invade with life and restoration. Let the incense of prayer fill Your sanctuary and the scent of faith and petition move Your heart to new acts of rescue and justice! Loose that intense parental ferocity into the places of captivity and violation, God! Rescue little ones who are suffering in real-time today! Highlight and open the deep places of the earth that need to be rushed into with abandon and release. God, as a person of intercession, help me to push with the energy of thousands for the lost and the hurting all over this world! Please help me to always be in Your face for those who don’t know the peace that surpasses human understanding! Give me passion and awareness. Open new eyes within me and activate my spirit for the More on that ancient wall of battle and building. I choose ignition and the radical positivity of Jesus today for my world and the times that I live in. I am eternal because You are in love with the creation You designed and desire. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your plans. Your world is beautiful and I am eager to see its’ total restoration. I love You. Amen.

June 8, 2022

All morning the lyric ‘God I’m amazed by You’ has been on a loop in my head. His timing is truly something to marvel at. Just when we think we need to fix things our way, He swoops in with tremendous wisdom and attention to detail that is impossible to predict. His ways are above and beyond. His oversight is unfailing, and we have the privilege, every single minute of every day, to access it all and apply His goodness to our own lives. What a crazy miracle!

God, You love it when I use Your language, and remind You of Your promises and poetry, so today I’m repeating Your instruction to never turn my gaze from You. You say in Isaiah 41:10 that I never need to succumb to the fear that prowls around me, waiting to be invited to the dance. I refuse and reject it utterly, on behalf of my kids and my loved ones, in Jesus’ Name. You promise to be faithful to me and to infuse me with power and strength. You help me every time, even when I’m not aware of it, and You hold me securely in the very center of Your mighty and victorious right hand. You are massive and magnificent, magnanimous and gentle. You are terrifying to my enemy, and Your table of favor is abundant.

You love this world with everything You’ve got. You are present and patient. You’re steadfast and lavish, God. You pour protection out and around us with delight and You surround us with colors we can’t imagine and creatures that would cause us to pass out from fright because they’re so huge, so wild and so unimaginable. Your sanctuary and throne room are full of light, activity, sound, and impossible life! You activate and empower me for living with Joy, and You celebrate humanity, even while You’re grieving at its present darkness…You. Have. A. Plan! You WILL renew, restore, realign, reimagine and renovate with all of the love of Your Creator’s heart. I’m so excited to see what You’ll do, and I’m so honored to know You. Please give me a passion to communicate Your hope, without the shackles of religion, to everyone I interact with today, using Your words and with Your ways of seeing. I reject and dismiss all fear, striving and ugly self-focus right now, in Jesus’ Name. You thought about me, designed me, crafted me, and placed me, and You say that I’m awesome, so I’ll believe You.

God, thank You for my family. Please do whatever needs to be done in every mind, heart, body, and spirit today. Please remind my kids of the absolute freedom of their salvation, and reawaken their spirits in new and different ways. Fill them with the vigor of Your Spirit, Jesus, and inspire them to look to You for nourishment in all of their parts. Thank You that they are free of a Religious spirit, God. Thank You for each one of them. I bless them all today with favor, inspiration, illumination, abundance, prosperity, and provision. I bless them to go deeper with You, to rely wholeheartedly on You, to see the good in the people You’ve made, and to listen to You when You’re speaking in all sorts of ways to them. Thank You for the privilege of living, Jesus. Please give us a new appreciation for all of the little details today. Thank You so much for this world and all of the incredible wonders that You made for us to discover. Amen.

June 7, 2022

I've got a God-shaped hole
That's infected
And I'm petrified of being alone, now
It's pathetic, I know

And I toss and I turn in my bed
It's just like I lost my head

And if I believe you
Will that make it stop?
If I told you I need you
Is that what you want?

And I'm broken and bleeding
And begging for help
And I'm asking you, Jesus, show yourself ‘If I Believe You’ by The 1975

My eldest daughter has an uncanny knack for finding unconventional songs that reduce me to tears while I’m publically exercising because they’re so deep and so resonant. They speak about a painful search and innate desire to find meaning and supernatural rescue and comfort. Bands full of people struggling with addiction and helplessness channel the deep travail of humanity and bring me to my knees in intercession…while people carry on walking their dogs around me.

This band performs this song before tens of thousands of kids who sing and cry along with Matthew Healy, the lead singer, who allows his vulnerability and raw emotion and desperation to be on display and accessed by others who are probably feeling exactly the same. This guy has struggled with addiction and depression as a result of his searching nature and clever, questing mind. My daughter showed me footage of him sobbing on stage as he releases prayer after prayer. He humbly admits his blindness and rage. He is desperately gathering young people to join him in howling out to God to show Himself and relieve them of faithlessness. This is HUGE.

Romans 10:13 says that ‘everyone who calls on God’s name will experience new life.’ I have no doubt that Matt Healy and everyone who’s joined themselves to this cry WILL find Jesus. The real Person. I believe that every word spoken, every prayer, even one cavalierly tossed up to God with a tiny whisper of hopeful faith, resonates and ripples until it becomes a cataract of inescapable beauty and connection.

God, today I’m asking that Matthew Healy and EVERY SINGLE PERSON he represents would find their connection with You. Please reveal Yourself and reward and relieve them. Balm of Jesus, oil of Joy, Beauty sifted from ashes, please encounter and encompass these precious ones who weren’t taught about You, but only know Religion and performance. Jesus of Nazareth, incredible friend and protector, please intervene and change lives today! I’m desperately asking that You confront and overwhelm these ones that need a touch and a relationship with You and that You turn the course of their lives from desolation to celebration and unshakeable identity. Help them to understand that creativity and exploration and adventure come from You alone! Please show them that You’ve bottled and cataloged every tear and that their lives are treasured by You as a Parent and an eternal Messiah. Intervene and respond, Jesus. Heal their bodies, minds, and spirits. Fill every empty place and infuse them all with Your peaceful Spirit, please. Come, Holy One, and fill their vision so that they never have to feel alone or in need of chemical comfort ever again. I declare radical salvation; gentle and dramatic today, Jesus, for all of these precious people. They’ve prayed, now please meet them where they are. In Your Name, Amen.

June 6, 2022

“Let the sunrise of Your love end our dark night. Break through our clouded dawn again! Only You can satisfy our hearts, filling us with joy to the end of our days. We’ve been overwhelmed with grief; come now and overwhelm us with gladness. Replace our years of trouble with decades of delight. Let us see Your miracles again and let the rising generation see the glorious wonders You’re famous for. Lord, please let Your sweet beauty rest on us. Come work with us, and then our works will endure; You’ll give us success in all we do.” Psalm 90:13-17

This is a favorite of mine these days when I’m praying specifically for my three eldest. They’ve sustained some serious setbacks and roadblocks as a result of the fever dream that was the last two-plus years. I refuse to believe that any of their pain or frustration will be wasted or for naught. I’m confident that they are stronger, more resilient, and more in touch with their feelings than ever before. I believe that they understand that they’re loved and seen. I stand on the fact of their salvation. But guess what? I need them to believe in God’s dreams and plans for them that surpass any of their wildest imaginings as solidly as He does.

God, today I’m declaring that my three precious eldest would return completely to their Source, and be relieved of trying to accomplish everything under their own steam. I’m asking that You, Jesus, the Light of the world, would illuminate every specific next step for each of them, and that their choices be informed by You in a crystal clear way. God, You’re beyond loving and faithful towards them! Please open their eyes to Your presence and power in utterly new ways right now. Your favor is real. You never get bored. You know exactly who they are and what they care about. You have detailed plans for every second, every minute of their lives, and we couldn’t call the shots if we tried! Show them how to run, Jesus. Reactivate and reenergize their reliance on You and You alone. Release them from the stress of trying to control their futures. Thank You for such zealous, fervent kids, open-eyed kids, God. Please allow them to lean into their lives with ease and trust. Deliver them from striving and stress, in Jesus’ Name. Show them Your wild favor today, God. You are open-handed, interesting, relaxed, and awake on their behalves. Download the freedom of joyful abandon and allow them to relax the grip of freak out and control. Breathe, guys, in Jesus’ Name. Allow Him to walk you through this one precious life, you are eternal beings, so believe it! No stress, no fear, no anxiety about what you ‘should’ be doing. Relax into His arms and allow Him to bring honor to the work that you’ve done. Be creative, alive, and free in Jesus’ Name! Thank You for the gifts that keep on giving God, my amazing adult kids. I love them so much, but it’s such a hollow, conditional, human kinda love. Your love is POWER and beauty. Amen.

June 5, 2022

“Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord is my strength, and He’s made my feet like hinds’ feet, and makes me walk on my high places.” Habakkuk 3:18-19

I’ve been really into those crazy mountain goats who can exist in places that freak me out. They can place their hind feet where their forefeet are, even on the tiniest outcropping of rock, in the wildest conditions, and at dizzying heights. They’re at home on sheer mountain walls and can be flexible and fearless beyond belief. They don’t seem to see or acknowledge danger, because they’re just existing within their habitat.

They eat, sleep, play, climb, and commune in seemingly uninhabitable spots. God, You’re my ability and my muscle, my soundness, and solidity even in my impossible rock wall moments. You’re constantly illustrating Your fielty to me regardless of what my life looks like. The lessons and the authority building outweigh what my human eyes see. I’m a mightly climber because You’re my security system. You’re all I’ve got when things look ugly, and You turn it around always, You illuminate the journey with every triumph and every obstacle I face.

You are pure wisdom, and a golden promise. I celebrate Your loyalty and Your presence again today, even when and where things look grim. You ARE my Salvation and the narrator of my story. You’re the oxygen in my lungs and the blood in my veins. You crafted my life with such intention and hope that I want to rise to the occasion and match it! Thank You for community, for family, for my physical, mental and spiritual strength, even when they feel weak. I know that You’re never weak, and You inhabit me. You’ve created me to balance, breathe and climb. Your intentions for me are rock solid and sometimes frightening, and that’s why I need You all the time. Thank You for helping me to parent without becoming fearful or controlling. The same things I know that You feel for me are the same things You feel for all of my kids. How could I ever doubt or be afraid of outcomes? You belong to them and You’re involved in their respective triumphs and foibles, no matter what. Encounter, connect, communicate and favour them all today, God, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

June 4, 2022

I feel like the new and improved Grinch today. As a result of God’s deciding that it was my time to jettison all kinds of internal junk, my heart feels expansive! My capacity for love has increased. It was a pretty incredible feeling to wake up without my guard up. My heart feels clean and full. I feel alive in a new way, and I’m ready for Him to fill my being up with His presence and peace in ways I’ve not experienced before. Today I give Him even more permission to have access to my past, present, and future. I feel available to His Spirit in a way I’ve not felt before, and my ability to inhabit myself, my day, and my life seems new and exciting. His timing is wise and kind. He knows precisely when to do the surgery that’s required in a safe and perfect way.

I feel more myself today than I think I ever have. Now I know that more is always possible. My potential for spiritual growth and freedom is limitless! All that’s required is permission and trust. Being vulnerable to His compassion is strong and smart. Being weak before Him is never weak.

God, today I submit to Your authorship. Without You I’m rudderless and life is confusing. You sort and sift and present us with a story that will make perfect sense. I lean into Your plans and purposes that bring me hope and a glorious destiny that resonates and continues into eternity. Your whole heart is to present me with the tools that I need for spiritual prosperity and protection. I say a wholehearted ‘YES!’ to the story You’ve written for me. Nothing is wasted, and everything ties together to become beautiful and meaningful. I want to know what it means to be for the display of Your splendor. You take every bit of pain, trauma, misguided decision making, and junk and You make it make sense. You create beauty out of things that seem utterly irredeemable to the naked eye. Jesus, You actually are supremely beautiful and eternally compassionate and clever. Your orchestration is unparalleled and I’m learning more and more to just get out of Your way and relinquish control to You. Have Your way again today with my life, my family, and this whole world. Thank You for Your strategic healing and Your choreography. We couldn’t make this stuff up! You bring clarity, wholeness, artistry, and empathy to a new level every day, Jesus. You are forever loyal and You don’t miss a second of our lives.

I also ask today, on behalf of my kids as well, that You teach us to make the best choices for ourselves. Please show us how to nourish our bodies, spirits, and minds in the healthiest possible ways today, tailor-made for each of us specifically. Please open the eyes and ears of our spirits to receive detailed and loving instruction so that we’re honoring You as we honor ourselves as vessels of Your incredible Spirit. I declare abundant power and stamina into and over ourselves, the ability to submit and surrender any/all thoughts about having to just figure it all out on our own. You hold every major life decision and every next thing in Your hands and You illuminate every single step. Please be talking to my kids all day about who, what, and why they are. Shower and fill them with Your outrageous love and acceptance, God. Please give us all zeal to receive You in new and interesting ways today. Watch over them and lavish them with Your presence and protection. I apply the Blood of the Lamb to my kids and my partner today. Surround them with every angel, host, creature, and substance at Your command that’s specific to each of them. Enrobe vehicles, routes, experiences, and interactions with the fragrance and cadence of heaven please, Jesus.

You’re showing me daily how trustworthy and smart You are. I align myself again within the Your profound goodness. I love and appreciate You, God. I ask all of this stuff in the powerful and authoritative Name of Your excellent Son. Amen.

June 3, 2022

“Every gift, every legacy God freely gives us is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no shadow or darkness and is never subject to change. God was delighted to give us birth by the truth of His infallible Word so that we would fulfill His chosen destiny for us and become the favorite ones out of all creation!” James 1:17-18

Hey! It’s my fifty-second birthday today. Know what I got? Freedom! Last night I dutifully went off to a class at church, which, uncharacteristically, I almost blew off due to just feeling kinda done with my day. Everything was chugging along, I was tracking with stuff, thinking ‘this doesn’t really apply to me…’, when all of a sudden; sobbing, a heavy and familiar weight in my chest, and a sudden realization that the way that I had been interpreting my childhood and my perceived strength had finally caught up with me. God wanted me free of trauma and pain, and He ordained a time and a place so that I could be surrounded by love, wisdom, safety, and the space to let it all out, walk through it and say ‘goodbye’ to the wounded and confused kid that I had been wearing inside for forty-eight years.

When I was four, my brother, then two, sustained a massive and life-changing brain injury that plunged my family into confusion, tumult, and years of searching and crises. The incredible result was a family’s salvation, but the four-year-old who stood by, paralyzed, while a rush of confusing activity and sorrow surrounded her was so stuck and so hidden. My brother went from my jolly and obedient best friend and partner in crime to a stranger. God decided that last night was my night to stop trying to outrun the pain and grief and to let the belief that being vulnerable was weak finally go.

I was surrounded by women that I’ve known and trusted for years, and they poured into me with abandon. They guided me up and out and I am astonished, forever grateful, and reeling from the Goodness of God. My diaphragm is fully operational. I had no idea.

God, how can I even begin to say ‘thank You’ for my healing, my life, and my community? Your wisdom is inscrutable and Your love is beyond anything I can fathom. You said ‘Now’ and You choreographed a jailbreak of epic proportions! It’s an unfamiliar feeling, to be free of that heavy weight, and I’m asking You to fill the void, take up space and occupy that real estate in ways I don’t know how to ask for. Thank You for giving me life and keeping me safe and alive even in the midst of chaos and weird decisions that could have resulted in tragedy. You’re a Wonder. Thank You for every minute You’ve gifted me with. Please help me to understand what a treasure this chapter of my life is.

Thank You for the ways You’ve made me, thanks for the ways that I think, communicate and work. Thank You for my body, my face, my senses and my abilities. Thank You for setting me free in different ways, all the time. Thanks for my brother. I yearn for his healing and I’m asking that You please restore our relationship, whatever that looks like. Thank You for liberation, Chain-Breaker. You are ferocious and unrelenting in Your gentleness and Your justice. I love You. Thank You.

June 2, 2022

I woke up this morning feeling really heavy for the people who are feeling really heavy. For the ones feeling low energy, dull, uninspired and just straight up ‘meh’. I feel like that a lot when I open my eyes. There’s an existential dread that hovers, waiting for an official invitation to the party. I’ve learned over time that a simple ‘nope’ is all that’s needed to dispel the weight, and then I’m free to make a choice that feeds positivity and feelings of deep contentment and solidity, no matter what’s on the agenda.

God, thank You so much for the power we hold to choose. We have the honor of choosing to let You inform our thoughts and our ways of being alive. Thank You for standing by, ready to fill me to overflowing with everything I need to feel fulfilled and purposeful, loved and seen. I’m so grateful for the awareness You’ve given me when it comes to the power of decision and the mighty shift that comes with the agreement with Your kingdom. Today I choose; abundance, favour, peace, interior prosperity, faith, loyalty, resilience, connection, and provision in outrageous amounts for me and for my family, Jesus. I receive health in all of my parts, and I also claim this for my loved ones. Please teach me more about the shocking, world-shifting power of gratitude. Help me to see the good in everything I’m looking at today, God. I declare a lifting and a cancelling of any and all heaviness, oppression, fear, and dullness, in Jesus’ Name. I apply the zeal and inspiration of Jesus instead. Fill Your beloved with hope today, God. You are the Source of all comfort, all wholeness, all security and all identity. Thank You for being real. Amen.

June 1, 2022

Wow! June, you’re here! This is a wild month of celebrations for our family; two birthdays, Father’s Day and our twenty sixth wedding anniversary. This is a month of celebrating and appreciation, that, remarkably, never feels stressy or too busy. We love birthdays around here, and they are usually packed with planning, prep and the business of executing the birthday dreams and visions of kids. This month, it’s adult birthday wishes, which are pretty rest-centric and chill. It’s a month of honouring and appreciating, remembering and enjoying one another in a really intentional and relaxed way. Just the best.

God, thank You for my family. Thank You for the incredible partner You gave me. I remember being in the thick of my partying years, but still fleetingly looking to You on a plane about to land in Toronto and saying ‘God, I’m so exhausted by my life. I just want to find my guy and build a family.’ Literally hours later, Tyler walked directly into my line of sight and we haven’t looked back. We found our way to You together and we have five beautiful people that You helped us parent and grow up alongside of. This is truly something to wonder at and be thankful for. You took a young man whose experience of being fathered was almost non-existant and You formed him into the best Dad I know, other than You. You were able to lift him higher, infuse him with wisdom and Your ability to cherish and guide, and for that, I am FOREVER grateful. You are the miracle that keeps on giving, God.

Thank You for my person, who sees me for me and partnered with me to birth and raise our children. Thank You for his radical faithfulness and his constant ability to see up and over any and all obstacles. Thank You for parenting him and teaching him. You are the biggest fan of Tyler. He’s so worth Your love for him. Please bless and prosper him. He’s a Joseph for today, and his accomplishments continue to amaze me. Please shower him with Your outrageous favour and continue to lift and highlight him as a powerful force of good in this city that he loves. Bless him and fill him with hope, faith, positivity and light today, God. He is so seen and adored. Please give me more love for him and continue to build and solidify our bond and give us Your eyes for each other in brand new ways today.

Thank You for this new month. The seasons and times are truly a wonder and an obvious example of Your constancy and creativity. Please show us how to see the natural world with new vision today, Jesus. It’s all for us to enjoy and care about. Thank You for new life, cyclical awareness, and the beauty that surrounds us regardless of human failings or callousness. Tenderize our hearts today for this world You’ve gifted to us and for the people You’ve placed before us who are so worth our words, positive actions and prayers. Big love into and over all of us today, in Jesus’ Name! I/we love You today in fresh, abundant, flourishing ways, God. Amen.

May 31, 2022

God, my whole heart wants to be connected to You all day, whatever happens, no matter what. I’m super thankful for every resource, provision and blessing that You hand me every minute of every day. You are so faithful to me and my family. You are beautiful and kind. I’m asking that my kids would be aware of You in their work and their play today. Please connect with them and display Your wonders and Your timing to them. Show them over and over that Your hand is on them and that You care deeply about what they care about. Please captivate and bless them. Hand deliver Your favour and abundance to them in ways that blow their collective minds, Jesus! They know You already, so please inspire them to go further in their relationships with You all day today. Give them lots of pause moments to say ‘thank You’ and to lift their eyes and be filled with Your beautiful Spirit of Peace. I declare an infilling of radical faith into and over them, in Jesus’ Name. Protect and defend them, cover them with miraculous protection and health. Inspire them to new heights and new levels of friendship with You, God. I’m so grateful for their individuality and fearlessness. Thank You for the myriad of ways that You made them unique and beautiful, Jesus. Please bless them abundantly with the desires of their hearts today and give them eyes to see and ears to hear. Open their spirits fully today, God. Please amaze them with their stories and the detailed ways that You usher them into their next steps. I trust You implicitly with their bodies, minds and spirits. Thank You for trusting ME with them. Give them more capacity for love today, Jesus. I love You, help me to love You more today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 29, 2022

This morning I’m choosing to acknowledge the beauty of today, and the worth of every person You’ve made. I’m thankful for the safety of my children, and I pray and declare that same safety and protection for all children, in Jesus’ Name. God, please teach us to value and protect them everywhere. Help us to see them clearly and well. Please activate us to appreciate kids and to give them the freedom to teach us grown ups. Please impel us to get out of their way and to relinquish any weird, grasping control that’s birthed from a place of love and concern.

Thank You for the zeal and creativity of children. I’m asking that You keep it safe and intact. Please let them all keep the ability to see Your kingdom, perceive Your miraculous presence, speak with candour and artistry, and to be always, authentically, the people You made them to be, nothing more and nothing less. Please give us adults the freedom and faith to step back and learn. Help us to want to be more childlike, and teach us what that means, Jesus. It doesn’t just mean being simple. It means that we hold onto the wonder, the openness, the belief and the power to be oneself, purely how we’re made to be.

Thank You for young people, God. It’s beyond clear that we’re to glean from them in all kinds of ways, while we stay steady and safe for them. Please give us the strength to let go, while at the same time, teaching and undergirding them. Help us to relinquish any overbearing control that was birthed out of fear. I declare a spirit of fearlessness in the place of parenting and friendship today, in Jesus’ Name. More faith, more freedom, more identity and more love for all kids, God, and, for each them for one another! What a generation of Champions we’ve got on our hands! I declare them gentle as doves, wise as serpents, strong and loyal as lions and courageous, authentic and loving like Jesus. Thank You for the mantle of childhood, God. Help us to honour it and them well. No more fear, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 28, 2022

“I am truly His rose, the very theme of His song. I’m overshadowed by His love, like a lily growing in the valley.” Song of Songs 2:1

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve had to dress up and present myself with some polish for an event, that’s for sure. We’re on our way to a gala this eve, and I needed to figure out what I was gonna wear. I had a minor freakout last night about my appearance and experienced a familiar whisper of the body dysmorphia that launched me onto this journey two years ago. It’s kind of disheartening when you find yourself right back at square one, when you thought you had it all figured out! I was so mad. I wanted this re-entry into the world of fanciness to be celebratory, not frustrating. The one difference this time: awareness of who, precisely, was at the root of my teetering on the precipice of self hatred and body shaming. The miracle of choice presented itself.

I chose to see correctly. Clothing is fun, dressing up is a celebration. Putting a look together is art, and it’s personal. I get to indulge in a little creativity, and enjoy the way I look, not end up in a puddle on the floor because of something utterly upside down and untrue that’s attempting to attach itself to me. I resolutely REFUSE to be bullied into self criticism and insecurity, in Jesus’ Name. I am His poetry and His art, and I am for the display of His splendour! He says that I am magnificent, beautiful, powerful and gorgeous because He made me to be precisely Me.

I choose joy and fun today while I put my clothing sculpture together. I reject an untrue vision of my appearance. This is such a time thief, forged in the bowels of hell to take my focus off of the only One whose opinion about me matters. My choice to enjoy my day brings God, my Father, deep gladness. If He can get it together to sing, dance and celebrate over my being, then so can I.

God, thank You for the privilege and opportunity that is tonight. Thank You for celebration and community. Thank You for the ability to dress up and feel beautiful and confident. I choose to believe in Your vision today. Thank You for the patient people around me who lift and compliment me. (It must be exhausting). I accept again the gift of identity, courage, true, clean vision and the lens of God for me and my life.

Lift my gaze, Jesus! Please remind me every time I’m feeling bummed about any part of me, that You think I’m fascinating and radiant. I choose to see the magnificence in all of creation today, God. Every person You’ve ever made is a gorgeous masterpiece in Your eyes. Fill me with the ability to communicate this from an authentic place today please. I want Your words of encouragement and strengthening to be alive and busy cultivating a culture of confidence that lifts our collective eyes from the physical and onto You and Your profound goodness and approval.

You are true, strong and real, Jesus. You tell the truth, and I choose today to believe it. You love when we can pull beyond the lies that keep us so bound up in shame and inertia. I choose the momentum of heaven, not just for me, but for my family and for my world, in Jesus’ Name. Help us to put our eyes on You every minute of every day and hang on Your every word. Give us the awareness to vigilantly dismiss lies that keep us flat, sad and dull. Infuse us all with the confidence of Jesus, so we can live our lives to the fullest and present the luminous possibility of Your kingdom. You’re here and You’re always speaking. Please open the eyes of humanity to perceive the beauty in all things, us included. Thank You for teaching me to recognize when I’m being messed with, God. Thank You for giving me the spiritual fortitude to call the lies out and move on. Thank You for loving me and enjoying every part of me. You made me, so I refuse to insult You as my Maker. I love You and I love myself today. I choose to love others lavishly today, because You are the example. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 27, 2022

“When someone curses you, bless that person in return. When others mistreat and harass you, accept it as your mission to pray for them.” Luke 6:28

Man, when you’re used to people being polite and kind to you, the opposite is pretty jarring. As a result of having to re-home our dog, some wild vitriol came hard and fast out of left field at me, specifically. I was accused of being a terrible mother, among other things. Why was I allowed to even have a dog, let alone a child? Wow. Months ago, I would have engaged hard in a war of words, my mission being to eviscerate and demolish the person on the receiving end as a result of the deep wounding and the trauma revisiting they’d inflicted upon me. What a shock it was, then, to respond with calm confidence that the way they were painting the scenario wasn’t real, and that they weren’t being kind. Rather than infuriated pearl clutching on my end, I was able to breathe through the offence and say ‘no thanks.’

God has been healing and changing me. He’s been hard at work rewiring my responses, as a result of my giving Him permission to. Instead of anger; sadness that this person was only able to see our situation this way. It said far more about his experience being parented and dealing with crises than it did about me. Instead of zeal to cut him off at the knees with insult and belittling, I was able to apprehend compassion, and to pass the buck to my partner who is a genius at diffusing stuff like this evenly and in an instant.

I failed to see red. For that, I’m in awe of God. To forgive is to consciously STOP feeling angry or resentful for a flaw or offence. My deliberate decision to release this guy from the clutches of perpetual and/or residual anger and misunderstanding, to allow him some breathing space free of vengeance and an ‘eye for an eye’ mentality, is the best I can do for him right now.

God, I release MERCY to this poor person who only knows how to inflict hurt in a painful time. Everyone has an origin story, so I’m asking that You heal every part of this guys’ mind, heart and spirit where he’s been cut down, made to feel small or wrong, angry or reactive, in Jesus’ Name. Pour out Your healing balm of Love onto/over/into him right now please God. Encounter him and ease his mind. Please give him the ability to allow You to heal generational or childhood trauma that’s causing him to stay locked into an immature mentality of ‘hurt first’, in Jesus’ Name.

God, I release FULL FORGIVENESS to this person! I don’t even know him, but it’s pretty obvious that he needs peace, sweetness and security. Please gift him with everything he needs in his spirit today, and overwhelm him with Your goodness, proximity and favour. Save him, connect with him, and realign his life, God, please.

Wherever he’s hurting, rush to the scene, Jesus. Holy Spirit, apprehend his consciousness! Show him who You are right now. _____, you are the beloved child of the Most High. Your life is meaningful and full of depth and destiny. I speak identity into and over you right now, in Jesus’ Name. I declare a release from futility, hostility and rage today. I pray that the compassion, empathy, zeal to edify others and the deep honour of Jesus invade your being now. Thank You for this person, Jesus. I acknowledge and understand that sometimes the things that push us, make us feel awful, and make us examine our own feelings as a result of another person causing hurt have way more to do with them and what they need than they do with us. Amazing. You are the Choreographer of All Things and I give You all the glory today, Amen.

May 26, 2022

“Never turn your gaze from Me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with My strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with My victorious right hand….I am Yahweh, your Mighty God! I grip your right hand and won’t let you go! I whisper to you: ‘Don’t be afraid; I am here to help you.’” Isaiah 41:10&13

As much as I often don’t feel at all like doing this, I make the conscious choice to lock my gaze firmly onto You, Jesus, because any other option is bananas to me. I’m asking You to reinstate me firmly on course and remind me to believe in Your faithful love and oversight all the time, in Your Name. You provide for my nourishment and survival in ways that I’m not even aware of, all the time. You love me beyond my human capacity to understand what love even is. You undergird and lift me when I feel low, or bereft of any hope. All I need to do is ask You to change the narrative I’ve allowed to hijack my mind, and all comes back into focus. It’s so easy that I forget to do it.

Infuse me again today, please, with YOUR strength, hope, joy and wholeness, so that I’m able to access everything I need. It’s all from You, and You alone. You are my Mighty God, my Father, my Creator and my Protection and Hope. I reject fear and/or depression and lethargy, in Jesus’ Name. I refuse to give up. Pour out Your energy into and over me please, Jesus! Wake my cels up, Holy Spirit! Engage my mind and attach it to Yours, Jesus. You are the most calm, wise, clever, strategic, fun, strong, clear, direct, hopeful and insightful person who has and will ever live. I open my ears, in the natural and beyond, to hear and perceive You telling me not to be afraid because You’re closer than I know. I accept Your help, God. Thank You.

I declare into and over myself today, that any structure that’s not of Jesus of Nazareth, that is ruling over any of my parts, is evicted and obliterated, by His blood and in His name! Anything bracing against His authority is hereby demolished and destroyed, and I’m welcoming Your Holy Spirit to take up that real estate within me. You are my stronghold, God. You’re my interior atmosphere. You have my heart, mind and spirit. I declare all of this today for my partner and my kids, in Jesus’ Name. Have Your way, God, in and for all of us. I welcome Your beautiful presence in and around us. Help us to see/hear/touch/sense You in everything and everyone today. Give us Your words to speak comfort and security, encouragement and kindness. Give us courage and peace. Help us to love You more today than we did yesterday, and to receive You more abundantly as well. I pray all of this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

God, today I’m thankful for every one of my senses and for every detail of my appearance. I reject the human instinct to complain about the parts of me that don’t seem like everyone else’s. I am individual, intricate, original and adored. I am me. Thank You, God, for making me to look the way that I look, process the way that I process, and communicate the way that You made me to. Thank You for the dreams that You hand selected for us to dream together. Please give me a broader capacity to see myself the way that You do, so that I can live triumphantly and eternally. Amen.

May 25, 2022

‘…For He is the Father of tender mercy and the God of endless comfort. He always comes alongside us to comfort us in every suffering so that we can come alongside those who are in any painful trial. We can bring them this same comfort that God has poured out upon us.’ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

I woke up feeling hollow and impotent this morning, thinking of the families in Buffalo and Texas who are faced with a day without their loved ones. All of those little people who died yesterday, and people just out getting their groceries, doing their lives and moving through their day. What do we do and what can we say when we ache to help and literally put our arms around communities? When we’re so angry at death and loss that things start to seem utterly hopeless and scary?

I understand the raging against lip service ‘thoughts and prayers’ rather than action and policy change! My take though, is that prayer undergirds, supports and informs public policy, engagement and societal shift. Prayer keeps the grieving alive. Life trumps death by gun. The mind of Jesus for hate and murder. Holy Spirit invocation and invitation over violence and confusion. Righteous anger channelled into an audience with the ONLY One capable of fitting the toothpaste back into the tube and rectifying the temporary mess we humans have made of this beautiful place.

No more killing, in Jesus’ Name. God, I draw a line in the sand and declare NO MORE. I apply safety and security to every child, worldwide today. No victimization, no trafficking, no killing, no verbal, physical, sexual or psychological abuse in the powerful, authoritative, compelling Name of JESUS OF NAZARETH! I command that angels, creatures, hosts, everything that’s appropriate, especially the Blood of Jesus, and everything that’s specific to each person that creates a perimeter of safety around them, be stationed and secure. Heaven, come and invade this place, please, and right every stupid thing we’ve done.

Please compel those who are passionate, positioned, innovative and full of goodness and mercy to stand up and create real policy change so that people are alive, honoured and heard. No more hate, in Jesus’ Name. I apply the love of Jesus to this planet. Give every heart the ability to value and treasure others, God. Give us all Your eyes to see children. Please make us passionate to protect little kids, Jesus. Give us the words to change minds.

Give us words today. Give us the ability to help and create safety where we are. Give us the energy to never give up. Please help us to extend comfort where and however we can, God. Your kingdom come and Your will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven. Fill us with prayer for grieving families and friends, bring us wisdom and discernment in the secret place so that we can usher in a sea change in the government. Our prayers hold the change and whisper to the change makers.

Help the people who need help to get out of bed today, Jesus. Show them Your goodness through numbness and pain and give the rest of us true, authentic compassion and the fire to demand a shift, in the natural and the supernatural. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 24, 2022

Hi all! I’m going to be playing with a new format, offering more detailed gratitudes and declarations that hone in on appreciating ones’ body, face, brain etc…in the ways that God does, in order to lift focus from our perceived ‘flaws’ and onto Him and what He’s got in store for us that requires freedom from self scrutiny. Today I’ll begin to share them here (at the bottom of the page), but will likely soon be posting them on the Blog zone…

Well, in other news; Horrible, Horrible night after a stellar day.

Our dog bit my youngest on the face, requiring five stitches and a serious pivot re; keeping her. She’s bitten before and we’ve attempted to implement all sorts of training and techniques, to no avail. Sheer heartbreak.

I’ve never had such a visceral, scary reaction to a crisis before. I came close to passing out AND barfing at the same time. My sweet, loving, gentle kid, who just wants to be chill with his dog was sitting on the couch minding his own business and this came out of nowhere. It was so scary and awful. I’m still reeling.

I needed him to feel the peace and safety of Jesus in the emergency room, in his mind, in his body and most importantly, in his spirit. He was beginning to spiral into guilt mode, and that is a LIE. We experienced crazy favour, thanks to two of our buddies who are emergency room doctors, and A (my son) dialled way into calm and courage. Thank You, God! You were there with him, orchestrating situations and feelings that could have been far more traumatic. My kids are impressive in their abilities to be honest and candid about their feelings in real time, which is a massive blessing.

Jesus, I stand on Your promise that all things work together for Good for us. You know exactly where this dog needs to be in order for her to feel safe and whole. You love A and You care about his experiences, and You promise to sort all of the traumas and troubles that come our way into something beautiful, miraculous and sensible. Please flood him again with Your peace and healing, in all of his parts. I refuse anger, fear, rejection and despair in his stead, and for our whole family, in Jesus’ Name. I receive, on A’s behalf, the trust and calm of the mind of Jesus. I put the whole enchilada in Your hands, Jesus, to relieve everyone of guilt, stress and upset, pup included. We love this little animal, and we love that You have solutions for her. Please heal her of whatever it is that causes her to react so violently, and connect her with those that can give her what she needs to feel safe and gentle.

I choose Your plans and purposes for our family, to cause us all to thrive and live authentically before You and in our world. You hold dreams, vision, camaraderie, relationships, ability and healing in Your hands that’s specific to and for each one of us. Please sort this all out, Lord. I trust You with this. You love A extravagantly and You value his days, and his time. You adore his tender, strong heart and You weep when he does. Please inform this entire experience for him in order for him to see again how present and kind You are in everything that concerns him. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dramatic pivot! Jesus, I thank You specifically for my body, as it is right now. Thank You for my face, my hair, all of my systems, my mind and especially for the real me; my spirit! I am who You made me to be, and You designed every part of me. My appearance brings You tremendous joy and I align my vision for myself with Yours today. Please be showing me all day what You see when You look at me. I claim joy in and gratitude for my appearance today. Thank You for designing and creating me to look the way that I do. I declare freedom from self criticism and/or self hatred today in the powerful and authoritative Name of Jesus. I am Your poetry and I don’t have the right or the need to say otherwise. Amen.

May 23, 2022

‘Lord, Your endless love stretches from one eternity to the other, unbroken and unrelenting toward those who fear You and those who bow facedown in awe before You. Your faithfulness to keep every gracious promise You’ve made passes from parents, to children, to grandchildren and beyond.’ Psalm 103:17

God, You are my Father. You are tender, lavish, generous and more open handed than I understand. I place myself back into alignment with Your will for my mind and my life again today. Please forgive me for every unkind or negative thought that I’ve had towards the people I’ve been frustrated or angry with. Help me to feel the ways that You do towards them, and open my eyes to their value and position before You. I want to comprehend the natural world as the kingdom reality it is. You’re right in front of me all the time, so I choose to perceive You and find the good, mine for the gold, and master my thought life in ways that bring You joy. I choose reverence and wonder right now, in Jesus’ Name. I understand that Your Word never stops speaking to me, and that You love when I use Your language to communicate with You.

You exist outside of human time and space, and Your endless life and perfect creative existence is entirely accessible to me today. I reach out to You, and at the same time, receive everything You’ve got for me today. Open my spirit, please, to be filled and renewed all over again. I choose reverence and wonder. I want to be more in awe of You and Your creation and activity than I was yesterday.

You are constant, close, true and loyal to me. You want heart to heart attachment, God. I want it too. Help me to stay in that position of a little one, at rest, totally trusting, and helpless without You. Outside of Your arms, I’m lost. Your dreams and visions for my life far exceed my own, so open my mind and activate me so that I can catch up to them!

Please make me patient but motivated today, Jesus. Please fill me with energy and stamina for my day. I want to see the way that You see and be able to extend the same kindness and hope that You do to everyone I interact with, understanding that You set up every encounter. I choose the infilling of the Holy Spirit right now. Overwhelm me with Your goodness and mercy and let it be tangible and contagious, God! Please help me to be a great Mom, friend, partner and person today. Help me to get better at all of the roles You’ve assigned to me without stress or striving. Thank You for every part of me, and thank You for the people You’ve gifted me with. Please help me to be worthy of their trust and time today, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

May 22, 2022

This morning I’m speaking at church about the tension between our dreams and our circumstances. God beckons us to lean into what we’re experiencing in the natural, while connecting with Him in order to usher in the Hope, wisdom, peace and understanding that shifts atmospheres and changes timelines. He sent Joseph ahead of his family, albeit allowing a crazy, painful scenario in order to save lives and generations, in order to teach radical humility and faith not just to Joseph, but to his entire family. There are people alive today as a result of Josephs’ business acumen and ability to plan, strategize, and most importantly; hear from God within the context of vivid prophetic dreams and their correct interpretations. We never know how our Creator is going to transform our pain and/or our experience into something outrageous.

We’re made to be the art of God and to fulfill the dreams He has for us. He created our triumphs that carry the weight of heaven before we even came into being. We’re joined to Salvation, destined to accomplish wonders, whether we see their importance and significance or not. We cannot presume the value or currency of heaven. We just have to accept that what we do in the place that we are, is seen and treasured by God. Little, big, seemingly meaningless; it doesn’t matter how we perceive the quotidian. He sifts differently.

God, help us to see our worth and our artistry. We are fearfully, wonderfully, carefully made by You to establish beauty, peace, identity, destiny and a release from futility where we are and how we are, moment by moment. You extend the possibility and ability to mature in the Spirit and You give us the tools we need when we need them. All You require is a willing heart. Today I say ‘yes’ again to Your plans and purposes for me. You want to shower me with prosperity of spirit and blessing, in ways that are beyond my human capacity to comprehend. I place my spirit in front of You today and ask that You fill me with everything I need in order to communicate Your heart and Your encouragement after a long ‘pause’ season. I give You permission to bypass my ideas and my perceptions about how this morning is going to roll out. Have Your way, God, in the service today, and please give me the words that YOU want to say.

Thank You that You made me to communicate. I relinquish control of my gift and ask that You undergird and inform it, so that I am utterly relieved of any pressure or stress as I walk out the destiny that You lovingly hand crafted exclusively for me. I am a conduit of Your words, sifted through the vocabulary and vibe that You placed with intentionality inside of me.

Thank You for my life and the lives of all of the wild people whose lives are recorded in scripture so that we can glean all kinds of stuff from them; both descriptive and proscriptive. Please give me wisdom and real time revelation so that I can share effectively and with power, Jesus. I love and trust You today. Amen.

May 21, 2022

‘So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you doorways of eternity! Welcome the King of Glory, for He is about to come through you. You ask ‘who is this King of Glory?’ Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, Yahweh, invincible in every way! So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you eternal doors! Here He comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. You ask, ‘who is this King of Glory?’ He is Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the Invincible Commander of heavens’ hosts. YES. He is the King of Glory.’ Psalm 24:9-10

God, You’ve made me to be a gate, a bridge, a door and a lens. I choose today to lift my eyes and my spirit to meet Yours. I choose and declare over myself and the community of believers everywhere; abundant HOPE, miraculous, contagious and fresh FAITH, extravagant energy and zealous, abandoned devotion to You that hits new heights today! You are more ‘Enough’ than we can comprehend, but we want to be full of everything we need today and more. We rejoice, celebrate and rest in the all encompassing satisfaction of knowing You today. You extend Your hand daily to feed, clothe and speak to us. You are invincible, invulnerable, unconquerable and magnificent. You are provider, sustainer, protector and deliverer. You are unfailing, unrelenting and unyielding power and presence. You are an all consuming Fire. You are constantly active, but forever focused. You are personally invested; my Tear Collector, and You know my entire, triumphant story, start to finish and beyond. You are paradox upon paradox, but the beauty of faith is the mystery. We have eternities to examine and worship You. You are as close as we want You to be, so today I’m asking that You be totally magnified within me. Roil and vibrate, be heavy and light all at once. Make Your presence in and as me so obvious, please God. You’re my DNA, my thoughts and my dreams. You’re my blood and my breathe. Reality of heaven, invade every place within and without, all over the world today, in the Name of Jesus!

You are the King of Glory; splendid, beautiful, indomitable, worthy of all honour, all adoration and loyalty. You are mine and I’m Yours.

Today I claim the presence of Your Spirit. I declare a new infilling in and for my family. Rush in and take up space again, Jesus. Heal and restore, remind and rejuvenate. Refresh and realign, in Your incredible Name.

Thank You for life forever. What a crazy miracle! Please build our faith to epic proportions today, God. Amen.

May 20, 2022

‘Behold, I am coming quickly! I bring my reward with Me to repay everyone according to their works. I am the Aleph and the Tav, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Completion.’ Revelation 22:12-13

‘Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days-You wouldn’t believe if you were told.’ Habakkuk 1:5

‘We quit once a day, we just don’t stay quit.’ Heidi Baker

God, one of the reasons that You put high value on us knowing what Your Word says, is so that we won’t be shaken or full of despair and confusion when we see what’s happening globally. The facts are the facts; You are coming back to restore and heal EVERYTHING FOREVER. I am attaching myself like a limpet to Your promise and Your hope today all over again. Your Light will break forth in incomprehensible ways, Your beauty will radiate and cause what’s dead to flourish and live, the words from Your mouth will echo and resonate with the frequencies of heaven and will cause miracles that we aren’t able to anticipate to occur right in front of us! You come back as an adult, a warrior, a lover and a Restorer of all things.

I ask for Your energy and Your heart for this world today. Please ignite my passion for every person and every place. Please fill everyone with Your presence and reality, Jesus. Holy Spirit, invade this planet and impact minds, spirits, bodies and hearts today in utterly innovative ways, please. You are real. You are returning. You are LIFE.

I declare, speak, pray and invoke the blessings of Yahweh today for this planet and it’s people today. For animals, the atmosphere, for the flora of the earth to break free of the futility of the fallen and be reestablished with the blueprints of heaven, in Jesus’ Name! God, that the ones who know and love You would come face to face with the power that lives in them, that they have all access to! You are capable of anything and everything! Lift us out of any malaise or feelings of impotence when it comes to prayer and the impact our faith has on the ecosystems around and within us! You are the Creator of everything we see, ingest, handle and embody. You are the Master and Lord of All Things. I give You my love today, God. You’re worth everything I have to give.

You hold every resource and are poised at all times to gift me with the desires of my heart for my family. I am officially stating that You have free reign within and without to open doors, shut doors, reroute us and shower us with goodness and favour today. Please let Your Spirit be palpable for my kids right now, Jesus.

Overflow in my family today, God. Captivate and amaze us. Show us Your divine wisdom in and for our lives, please. Help us to perceive You and the ways that You illuminate our paths. Please show us how to value ourselves today the way that You do. Please help us to see the ways that You made others to be loved and valued. I place myself, my kids, my partner, my parents and brother, my city and my world at Your feet, God, and ask that You clear any obstacles of communication and receptivity out of the way in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

May 19, 2022

‘Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honourable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God.’ Philippians 4:8

This verse used to scare me, because I never thought I was doing it right. Growing up on the periphery of the church in the ‘80’s, or, rather, watching my Mom be a Christian, my assumption was that I needed to trade in my innate identity for that of a cookie-cutter, assembly line, adhere to the dress code and party policy of a buttoned up Christian teenager of the day…to which my response was: ‘Barf’.

Tragically, it wasn’t until adulthood that I was able to comprehend that God wanted me to be Me. He made me to like what I like and to do what I do, within the safety of His instruction and love. Only then were words like ‘noble’, ‘pure’, ‘holy’ and ‘honourable’ able to become goals rather than the tight boxes of homogeneity I had been thinking they were.

I am to focus on Him in order to unpack my authenticity and allow Him to show me beauty and build my desire for my own holiness. Sadly, the Jesus that wants me to explore and ask questions, create and display wonders and open ended adventure has been kept under wraps. He values all people and calls them to leadership and power, He enrobes us in might and ability through His Spirit, so that we can live with intentionality and satisfaction no matter what. This is for everyone, and it’s attainable.

Today I’m embracing patience in the context of my life. I choose to move forwards and to leave striving and stressing on the side of the road so that I can connect to the perfect timing of God. I attach myself to the real, the admirable and the honourable, and I DO fasten my thoughts to all of the incredible things You’ve done, are doing and will do, Jesus.

Anything other than the reality of Your kingdom is too depressing to contemplate, God. I trust that everything is going to make perfect sense one day, and that You are going to comfort and heal everyone whose been victimized, traumatized, trafficked and broken. I ask today that You’d intervene and rescue all of these people. Let Your rescue and redemption flood this planet today and let it be obvious to everyone that You are God.

My choices inform my journey, so I choose to allow You to speak to me clearly about real time decisions, big and little, Jesus. You are my Light and my friend. You have the best intentions for me and my people. Please infuse us with Your wisdom, guidance and discernment. Help us to inhabit our identities with clarity and compassion. Please clean our vision today and give us patience, loyalty and wild faith in order to stay glued to every promise that finds it’s ABSOLUTELY in Jesus! You are so, so real and so Good, God. I can only say that I love You so much, and that I want to love You so much more today. Please protect and defend my kids today, Jesus. Please be so present to them today that they are bowled over by Your blessings and Your beauty. Shock them with Your tremendous favour and communication, Holy Spirit.

For my partner, I ask for elevation, highlighting, favour, abundant blessings and satisfaction in his day today. Please give him the desires of his heart and continue to gift him with the honour of being Your hands and Your creative design partner in and for this city. Thank You for his big love for this place, it’s clearly an echo of Your heart that is so for our home. Thank You for the land. we’re on. Please heal and restore every place. Deliver this land from degradation, sadness and poverty. I apply the Blood and declare a release from futility and total restoration in and over our city. Return to the plan of Creation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 18, 2022

I’ve been sitting with the story of Joseph over the last two weeks or so. A classic, though the ones we’ve known forever sometimes have a way of getting lost in the annals of childhood. The bangers like Psalm 23, Jesus giving us a graduate tutorial on prayer in Matthew, Creation, etc…Sometimes we give Him a ‘yeah, yeah, I know all that’ response when He reminds us to give them some air time. The joke is, those power house Bible addresses are famous for a reason. They are deep, resonant, and speak with authority through the ages.

I’m understanding that I can absolutely be fully operational and functional in a God given gift, but if I don’t make a decision to align the rest of my being with holiness, it can get me into all sorts of trouble. I’m struck by the very human need I have to hang onto the natural, the things that make me look clever, interesting and appealing, in order to make me feel secure and confident. I’m sitting with Joseph and am shocked by the ways that he leaned into circumstance and never let go of the promise of goodness and communication no matter what his physical eyes were telling him. His restoration is beyond comprehension. After years of languishing in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, he was elevated to second in command of the most powerful nation in the known world and tasked with food security and the survival of everyone. God is capable of elevating us in ways we can’t predict, as long as we make a conscious decision to jettison pride and arrogance and learn from Him like a kid.

God, I lean into Your creative and triumphant plan for my life and the lives of my loved ones. Your intentions for all of us are pure, powerful and radiant! You have and want the best for us, and often we misunderstand or get frustrated and impatient with what we see. I’m sorry. Please give me the wisdom and understanding to apprehend the promise for all of us. Please help me to discern and recognize You when it seems like You’re nowhere to be found. You’re still helping my lungs to breathe and my heart to beat. Where there’s life, there’s overarching, muscular Hope and the promise of outrageous Goodness and a deeply meaningful existence. I place us all again in Your narrative. I align us with Your will and Your adventure. I receive the maturity and discernment of Jesus right now, in His Name. Please give me/us the patience of Joseph, and his ability to cling to faith for/in our own lives. Help us to be in the world but not of it the way he was able to be. He embraced the culture he was trafficked to, loved the people, worked hard and saved the day, while maintaining his trust in and love for You, God. Please give me/us that same agility and loyalty. Help us to embody and be a conduit for You in the midst of Egypt, Jesus. Bless every nation on the face of this earth today, God. Cover this planet with Your Blood and encounter every person with the real You. You love the ways that we look, celebrate, eat, create and work. Everywhere. You allocated people groups to homelands and You love when we introduce people to our own history and culture. Please help us to honour and respect each other, worldwide today. Invade this planet with a spirit of Family, Holy Spirit, and impact us all with a love we never knew was possible for this place. Fill us with gratitude and Peace today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

May 17, 2022

God, I hand You my communication. Let every exchange and interaction be full of mercy, vision and depth today please. Release me from preconceived assumptions that are full of pain, fear and/or performance. Please give me strength, compassion, purpose and the zeal to speak and perceive in the creative and intentional ways that You do, Jesus. Please guide and help me to never put people in different positions of importance, God. I want to bust out of patterns of judgement and premature assumptions based on status or appearance. Please invade my heart and my mind with Yours. Help me to see directly into reality and identity when I’m talking to people. The whole truth is that You love us all equally, and You’re not interested in hierarchies or categories. Help me to get there, Jesus. Rinse and realign my attitude and my ability to care. I want to be closer to being like You today than I was yesterday. I set my mind on You and Your eyes for others. Lift me out of any selfishness or propensity to always be evaluating based on some sort of weird structures or categories the world and I made up, Jesus. Please forgive me. The simplicity of love feels so difficult sometimes. Iron it out for me again, God.

I choose love. I choose equality and kindness. I choose to drop the need to be important or ‘seen’ by anyone but You. I’m asking for Your humility right now, Jesus. I want to be free and far from arrogance. Help me to see properly today. I’m asking for a fresh infilling of Your beautiful, fiery, peaceful, energizing and restful Spirit right now please Jesus. Fill all of the spaces that need it and wake up the places that need some attention. Thank You God. You are so present and awake to every need of mine. It’s ridiculous that I forget to ask for the things I need…whether I know about them or not. Just please come and do what only You can do. Your kingdom come and Your will be done in me as it is in heaven. I apply this prayer to my partner and my kids today also, God. Clarity, gratitude, kindness, peace, forgiveness, directness and awareness are OURS today, in Jesus’ Name! Fill us to overflowing, Holy Spirit, with Your incredible power and healing! You are making Yourself known right now even in the wind outside of the window of my office. You have movement and energy and You act when we ask. I’m so beyond grateful to You today, Great Light of the world, The Great I AM, beautiful and powerful Messiah..the Jewish Man. The Embodiment of the Father. You’re loved today. Amen.

May 16, 2022

God, today I’m asking for an infilling of the love that You have for Jesus for humanity, one for another. Give us the ability to value and treasure each other. Help us to rise above ignorance, misunderstanding and generational hate. There are such deep wells of degradation and disregard that lead to death, but the wells that are full of honour, unity and intense love go deeper than we know. I declare a flood of the power of profound Goodness over and into the land and it’s people today, Jesus. Comfort, awaken, unify and strengthen community in Buffalo today. Give Your precious people there the ability to get up today and have hope. I declare value and protection, in Jesus’ Name. Your heart breaks over this, God. You made all people with such practicality and intentionality. Melanin is smart. Our skin is our skin and You crafted us all perfectly and placed us all where You wanted our families to come from. We made things stupid. Forgive us, God, when we hate and intentionally miss the mark and create chaos. Please give Your beloved ones resilience and surround them with the protection of heaven right now. Hearts, bodies, minds and spirits. Let everything that was slated to bring division, more death, violence and hate be utterly turned on its’ head. Display Your splendour and Your tenderness in Buffalo NY today. Flood that place with Your presence. Enrobe grieving families and a violated community with Your tangible Spirit, Jesus. Give us wisdom to say the right things at the right times. For those of us who live within the privilege of safety because of our lineage, please guide us and give us vision and clarity. Help us to drop any pride or offence. We say ‘WE LOVE YOU!!’ over and over today. We are with you, God is with you. We grieve with you and we stand with you. We create space for you somehow. We’re so sorry. God, please help. Please illuminate our history and give us the fortitude to navigate all of it together. Please lavishly pour the Blood of the Lamb over all of the places and people who need it today. God, break our hearts with what breaks Yours and give us the impetus, tools, humility and wherewithal to pray, love and stand with Your precious people today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 15, 2022

God, You extend the privilege of prayer as an act of self determination. I don’t have to do it in order to maintain my status as loved, but if I want to build our friendship, I need to activate it. Prayer is a muscle we all have, and it’s robustness is determined by our ability to value and exercise it. It’s a choice. Radio silence between us isn’t an option for me, Jesus. I want us to be communicating all the time. Reminding myself daily to connect with You is what You’re living for! You’re already here waiting for me to notice You. Every morning Your heart and Your arms are wide open. It’s heartbreaking to think about how ignored You are when Your posture is always a welcoming embrace.

Today I choose a lifestyle of connection with You. Again. The secret place of friendship and trust is something that I’m not hungry enough for…the joke is that we only get hungrier by acknowledging our lack of interest. I want to want You, Jesus. I’m hungry to be hungry. I need to need You. I’m just asking for More today. Please and Thank You.

Relieve any fear or reticence when it comes to the two of us. You’re pretty incredible and overwhelming. I focus on Your promise that when I ask for forgiveness, You erase and eradicate my sin completely. You don’t see it anymore, so I don’t need to fret or feel any kind of way other than grateful.

Thank You for the miracle of prayer. You’re operating the world and everything in it constantly, You’re keeping humanity standing, intervening all over the place. Jesus, You’re advocating without stopping, yet somehow You’re face to face with me anytime without any rush or agenda other than loving me. You listen and You talk. God, You’re on the throne performing billions of acts of justice and restoration every second of every day, but You hold me on Your lap and speak gently to me about the tiny things I care about.

I trust You with everything that means a lot to me. I trust You with the lives of my partner and my kids. I trust Your guidance, Your provision and Your direction. You are my Father and You give good gifts. You lavish me and mine with protection and direction. Thank You for Your kingdom reality and for igniting desire within me. I love You. Amen.

May 14, 2022

There’s nothing easier than letting oneself get overwhelmed by work, obligations, tasks and responsibilities, but as a parent of five, I make it my business to create pockets of ‘face time’ for each one of my kids. It can be super flexible and organic, but it’s definitely part of my job daily. Kid and partner interaction is paramount, and I’ve learned over the years that anything that robs me of relationship isn’t worth doing.

Being a woman who says ‘no’ or ‘I don’t want to do that.’ is jarring for some. Creating boundaries, becoming a person who says what they mean and mean what they say may take some time. Protecting time and health is important, and travelling from aggressive to assertive was my journey.

God, thank You for boundaries. Thank You for giving me choices and options so that I can protect what matters to me. I’m asking today for more wisdom when it comes to time allocation and my ability to make decisions that are edifying for me and my family. I choose to steward what You’ve given me well, so I attach my mind to Yours, Jesus. I welcome Your reactions and Your prioritizing skills! I want Your rested state to be mine. Please energize me AND relax me. I receive Your delight in my day. I choose to be captivated by and alive in everything that today brings.

Please help me to be kind. I need the self awareness of Jesus in order to be completely me, but to know the difference between funny and strong and harsh and abrasive. Help me, please, to be the real me today. I don’t want to act a role, but I also want to be like You, God. I declare authenticity and identity over and into myself today, in Jesus’ Name.

God, please bless my kids today with Peace, resilience, wisdom and discernment for their own lives. Show them every next step. Reveal Your plans and purposes to them as needed, Jesus. Illuminate the correct options for them please. So much decision making gets done on the cusp of adulthood, so please alleviate any stress or anxiety and make it so clear please, Holy Spirit.

Thank You for today, God. You deliver me over and over again because You take immense delight in me. I believe that today. Amen.

May 13, 2022

This is another day that You’ve custom made for me. I choose to acknowledge it’s possibility and it’s rarity. There hasn’t been a May 13, 2022 before, and there won’t ever be another. I place my heart in front of You right now, God, and ask that You wash it in the Blood and organize and realign it. Please remove anything conflicted, mixed or divided from it. Please securely establish my spirit again today. Please renew it and breathe Your energy and life into it. Build my strength again today, Jesus. I choose Your rest and Your recharge today. I refuse to believe that my worth is contingent upon my works.

You did, however, make all kinds of things for me to accomplish, enjoy and do while I’m here on the earth, so please help me to collate and prioritize well. Help me to know how to edit tasks, so that I’m doing precisely what I should be doing, no more, no less. I don’t want to overextend myself because of feelings of obligation. Help me to maintain boundaries, or set new ones in place, as needed, Jesus. Refresh me with Your food and drink, and give me the stamina and endurance of heaven to inhabit my day with power, whether it’s naps or hikes or work…

You made us all so differently. Please help us to stop playing the comparison game. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Help our entire beings absorb that reality in all sorts of ways. Please inspire us to try new things, believe in ourselves, choose crazy faith, and push ourselves out of comfort zones or patterns that aren’t doing us any favours.

Please reconfigure whatever needs it in my body, spirit, mind and life right now, God. Have Your way in me. I declare that Your kingdom is come and Your will done in my life as it is in Heaven, Jesus. I believe that Your intentions toward me are perfect. I believe in Your belief in me. I rise to meet every challenge, even the challenge of rest and relaxation, with Your zeal and mindset. You chose to chill out when You needed to, and You created boundaries. You knew when to move and when to stay still. You are the embodiment of wisdom and self awareness, so I’m asking that You give me Your mind today, Jesus. Help me to function well. Thank You so much for everything You’ve done, are doing and will do. Amen.

May 12, 2022

‘Your anointing-covering, consecration and presence-has made me strong and mighty. You’ve empowered my life for triumph…I will raise my horns high like the wild ox and in my old age I’ll have plenty of oil!’ Psalm 92:10

That oil of Yours provides me with power, might, sanity and clarity, endurance, interior health, tenacity, more room for faith, and massive amounts of gratitude that are renewed daily.

I claim for myself today, and for everyone I represent, a new and deeper comprehension of my innate nobility and value that are the byproduct of being inhabited by the Holy Spirit and by my relationship with the Source of all goodness and provision. I attach my mind to the mind of Jesus, and declare again that I have a solid destiny and identity that aren’t random, but utterly intentional and important in the grand scheme of all things!

Proverbs 31 promises that power and majesty are wrapped around me as I inhabit the Joy of my Creator. My belief in the end and beginning of all things is completely secure. No regrets, no bitterness, no time crunch. I have zero fear as I contemplate eternity.

You are incorruptible, Jesus. You are full of integrity, love, approval and safety. You are real and funny and kind. You are my ability to enjoy my life, no matter what. You open up all sorts of possibilities and ideas for me all the time. I choose to perceive it.

I am me because You are You. Thank You for making me the way You did. I lean into my own life because You are the author and finisher of it. You’re at the beginning, the middle and the end, inviting me further up and further in!

Thank You for life today, Jesus. Thank You for my city and it’s inhabitants. Thank You for every story that’s being written. Thank You that You’re the creative genius who’s able to take everything negative and make something fabulous with it all. You are a Miracle. I love You and I’m super thankful. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 11, 2022

‘God, You’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge. You’re a proven help in time of trouble-more than enough and always available whenever I need You.’ Psalm 46:1

Oh man, what would I do without You? How lonely is it to have a God shaped hole inside? When I’m feeling hollow and awful, You only need a feeble ‘help’ and You’re right there, filling me with hope and security. Jesus, please give me more insight into how it feels to be without You. Please compel me to ask You over and over for global encounters with Your kingdom and Your presence. You clothe us with dignity and power…all it takes is the ask. You give us the ability to perform demanding tasks and feats of endurance and tenacity. We hold on to the hope that is displayed before us and for the joy of an eternity with You, we endure like You did. You inspire us to feel devotion that sustains our efforts and our lives. You say that we’re worthy of love and honour. You are our covering, our consecration and our redemption. Forever.

Thank You for opportunities for adventure and for learning. Thank You for exposing generational histories of pain and persecution…You never leave us without the tools to turn it all around with You. Thank You for healing and restoration. Thank You for the fortitude and courage to delve into ancestral junk so that we can make it right with You. God, please give us the love that You have for Jesus for humanity and help us to see the one right in front of us always.

Thank You for our safety and health. You are the consummate Protector and Deliverer. You are Sustainer and Restorer, the Majestic Choreographer and Creator of All. You’re also my best friend. Thanks for seeing me and loving me no matter what. Amen.

May 10, 2022

Yes! Sunshine! Today I’m really thankful for a shift in light. I love when seasons change and the angle and quality of light are different. I needed this.

‘Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of My purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers ‘There is change in the air’!’ Song of Songs 2:13

I choose to recognize the new things You’re doing in and around me, God. I choose community, curiosity, peace and foresight. I want to move steadily ahead without stressing about where I’m going or how I’m gonna get there. I trust and lean into You in faith that You’re leading and guiding me further into my life. I jettison worry about ‘success’, opportunities or finances. You provide. Period. I choose to be obedient to the ways in which You made me to excel. I am open to Your plans and purposes for my day today. I’m breathing Your Spirit in right now, and exhaling any fear or worry about today. I’m doing this on behalf of my family as well. Peace that surpasses my comprehension, flood me now, in Jesus’ Name. Overcome my kids with that same Peace, Jesus, please. Open all doors that need opening for them today, and shut the ones that need shutting. Usher and guide them further today, God. Show them what to do and how to do it, in Your Name. Encounter all of us with Your Goodness, provision, blessing, abundant life and mercy all day today please Jesus.

Help me to identify, isolate and obliterate all of the little foxes in my vineyard. All conflict, compromise, self hatred, fear, despair and/or hopelessness…just any/everything that would eat away at my life and my faith, leave me alone right now, be gone in Jesus’ Name. I’m asking that every piece of interior real estate previously inhabited by any of this stuff be filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit of God.

I have it because I ask for it. You’re a great Parent, and You don’t leave me hanging when I ask for good stuff. I receive everything I’ve asked for with massive gratitude today, God. Thank You so much. I love You. Amen.

May 9, 2022

God, today I’m sitting with how seamlessly and wildly You’ve choreographed my life. All of the foibles, dangers, snares, moments and ‘coincidences’ that led me straight into Your arms are pretty incredible. You’ve used everything sent to destroy me to make me stronger and more sure of Your reality and rescue. You turn everything crappy into pure gold. You lift us off of ash heaps we’re not even aware that we’re sitting on. You purify our vision and lift our hopes every minute of every day.

Jesus, You’re so lovely. Thank You for Your humour, presence, power and friendship. Thank You that You make everything better, more fun, more meaningful, safer and healthier than we could imagine. Today I want to see more of the kingdom of heaven that lives here on planet earth. Please show me the spirit realm that coexists with and informs our human one. I want to see wonders!! I’m stating again for the record; YOU ARE REAL. You are Light, hope, energy, oxygen, nourishment, ability, creativity, salvation and restoration. You are every perfect promise. You’re my Master, Friend, Messiah and my Eternity. You are the Great Light of the World.

Thank You for the privilege of being able to converse with You and call on You to unravel, unsnarl and make sense of my life, every minute of every day.

Thank You for valuing me and hand delivering a plan, a hope and a future.

Thank You for my eternal paradigm, where I find rest, pleasure and purpose.

Thank You for all of my senses and talents. I choose to value myself the way that You do, and from that place, to extend love and compassion to everyone You bring my way today, Jesus.

Give me eyes to see and ears to hear today please, God. I choose to perceive that You’re always up to new things. I refuse to be afraid of whatever it is You’ve got up Your sleeve.

Thank You for Your intense protection for me and my family. I apply the Blood again to my kids, my partner, my home, vehicles, routes to and from my house, to my walls, doors, windows, roof and basement. I stand in the truth of Your identity and breathe You in on behalf of my family today. I speak and declare abundant blessings, favour, provision and prosperity in the natural and the supernatural, in Jesus’ Name!

Continue to communicate with my kids, Holy Spirit. Please alleviate any stress, anxiety, guilt or feelings of not measuring up, spiritually that they may be buying into. You are so in love with each of them, so please encounter them with Your tenderness and Peace today. You are the embodiment of true Love, God. I welcome You into my/our day and receive You with gladness and appreciation. Thank You for my next breath and heartbeat. Please enrobe our bodies, minds and spirits in Your presence and Your health. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 8, 2022

My soul is ecstatic, overflowing with praises to God! My spirit bursts with joy over my life giving God! For He set His tender gaze upon me, His lowly servant girl. And from here on, everyone will know that I’ve been favoured and blessed. The Mighty One has worked a mighty miracle for me; holy is His name! Mercy kisses all who fear Him, from one generation to the next. Mighty power flows from Him to scatter all those who walk in pride. Powerful princes He tears from their thrones and He lifts up the lowly to take their place. Those who hunger for Him will always be filled, but the smug and self-satisfied He will send away empty.’ Luke 1:46-53

Mom goal alert. Man, Mary must have been one strong, solid, healthy person, inside and out. The fortitude it would have taken to be her is kind of staggering. Her spiritual foundation, emotional and physical stamina, and her willingness to adventure into the abstract, unknown and dangerous are definitely worth thinking about.

She declares that she is blessed; empowered for abundant life. She states firmly that she’s highly favoured; chosen, filled with authority, and given the ability to fulfill very specific tasks. Today, I’m standing on the Mary Precedent! You filled her with the muscle to walk out her life with nobility and power, God! That’s what I want, as a parent, partner, creator and builder here on planet Earth. I receive Your blessing and favour today, abundantly, in Jesus’ Name! I choose strength, resilience, hope and stamina to be solidly invested in my own life, and the lives of the ones You’ve given me to steward and parent. You empower and enlighten, always, God. You give us the ability to champion and overcome. You are our life and our endurance! You are the Divine Parent. I call upon Your parenting flexibility, wisdom, chill and deep love today. Fill every parent here on earth with the ability to love, touch, speak, release and intercede for their children, regardless of age or stage in Jesus’ Name. What a different world it would be if we honoured kids the way You do, God. Fill each of us with respect and freedom. Give us the interior infrastructure that You gifted to Mary, that made her capable of walking out life alongside of her Son and being there for Him, no matter what. I want all of the love that You have for Jesus for my family today. Fill me to overflowing, Holy Spirit, with love for my human family.

Thank You for making me a Mom. Thanks for the radical complement You’ve paid me by calling me to this crazy commission. I accept all over again right now. Thank You, infinity. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 7, 2022

God, Your delight lives in me. I make You glad and You enjoy the ways in which You’ve made me. I choose again today to place myself, my family and every world issue that You’ve caused to impact my heart, inside of Your strong hand. Your shadow encompasses me and I’m completely invisible to any force or being that wants to hurt me and mine. You’re my great Hope; my expectation of incredible things. You’re all I’ve got, really, at the end and beginning of all things.

You protect me from the hunter of my life. You encapsulate me in Your solid and impermeable protection. You enrobe me in Your presence and You cover me with Your majesty and power.

I don’t have to worry about my future or the futures of my kids. If we don’t quit, we win. I emerge from any/all dark times with Your perspective, Your energy, Your vision and Your hope for the world! I am surrounded by angels, hosts, creatures, colours and sound and I’m lavishly clothed in the Blood of Jesus. I claim all of this for my family today.

I walk safely through my life, no matter what. I love You, God, I take pleasure in You, I give You honour and thanks today. You hear me and You move into action every time I speak to You. Even when it looks like nothing is happening, it’s ALL happening! You exist outside of human time and dimensionality and one day everything is going to make perfect sense. I choose to be utterly satisfied by You today, Jesus. I believe that it doesn’t matter what my circumstances are, You are Good and pure and present, and Your love is the ONLY thing that will stand. I believe that Your intentions towards me are trustworthy and reliable. You have all sorts of things prepared for me, so I step into all of the moments of my life today with gusto. Thank You for the world. Thank You for land, water, air, animals and LIFE. Thank You for rescue and redemption. I open my mind to Your ideas, solutions and strategies today, God. I choose Your ways of communicating and holding space. I love You dearly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

May 6, 2022

God, thank You for the opportunity to journey further into a place that’s free of self centeredness, scrutiny and hatred. Thank You that You extend the offering of freedom from body dysmorphia and poor vision for myself. I love that You made me capable of mastering my negative self talk with deeper awareness and the all consuming love of the Father! The mind of Jesus belongs to me. Thank You so much for prompting me to welcome You into my walk with myself so that I can be free to just be me. I want to feel the way You feel about the way that I look. I believe that You know and see best. I love the crazy liberty of self acceptance and body neutrality that ushers me into realms of gratitude and lifts me out of a navel gazing, obsessive mind into places of peace and compassion for and focus on others rather than ‘how is my face different today than it was yesterday?’ I choose to rise above the meaningless chatter I’ve been programmed to listen to about myself! Yeesh.

I am free because You say that I am. I have things to do that You made me to do. I care about details and timing. I dig symmetry and colour. I enjoy action and noise. I love the things I love because that’s how I’m wired…and You love it all.

I am loved. I receive MORE love today. Love in, love out. I open to the energy and purposefulness of God. I lean into my identity and my circumstances, no matter what. I choose to see myself as worthy, embraced, celebrated, held and protected. You sing and dance about me, God. You respect me. You listen to me and You enjoy me. You are a Great Father. I love Your promise to delight me and give me projects to do that matter to me. Everything is woven together so expertly by You. I declare Your kingdom come and Your will be done worldwide today. Life here as it is in heaven! Life abundantly, overflowing gratitude, no matter what things look like. Collective gratitude changes atmospheres, nations, mindsets, and perceptions. Our thankfulness creates an ecosystem of clarity. Change the vision of this world to one of love and honour, Jesus. If only we treated one another the way You made us to. All of the tangles and snares would be utterly irrelevant. Please give me the ability to honour and respect the bodies of my fellow people the way that You do. Help me to love this earth and it’s inhabitants so well today. Give me deep reverence for Your creation, and the wisdom to steward everything I’ve been given. Help us to travel to the root of issues and not just want to slap a religious band aid onto problems and generational, national pain. Give every person on this earth right now a spirit of nobility, empathy, peace and confidence, Jesus. In Your Name. Amen.

May 5, 2022

God, I’m amazed by Your ability to soothe my thought life and bring order to my feelings. I choose Your wise choreography for my life again today. You give me the ability to see Your big dreams for me and understand that Your hand is writing my story, while at the same time I can lean into circumstances that seem tiny, difficult and insignificant. If Joseph hadn’t been trafficked and imprisoned, he wouldn’t have been put in charge of food security for the known world. If Mary hadn’t undergone the most frightening and incomprehensible encounter of her life as a young teenager, she wouldn’t have borne the Messiah and had the privilege of raising Him while simultaneously being forged into a person of true grit and depth. If Moses hadn’t said a grudging ‘okay’, a people group would have been ground into non-existence. So many ‘ifs’ of precedent to stand on…how could I belittle my own life in the moments that it seems inconsequential? Every minute of it matters in the grand scheme of things. The butterfly effect is GOD.

God, thank You for the little things today that seem meaningless. They’re not meaningless to You. I choose to believe in the magnitude of the mundane. You don’t press ‘pause’ in my day because nothings’ going on. It all comes together in the end. Thank You.

I choose to love and honour my life and my world today, Jesus. I love my city and the people in it. All of them. I’m choosing it.

Thank You for the seasons of painful growth that are harder almost to watch than to undergo. I’m asking that You bring my kids to Your feet again today and that You alleviate any/all pain with Your sweetness and friendship. I declare utter restoration and a sound mind, in Jesus’ Name for all of my kids. I apply the protection, safety, connection and resurrection that You purchased for them again, Jesus. Please remind them all of Your love and oversight in a fresh way, Holy Spirit. I trust You implicitly with their mental, physical and spiritual health. I speak the Blood of Jesus over them.

Thank You for Your timing. One day it’ll all make perfect sense. I’m gonna choose to believe in Your wisdom and goodness all the time. In Your Name, Jesus, Amen.

May 4, 2022

On the days that I wake up feeling overwhelmed or burdened, I’m learning that I need to simply request one thing; the Joy of the Lord. This doesn’t negate challenges or trials, it just collates them and informs them in a healthy way. His Joy switches perspective and washes any burdens in the clarity of the Holy Spirit. This wholeness and understanding is a gift and a miracle. Waking up already feeling over it isn’t the state we’re to exist within. We have not because we ask not.

Thank You, Jesus, for Your Joy. Thank You for Your ability to see in a big picture, priority of heaven kind of way. Thank You for my life and for every challenge that comes my way. I know that You’re rubbing Your hands together and saying ‘Here we go…another opportunity for you to see just who I am in every one of your circumstances, big and little.’

I invite You into every minute, every interaction, every choice and every challenge today, Jesus. Come on in and renovate me, in real time. When I experience stress or pressure, please be speaking really clearly to me about what I’m learning and what I have access to. I receive the tranquility of heaven for my day today, Holy Spirit. I receive the mind of Jesus and the ability to process, to speak and act wisely and lovingly in every situation. I receive the strength and fortitude to maintain my boundaries, Jesus, just like You did/do.

I am ready, willing and able to live my life today, God, because You’re in, around and with me. You’re my Father, my medicine, my health, my protection and my peace. I love You and I’m so thankful. Please hold my family in Your column of profound and radical goodness. I declare and apply the Blood to and over them today. You are their salvation and their life. Please remind them of the miracle of their existence today, Jesus, and restore and kiss awake their spirits within them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

May 3, 2022

Jesus, You’ve promised that You’re close and attentive to us when our hearts are utterly crushed. You’ve experienced more grief and loss than we could ever stand. You stand by to comfort and console us in our darkest hours. I’m asking that You make Yourself known and felt today to those who are sitting in the midst of loss and bereavement. For the ones feeling the very physical ache of missing. For Your beloved ones who are wondering if they said all the right things, if they advocated hard enough, if their ‘goodbye’ was adequate…please sit with them, speak to them, minister mightily to them and hold Your heart to theirs right now. Please breathe with them and regulate them. Please cover them with comfort and give them the freedom to let it all out in the ways that they need to, and to feel all the feels. Please surround them with people who are patient like You. Jesus, be their solace right now. Remind them of the sweetness of the best of times. Give them fortitude to ache and to grieve. Alleviate and assuage any/all guilt or feelings of inadequacy right now, in Your Name, Jesus! Allow them to welcome memory. I declare zero paralysis or frozen inability to function, God. I speak comfort and consolation. Purification of tears, flow, in Jesus’ Name. Heal family rifts, bring reunion and redemption. Unity, loyalty and faith be built up in this time. Thank You for relationships, God. It hurts so much when human lives run their course here on the earth, but we know, we KNOW that Your kingdom is real and active. We know that the ones we grieve are alive and well, healthy and whole, full of identity, purpose and worship. It just sucks for the ones who are left and need to continue living without them for a time. Please just enrobe everyone grieving today with Your peace, Your kindness, Your freedom, space and ease. Be love today, Jesus. It’s what You are. Amen.

May 2, 2022

‘I leave the gift of Peace with you-My Peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but My perfect Peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts-instead be courageous.’ John 14:27

‘And everything I’ve taught you is so that the Peace which is in Me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in Me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!’ John 16:33

Jesus, access to Your Peace is a miracle! I receive it.

You have successfully taken control over everything. You’ve vanquished death and You’ve removed every curse. You’ve hand delivered freedom and security to me. You’re the Light of the world, the Master of my life, my Messiah, deliverer and provider. Because of You, I am free from fear in the face of turbulence, I have the right to the tranquility and calm that You embody and give so generously. Your order, wholeness and blessing inform every second of my life. I invite You into my spirit, brain and body again today, Holy Spirit, and I honour and thank You for the Peace that surpasses all human understanding. I welcome that Peace into all of my cels, thoughts, hormones, processes and systems. I am a temple.

I want to be a pillar of blessing today, Jesus. I will lavishly bless and release life and encouragement as I move through my day. My prayer and presence creates infrastructure in the spiritual realm as I partner with You to reveal Your kingdom here on earth. I declare into and over myself today that Jesus’ self confidence, sense of self, identity and interior peace are mine! I breathe it all in and then breathe it out again…let it be contagious today, God. Your reality is my security and my food. Please quash and obliterate all doubt, anxiety, concern or worry, in the powerful Name of Jesus! Amen.

May 1, 2022

‘Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Jesus.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Jesus, Your pleasure and happiness are my satisfying celebration. Even in the midst of global chaos and a seemingly unending barrage of bad news, one fact remains: You are pure Salvation and Redemption. You are returning to restore all things. I am existing within the gift of an eternal paradigm. I have life forever and I get to hold onto the promise of a world free of pain, pollution, degradation, sin, suffering and madness. All will be well.

In the interim, it’s my honour to partner with You, Jesus, and to move in prayer the way that You built me to. Please open my eyes, continue to build my compassion and whet my appetite for intercession. Give me the internal fortitude to see as clearly as You do and to be able to translate ugliness and pain into radical prayer and faithful petitioning on behalf of the ones who are suffering in real time. Please teach me about and fill me with the language of prayer that is specifically mine. I have a sound, a smell, a presence before You that You love and look forward to. I am an intricate and crucial player in this age. You are incredible, God. Thank You for the honour of being involved in the world and it’s story.

History belongs to the Intercessor. Please light a fire inside of every one of us to jump onto the wall and take up our place to bridge every gap, cry out for every victim, call attention to each struggle, fill every void, as a result of our royal and privileged status as Your beloved children, God! Inspire us to be full of gratitude and rejoicing even as we experience overwhelm as a result of what needs to be accomplished. Let us never forget to be thankful, so that our hearts are strong and our minds are clear.

Today I choose and receive fresh energy and zeal for prayer. What a tremendous and unbelievable miracle!! Throne Room access! The ear of the Choreographer of All things. The Great I Am wants to hear what I have to say about what’s going on. God, that’s nuts! I want in all over again today, Lord. Amaze me with how personal and powerful You are, please. Intervene in the lives of my precious ones in totally fresh and fascinating ways today, Jesus. You are exciting, interesting, wild, real and smart. I love everything about You, so please show me MORE today. In Your Name, Jesus. Amen.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

April 30, 2022

‘Your anointing has made me strong and mighty. You’ve empowered my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me.’ Psalm 92:10

I am comforted, sanctified, protected and full of health and vigor as a result of Your consecration and Your presence, God. I have the anointing of the wild ox, and I grow in victory, immovability, strength and discovery as I partner with Your Spirit. I am alive, rooted, reaching and connected to my only Source of nourishment and wisdom. I trust You, God, with my life and the lives and health of my kids. I believe that You are the Light of the world, Jesus, capable of illuminating every step we all take. Your presence effortlessly takes up space previously occupied by darkness. I choose that Light today for me and my family. I choose Your favour and Your anointing. We are kings and priests, Your beloved children, and we get to discover You and unpack the mysteries You’ve hand written for and reveal to us as we walk out our lives hand in hand with You.

I’m covered by and saturated with new oil. I am fruitful, authoritative, clean, fresh and energized today as a result. I stand up again and receive Your truth deep in my spirit and mind. I am Your treasure. I have value. I am full of possibility and creativity. I am able and worthy today because You say that I am.

My body is beautiful and strong. I allow myself to age and to change and I’m not afraid. My face is just as You made it to be. I display the lineage of my ancestors and I am amazed by the way that I carry traits and features through generations and represent different streams of humanity in such intricate and lovely ways. The sounds, the lands, the echoes of the people groups that I represent all matter so deeply to You. I can feel it today.

Thank You for making me with such intentionality and care. I appreciate my body, face, mind, spirit, senses and abilities today, Jesus. Thank You for the miracle of communication.

Today I’m asking that for my three eldest, You bathe their minds in the Blood and sooth and guide them, God. Where there are very human attempts to unsnarl and solve problems, please meet them with wisdom, discernment and inspiration. I trust You to remind them to partner with You so that things go well with them. I cover their lives, seasons, living situations, choices and decisions, relationships, timing and crossroads with the Blood of the Lamb and I place them again in the palm of Your safe hand.

I love You, God. Thank You for the ability to be able to let go of control, fear, anxiety, shame and freak out, and to be able to just put one foot in front of the other and trust You with everything. Amen.

April 29, 2022

My prayer for all of my kids over the last couple of years has been a daily spin on Psalm 51:12…Renew, restore, revive, remind them of, renovate and reestablish the joy of their salvation and awaken and refresh their spirits within them! Clear any detritus or debris out of the way of their relationship with You, Jesus, and pour out new lashings of faith and reliance on You!

Today I’ve added a new twist. Father, let zeal for You and Your house utterly consume their beings and their lives. Let the gift of energy and enthusiasm for the One who created them be theirs to devour and embody. Please infuse them all with such radiance and hope that they can feel their spirits thrumming with Life today! Your goodness surrounds them. Your love envelopes them. Your favour chases them down. Your salvation steadies them. You are the Rock of their survival and You are their pleasure and tranquility in the midst of the crap storms of this age. They are the lions that have been unleashed onto this earth for such a time as now, God. Give them all the ability today to perceive of themselves the way that You do. You haven’t left them helpless or rudderless, You’ve imbued them with monstrous courage that hasn’t been seen on the earth until now. You have loosed Your champions into the world…I call forth Identity, Destiny and Purpose this morning! Every young person, world wide, step into your place with solidity, might, power and a sound mind in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. You are offered the privilege of becoming a temple of holiness and love. You are a home for your Father, a lifeboat and a shelter, as a result of connecting with the Spirit of Truth and the friendship of the Creator of the universe. I call forth every kid, every teenager and young adult right now! Meet your Maker where you are and receive new Hope, Peace, Joy, Faith, Adventure, Contentedness, the spirit of the Original Trailblazer, Energy, Tenacity, Beauty, Tranquility and Zeal in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

April 28, 2022

What is the value of your soul to God? Could your worth be defined by any amount of money? God doesn’t abandon or forget even the smallest sparrow He’s made. How could He forget or abandon you? What about the seemingly minor issues of your life? Do they matter to God? Of course they do! So you never need to worry, for you are more valuable to God than anything else in this world.’ Luke 12:6-7

I am slowly but surely being liberated from the earthly mindset that my worth is contingent on my ability to generate money. It’s so ingrained in us. We imbue dollars and cents with such power and allow them to speak to us about our perceptions of success in the here and now. I understand that it’s a privilege to be able to draw back and examine the role that economics plays in our lives, but we all live with a need for basic resources and we’ve all, to some extent, bought into the system of belief that all must be monetized in order to be worthwhile. I think there’s a waking up that’s happening these days, what with the widening divides that are so obvious and difficult to see. People have basic needs that aren’t being met, so what are we gonna do about it?

Jesus is pretty clear about how we’re to comport ourselves when confronted with need. That’s a no brainer. Don’t look away, do what you can, then ask what else you can do. Request the compassion, empathy, generosity and strategies of Jesus in and for the moment and the person at hand. I definitely want to value people more. I also want to value my own work more than I currently do.

I’ve been a stay at home parent for twenty three years. My twelve year old makes more money than I do. I mean, that’s funny, but sometimes it makes me feel crazy, unworthy, unseen and like a complete burden. I know that that’s a lie, though. I get it; I’ve taught and raised five respectful, creative, loving and adventurous go getters. They love God and love others. They’re brave, open and curious people. I’m able to say that I had a lot to do with that. My partner and I have built something beautiful together. We could’ve quit many, many times, but we didn’t. Sometimes I need to step back and remind myself what I alway remind others about; There’s No Rush. I have enough. I am enough. I do a lot of stuff that matters as a mom, a partner, an intercessor, an instructor and a person.

God, I’m reminding myself again today that the currency of heaven is vastly different than it is here. My innate value is about who I am and not what I’m able generate, money-wise, in the natural. Your goals for me are about my heart and my loyalty and friendship to and with You! You want me to live out the plans and purposes that You created specifically for me before the foundation of the world was even made. You see me as a success already, and my merit is solid and unbreakable simply because You say it is. I’m asking for new levels of satisfaction in the narrative of my life today, Jesus. I want to zealously run after You and be fully invested in this incredible life of mine, while at the same time, be able to sit with serenity within Your waterfall of abundant Goodness. I want to be a change maker, a hell shaker, a peace bringer and a monster of prayer and intercession…while at the same time, take pleasure in all of my quotidian, seemingly mundane jobs. You call every one of those tasks beautiful and You hold rewards beyond my imagination for each tiny and unseen thing that I do.

Today I’m asking for a more compassionate heart, for others and for myself. I am open right now to new levels of humility, patience, honesty, forgiveness, strength, self awareness and deep generosity. Reset my dial, God, please, so that I value what You value. I actively choose to be liberated from a worldly, grasping mindset, right now, in Jesus’ Name. I will be brave and loving today because You give me the ability to be. I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my body, mind, spirit and day in a fresh way today. This is my success; to love You and be loved by You. I am free because You delight in me and in my day. I love You and appreciate You, God. Amen.

April 27, 2022

A prayer for our kids today, wherever they’re at…

God, please lavish my kid/kids with Your love and presence today. Please open their ears to the truth about their value, sonship, purpose and identities. Please pour out tangible love right now that is life changing. Remove any lies or torment that impact their minds, bodies and/or spirits, Jesus. I declare rock solid identity, trust, honour, destiny, joy, worship, loyalty, deep faith and radical peace into and over each of them today.

Thank You for these amazing people. Bless them beyond their wildest dreams today, God. I’m naming them and bringing them before You with a thankful and hopeful heart:_________________are Yours and I am stepping out of Your way again today and allowing You to access them in whatever way speaks specifically to each of them.

Please bless them outrageously and abundantly today. Bless all of their parts, their thought life, their paths, their destinies and their vision, in Jesus’ Name. I declare unshakeable, unbreakable, faith filled relationship between You and them today. Thank You for showing them wonders throughout their lives, God. Melt and obliterate any hardness of heart and demolish despair, in Your precious Name. Please restore them today. Revive them, and show them Your flourishing, powerful love and life again. Inspire them and spur them on and into the next steps You have for each one of them, Jesus. Shower them in Your cleansing and refreshing LOVE all day, please. Give them compassionate hearts of flesh and the mind of Jesus. I declare totally healthy and sound minds and utter connectedness to their Source. I choose gratitude, rejoicing and a spirit of singing for them today.

God, I am so, so thankful for them. Thank You for their friendship with me, with their dad, with You and with one another. They are so special and beautiful. Please show them how precious, loved and treasured they are today. I feel so tender towards each one today, God, which makes me deeply thankful for Your love for the world. You are so dear and so present. Thank You for being a trustworthy Dad. I take refuge again in Your safety and I place my whole family in the palm of Your hand. I apply the Blood to our lives, our vehicles, homes, routes to and fro today, and to our destinies as well. Thank You for the Cross, Jesus. Thank You for freedom and for love. Amen.

April 26, 2022

Jesus, today I’m claiming Your health for myself. You are fully integrated and balanced. Your energy levels, engagement and peace are off the charts and I’m choosing to step into them right now. You are the heavenly Generator for strength, vitality and the ability to do the work that’s on the roster for me today. You infuse me with power, Life, heath and robustness of mind and body. I am all of my parts, and I consciously open them up to You again this morning. Come, Holy Spirit, and inform my thoughts, ideas, health and stamina please. I belong to You, Jesus, and it’s clear that it’s a privilege of mine to apprehend Your mind and be one with You. Organize and sort me out again please. I will make kind and compassionate decisions today, for others and for myself. I will maintain boundaries and be wholeheartedly present in every minute and every interaction. I will choose rest when I need to.

I am powerful, mighty, strong and able because I am Your house. I am full of the wisdom, creativity, inspiration and truth of God today because I’m connecting to You all over again. You say that I get to be brand new right now, so that’s what I’m claiming and believing in. I am me.

You are pure refreshment. You are my nourishment. I manifest Communion this morning, and I focus on the Cross. Thank You for everything You’ve ever done, Jesus, everything that You’re doing and everything that You will do. Thank You for my journey, and for the favour that You’re poised to pour out today. Thank You for the paradigm of eternal life, and the freedom and satisfaction that comes from knowing that everything I’ve ever wanted to do, try or become will happen for me, and I don’t need to stress out about it. Thank You for my mind, my face, my body and my abilities. Thank You for my senses. Thank You for my health and my safety. Today I choose Gratitude, Joy and Song.

God, please encounter and connect with my kids and my partner today, in ways they’ve never experienced before. Let it be irrefutably You. Revive and kiss awake their spirits today, and restore order to their thoughts, spirits and bodies; wherever needed! I declare that Your joy, hope, peace and wholeness is their ability to move through today with grace and beauty, Jesus. You are so good and Your love is unfailing and massive. You are the Uncreated Master Choreographer of our lives. Please show Yourself in wild ways today to the world. In Your Name, Amen.

April 25, 2022

When I was a kid, I went to a great alternative school in Toronto. My grade two/three teacher, Katherine, had us make signs to hang around our necks that said ‘IALAC’, which we were encouraged to decorate and customize however we wanted. The acronym meant ‘I am lovable and capable’, and whenever anyone said anything unkind or belittling to us, we were to rip a piece off and hand it to them. This was our reminder to treat people the way we wanted to be treated and to speak with gentleness and directness. I’ve thought about that little project a lot over the last almost half century, because it made a big impression on me. I’ve been less than successful at being consistently kind and compassionate with people…I tend to err on the side of jerky direct communication or hilarious-to me-insults (I’m working on it!). Being like Jesus is a tall order for me, but not unobtainable. I just need to lean into it.

Anyway, the label thing is big. We give ourselves such crummy titles and we really stand behind them. Lately I’ve been jettisoning the ideas I have about myself that aren’t necessarily the real me. I’m not rude, mean, insensitive, ugly, a bad friend, sneaky, impulsive or shallow. I’ve definitely acted or believed all of those things about myself, but they’re not true. Why do we think that putting ourselves down denotes humility or good character? It’s gross.

Today I decide that my IALAC sign is indestructible. The main offender and destroyer of it, me when I decide that lies are true, is choosing to believe that I am lovable and capable. I hand You my concept of self today, Jesus. I receive total appreciation for and confidence in the ways that You made me to be. I welcome the adventure that is my life, and ask that You launch me into new vistas and opportunities free of self scrutiny, fear, or trepidation.

Your liberty is my liberty. You already bought all the freedom! I’m free to enjoy and revel in my life. I’m at liberty to stand in front of the Throne of my Father and ask for help on a local and a global level. I’m Your daughter and I have full access. I’m allowed and encouraged to be myself, while at the same time I’m desperate to be more like You, Jesus.

Please be the most pleasurable part of my life, God. I choose hunger and thirst for You again today. I choose to see myself the way You see me. I receive Your ability to process the now, and communicate with others. You were and are such a gentle presence, Jesus. You are authentic authority and Your wisdom in the moment is unparalleled. You have zero rush and zero panic. You are able to just BE. Please enrobe me in contagious Peace today. I want to emanate it as I walk around. Make people curious about what I exist within! You are the Light of the world, so please let me shine and glow and draw people towards You all day today.

Thank You for the ability to choose gratitude, rejoicing and worship. I choose to embody all three of these atmosphere changing mindsets right now. No matter what. Reveal Your kingdom, Jesus. You are IT. I love You. Amen.

April 24, 2022

It’s kind of ridiculous how captivated I am by my kids. Like, for real, they couldn’t get rid of me if they tried.

Their flaws are outweighed by their numerous pros, and I’m fascinated by and in love with each one of them all the time. It’s incredible to me that my frail obsession is so infinitesimal in the face of my Fathers’ love. I’m amazed by His constant delight and interest in each of us. He celebrates, shouts, sings, dances over, and encircles us always with His care and zeal for us. No matter what.

I think I know a tiny bit about the way He feels. My kids make me crazy with love. I’d do anything for them and I crave their presence. Their voices are beautiful to me. Their stories are incredible.

Just this morning I saw an image of Victorian Tear Bottles. Women used to save their tears in order to pour them out after a year of mourning. Psalm 56:8-9 says ‘You’ve kept track of all of my wandering and weeping. You’ve stored my many tears in Your bottle. Not one will be lost. For they are all recorded in Your book of remembrance. The very moment I call to You for a Father’s help the tide of battle turns and my enemies flee. This one thing I know: God is on my side.’

God, I understand just a tiny little bit about how obsessed with us You are. Thank You for caring about and honouring our emotions. You allow us to grieve for a season and then You offer us escape routes. You are a masterful and sympathetic Father and friend. Thank You for never flinching or flailing. Thank You for Your parental stability. Thank You for tracking with our lives in such a detailed way. Your presence relieves so much stress and striving. Thank You for being the consummate provider for every person who ever was and ever will be. You only require a ‘help’, however quiet, questioning or fragile it may be.

You don’t shy away from questions or questers. You live for dialogue and requests to show Yourself! Help us to stop thinking of You as someone we need to protect! You are the only One who knows how to handle Himself with authentic grace and perfectly timed responses and rescue. You don’t need us to fight about You. You ask us to embody Your character and Your nature, so please help us to do that well and with pure intentions. You are the most authentic You. Please help us to be the real person You made each of us to be. No aping, no copying, no pressure, no acting. We’re each made with such intentionality to fill such specific needs in moments we never could have imagined; big and little, fleeting and prolonged.

What a glorious thought! To be oneself. That’s all. I’m a temple of holiness, no matter how much I screw up. I’m allowed to constantly reconnect and align myself with God the Father. He IS forgiveness.

Thank You, God, for being so accessible. More than we could ever imagine! You’re inside, outside, everywhere and here all at the same time, and it’s okay. You’re a personal mystery, an intimate riddle. You’re my best friend. You speak so clearly when we stop and let You be God.

Today I release whatever I believe about You that isn’t true. I don’t even have to be specific! You know what lurks around that doesn’t need to be there, so please excise it, in Jesus’ Name. Please infuse me with fresh lashings of Truth today. I bathe my mind/body and spirit in the Blood and place the Cross firmly in front of me and my family members again today. Jesus, You’re so chill and beautiful and loyal. Thank You for giving us all the ability to Love. Please help us to see that there are people right in front of us who have no idea what it’s like to feel appreciated, seen and valued. Give us the words and actions to model and extend unconditional love and care to people who are gun-shy and damaged by circumstances. Help us all to see others the way we see our own precious people. I’d never walk past one of my children on the street. To withhold help because I’m too busy for my kids is unthinkable. Let it be this way for everyone You put in my field of vision today, Jesus. Compel me to act, pray, speak and represent You in every circumstance. Sometimes You just stopped and simply took a minute, or helped to carry something. You aren’t a railroader or an interrupter. You are aware and personable. Please give me hunger for authenticity and parental love for the people You have mapped out on my path today. I choose Love today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

April 23, 2022

I have three adult children, one teenager and one almost teen. For many years I’ve had a handwritten sign in my kitchen that says ‘If you want your kids to talk to you about what’s really going on in their world-PROVE IT! Show them, one reaction at a time, that they can trust you with their truth.’

I apply this to my relationship with my heavenly Parent. His reactions are never knee-jerk, panic mode freak outs. He is sound and smart and trustworthy. His interactions with me are always steeped in love and a desire to see me do the next best thing. A parent that is calm, protective, secure and mellow with zero helicopter tendencies is precisely who He is. My aim is to appreciate, receive from and learn from Him and then to extend His masterful and clever ways of parenting to my own kids.

God, thank You for being my Father. Thank You that You embody all of the healthy parenting components. You made the people You called to be parents to be capable of channelling Your compassion and wisdom in that specific realm. We get it when we ask for it. So today, I’m asking again that I’d be able to hear, process and react like You within my family. Please fill me with Your spirit of truth and solidity today. Please show me how much You love me and give me such passion to be an example of that love for my kids and partner, Jesus.

I refuse to be rocked. I reject rejection. I embrace Peace in the place of parenting today, God. I choose to see my family the way that You do, minute by minute. I am deciding that no matter what’s going on, no matter what I see, that You are the Eternal Father to my people. I’ve asked politely and with faith that You restore, give and reawaken the joy of their salvation every day, and that You refresh their spirits and give them hope and soundness of mind/body & spirit, so I’m leaning into believing that You’re actively doing all of this!

You move when I move. You listen when I speak. You love more eloquently than I ever could. Overtake my kids with Your all consuming, fiery love today, God. Enrobe them in Your presence and encounter them with Your heart. You are for them, not against them. Take up real estate in any place within them that is harbouring lies that would harm them, and fill those places with the balm of truth and beauty. I declare abundant, flourishing LIFE for my kids right now!

I’m so thankful that You’re not a reactionary or fearful parent. I love that You love the wonder of exploration and adventure. You are gleeful about us and our passions. Thank You for the ways You made me and the things You plan for me. Thank You that I can trust You with my truth every time. Please launch me and mine into this day that You’ve handcrafted for us, and give us the ability to revel in it, to seek Your solutions and strategies, to rely on Your Blood and Your protection, and to see You in everything. I love You, God. Amen.

April 22, 2022

‘We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He’s given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it'. Ephesians 2:10

God, each one of us is art. You crafted us with intensity and pleasure. Your lyricism and imagination are in our DNA. You conceptualized, planned and sculpted until You were satisfied. You imbued our lives with value and meaning. Our reasons for living unfold as You show us who we are. As You shaped us, You breathed plans and interests into us. You give us the privilege of discovery, as we attach ourselves to You.

You are our Great Designer. Every design begins with a problem. It’s weird to think that Your one problem was a lack of friends. You started with ‘why?’. We were made to walk and talk with You. You created us to be funny and interesting to You. We’re made to listen to You and to respond. Our friendship is the only thing You can’t give to Yourself.

Thank You for the opportunity to be Your confidant and Your pal. Thank You for all of the benefits of a relationship with You. Thank You for Your intimacy and Your humour. Thank You that Your intent wasn’t and still isn’t to stress us out with a striving, accomplishment mindset, but that we can embrace the ways that You made us to be and simply walk out destiny step by step…forever.

You aren’t just my friend, You’re my Provider. You’re my heartbeat and my next breathe. You’re in, around, below and above me. You’re in the beginning, here in the middle AND at the end of this life cheering me on with gusto. You always tell the truth and You never disappoint me, as long as I continue to get with Your timing. I agree with Your instruction today, God.

Today I’m needing and choosing Your energy, Jesus. I need Your lightness, Your anticipation and Your ability to plan with creativity and excitement please.

Help me to appreciate my body today, and isolate the real from the imagined. Thank You for all of my parts. I am Your poetry, today and every day. I felt hormonal and yucky this morning, but I choose to believe that I’m actually art. My body and it’s systems are staggeringly complex, and I appreciate the way that I’m made. I’m a miracle. I choose to believe in what You say is worthy and beautiful today, Jesus. Thanks. I love You. Amen.

April 21, 2022

‘Throughout human history, the fingerprints of God were upon them, yet they refused to honour Him as God or even be thankful for His kindness. Instead, they entertained corrupt and foolish thoughts about what God was like. This left them with nothing but misguided hearts, steeped in moral darkness.’ Romans 1:21

God has been showing me, over the last two years, that my own mental, physical and spiritual health hinges on Gratitude. When I lay down my ability to be thankful and honouring of His timing, ways and oversight, that’s where I lose the plot and feel out of control…I sever the bond of clarity and I turn out the light that illuminates my path. Remaining thankful doesn’t negate my ability to feel pain or sorrow, but it gives me the wisdom to be able to host it for the night and then kick it out in the morning. Gratitude opens possibility and perception in ways that would go untapped or unseen if I don’t choose to isolate and examine a problem or hurt. God is kind and loving. He gave us emotions so that we could feel them. We get to choose our reactions and our ways of mourning, grieving, processing and communicating.

In the midst of frustration, I ask for His ability to sort out what’s real and what’s assumed or projected. In pain, I want healing, comfort and the ability to glean wisdom and foresight. In mental anguish, I want the Blood over my mind and my thoughts. In crises, I want to station myself and everyone involved under the promise of Psalm 91, under the wings of Shaddai, in the palm of His great hand… and ultimately, at the foot of the Cross.

When we’re able to momentarily circumnavigate the agony and cut to the eyes of the Father, He allows us to feel and to cry out, while He gets busy pouring out compassion and solutions. He gives us the fortitude to exist within the pain, and not to ignore it. He sits in it with us. He teaches us what it is, He uses His knowledge of the entire story to lead us up and out. Our gratitude in the moment builds our relationship and shows us how we’ve been nurtured and cared for. He gave us hormones, a mind, lacrimal ducts and tears for a reason. We’re supposed to release our suffering and to call on Him to relieve it. He’s the only one able to enrobe us in reassurance, justice, Peace, solutions and security.

Thank You, God, for the Ukraine. Thank You for Canada. Thank You for our continents, countries, oceans and rivers. Thank You for mountains and valleys. Thank You for the cities, for farmland, food and water. Thank You for our solar system, Thank You for our atmosphere and environment. Thank You for the healthcare system, and everyone who works tirelessly to provide care. Thank You for every instructor, every service worker, every adult, parent and kid. Thank You for each of our stories and for every chapter. Thank You that You prompt us to be healthy and whole by pouring out our gratitude to You. What a crazy thing, that it smooths out the wrinkles and brings clarity and truth to every wound and every challenge. Thank You for Your provision, blessings, abundance, prosperity and favour in every facet of our lives, Jesus.

Thank You for our families. Thank You for instilling fresh connection, salvation, humility and compassion inside of each one of my kids today. Thank You for reminding them about the Joy that You hand feed them, and please awaken and refresh each of their spirits today, God. Fill them with Your active and interesting Spirit, Jesus. Give them such abounding energy and excitement for their day today that its surprising and strange to them. You are a gigantic, fascinating mystery, God! Please beckon us further into Your kingdom and give us ways to live out Your example as someone so chill, so wise, so invested and so loving, Jesus. You never rushed anyone or made anyone feel dumb or less than. Please give us all Your Peace of and in communication today. You are good and Your love is forever and fierce. Thank You for the gift of gratitude. Please pour it out and make us truly, truly thankful today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

April 20, 2022

‘The work you can do for God begins with believing in the One He sent.’ John 6:29

God, today this is where I can start. I’ll state again for the record that I believe wholeheartedly that Jesus is the Living Expression and Embodiment of the Father. I believe that He is the Son of God, the Messiah, the Word and the One who came here as a human baby, toddler, kid, teenager and young adult and that He gave Himself up as a one time sacrifice for every person who lived, is living, or will live. Jesus, You did the impossible because You’re God and You are capable of anything. I believe in You. I trust that You tell the truth to me. I believe that You’re incapable of lying, so when You say that I’m worthy, and that I’m created with purpose and intentionality, I receive that wholeheartedly again today.

You are the constantly communicating Creator of all things. You never sleep, You’re never aloof or silent. You believe in me and have dreams, plans and massive vision for my life. All my life. I’m an eternal being, so I consciously reject any/all stress about timing and accomplishments, God. I receive the peace of Jesus for my entire story in a new way today. New levels of Your presence, please, Holy Spirit.

Identity means my repeated being-ness. I become more and more myself as a result of giving You more access to the real me. Have Your way today, Jesus. Renovate wherever needed! You’re my reality.

I’m made perfectly and well, and still I get to be Your ongoing project! My interests, proclivities, time and activities matter to You more than I can imagine. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. You’re my nourishment and satisfaction today, Jesus. I choose to believe that You ARE the bread of heaven. You’re my food and drink today. You repeatedly put an end to spiritual hunger and slake our thirst, while at the same time, You’re constantly instilling a ravenous need for MORE! You don’t seem to make any sense, but You’re the only One who does. What a bananas mystery You are. It’s an honour to be able to spend a lifetime searching and adventuring, while You’re completely accessible all the time!

Today I’m asking that you instil a deep zeal for patience, gentleness and compassion inside of me and my family. Please overwhelm my kids with a surprising desire to love the unlovable even more than they already do! I declare a spirit of Forgiveness into and over them, that they’d look for and see the good in everyone today. Please protect and surround them, Holy Spirit. Open their eyes to Your favour all day. Restore and invigorate the Joy of their salvation, and enliven their spirits again! Thank You for the Cross, Jesus. Please keep talking to us about it. Help us to keep it front and centre all year, in Your Name. Amen.

April 19, 2022

Today is my youngest daughters’ fifteenth birthday. The kids who was labelled ‘non viable’ has continued to thrive, grow and to walk with confidence into her life. M’s super power has always been the oblivious shut down of negativity. From the death prognosis to the casual jerkiness of kids, they’ve had zero effect on her, and she has been winning friends and influencing people for years now.

She has always exhibited a freaky ability to withstand, extend mercy and to embody and exhibit mature perspective beyond her years. Her early days of hanging in the balance between life and death seem to have shown her some truly special things. I believe that she remembers, both in her DNA and in her spirit person, Who saved her life and how. Her story is amazing and she is a sign and a wonder and a cool person to boot.

God, thank You for rescuing and healing my girl. I take what You did for our family and I aim that healing and Peace to other families who are in the place we were in fifteen years ago. Please pour out Your confidence, Your ability to be strong and to advocate for precious little ones in the hospital and out, Your joy and stamina in the place of potential worst case scenarios, Your perspective and ways of seeing, Your encouragement, openness to shouldering burdens, bottling tears and just sitting and listening to broken hearts. I declare mind bending Faith that defies death and sickness and flies in the face of negativity and horrible prognoses. I rip off labels of infirmity, in Jesus’ Name! I draw a line in the sand and say ‘back off, death’…Jesus’ Blood shouts over these little ones! I apply it now, in the Spirit and call every little ones’ spirit to attention in the name of the One who bore it all in and on His body so that they could live a long and healthy life.

Come and do what You did for M, Jesus, for everyone who needs a full reversal of fortune here in the natural! Rush to the rescue and display Your wonders and Your radical, veil rending Goodness and Power right now! Jesus, You are healing itself. Please show Your mercy and sweetness today. I place Your cross in front of everyone who needs it’s strength and salvation. Thank You so, so much for LIFE, God. Today of all days. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

April 18, 2022

‘Open up my understanding to the ways of Your wisdom, and I will meditate deeply on Your splendour and Your wonders.’ Psalm 119:27

It’s a brand new day. According to Your promise, Jesus, I’m completely new right now, but still 100% me. Thank You for refreshing me and allowing me to be able to choose constant reset. I welcome the inspiration, incentives, energy and creativity of the Holy Spirit into my being and my experiences today. I am alive, awake, alert and showered with abundance, blessing, prosperity and provision simply because I ask You for everything I need, in Your Name. I don’t get to choose what those things look like in the big picture, but I get to be open to new ways and perceptions that are all You. I acknowledge Your wisdom and foresight, God. I’m thankful for Your timeline and Your oversight, no matter what. That’s scary to say, but less scary than being left to my own devices, that’s for sure.

Today I am fortified and reinvigorated by my Father, the One who knows me better than I do. Please fill me with everything I need today, God. You’re way ahead of the game and You know what’s going on today. Please provide for, restore, choreograph and shock and amaze me with Your identity and Your care today.

I am wide open to the new, Jesus. I want to walk into my life again today. I choose to come up and out of any self doubt or scrutiny that eats my time and my confidence. I am beautiful, interesting, loved, talented, healthy and whole and I choose more life today, in Your Name. I attach myself to Abundant Life. I’m doing this for my partner and my kids as well, God. I apply Psalm 91 to each of them like the medicine it is, and I claim wholeness, protection, identity, destiny and the confidence, sanity and integrity of Jesus into and over them today. I welcome it all, God. I am bursting with love for my family today. They are amazing! Thank You for this life You’ve given me, with all of the human things that need to be dealt with, endured and waded through…You never fail or forsake me/us. You stay right here and help. Again, I’m stating that my family and I are solidly stationed within that impermeable column of profound and shocking Goodness. We are safe and we are loved. Thank You, Jesus, for the Cross. Please remind us every single day to perceive it. I love You. Amen.

April 17, 2022

I’m sitting here staring at the screen and wondering what I could possibly say that captures the magnitude and the triumph of today. What You did and continue to do, Jesus, is astonishing and impossible in it’s altruism. You surrendered Your being-You acknowledged that You could easily have called down a scorched earth scenario from heaven at any time that would have destroyed everyone involved in the plan to murder You, but You walked straight into the trap whose details You already knew inside and out, and You accomplished it all, regardless of how it made You feel in the moment/s.

As You left the Cross, You descended into the slave encampments of hell and cleaned house. You aggressively kicked in the doors and cancelled the sick death and fear agenda with Your presence and authority. You extended utterly unwarranted mercy, grace and Love that must have felt beautiful and comforting beyond comprehension. Imagine the desperation and relief! Imagine the perspective of those snatched from eternal separation! Imagine Jesus storming the gates to bring You up and out of desolation and pain. He’s in the business of rescue and redemption. He does it all day, every day.

Jesus unleashed. Jesus the Overcomer, the Endurer, the King and Master of All Things, and my intimate Lover and Friend. From the loneliest day of His entire life, to overarching, impossible joy and LIFE unimaginable…for everyone!

The One who was there at the Beginning. The Embodiment of the Father. The Word. The sacrificial Passover Lamb. The fiery One. The gentle carpenter. The Morning Star who walks among the lamp stands, the only One worthy of opening what is impossible for anyone else to open. The Son of God who stands at the door and is poised to throw it open and envelope us with a crushing embrace! Jesus, You’re beautiful. You did it. You’re ALIVE and well. You’re Love incarnate.

What You hold in Your body was so powerful, so full of energy and power that death was incapable of holding You. You defy an explanation.

You are the Great I Am.

Thank You for crushing death and hell at the Cross for me, and returning for me. I love You. Please fill me with brand new appreciation and a spirit of joy and celebration today and always. Amen.

April 16, 2022

Wow, yesterday was a rough one. What a privilege to extend my comfort and presence to Him through time and space and walk through the loneliest day of Jesus’ life alongside of His family and friends. I like to think I’d be brave enough to stick around for Him as He lived out His last hours here on planet earth as a person, but who knows? At least I can sit with Him in safety and security in the here and now and just offer Him my love and loyalty.

It’s interesting that the weather cooperates with our grieving. That the sky darkened and a wild wind kicked up was such a gift. After offering our worship and devotion and sitting to really look at the Cross and hold space for His hours of suffering, the gift of Peace was poured out.

What else can be said of Your shocking sacrifice but thank You.

Today I’m looking forward and I’m linking arms with You and letting You shepherd me towards every dream and goal You have for me. I’m trusting Your wisdom for every facet of my life and the lives of my people. What looks out of control or crummy is You herding us into Your plans. I choose to allow You to inform our decisions and our ways of doing and being. I allow Your life to permeate all of us today. Let Your wisdom infuse our minds, and shower us with wisdom and gratitude please, Jesus. Disappointments point the way to the better plans that You have for us to protect and prosper us and shelter us from harm and dumb decisions.

Thank You for our bodies, brains and spirits. Thank You for modelling us all in Your image. Please reveal more about that today to me and mine. Our systems are built on Yours, and we are temples of the Presence. Help me to honour my parts with the nourishment of heaven today, God. Please remind me that the way I treat and talk to myself matters to You because You love all of me. You allowed Your body to be broken because You treasure mine. You let Your blood course out of You so that You could gather it and cancel all of my debt because You want to be with me. Please let that inform the way I see myself and others today. I choose Love again and apply it to every action, word, thought, perception and interaction all day. I choose trust and serenity. I choose energy and inspiration for my future and all of the things that You crafted for me to do from before the foundation of the world. I open my mind up to Your ideas and projects that will thrive and bring peace. Today I’m reaffirming my devotion to You. Please realign me where I need it and give me an open heart and spirit to be able to hear You really well.

Thank You for doing what You did and continuing to advocate for me and love me. Amen.

April 15, 2022

Well, here we are.

You can’t bring anyone back to life unless they die first.

It occurs to me every year that I don’t actually know what real, unconditional, all consuming, multi dimensional LOVE for someone feels like. My love is frail, conditional, linear and little. I would take a million bullets for any one of my kids. I’d gnaw my own arm off in some sort of Saw trap in order to get to them, no questions asked, but I’d NEVER deliver any of them up to be brutalized, humiliated and murdered on behalf of another.

The veil in the temple that was torn top to bottom was as thick as a mans’ hand, sixty feet by thirty feet. It took three hundred priests to move it. And yet, because of the agony of separation and the release and rush of finally, FINALLY being able to get to His babies, the Lord-YAHWEH-God the Father violently and impossibly shredded it, burst through and ran to His family in order to have proximity and to be able to demonstrate His love and comfort!

Jesus, there was so much going on in Your mind all those years ago. You knew what You had to do and were under so much emotional and psychological stress and trauma that You were literally sweating blood. You faltered, reminded Yourself of Your purpose and Your work, and for the Joy set before You as a result of the torture, brutality and barbaric murder You were to walk through, You endured. You bought life for us with Your body. You cleaned house and paid for all of our garbage with Your Blood.

An emergency trauma surgeon has said that he can’t even sing about the cross. The beatings, scourgings with the Scorpion, the Crown of Thorns, the walk lashed to a one hundred-sixty pound rough wood cross (with no way to break a fall), the spikes and the stress position of the Cross are unsustainable. Separation from Your Dad/Source/Yourself is horrific and unthinkable. You became everything wretched, ugly and terminal.

Hour one was unsurvivable. Hour two, unsurvivable…Jesus, You summoned Your stamina, constantly reminding Yourself of Your mission, and You stayed in Your body in order to make ALL THINGS NEW. Forever.

Thank You for the Cross. Thank You for the Cross. Thank You for the Cross my Friend.


April 14, 2022

‘My heart is overwhelmed and crushed with grief. It feels as though I’m dying. Stay here and keep watch with Me.’ Matthew 26:38

It’s the day before the Day. The day before the end and the beginning of the Beginning. Jesus, Your feelings must have been beyond overwhelming. Fully God. Fully Man. Fully cognizant of what was about to happen to You, and fully aware of the Freedom You were about to unleash on behalf of humanity forever. We have no idea.

The grief, terror, elation and Love that were coursing through You has never and will never be experienced by any other being. You changed the course of the world and You released us from the hell and tyranny of Death and imprisonment. Please help us to perceive it! I have no bandwidth for this, but I’m so desperate to appreciate You and what You did. I have no words. All I can say is I’m sorry, I see You, I appreciate You and I love You. Thank You.

I’m choosing to stay here and watch with You. I’m under zero delusions that I’d be more brave than Your friends who scattered when the rubber hit the road, but I can bless Your heart and focus on Your humanity and Your courage in the face of horror. I can sit with You today in the garden. Please overwhelm me with who You are today, Jesus. You are mine. Thank You for seeing me and not abandoning me. Thank You for rescuing all of us. I’m saying ‘Yes’ and ‘Thank You’. It’s literally all I can bring to You and all You require. I love You so much. Amen.

April 13, 2022

‘Pay attention and come closer to Me, and hear, that your total being may flourish.’ Isaiah 55:3

Jesus, You call Yourself the Bread of Heaven, and You offer unceasing nourishment from the palm of Your hand forever. You’re always asking if I’m thirsty or hungry and You relieve every single pang or need, in Your timing, with lavish wisdom and provision. No strings.

You created a matrix that was made to flourish: me. I choose to drop any dead weight that doesn't belong inside of me today. Anything heavy or dull, or that’s anchoring me to an old life, pattern or belief that has nothing to do with the real me-Get lost, in Jesus’ Name. I was made to live and move and find myself over and over in You, God. I’m jettisoning whatever I don’t need today, and I don’t even have to know what everything is, I just say ‘no’ to stuff that doesn’t belong inside of me. I’m not a two dimensional pattern of pain or hurt. I’m a living, breathing temple and vessel of holiness and sweetness. I’m strong and solid as a result of Your strength and solidity, Jesus.

I choose to let You work in and around me today, Holy Spirit, please teach me to develop in a healthy way that’s tailor made for me. You are pure nourishment and wisdom for and in all of my parts, and I’m stating for the record, that I’m allowing You to go to work in me again today. You cherish my body, spirit and mind, so that’s what I’m choosing to do as well. As You release me into new levels of freedom in myself, I’m going to do the same for other people, God. Please give me words and actions that edify, comfort and exhort, in real time today. Help me to see the beauty and value in everyone, and then allow me to be able to speak arrows that hit bullseyes, so people can feel seen and appreciated. I reject impatience, frustration and anger today, in Jesus’ Name. I choose love, patience, honesty and authenticity instead.

I’m paying attention and coming closer, God. Help me to see beyond the physical today. I want a spirit of truth and prophecy that allows me to hear/see/understand and release LIFE in this world! I’m asking for something You already want me to have, so I’m believing that it’s mine, because You’re a perfect parent who gives good things to me. I choose to flourish and grow. I’m deciding that this belongs to me and I believe that You unpack all of this stuff in radically new ways every single minute of the day.

I speak and declare into and over my family’s spirits today, that they would be alive, activated, vigorous, awake and full of appreciation for their Creator. Overflow and overtake each of them with Your strengthening Joy, Jesus. Give them all the confidence and creativity for their lives that only grows out of connection with You. Show them Your beauty, radiance and fascination today please, Holy Spirit. Work wonders for and around them that are irrefutably You.

Today I’m super thankful for Your guidance and leadership within my family. Thank You for the Peace You pour out like oil over us all. You never fail to give us patience and love for each other and You’re always showing us new ways to be friends. Thanks for my partner, Jesus. Thank You for his humility, his beauty and his zeal to do incredible things for his city and his people. He makes me think about the ways that You see merit in the things that don’t seem all that awesome to the rest of us. You love this city so much. Thanks for giving T the vision of Joseph. Give us all that ability to lift and plan because we see value beyond the physical!

Thanks for today, God. I choose to see You everywhere and to be thankful and patient. Amen.

April 12, 2022

‘When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. He’s the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me and my Great Confidence. He will rescue me from every hidden trap of the hunter, and will protect me from false accusation and any deadly curse. His massive arms are wrapped around me, protecting me. I can run under His covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping me from harm.’ Psalm 91:1-4

I am a temple of the Holy Spirit. I belong to my Father and have been redeemed and rescued by my Messiah. I am hungry for and receptive to the fear and awe of Yahweh today, and I want to be transformed, filled and realigned with You this morning, in Jesus’ Name. I am a new creation, full of promise and solidity as a result of asking You to renew my mind, God. You are always ready to refresh me in every way. You pick me up, shake out the junk, and place me back on track whenever I ask You to. You are my perfect, safe Parent. You protect and shelter me perfectly. I trust Your Fathering. You live in me and I can access You at any time.

I consciously join myself to You again today, Jesus. You are beautiful and fun, deep, wild and clever. Your compassion knows no bounds. You’re gentle and ferocious. Clean me with Your Blood this morning, please, and plant Your empathy and love deep within me so that I’m incapable of looking away.

You made me perfectly and with precision, so I reject any spirit of self consciousness or self focus today. I am loved and secure. I am worthy of the day that You’ve made for me because You say that I am. Please give me desire to see others experience Your deep and transcendent Peace, and give me the ability to communicate with fearless authenticity and flexibility. I submit the entirety of my being to You again today, Jesus. I choose to fall in love with the mystery that is You. I ask that everyone reading/speaking this prayer would be impacted in brand new ways and would experience the tangible presence of Your Spirit right now, in Jesus’ Name. Come, Holy Spirit, and take away stress, anxiety, doubt, insecurity, fear and shame. You are a miracle of healing and deliverance. Please show Your wonders in all sorts of ways right now. I declare active, dramatic redemption in real time for everyone who comes into contact with this prayer…You are so powerful and real, Jesus! Show Yourself and Your story to all of us, especially this week…hit us sideways with the REALITY of the Cross. This isn’t about chocolate or spring, this is about the turning of the tide of humanity, once-FOREVER! This is about a cancellation of death. This is LIFE WINNING! Jesus, You are LIFE itself. Fill me today with Your passion, zeal, abundance, intensity, gentleness and wildness please. You are amazing and lovely.

Please protect and fill my kids and partner as well, God. Cover them and make them aware of Your love and presence. I apply the Blood to them and their routes, vehicles, classes, work, communication and relationships. I ask that You’d guard their hearts, eyes, ears, bodies, brains and spirits today please, Jesus. Fill them with the knowledge of You and with the energy and positivity required to navigate their day triumphantly, so that they’re satisfied and fulfilled tonight. Enrobe my family in Your Peace, Jesus. I trust You. Amen.

April 11, 2022

‘Our beloved Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of Your name be the centre on which our lives turn. Manifest Your kingdom realm, and cause Your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is in heaven. We acknowledge You as our provider of all we need each day. Forgive us the wrongs we’ve done as we ourselves release forgiveness to those who have wronged us. Rescue us every time we face tribulation and set us free from evil. You are the King who rules with power and glory forever. Amen.’ Matthew 6:9-13

How wild is it that Jesus gave us a surprisingly simple master class in prayer? He released us from boring rituals and empty, show off-y religious performance. Jesus, You opened up the concept of conversation with God, because that’s who You are, and You were here as a friend and a teacher. You’re still here and able to move in more mysterious ways, as a result of Your sacrifice and Your position at the right hand of the Father. Your Spirit envelopes the world and is busy all the time. You never sleep and You listen so intently and actively.

Today, God, I give Your name and Your presence full access to me, my loved ones, my home, my city and the world! You’re a fan of audacious, tall orders in the secret place and beyond, so come, Holy Spirit, and move wherever You want today. Cover and permeate the world and all of it’s people. Encounter every person with Your beauty and peace. Be the entire point of existence for all of us!

Have Your way today everywhere. Thank You for every blessing, every provision, every privilege, every ability and for everything that sustains and pleases us today. Thank You for the tough stuff that forges us and drives us into Your arms. Thank You for wisdom that grows in hindsight. Thanks for being with us in the valleys and on the heights.

Please teach us about real forgiveness and true love today, Jesus. Help us to understand Your betrayal differently and then apply Your choice to move in radical un-offendability to our own lives. You are a rescuer and a liberator. You deliver and build. You light the way because You ARE Light. Light is real and obliterates darkness. You are God. You’re the Master Choreographer of my life. You release me from fear again and again. You usher me into a place of wonder and curiosity that never stops. I’m giving You control today, Holy Spirit, in all facets of my life. I place my kids before You again today. I hand my partner to You. I believe in Your care and protection and I trust You with our lives.

Thank You for introducing me to my real self every day and giving me the opportunity to move further and further into self awareness and approval so that I’m liberated and able to see above and beyond myself.

I love You and I’m captivated by You. Please ignite hunger in me in a brand new way today, God. You are an All Consuming Fire. Amen,

April 10, 2022

God, today I choose a reset with You. I come back under Your care and protection and realign my heart, will and mind with Yours. I welcome Your Spirit and I am open to hearing and perceiving Your voice and Your communication in all sorts of ways. I’m grateful for Your willingness to make me new every single day and to show me new things about the ways in which You made me. I choose to appreciate all of my parts today and I gladly accept the refreshing of God this morning! I choose to let You in and heal me in places I didn’t know existed or needed You. I want You to inhabit every part of my physiology, my thought life and my spirit, and I’m so thankful that You exist and Your focus is on me.

Thank You for being my protection and my health. Thank You for surrounding my kids with angels, hosts, creatures and the substances of heaven. I live under and within Your strength and I ingest it and clothe myself in it today. I’m asking that You open the eyes of my kid’s spirits, their spiritual eyes, their physical eyes and their hearts to Your reality in a new way today, Jesus. Give them a fresh awareness of Your presence in their immune systems, their minds and in their paths and purposes, God.

Please alleviate any/all anxiety, stress, fear, confusion or discombobulation in my children today, in Jesus’ Name. Remind them who You are for each one of them, Holy Spirit. Deliver them from evil and establish them in solidity and sanity. Comfort them and guide them through any disappointment or valley of indecision.

Restore to and remind my kids of the Joy of their eternal paradigm and promises and restore and kiss awake their spirits today as they go about their day. I declare that their lives are and will be lived within the shadow of their God, un-snatchable and utterly safe! I declare more love within them for You, more delight, more loyalty, more faith, more peace, joy and hope! You are their Protector and their Salvation, Lord. You are theirs and they are Yours. Again today, I step out of Your way and anticipate Your goodness and connection for each one of my children, big and little. They were created by You and they know You, so please encounter and communicate with them creatively today. I love and trust You, God. Thank You for ALL of my kids. Thank You for the ones who are here with me and thank You for the ones I get to meet. Thank You for Your deep and unwarranted forgiveness. Thank You for today and thank You for making me new. I love You. Amen.

April 9, 2022

In Nehemiah 8:10, the Lord prompts His grieving people to take Joy in Him because He is their strength. He encourages them to feast in the midst of their circumstances and their repentance. He gathers them back to His beautiful heart.

The Joy of the Lord is pure, radiant Strength. The delight, triumph, pleasure, wholeness and identity of Yahweh is our ability to withstand anything and everything that has come or is coming down the pipe. We literally stand within the column of His profound Goodness and provision. Just because we don’t see the entire story doesn’t mean that we’re left rudderless without the author, even for a minute.

In the middle of war, lack, grief or disappointment, our journeys are all full of possibility, victory and ultimately WILL display the ultimate choreography of a Creative Master! The battle for my daughters’ life infused my family with unshakeable Faith and unity, my brothers’ life changing brain injury at the age of two ushered generations into the Kingdom of God and an understanding that all will be well and whole either in this life here on the earth and/or beyond. Financial crises are ironed out and solved as a result of constantly declaring His favour and blessings.

Jesus, You are Joy incarnate. You extend unbelievable and totally unwarranted forgiveness and compassion in the midst of utter crap storms! You solve complex and crazy problems time after time. You see acts of violation and abuse that would leave us human beings undone and without any hope or belief in salvation or restoration and You remain joyful and hopeful and full of deliverance and splendour. You extend rescue, redemption, generational healing and wholeness without fail, without taking breaks, without leaving Your post as the ultimate High Priest and Advocate for every last one of us! You are a Miracle.

Jesus, You are Good. You are the embodiment of pure, powerful LOVE. You hand deliver vigor and sanity in ways that surprise and shock us as soon as we ask You. Today we ask that You encounter us all with the truth that Your Joy is our strength! We receive Your power and Your pleasure even when things look horrible. Invade our bodies, spirits and minds with Your presence and shock us with Your ability to solve every problem today, Lord. Jesus, You are a man acquainted with grief and sorrow, so You are familiar with every feeling of devastation…but You are literally made of JOY. For the joy set before You, You walked straight into incomprehensible pain and torture. You summoned Your purpose and the zeal for everyone of us to be gathered to You and You WENT FORTH! You allowed Yourself to be used, brutalized and murdered so that You could throw Your Blood onto the mercy seat and buy us back from darkness and usher Your family into things we can’t even imagine-forever! You kicked in the doors of hell and aggressively snatched back the keys of death. You led ragged, hopeless loved ones out of captivity because You conceived of, believed in, and ARE true FREEDOM!

You transcend boundaries, religions, people groups, ideologies and lies, and You stand, ready to pour Yourself out, again and again on behalf of each one of us, and You do it with radical Joy. You rejoice when we call out to You from the pits that we find ourselves in and You don’t rush us or make us feel small.

Today, THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH. We apply this fact to every place on earth that needs to know it. We apply it to people, the land, flora and fauna, to the atmosphere and to ourselves. Wake up, be still, and know that He is God. He is here. He is willing and capable of redeeming and restoring all things. We acknowledge the privilege of knowing You and of getting to know You more every day, Jesus. Thank You for loving every person who ever was, is and will be enough to come here and to experience being a baby, a toddler, a kid, a teenager and an adult and for allowing Yourself to feel every feeling in Your mind and body so that we could trust You with our pain and our despair. Thank You for triumphing over everything gross and being available to pull us up, hold us and bottle every tear.

Fill us to overflowing with love and appreciation for You today. The anniversary of Your final hours is coming up, so please confront us with everything we need in order to celebrate Your sacrifice and triumph in ways that we haven’t been able to before. You are so real, Jesus.

My Mum once had a vision of Jesus carrying the cross. She had been really struggling with the fact that my brother had been robbed of a ‘normal’ life and was feeling so sad and awful. Jesus didn’t look human. His face had been destroyed, His body shredded and failing. He was struggling to move and was still being brutalized, shouted at and whipped. He turned and looked straight at her and asked ‘do I look like a success to you?’

Let that sink in.

I think a lot about His friends and His family having to watch Him that day. It must have been so scary and confusing. Can you imagine then, days later, when it turned out that He had returned and was alive?! He was who He said He was. This story is bananas! He is ALIVE! Jesus, again I’m asking that we get hit sideways this season with what You did! You love me! You endured because I’m the joy set before You!

I take and feed on that Joy today. It sounds almost callous to say that in the midst of our world, but the truth is the truth. He is the restorer of everything broken. He delivers because He is pure delight. Jesus, You illuminate us and guide us to You every minute of every day. You are a builder and a repairer. It’s no accident that You’re a master carpenter and designer. I trust You today with everyone in my life. I trust You with this earth and with human time. I trust Your process and Your ways. Thank You for being You and doing what You did. Thank You that the cross resonates every second and that I get to place it in front of me and call on Your Blood to speak volumes and to heal and protect! Thank You Jesus. Amen.

April 8, 2022

Oh Jesus, humanity’s inhumanity is horrific. Please intervene hard in the Ukraine today. I apply the Blood of Jesus to the people, the land and the atmosphere. Thank You for the borders, the farmland, the urban areas, it’s past, present and future. Thank You for the indomitable spirit of the people, please flood them with STRENGTH and HOPE today, for real, Jesus. Please rush to the wounded and grieving. Please show Your presence and power to every person who feels alone and frightened. Enrobe the Ukraine in the Peace that surpasses human thought and understanding. Please emit a sound that confounds the enemy today, Holy Spirit!

Please change hearts and minds and give Russian objectors radical, supernatural courage to stand up for Life and Freedom today, Jesus, miraculously. Build the ranks of those who choose to stand up to evil. Infiltrate the system and shut down the death and punishment agenda. Bring a crazy about face and show us how strategic and compassionate You truly are!

As I pray globally, please translate it all to impact my own surroundings. Peace, order, compassion, unity, courage, boldness and empathy prevail in my family, neighbourhood, city, province and nation today, God! Come, Holy Spirit and turn the tide of fear into a cataract of Faith and reliance. I throw all doors open in the spirit, in Jesus’ Name! NOTHING is impossible for You and Your kingdom. I’m getting out of Your way today and changing the lens, Jesus.

Your kingdom come and Your will be done world wide today, God. You ARE true power and Glory forever. I choose gratitude and fire today. Refine me and wake me up. Restore to me and mine, and to the world, the Joy of Salvation and wake up and renew our spirits, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

April 7, 2022

God, thank You that every seed that’s ever been prayerfully planted by, in and for my kids is never overlooked by You. Your timing and stewardship is PERFECT. Thank You for inspiring the words that move Your heart and Your hands on their behalf, and for keeping them dormant until every component is aligned in order for healthy germination and blooming to occur! Right now, I call to fruition in my kids every word, prayer, idea and thought about You whose time is now, in Jesus’ Name. Identity and faith, take root in ways they haven’t experienced before. I declare that Your Spirit will fill them in a fresh, vibrant, hopeful and new way today, Jesus. I speak confidence, conviction, reliance and energy over, into and around them right now, in Your beautiful and reliable Name. I apply the Blood to them in a brand new way today. Cover them, protect them, hand deliver health and wholeness to all of their parts, God.

Whatever’s been dormant, whatever is conceived in them, and NOW is the time to be unleashed and to germinate, BE RELEASED in all of them today, in the Name of Jesus! Move, sprout, bud, dig deep and stretch towards the Light of the world. I declare that today is a day that’s been made specifically for each of you and that you will choose to perceive and appreciate it, in Jesus’ Name.

I’m asking that You fill my kids with flourishing love for their world and the people in it. Keep them free of the spirit of religion and ritual, Jesus. Keep them face to face and heart to heart with You, no matter what. Please continue to show them how personal and trustworthy You are to them. Please display favour and beauty to them today. In whatever way they’ve strayed from relying on You for their daily bread, please remind them to lean into You for everything; provision, sanity, wisdom, guidance, all resources, counselling, confidence and identity. You are their Salvation.

Thank You for each one, God. Thank You for their safety and their relationships with You, past, present and future. Thank You for the freedom to trust You with their respective journeys. Thank You for the ways You’ve made them to think differently and to live outside of boxes and rules that don’t make any sense. Be everything to each of them today, Jesus, and fill them to overflowing with Your spirit and Your peace please. It’s awe inspiring that my tiny, fragile, conditional human love is just an infinitesimal, micro portion of the ways that You love them. How can You even stand it! It’s so beautiful and strong! You are the embodiment of Love, God. I receive Your massive love today on behalf of my whole family and I’m so grateful to You. Amen.

April 6, 2022

God, my aim today is to parent and interact with people the way that You do. I choose patience, flexibility, humour and gladness today. I will represent You well today without pressure, stress or striving. I am allowed to stumble and make mistakes because You are kind and You approve of and love me. You give me space and free will to try, fail, succeed, enjoy and use every trial to inform my freedom and ability. I am myself because You are my Creator and Choreographer. You make me able and strong.

I am a giant slayer, warrior, champion and overcomer. I am also a mother, partner and friend. I’m chosen and full of life and possibility today.

I matter and my likes, interests and activity all matter to You.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made and You know every part of me and say that I’m worthy and beautiful. I’m art.

I choose sanity, solidity, self awareness and approval today so that I can keep my eyes on You and what You’re doing and not on myself. I lift my eyes and choose to see Your power and magnificence. I choose to allow You full access to the entirety of my being.

I receive Your eyes, ears, touch, voice and thoughts for kids today, Jesus. I’m asking to be full of patience, receptivity, wisdom and fun. I choose to be a reliable friend to my kids and their people today, in Jesus’ Name.

I love You and I’m thankful for today, for my family and for everything that You’re doing on my behalf and beyond, God.


April 5, 2022

Isaiah 42:22 refers to a people plundered, robbed from, trapped and abused, with no one to shout ‘RESTORE!’… Vulnerable, oppressed people have become prey with seemingly nobody to deliver them.

Jesus, Your Blood speaks a better word. You are poised to move powerfully and effectively through the Ukraine. In fact, You’re already there working behind the scenes. You’re pretty clear about Your passion for justice and Your hatred of murder, rape, violence, human trafficking, power imbalances and the misuse of authority that brings about destruction and desolation. Our mandate is Intercession. You call on us to importune, shout, whisper, worship, pray in the Spirit separately and together, and to give You NO REST until You establish Your kingdom in it’s entirety here on earth.

We are horrified by what’s being uncovered in the Ukraine. We’re also not naive enough to believe that that’s the worst that’s being perpetrated on/against people worldwide today. There’s so much deviance, violence, abuse and victimization going on on such a massive scale that without Faith and the ability to call out for rescue, it would be unbelievably overwhelming.

For those of us who choose to station ourselves on the wall and get in Your face about what’s going on globally, please infuse us with Power and Authority today. We entwine our hearts, wills and stamina with Yours today, Jesus, no matter what. We declare RESCUE, VISIBILITY, EVERY CONNECTION MADE IN THE NATURAL FOR THOSE WHO NEED TO BE FOUND AND HELPED TODAY, IN JESUS’ NAME! Highlight people who are trapped and imprisoned, God, and give strategies and solutions to the people who are finding them. Send supernatural aid and activate those ones on the ground and in the fields. We REFUSE to give up on humanity, so please infuse us all with Your HOPE and FAITH in the Good that You’re the embodiment of!

For every child, woman and man in the Ukraine, in Russia, swept up in the global human trafficking trade, for the ones close to home who are unseen and need help immediately, for ALL people who are unsafe and unseen, Jesus, rush to them right now and bring them up and out! Cover little ones with Your Blood and create a perimeter of safety and untouchability. Cause the people who deal in human beings to be healed of their own trauma and do a complete 180 so that they become modern day John Newtons, in Jesus’ Name!

Saturate Your intercessors with fresh energy and zeal today, please God. Call up and forth new cohorts of creative ones who choose to call out for their peers all over the world. Activate kids who care and pour out Your tremendous empathy and compassion onto and into kids who don’t believe or think that their prayers can make a difference. Wake us up to who we are before You, God!

We declare restitution, wonders, real time, world stage Miracles and intervention today, Jesus, at home and on every continent. Deliver us from evil, because Yours is the kingdom, the power and all of the Glory forever and ever. Amen.

April 4, 2022

‘His love broke open the way, and He brought me into a beautiful, broad place. He rescued me because His delight is in me.’ Psalm 18:19

I’m focusing on You and Your outstretched hand today, God. You see the real me. You know all of my parts, all of my thoughts and all of my ways. You know what’s authentic and what’s manufactured, what’s patchwork, and what I unwittingly use to protect myself even when I don’t recognize it. You are, in Your wise and super kind timing, dredging stuff up and out. I want to be fully me and overflowing with Your presence at the same time, God. Please continue to deliver me from self focus, fear of man, malaise, ambivalence, and any last vestige of feeling unqualified to live my own life, in Jesus’ Name!

I actively choose to engage with the day that You’ve made for me and to turn towards hope and gladness. I choose energy for intercession on behalf of a world at war today, Jesus. I choose forward momentum, the foresight of Jesus and the zeal and wisdom to seek and listen to You about how to inhabit my life with purpose and freedom! I choose YOU today, God.

I am worthy, called, qualified and sanctified today. I am Yours and You say that I am clever, alive, beautiful and beloved. I am unique, handcrafted, seen, known and valued.

I am a Mother of Kings! You gifted my people to me and I claim awakening and realignment for them all today, in Jesus’ Name! Thank You for Your friendship to them. Thank You for keeping them safe, healthy and protected. Thank You for the compassion and creativity that You’ve instilled in all of them, God. Thank You for their respective journeys. Restore, reinvigorate, realign and reawaken the Joy and Peace of their salvation and bless and activate their spirits today please, Jesus.

Thank You for everything new that You’re up to today, worldwide, Lord. I choose to perceive it. You make ways where there seems to be no wiggle room, no solutions, no way in and no way out. Nothing is impossible or too tall an order for You. I declare healing, restitution, restoration and deliverance for anyone agreeing with this prayer today, Jesus. Big things! Little things! You care about all of it! Do what only YOU can do right now please, Holy Spirit! Overwhelm us with Your Goodness and Your Reality in real time! You are Magnificent and more than ready, willing and able to display Your splendour and Your intimate friendship all at once. Come rushing in where there’s lack, need, separation or disbelief, Jesus. You’re IT. Be real to everyone who hasn’t experienced the Real You before. This is your time, just receive it and let Him in. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

April 3, 2022

God, I’m really feeling for the young people who are struggling to make sense of themselves and their lives as a result of the giant Pause of the last two years. For the teenagers and young adults who’ve lost the plot, their passion, their way or their ability to care about or steward their lives, Jesus please OVERTAKE and RESCUE today! God please give them the wisdom to see what’s really happening in the spirit and give them the wherewithal to be able to claim what’s theirs emotionally, spiritually and with regards to their purposes and destinies. No malaise or hopelessness, in Jesus Name! No adherence to Lies or attempts to hurt them or steal life from them, in Jesus’ Name! God, Intervene in crazy ways today, please! Encounter, confront, envelope, invade, pursue, overtake and rescue every young one who’s struggling today. I cover everyone who’s wondering what the point of living is right now in the Blood of Jesus. Send help from the sanctuary, God, please, and surround them with angels, hosts, creatures, hope, help and healing! Revive, restore or display for the very first time the joy and possibility of salvation and kiss awake hearts today, Jesus. Transplant what needs to be switched out, heal or erase thoughts that are plaguing and hurting these people. Realign minds and restore identities, goals, interests and the will to live, please, God.

Show these children of Yours miracles, wonders and irrefutable signs of Your love and oversight today. Please undergird and help them. Give them the tools and vision they need to be able to see that what’s plaguing them is so much smaller and weaker than YOU! Give them all eyes to see and ears to hear and give them discernment so that they can isolate and jettison lies. Jesus, we trust You with all of our precious ones. To You, we’re all precious and worth extending life and help to. You’ve made everyone to be a pivotal part of life here on earth and it’s the desire of Your beautiful heart that nobody feel inferior, too exhausted to live, or hopeless to the point of death. COME QUICKLY TODAY, LORD, AND HEAL AND RESUSCITATE YOUR CHILDREN!!

I declare abundant Life, miraculous thought shifts, a return, a restoration of Vision, supernatural patience, protection and connection today, in Jesus’ Name for any/everyone struggling with their purpose. Come face to face with your Creator and the One who holds everything you could ever need. Intervene today, Holy Spirit and overwhelm, in the best way, those who are overwhelmed by death and despair. Shut. It. Down, God! You ARE Life. You ache to teach us how to inhabit our lives with Peace and purpose. Please have Your way, Jesus. Please rush to the scene of the crime and build something beautiful there. Please kick lies out of the way and flood these ones with truth that is outrageous and life sustaining. Give them everything they need to be wise and present in their own lives. Just help today, please. These people need You in real time, right now, it’s an emergency.

I trust Your vision for my life and the lives of my kids and partner. Please encounter each one today with a sound mind and a zest for life. Please remind them who they are and who they belong to. Please remind them that You’re their Creator and Source.

Thank You for every champion, trailblazer and pioneer that You’ve conceived of, designed, hand picked and placed on this earth for such a time as now. Please give them everything they need for today, Jesus. I trust You. Amen.

April 2, 2022

Hey, did you know that a date palm seed was found that was 2,000 years old and germinated and grew successfully when planted? How crazy is it that one day we’ll be 2,000 years old and things that were planted and conceived in us before the foundation of the world will come forth and bear fruit!? We were made to be eternal and to repeatedly place our minds within that paradigm! No need for regrets about time that we didn’t spend wisely. God returns and restores all eaten time! We are ALIVE. Not just in the here and now, but forever. What does it look like to live eternally? We definitely don’t need to be system bound or stressed about accomplishing things in ‘real time’! I love being able to exist free of anxiety about accomplishing or trying things that interest or excite me. I get to try and do and work and create FOREVER! As the time to contemplate Resurrection comes close, let’s think about and be grateful for all of the myriad things we have to be outrageously thankful for…not the least of which is the gift of an eternal paradigm! Jesus melded humanity and divinity and was here as a real guy, doing real things and He continues to be Real and active and beyond comprehension. Jesus CRUSHED the fear of screwing up. He DESTROYED religious control and manipulation. He OBLITERATED hopelessness and fear. He extends rescue, mercy, unfathomable Peace that defies human understanding. Jesus, You bought our freedom and ability to call You family with Your life, Your Blood, Your ability to shove fear and freak out out of the way and move forward into every second of agony You literally knew was going to be perpetrated onto You. You were brutalized, tortured and murdered because of the ecstasy and wholehearted Joy that was displayed before You; Me! We are Your Joy. We are what makes You happy and You chose to go through with everything because You looked into 2022 and saw me and said ‘totally worth it.’ Thank You for Your legacy and our inheritance. Thank You for Your miraculous, regenerative, healing and delivering Blood. Thank You for choosing us. Thank You for every second chance, every instance of radical and immediate forgiveness and opportunities to change our minds. Thank You that we NEVER have to put ourselves on probation or be afraid to talk to You about any/every stupid choice, word or action. You are ready and waiting to draw on the sacrifice of Your Son and bathe us in the Blood, thoroughly wash us in the River of Life, hold us on Your lap and whisper Truth into the entirety of our beings. You are GOOD and Your Love endures FOREVER! Thank You for being REAL, God. It’s too good to be true. Except it is True. That’s nuts! I love You so much. Amen.

April 1, 2022

‘I thank You, Lord, with all the passion of my heart. I worship You in the presence of the angels! Heaven’s mighty ones will hear my voice as I sing my loving praise to You. I bow down before Your divine presence and bring You my deepest worship as I experience Your tender love and living truth. For Your word and the fame of Your name have been magnified above all else. At the very moment I called out to You, You answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.’ Psalm 138:1-3

God, I DO thank You today with all of the passion and love that’s in me…the miracle is that I haven’t even tapped into the unplumbed depths and wells of feeling and faith inside of me that are capable of so much MORE passion and intensity! The worship and love that I’m capable of bringing to You on April 1st, 2022 is a treasure to You, even though You can see beyond the Now and You see into the parts of me that I don’t even know about yet. I’m willing to walk deeper into our relationship, Jesus. I choose to focus on and magnify You and to radiate Your peace today. You are such a good friend and Your rescue and resuscitation were obvious and appreciated this week. Thank You so much. It’s so clear to me that You extend choice, minute by minute. You’re training me to choose wisely and without leaning into what I know I’m capable of in order to pull myself up by my own bootstraps. Thank You for being a reliable parent.

You answered me so well. You make Your presence clear and known. You make me strong when I’m honest with You about how fragile I feel, even though I know that because I am a home for Your presence, that itself makes me strong. I’m allowed to be honest and transparent with You. I might as well, You know what I’m thinking and feeling and trying to get away with hiding. I receive the fresh courage and endurance that You’re happy to hand to me.

Today I revisit the gratitude You gifted me with for my own body. Thank You for the parts I’m not friends with yet. Thanks for my brain, my face, my senses and my mobility and the ways You made me to communicate. Please make me truly grateful and always aware of what a privilege my abilities are, God. I appreciate everything You’ve given to and done for me today.

Thank You for my family. I hand them all to You today, and declare that I trust You with their destinies, their thought life, relationships with You and their safety, health and protection today, Jesus. I apply the Blood to all of them, to their travels throughout the city today, to their bodies, minds and spirits, God, and I declare encounters, wonders, miracles and connection with You today! Please lavish them with favour, abundance, blessing and provision in every way.

Thank You for being so unfailingly trustworthy and loyal, God. I reset my emotions and thoughts today, in Jesus’ Name, and I welcome Your presence and wisdom again. I love You tremendously. Thank You for courage, energy, and constant forgiveness, healing, and opportunity for do-overs. Amen.

March 31, 2022

What an absolute roller coaster of a week it’s been for me, emotionally. This has felt super foreign. I mostly veer in the direction of directness and simplicity, and tend not to be overly emotional or impacted by things very easily. After hearing someone really passionate speak recently about introducing people to the real Jesus so that they can live fulfilling, peaceful and secure lives, I thought to myself; ‘I don’t think I really care all that much.’ At least, I didn’t/don’t care as much as I should or want to about people who need to feel the privilege and peace of connection and the promise of eternity. I take it for granted that God helps me in real time and fills me with Hope when I need Him to. It’s a given for me that I’m overseen, loved and taken care of by a Father who IS all things. I needed my heart to wake up, so I started to ask Him to wake me up and fill me with compassion. He is and it hurts. I feel like I have emotional pins and needles. I want to feel about other people the way Jesus does. For real. I’m nowhere close. But I want to be.

God, I’m asking with literal fear and trembling to be able to feel about people the way You do. I never want to just pass someone by again, who clearly needs something; a word, my eyes, ears, resources or assistance. I’m through just throwing money at people and thinking that makes me a good enough person. Please give me courage that comes from a deep place of love and a filial heart and not from a place of religious compulsion.

I understand that when You look at humanity, You see Your children, and I can’t imagine how that makes You feel, God. What You see must be heartbreaking, nauseating, enraging and so rough. I’m so sorry. This is what makes me scared of being awake to Your feelings. I want this though. Jesus, please help me to wake up and to move around my world the way You did/do. I don’t want to just say that I’m Your hands, feet, eyes, speech and heart. I authentically and with so much cringing and wondering if I can handle it, want to be.

Please make me strong enough. Please teach me to love the unlovable and the unseen, whoever they might be. Please help me to be brave in my neighbourhood, where everyone seems like they have everything they need or want. Everyone feels like little kids, really, I think. So God, please help us all to have the humility and discernment to just reach out. Please encounter our hearts, everyone who knows You even a little bit, to wake up and just LOVE and then to be able to extend it without being performative or stressed. Help us to see others well. Open our spiritual ears to be sensitive in and to the moment, Jesus.

I am choosing to be awake and to be able to feel. I want to see like You see and move like You move, Jesus. Ack! What am I saying!? It’s big, but I’m just going to do it. I want everything You’ve got for me and I trust Your timing, God. Please just allow Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done in me as it is in heaven. I want to love really well. I love You, help me to love You more today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

March 30, 2022

When I was a teenager, feeling all of the feelings, being wild, and making in the moment decisions 24/7, I remember thinking ‘I don’t ever want to forget what it feels like to be me right now.’ Little did I know that I’d just prayed and that God listened and moved. I do remember vividly how it feels to be someone with one foot in a cozy, safe environment and loving it while at the same time resenting it and feeling quashed and overwhelmed with wanderlust…one foot already out the door. It was a scary, exhilarating, dangerous time for me. I made all sorts of crazy decisions, punished my poor little body and brain, and also triumphed and impressed myself with my resolve and my survival skills! I was constantly thinking ‘I know I’m making stupid choices right now, but that doesn’t mean I’m actually stupid.’

Remembering how it feels to live the tension of child/adult out is so helpful to me, both as a parent and a person whose constantly growing and trying. It’s hard to keep on in humility and curiosity when you think you’re somehow Done, or you’ve got it all figured out. Yesterdays freak out reminded me that I’m still progressing through my life and there’s so much to learn and to do. Listening to my three adult children gave me a massive rush, because God was showing me that everything I asked Him to do on their behalf was happening! Daily asking Him to restore to and remind them of the Joy and wholeness of their salvation and wake their spirits up in new ways is effective and powerful! Asking for daily connection and encounter is happening in real time.

God, thank You for the ability to use my past to inform my present! Thank You for Your complexity and perfection…You showed me how my own prayers, that You put into my mouth, were being used by You via my son in order to deliver me! You activated my sons’ spirit and prophetic gifts to speak Truth into my spirit and my mind and You lifted me off of the garbage heap I’d settled myself on. You are a Wonder. Thank You for the constant do-overs that You hand out, daily! Thank You for breathing into me and continuing to help me. Thank You for my kids, Jesus. Thank You for always surrounding them and no matter what it looks like, no matter what anyone thinks or says, You are their Master, Saviour and Friend. Jesus, please restore or gift to anyone reading this prayer, the overarching JOY of renewal and Salvation and renew, revive and awaken their spirits today, in Your Name. I can’t thank You enough for choreographing my life so meticulously and surprisingly! YOU ARE TREMENDOUS!! Thank You. Amen.

March 29, 2022

Oh. Man. I just had the worst morning of feeling like an utter failure and a total burden. On the one hand, I understand that I do a lot and it matters, but on the other, it’s a really crappy feeling when the idea that because nothing I do makes anyone any money, it’s a waste of time and what is it all for anyway? I was overwhelmed and full of self hatred this morning. I felt confused and bereft. It was so lonely and scary.

Enter Soren. My eldest son has always had a knack for listening to God and speaking with boldness into and over me when he sees clearly what’s going on around me to steal my peace and my identity. He walked in, saw me gagging on my tears over the sink, enveloped me in his arms and immediately said ‘leave her alone and shut up, Lies.’ Like, he literally walked in at the moment I was at my lowest and most shattered and held me like Jesus. He told what was harassing me to zip it, and proceeded to speak LIFE and truth to me, and to pray for me to find my way back. God, You are AMAZING and so kind and tender to use the kid that has always been able to see the real me to enforce obedience in the Spirit and to offer the physical and immediate arms and chest of Jesus for me to find a safe place to cry and be vulnerable. Soren carried relief into my house today with him. He extended comfort and care that was so big and so real, it was a miracle. Thank You, Jesus, for showing me just how present You really are and how much Your heart is so tender for me and my feelings. I super trust You, but sometimes it’s so hard. I know You’re with me and that struggles are par for the course, but man, that sucked. Jesus, I hand my life over to You again and say that I need You more than anything. I’m desperate for You to intervene in my brain and my circumstances. Please come and do what ONLY You can do. I need You. I need to feel like what I do is seen and I need to be able to feel satisfied and confident with what You made me to do. It’s a vulnerable place to be in, this offering You what’s in my heart everyday, here in ‘public’. Please strengthen and uplift me, Holy Spirit. Please tell me the truth in new ways today that I can metabolize from a place of simplicity and exhaustion today. I feel broken, but I know that You’re on this. I know You’re writing my story and that everything is unto something beautiful, no matter how crappy it feels in the moment. I’m so weak. You’re the epitome of strength, so please lift me and give me the energy to do this day and this life, please. I choose to let You inhabit my feelings; sadness, vulnerability, reticence, hesitancy, not sure where to go or who to turn to to share what I’m doing…I’m clinging to the trust that You’ve gifted me with. I’ll move with You and follow Your lead, God. I need the hard stuff to mean something, and I know You don’t just allow us to walk through tough things for no reason. You are preeminent, massive, omniscient, LOVING, reliable, good and kind. YOU. ARE. KIND. You are MINE and I’m Yours. I hang my hat on Your love for me today. There’s nowhere else for me to go but into Your arms. Thanks for using my sweet son to show me Yours again, God. Thank You for Soren. Thank You for showing HIM just how important and intuitive he is in the spirit as a result of You prompting him to just ‘happen’ to drop by when I’m at my lowest. I love You so much for that. Amen.

March 28, 2022

Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.

Jesus, You say in Hebrews 12 that You’re the author, perfecter and perpetual giver of Faith, the opposite of fear. Interior faith, as it builds, as You continue to generate it inside of us, squeezes out fear. You fill us with trust that doesn’t come from effort, but from agreement, and we lose the ability to fear because You’re so much bigger and better. You’re magnificent, positive, omniscient and Loving beyond our wildest dreams. You have a residence inside of us. Keep on taking up space previously occupied by doubt, shame and anxiety, Jesus. Lead us forward and clean us up in ways we don’t understand and wouldn’t even know how to ask for. We refuse to be worn down and pressed. We choose You and we want to believe You in deeper and truer ways today, God. You invite, You transform, You validate, You create and You deliver!

When You say, over and over, ‘do not fear’, it’s not an admonishment, it’s a reminder. You’re literally in me, I’m a temple of Your presence. I sit with confidence and security in the palm of Your hand and NOTHING can move me. You’ve placed all I need as a Champion inside of my DNA. I choose fearlessness today. I utterly and unequivocally refuse a spirit of fear. I choose to believe that You cause everything to work together to usher in Your kingdom. I include You in the narrative today, Holy Spirit. I apply the Blood of Jesus to my kids, my partner, my finances, my vehicles, my home, my animals and my time today, in Your Name, Jesus. Station angels, hosts, creatures and any/everything You deem appropriate around us today, God, please. I cover the routes to and from my home with the Blood. I honour it and thank You for placing it on the Mercy Seat of the Tabernacle of heaven for me. Protection, safety, health, wholeness, sanity, clarity, relationship and heavenly energy are MINE today, because You’ve allowed me free access to You and every gift that’s available. I love You so much, God. Thank You for obliterating fear again and again, layer by layer. I choose Faith, adventure and curiosity today, in Jesus’ Name.

March 27, 2022

Even when Your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for You already have! Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of Your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely because You are near. You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, You give me all I can drink of You until my cup overflows. So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to Your glorious presence to be forever with You.’ Psalm 23:4-6

First of all, God, it’s shocking to think that You made me to be an eternal being. What a relief! If I thought for a moment that this life was it, I would be so stressed and full of regret. Thank You for the unbelievable, inconceivable gift of staying myself forever, but with every resource, every opportunity, every ability and every place accessible to me! I get to grow, learn, change, do and think about things that grip me eternally! How do I begin to unpack that, Jesus? No stress, anxious thoughts, worry, sickness, fear or disappointment. Safety, freedom, true, lasting Peace and delight. What a Promise! What an incentive to embrace whatever is coming down the pipe, because at the end of the day, You’re the only One left standing. You lift me and clean me, You change my ability to translate my circumstances into the heavenly realm and it’s otherworldly currency. You unflappably serve me beauty and deliciousness even in the hospital, even in grief, even in distress, even when it’s impossible for me to see You. That doesn’t cancel out Your oversight, Your deep Love and Your presence.

In our human exhaustion and states of fear, freak out and depletion, You extend every resource and every bit of wisdom we need, moment by moment. You are flourishing, vibrant life even in places steeped in death and sickness. You change ecosystems and atmospheres with Your tremendously powerful and radiant presence. You are LIGHT itself. You are healing and transformation. You breathe life, power, ability and zeal into us constantly and all we need to do is receive. Today, wherever we are, Jesus, we say a resounding and curse breaking ‘YES!!!’ to You. We change our minds and spirits from downcast to zealous, from exhaustion and emptiness to awake and full of hope and curiosity. Where we need a miracle, please hand deliver it today, Jesus. You are always present, so elevate our Faith to previously unrevealed levels right now, Holy Spirit! Show us wonders of shift, change and healing today! I set my mind and spirit to ‘OPEN’ right now, and anticipate Big Things in the natural and the supernatural, God! Unleash heaven on the world today, in Jesus’ Name! Every provision, act of mercy and justice, every tiny detail, every gigantic problem, please deliver, shift, solve and bathe them in the Blood until all is restored. I/we believe You are who You say You are and that You’re capable beyond our imagination…come and overflow this planet today, Holy Spirit, shift every atmosphere, interior and exterior, and show us the outrageous and the tiny miracles today. Thank You. Amen.

March 26, 2022

I’m not gonna lie to you guys, I ate a ton of junk last night. Consequently, I woke up this morning feeling crabby, groggy and exhausted. I had a lot of fun, but what a crummy way to welcome the gift of a new day. Thankfully, I can hit up Romans 12:2 and declare an inward transformation and reorganization of my thoughts and my body chemistry. I choose to allow Him to undo the damage I did to myself as a result of a pretty fun hang with my partner.

God, You are the Master of Metamorphosis. You are able to answer my request for renewal inside of me with a resounding YES!

You turn envy into appreciation, self hatred into real confidence, agitation into trust, fear into expectation and agitation into calm faithfulness. You turn exhaustion into exhilaration and grumpiness into sweetness. I’m handing over all of my negative thoughts about myself and my world today again, Jesus. I’m allowing You to revitalize my ability to think and process so that I can perceive every new thing You bring into my life today. I come back to the right mind that You conceived of and crafted for me before the foundation of the world. I receive the brain chemistry of Jesus. Thank You for making Your sound, sane mind available to me…please help me to be grateful and attuned to the incredible gift that is, that keeps on giving, growing, learning and making connections.

Thank You that You approve of silliness and fun and that You were right there with Tyler and me, enjoying and celebrating our relaxing together.

Thank You for my mind. It’s completely open to You right now, Holy Spirit. Fill my mind with flexibility, problem solving ability, agility, peace and foresight. I welcome Your Spirit of Truth and Prophecy into my mind again today, Jesus. What an outrageous privilege, to host You in my brain and body. You’re so appreciated. I declare again REVITALIZATION, RESTORATION AND RENOVATION within me that impacts everyone and everything around me today, in Jesus’ Name. Liberate me from any fear of man and fill me with the compassion, empathy, sight and discernment of Jesus again, please God.

Compel me to intercede with joy and anticipation as I move around my neighbourhood today, God. Help me to keep my attachment to You strong as I interact with people. Please make me a conduit of Your life and Your solutions. I choose Your strategies and Your heart for the land I stand on, for countries at war, for the marginalized and the victimized. I choose to be full of identity and confidence so that I can see past myself and have real feelings and zeal for the people and places that need real time help! I choose to embody intercession and to follow Your example as Advocate and Trailblazer, Great Intercessor and High Priest. Jesus, You ARE who You say You are. My life’s work is to build relationship with You and radiate Your love as I host and bask in it. You love me. Thank You for being real. You’re a Miracle. Please enrobe my family in Your incredible, freaky protection today, Jesus. Encounter and relate with them all. Restore and revitalize the joy of their salvation and renew and awaken their spirits within them. I’m asking this with unshakeable confidence in the fact that You hear me and that You’re actively doing on my behalf today. Thanks for Your laser focus and Your shocking justice. Amen.

March 25, 2022

God, I’m declaring again today that I trust You implicitly with every facet of my life and with the lives of my family members. I choose to look beyond the natural and decide to vision with You for our wellbeing. You have control and mastery of every resource known to humanity and You are the Great Allocator. You made it all, own it all and arrange it all. My human eyes are only able to see a tiny fraction of the story, so I choose to believe in Your wisdom and goodness again today.

I stand on the fact that setbacks or trials are not evidence of abandonment. Any/every time I have an experience meant to trigger trauma, fear, anger or pain, I WILL see You in the narrative. You’ve shown me time and time again that You’re right here with me, and that You have mines of treasure and unplumbed depths of mercy and healing to usher me into because Your ways, plans and dreams for me are higher than mine and beyond my wildest dreams. Anything panic crafted by the enemy of my life that’s being thrown at me to put me off the scent of my own destiny is a lie and a distraction that isn’t worth my time. My reaction to crises, and reliance on You defines and informs my outcomes. I cling to You and lock eyes with You. You never leave, look away or stop interacting with me and my life. In any/all adversity, You continue to teach me that the safest and smartest spot is in the palm of Your hand, at Your feet, inside of Your profound and impermeable goodness and that You will always, always offer me the opportunity to triumph over anything created to hurt, rob from or kill me.

I choose to consume Your word today so that it becomes my thought language. I trust the tempering, forging and purifying of Your all consuming fire. I trust Your process and I trust Your parenting. You will never let me down and You are able to see the beginning, the middle, the end and then the next beginning. You see my life multidimensionally and eternally. Fill me with the faith to champion my day and to see leagues ahead of where I am now. Flood my life and the lives of my partner and kids with Your dynamic favour and power. Infuse us with fresh faith and reliance today, Jesus. Give us the energy to stand up and crush the plans of the enemy right now! I declare freedom of movement in all areas of my life, I declare new levels of faith in the story of my life that You’re writing, I declare provision, abundance, blessing and integrity over me and mine today, Jesus, in Your Name! I declare health, wholeness, vision, wisdom, discernment, joy, peace and renewed connection and deep new ways to relate to and with You today for all of us, God. Thank You for my family and for every blessing You pour out and surround us with daily. Thank You for interceding for me before the throne, Jesus. You are my merciful, faithful High Priest. I love You so much, please unleash more ability to love You and others in me and my family, God. Seal our hearts and make us as compassionate, empathetic, patient and ferocious as You are. In Your Name, Jesus, amen.

March 24, 2022

One of the daily joys of my life is the invitation of God to move further up and further into the mysteries that, as a King, Priest and Son, belong to me. It’s agitating in the best possible way that I don’t know what I want to know about Him and His kingdom, and that’s my incentive to always be asking, learning and watching. He gives us more tools than we could ever use, and all we need to do is ask for them. Stagnation and satisfaction in what is is not an option. I want MORE.

God, You give us the Authority of Jesus to make Decrees that usher in the kingdom of heaven every minute of every day, in the lives of our family members, in our neighbourhoods, places of work, play and in spheres of influence that exceed our understanding. Authority is deep and shocking. We have the power and right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience in the spirit realm that impacts all aspects of life as we know it and beyond.

Father, You say in Job 22:28 to declare a thing and it WILL be established. You have given us permission to give formal and authoritative orders that carry the force of law. We state the terms that align with Your heart and Your word for LIFE with zero negotiation. We have official authorization to speak into and over lives, regions, atmospheres, property and possessions. We take authority over property lines, routes; to and from our homes AND the ones used by human traffickers worldwide. Our reach exceeds our expectations and understanding when we’re partnering with the One who exists multidimensionally and embodies ALL ability and power. Your pure love invades the natural at all times and we have access to Your Spirit of truth, prophecy and justice in order to establish more of Your kingdom that holds the relationship of oxygen and carbon dioxide in balance, that keeps us upright and breathing. Your kingdom moves us through history and time with intentionality and grace. We have weight and authority in the Spirit realm and in the natural because You give it to us as a gift of friendship. We’re so grateful and so eager to build a taste for it and begin to learn to wield what You’ve given us effectively as a result of sitting at Your feet and loving You, Jesus.

Today I call to attention and muster every iota of Faith that takes up residence within me into action and service in Jesus’ mighty and all encompassing Name! I declare that Faith will advance and take over within me and I will become the embodiment of radical and courageous Faith that changes atmospheres and outcomes as a result of the deep Love and reality that I have access to! I announce formally that my kids will feel more drawn to Jesus than they ever have before today, in Jesus’ Name. I declare that the Justice of Heaven will be seen all over the world today. I declare rescue in the natural and the supernatural for all trafficked people today, in YOUR NAME, JESUS! I declare a return of plunder today and a shift in destinies as a result of audibly and faithfully standing on WHO YOU ARE; JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE MESSIAH AND CRUCIFIED ONE. You put death to death and crushed evil under Your feet. You aggressively kicked in the doors of hell and snatched back every key previously held by the enemy of our lives. You rescued us and revealed us as Your family. We are YOURS and we are declaring that we’ll see ourselves as Yours today. We carry Your Spirit and that’s HUGE. Give us all fresh, brand new revelations about who and what we are today, God. Show us every tool that’s ours for the taking today please, God. Teach us to operate and wield what belongs to us Holy Spirit. Give us wisdom to be ourselves and not to panic latch onto someone else’s spiritual deal. I am me because You made me to be, so please teach me more about myself and my destiny today so that I can edify, exhort, comfort and extend the Freedom and Peace that exceed human understanding to whoever You’ve prepared to come my way today, in Jesus’ Name. Thanks. Amen.

March 23, 2022

Have you ever looked into the meaning of your name? What about the way that your first and middle name complement one another? The definitions of my names used to puzzle me and make me laugh, but ever since I chose to give the Lord free rein in my life and to stop continuing to manufacture my personality based on someone that was me years ago, my name is making more and more sense because He chose it for me, and He fills me with the promise and the fulfillment all at once! Samantha means ‘listens well’, which, at one time was laughable. I listened to my desires and lived purely in the moment. Now I’m learning that I am able to listen and apply and extend help and kindness. Sometimes I even get to say some harsh things…but tempered with the Holy Spirits’ approval when the situation warrants. My middle name, Lauren, means ‘wisdom’, something I’ve been attempting to cultivate along with God over the last few years. My names made no sense without Him. I make no sense without Him. The world makes no sense without Him.

God, help me to remember to connect with You all the time, so that things can be made sense of through Your lens! Help me today to believe in myself to the degree that You do, so that I can move through my life with unassailable power, an intrepid spirit and the unshakeable knowledge that I am Yours; sanctified, consecrated, set apart and cherished! I am my name because You conceived of me, created, formed and redeemed me. YOU CALLED ME BY NAME AND I AM YOURS! Thank You for the majesty and mystery of names. What a crazy thing; special words that refer to us and carry treasure that is unpacked throughout our lives! Please give everyone fresh and exciting revelations about their names and the reasons and wonders behind them…show us who we are again today, Jesus! You are Salvation and You are amazing. Amen.

March 22, 2022

“If you had more money than you would ever need, if every person in the world was saved, and if every person knew exactly how much God loved them, what with you do with your day-to-day life?’ Blake Healy, Profound Good

Here, the Holy Spirit is challenging the author’s relationship with the Father and asking whether it was based on limitless love or on pure need. Did he struggle with feeling like he always had to perform and serve, or did he need to simply connect with and relax into the arms of God and allow Him to pour His heart into the author in order to inspire him to be like Jesus and feel whole, while radiating possibility and love?

A relationship built on an assumption about the neediness or requirements of another isn’t a relationship, it’s a business alliance. Working for another because that seems to be the way to garner approval, resources or friendship is a recipe for toxicity and misunderstanding.

God, obliterate any assumptions about You that may be occupying my mind! When I read this question yesterday, I sat with it for awhile and all I could come up with was ‘just vibe with You, God.’ I’d just want to hang out. That’s my favourite thing to do with my pals…just hang out and talk and laugh and enjoy. I’m beginning to really get that this is precisely what God wants with me! Loyalty, trust, love, fun, friendship and the ability to just lean into Him with abandon and silliness is something He values so highly. Sure, the world needs radical intervention 24//7, and He is beyond On It. Jesus, You’re such a wild hive of activity and chill. He wants me to extend this outrageous requirement of humanity to everyone I interact with. God is your friend. He’s not too busy. He’s not arranging everyones’ need according to status, or some sort of standardized ‘human desperation chart’. He is so easy to know and to trust.

God, thank You for being the invitation. Thanks for being the planner, the supplies, the party and the clean up! Thank You for being present all the time and for knowing exactly what’s needed moment by moment.

Thank You for my identity and for building me with all sorts of specific interests and ideas. Thank You for enjoying me as I am, while still being poised to heal me inside and out. Thank You for beckoning me into places that are wild and new and uncharted! You’re the original Trail Blazer and there’s so much about Your kingdom that’s melding with this earth to be discovered. Please instil a questing and contagious spirit within me today, Jesus! Please make me brave and energized, courageous and calm, in Your Name. Please continue to excise that stupid fear of man, fake people pleasing junk from me, Jesus, I need it GONE. I speak and apply the Blood over my mind today and bless all of my parts. I do the same for all five of my kids and for my partner as well, God. Protect and provide for them today, please. Encounter and connect with them again today and give them every bit of understanding and discernment that they need, minute by minute. Thank You for their salvation and for their stories. I love You so much, Lord. Thank You that my requirement is that I love Your Son and believe that He’s who He says He is. Thank You for Your friendship…’no more temples, no more mountains?’ ‘NOPE, JUST THE HEART!’ Thank You Jesus. Amen.

March 21, 2022

How does a mind, body and spirit immersed and steeped in the Mind of Jesus operate and what is it capable of? God, You say that we can live beyond a human level of understanding and possibility and You show us every day what a miracle You are! Our central nervous systems are miracles, animals and plants are miracles, digestion, respiration, flight, nutrition, creativity and the ability to articulate in different ways are all examples of the daily miracles we experience and take for granted!

We have access to the perceptions of Jesus, so today God, I apprehend the ability to think, vision, dream, feel and organize my world the way Jesus does for myself, my kids, my partner and for everyone! Invade my mind, Jesus. Fill me with the strategic solutions and holy and life altering love of Your active and living Spirit. You extend passion for exciting and energizing persistence. You pour out more ability to see You in action, to hear Your voice and to recognize You in all things. Today I declare that works die and that deliverance and identity LIVE, in Jesus’ Name, on behalf of my whole family! I declare freedom, faith, new levels of reliance on You, and new and open portals to see Your kingdom at work on this planet, no matter what.

Father, give my kids the ability to see themselves through Your lens. Give them the sure and solid understanding that their existence is crucial to the age in which they’ve been placed. No stress, no striving, no anxious or fearful thoughts, in Jesus’ Name. Only LOVE. Only PEACE. Only relationship and openness to the Lover of their Souls. Restore and revitalize the Joy and knowledge of their rescue and salvation and renew, renovate and reinvigorate their spirits inside of them. Give them a bursting, germinating, exciting, tangible and vibrating sense of Your presence and holiness inside of them today, Holy Spirit! Move into, over and around them and open their eyes to Your goodness in ways they haven’t experienced before, please God. Enrapture them today, in whatever ways speak to them. Transform and renew, simply because You love and care about them.

Show us Your wonders today, God! You know precisely what each of us needs and wants. Please blow us away by Your intimate attentiveness and investiture in our stories. We are poised to see Your hand at work in our bodies, minds and spirits, in our circumstances, in our cities, countries and world today, Jesus. Shock us with WONDER today! We’re ready to see You move. Thank You for every blessing and provision You’ve presented to me throughout my entire life. I’m so beyond grateful to You for everything You do, and I’m ready for MORE.

I love You, God. Please lead me and help me today. Please protect and connect with my kids and my partner. I honour Your life, Your death and Your resurrection, Jesus. You are who You say You are and my life’s work is to believe You. Amen.

March 20, 2022

Jesus, it says in Your word that You were a ‘man of deep sorrows who was no stranger to suffering and grief’ . You lived here on the earth and didn’t ever shy away from Your humanity. You experienced emotions and went through everything that we went through and well beyond. You were hated, brutalized, betrayed, lied about, tortured, stripped of all dignity and literally spat on and beaten. You were murdered in an inconceivably painful way, separated from Your Source and Father. The filth, illness, sin, garbage and infirmity was heaped onto and into You as a result of the desperate and overwhelming Love of the Trinity for every person whose ever lived, is living and will live. You withstood all of it. ALL OF IT. Your wholeness, Your passion and zeal for humanity, Your strength and resilience, Your desire, Your entire BEING is our reason for Joy. You sit with us in the deepest pit and You never rush us or guilt us into feeling better. You just come, sit, touch, talk, love and breathe. You breathed life into Your friends before You breathed power into them. You see us so clearly and You are moved by us. I receive Your breath of LIFE today, Jesus.

You are such a wild contrast. Acquainted with our pain, and grieving for a broken and separated world, but still dancing, singing, moving and celebrating over and for us. You advocate fiercely for us all twenty four seven, but are also able to sit in stillness without rushing us or prodding us. You’re a deep mystery. You embody explosive Joy because You see the entire story of humanity from start to finish. You clearly see the triumph of Goodness and Restoration unfolding before You. We can’t even conceive of the immensity and awesomeness that we’ll be experiencing! Thank You, God, for our eternal paradigm. Invade us all with the joy and perspective of heaven! Even in our darkest places and times, the promise of Newness is constantly before us and always being displayed. You are our rescue, survival, answer and Peace. Thank You for our eternal future of adventure and celebration. Please show Yourself to everyone who needs to be refreshed by Truth today, Jesus! Unveil Your promises again and again! We are so excited to walk hand in hand into splendour and destiny with You. Amen.

March 19, 2022

God, would You please help me to reset my motives today. You make it very clear that when our wills align with Yours, the world is our oyster! I’m asking that You clean and collate my reasons for doing things today. I want to attack my day with passion, and zero striving or stressing. I’m choosing to attach my energy levels, ability to asses and process, and my decision making to Yours, God. I want to use the gifts that You’ve given me in order to be myself more wisely than I have before. I’m going to use every experience, triumph and trial in order to have good judgement and heightened ability to sift the moment in the moment. Please give me an unoffendable heart at every turn today, Jesus. I choose calm, peaceful, honest and clear communication today, with You, with others and with myself.

I choose a radical freedom today. I choose to believe that Your eye is on me and on every detail that faces every person all over the world, because You exist outside of human time and understanding. You are beyond physics, beyond comprehension, beyond our fragile concepts of love and belief. You are active, attentive, just and full of strategy and stunning mercy. Impact this planet today as a result of our faith, trust and worship, God. Invade minds and spirits on new levels please, where it’s most needed. Borders, titles, wealth and status don’t concern You in the slightest, so please crush all of our human constructs that breed division and derision, Jesus. I open my eyes to Your action and championing today. I am aware of Your grace and Your creativity. I choose You again and am eager to see what You’ll do today, in my life and in my world. Kingdom of heaven, be released to move, cover, encounter, overcome and triumph in all of the hidden places and on the world stage!

In other news, Lord, I’m really thankful today for the ways that You’re teaching me to value myself as someone that You made with intentionality. Thank You for continuing to help me to see beyond myself by showing me who I truly am every day. It’s a crazy thing; that to get over oneself, you have to believe in your innate beauty and merit. Thank You that You are eager to show me who You are for me daily. I love and trust You so much, God. I hand my family to You again today and leave them with You. Encounter them with Your reality in a fresh way please. Shower them with favour and blessings and remind them who You are and how much You love and protect them. Thank You that they’ve seen, known and felt Your goodness and that they know that You’re real and forever, no matter what. Thank You for being who You say You are, God. You are everything. Amen.

March 18, 2022

God, I’m asking that You continue to transform and teach me to be more like You. I want to be utterly free of toxicity, hatred, bitterness or offence. I want to react the way You do. I want to be free and able to see people correctly in the moment and then to be able to extend what’s needed. Please hand deliver to me the patience that comes so easily when I’m interacting with little ones. I want to completely believe that to You, we’re all little, and worthy of having our voices heard, being valued and being treated with patience and kindness. I can say that this is right all day long, but today I want to have the truth live inside of me in a brand new way. I want to see accurately and with true, Holy Spirit inspired understanding, while I’m constantly standing under Your miraculous umbrella of protection and within the unshakable column of Goodness that You provide me with daily. Give me Your Lions’ heart today, please Jesus. I want to be brave, good, eagle eyed and full of Your solutions and words. I want to be released from any propensity to adopt cavalier or casual attitudes or assumptions that are totally baseless and come from my own places of insecurities. Please continue to clean and renovate me today so that I’m free to move like You, Jesus! Give me deep honour and love for all people. Please compel me to stand in front of You again and again on behalf of my sisters and brothers all over the world today, not from a place of duty, but because I genuinely, authentically care. Please deposit the ability to care and to act inside of me again today, in Jesus’ Name.

I want to see deeper and better, through the lens of the Spirit of Prophecy. Jesus, You equal TRUTH. You hand deliver the better thing, the sweeter thought, the strategies that bring actual deliverance and restoration. You are pure and inspired solutions. In You there’s zero hierarchy. We all matter more than we could imagine. Status is meaningless in Your kingdom. We don’t understand the currency of heaven, so please release us from striving and attempting to acquire heavenly points! Just help us to LOVE YOU today! When we place ourselves inside of You, we’re safe and sane. Organize my priorities and my mind today please, God. I am claiming the perspectives of Heaven for myself, my family and my world. Show us all what’s real today, Jesus! Fill us with senseless Joy in the face of what we see with our eyes, overwhelm our senses with Your tangible presence, Holy Spirit. Impact the ones who need the gift of Faith deposited inside of them, for the very first time or in a fresh and invigorating way today, please! Show us wonders, miracles and signs today, big and little, that inspire us to acts of shocking compassion, and help us to feel the tsunamis of Grace that flow over, under, around and through us twenty four hours a day. You never stop advocating, working, creating, healing, delivering, providing, activating and inspiring, so we choose to get out of Your way today, whatever that looks like, and fall in with where and how we’re needed and enjoyed. Thank You for being real, God. Amen.

March 17, 2022

God, thank You for the fact that the overarching theme of my life is that what You say about me is the truth. I choose today to host only Your thoughts about me. I’m deciding to see myself the way that You do and to isolate and jettison every bit of negative self talk or vision. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I am able to rise above worry, concern, confusion, or unease because You placed the ability to call on You inside of me. I invite You, Faith, to take up even more residence inside of me. No matter what’s going on on the earth, You have preeminence, Jesus, and You are still steering the ship. Today I claim utter invisibility to those that would try to do me harm, in the natural and the supernatural, and clear visibility to the kingdom of heaven and it’s emissaries.

I’m deciding that Your opinion about me will be mine as well. I will move through this chapter of human history with all of the mental, spiritual and physical stamina that’s available to me right now. I’ll make nourishing decisions as a result of my relationship with You, God. I am a continually overflowing vessel of the expectation of Your Goodness. Even though I woke up feeling foggy, crabby and over it, You prompted me to choose the better thing. I am strong because You give me strength. I refuse to let my thought life ride me hard and put me away wet. I choose the self control and mental flexibility and positivity of Jesus today. I receive today, on behalf of my entire family; health, empathy, wholeness, solidity and new lashings of faith and awareness in Your Name. I’m open to being a conduit of Your healing power. I will spread contagious peace today as I move about my sphere. I choose You again today, Jesus.

I declare over myself today that I am beautiful, strong, capable, full of vigour and life, and that I will access the mind of Jesus at all times. I reject any attempt to rob me of my perception of my own value before the Father. I matter because He says that I do. There are plans and purposes for me to fulfill today, not in a striving, desperate, religious way, but from an organic and authentic place of God given identity. Thank You for my repeated being-ness today, Jesus. I am honoured to host Your presence. Thanks. Amen.

March 16, 2022

God, it’s really bumming me out that many peoples’ perception of You is that You’re far too busy with Your coldly detached observation of Big Things to be remotely focused on them and their tiny problems. The idea that You’re somehow angry, bent on leaving us to suffer for our sins and gleefully watching us to work out our karma here on this tiny planet You can hardly be bothered with is beyond tragic, outrageously false and heartbreakingly opposite of who/what and why You are.

It’s okay that You’re mysterious. It’s good that we can ask for the impetus and curiosity to search for You and to pine for understanding of You and Your ways and plans. You are never aloof, never busy but always active on our behalves. It’s proof of Your multi-dimensionality and unfathomable complexity that You are able to hone in on every detail of us and our stories, yet be present and focused on sustaining life in the Amazon Rainforest, overseeing the poles of planet earth, keeping hearts beating worldwide, maintaining symbiosis, food chains and ecosystems, radical rescue in the natural and supernatural and continually informing science and discovery. You oversee and midwife every birth within every species. You speak order to the tides. You hang galaxies, You cause the seasons to roll into one another and You kindly indulge and humour us with Your respect of and love for our human scheduling and timing. You are found in Your feasts, Your word, Your world and Your creation.

You are Good. You are mysterious, yet easy to know. You want the best for me, and are available to every seeker. You are NOT ‘too busy’ for me. You are my Love, my Father, my Friend, my Protector and my Sustainer. You are trustworthy, reliable, majestic, uncreated, deep and easy to be with. You are smart, active, just, merciful and the embodiment of pure compassion. You are funny and wild and You make everything more enjoyable. Today I say YES to the mystery. I say YES to Your clarity and organization in and for my life and for my world. I say YES to Your playfulness, Your wisdom, Your oversight and Your care. You are for me and never against me. You hold my past, present and future in the palm of Your hand and NOTHING can remove me from the safest place. I claim all of this on behalf of my family, God. I speak Your truth and existence into and over my kids and my partner today. I refuse to let fear become a reality. I embrace the holy wild and run straight into the weird, friendly mystery that is YOU, today. I love You, God. Amen.

March 15, 2022

The mandate we’re given by Jesus Himself to be like a kid can at first seem very surface and simple. Be trusting, be open, be receptive to the Word. Lately, for me, the message has become far more striking and complex. A well loved, confident, healthily touched, validated and respected child is shockingly free of self-criticism, negative self image/talk, self consciousness or a propensity to shy away from interaction. Kids who have nourishing relationships with those around them, particularly a parent/parents, are forthright, sensitive to others and miraculously oblivious to the way they look when at play, at rest, in a group or alone.

Being close to, respected and listened to by my heavenly Father allows me to be free to inhabit myself with almost reckless abandon and enjoyment and gives me the ability to take my eyes off of myself and truly live my life. I want more revelation about what it really means to be a child of God. I want to be so present and in the moment, able to lean trustingly into my Dad, while remaining playful, engaged, caring, open and not rushed or pressed, that my freedom is shocking and magnetic. I want to be authentically ME, the me that He intended me to be, radically free of negative self talk, my self image anchored in His heart. I want to attach myself to him and learn from Him via connectedness, respect, love, eye contact, touch, ATTACHMENT!

God, thank You for constantly talking to me about what it means to be Yours. You are my Father. You’re trustworthy, gentle, patient, smart, strong and flexible. You are so for me that I never have to worry or feel anxious, because You created me to triumph, pioneer, champion and inhabit my life and influence the lives of others with gusto and verve. I choose Your energy for and in my life today. I choose Your eyes for my face and my body. I’m free to enjoy the way/s that You made me and I refuse to criticize Your creation. You made me with intentionality and excitement, so who am I to edit and belittle Your design? I choose a divine childlikeness today. I can be wise, discerning, clever and creative, while remaining full of wonder, simplicity, faith and reliance. You are mine. You’re covering me with Your favour today. Thank You for loving me.

Today I’m asking that You impact and remind each of my kids with/of the revelation that they’re overseen and parented perfectly by You. You’re their heartbeats, their respiratory systems, their central nervous systems, their cells, destinies, identities, their Light, their guidance, their safety and their survival. Thank You for the ability to release them from from a controlling, human clutchy-ness into Your perfect column of profound goodness. Have Your way in the lives, minds, bodies and spirits of all of my kids today, Holy Spirit! Give us childlike freedom please, in Jesus’ Name. Keep us playful, interested, engaged and full of focus and liberty. I love You and I like You. Amen.

March 14, 2022

Jesus, You said Yourself that whatever we ask You to do, if we ask using Your authoritative and powerful name, You’ll do it, in order to display the beautiful and dependable nature of Your Dad. You say to ask with childlike tenacity, trust and consistency. You want us to rely on Your timing and Your strategy, and not what we think should happen, and not to adhere to our human timeline. You promise that whatever You’ve been up to, we can do that too. We need to try, practice, believe and hold space for Your spirit…over and over and over again. You love us perfectly and You want us to be so connected to You that it’s effortless for us to believe in what You’re capable of.

Today I am deciding to believe in and enjoy the Deep Love of the Father that’s unshakeable, unbreakable, un-breachable, and unconditional. Your Love is the creation song that hasn’t ever stopped. This is the Ancient Love that inspired You to unfold galaxies, to speak tangibility and life to earth, oceans and sky, and the fiery and tender Love that conceived and constructed our forms and minds and placed our spirits in us so that You’d have a focus for that overwhelming Love.

When intercession begins to feel like work, we are instructed to get back to our First Love. The One who called us onto the wall in the first place. The One who qualifies and equips, but who also craves face time, friendship and conversation. The One who bathes us in Light and Peace when we sit with Him and allow Him to move in the stillness. In our posture of adoration and attentiveness, SO MUCH is happening. Contemplation begets Transformation. God, the gift of Your magnetism and the ways You’ve made us to need You and to sit at Your feet in worship are, themselves, deep pools of intercession. We won’t know what most of our prayers have accomplished on the earth until we’re standing before You at the end and beginning of all things, but our worship is strengthening the world! God, be exalted, honoured, loved and desired everywhere today! Ignite people on every continent with Faith and Hope and a zeal for MORE that can only be found in You! Encounter the world You’ve created as a result of the Love that You embody! Sweep and cover this earth with curiosity and Truth, and activate and awaken everyone who knows You. Clean us and invigorate us, Jesus! Give us the tools for pure communication, free of Religious puppetry and programming. Give us passion, please, for the Real You. Help us to see rightly and with the eyes of Jesus! God, we LOVE You. We open completely to You, from the tops of our heads, to the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet. We welcome You, Holy Spirit. Please fill us to outrageous overflow because You want others to feel the contagious Love of the Father! Please permeate our cities with Your presence and usher in complete and utter transformation. We apply Peace, Loveliness, Presence, Organization, Hope, The Word and the Kingdom of Heaven to every nook and cranny of planet earth today. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done here in and on this world You created, God! We trust, love and adore You. Amen.

March 13, 2022

This morning I woke up with the word ‘Provider’ ringing in my ears. I’ve been feeling almost paralyzed by what’s going on in the Ukraine. It’s painful to watch, and then be impacted by my own safety and privilege. Who am I to sit in my place of protection and comfort and bemoan what’s happening a continent away? What can I possibly do? It can sometimes seem ineffectual and weak to say ‘I pray about it.’, but to intercede and importune is war. I have been called and qualified to call out for help from the sanctuary. We are given authority to station cohorts of heaven to move, shut down, build up, save, rescue, flummox the enemy and obliterate plans of destruction. Prayer is STRONG. Continually hammering at the walls of separation demolish evil strongholds and bring division and war to a screeching halt. Standing before the Throne of Justice and declaring rescue and redemption is noble, real and effective. We have not because we ask not. Give Him zero rest until He establishes and cleanses the people and places that need to be lifted from the ash heap.

God, You are Jehovah Jireh. You are the consummate Provider and Sustainer. You are our Survival. You are poised, ear to humanity, to move and work, when we call on You. It’s a simple parenting equation. Ask, answer. We can’t dictate Your narrative or wisdom, but we CAN trust and communicate need. We’re able to live and stand as a result of Your wholeness, joy, strength, peace and Love that is incomprehensible, unbreakable and capable of the restoration of an entire planet. You are invested in the tiniest detail and the most overarching challenges. You know every small thing that’s needed in the Ukraine today, and You are fully aware of every motive, every thought and every strategy within human negotiations. I declare that everyone left in the cities will survive, You will provide for every need. Prompt every desperate and frightened person to call out for You, because You WILL respond! You tell us that You spread out a feast for us in the presence of our enemies so that we can see precisely what they look like in the presence of Yahweh! You are MASSIVE and STRONG. I declare that today You will miraculously meet and surpass every single need and every struggle in Kyiv, You will personally interact with everyone who needs You right now, in Jesus’ Name. You will maintain, protect and lift with Your mighty hand and You will sweep through the enemies ranks and cause clarity to champion the day. Open the eyes of the ones who’ve been sent to do damage and save and redirect them, God. You are enough for everyone. Everyone. Your blessing and favour is ample, abundant, no respecter of persons, and Your deep love is a miracle. Impact this planet again today with Your compassion and Your intelligence, Jesus. Thanks in advance. Amen.

March 12, 2022

‘You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. You have laid Your hand on me.’ Psalm 139:5

God, I’m overwhelmed by Your decision to allow Your Son to undergo what He did so that You could be near me.

Jesus, You came here as a person. Fully human, yet somehow fully God. You lived as an infant, a kid, a teenager and an adult. You had friends, followers and family and You’re intimately familiar with every single human emotion. Thank You for taking on the human experience and for offering Yourself one time, for all of us, so that the sacrificial system would be done and our consciences could be washed in Your Blood. You made us clean. I understand that Your story brings deliverance and shifts atmospheres. It’s so simple, so mysterious, so crazy and so wild. You are God. You put Your Blood onto the Mercy Seat and obliterated separation and death. You ushered in a new era of connection and the possibility of Peace within and Peace without.

You forgive me, put my past in order and declare that as a result of my pain, dumb decisions and misdeeds, I carry Your authority to speak with confidence into the lives of others who share my specific struggles. You bring healing and You make sense of my motives and actions. Thank You for every single lesson You teach me and every reminder to delve more deeply into the ‘why?’. The opposite of fear is curiosity, so please build my curiosity about You today. I want to be hungry, curious, appreciative, interested, aware, open and creative in my communication. I want to carry the overwhelming presence of Your Spirit wherever I go today. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear. Please give me strategies, LOVE, expansiveness and strong, muscular Joy today, God. Help me to see that as I walk, Your kingdom walks with me. When I move, You move, when I focus on You as I advance through my day, You are magnified and active. I’m choosing to see You work today, Jesus. You’re massive and full of justice, solutions, peaceful AND fiery feelings, and most importantly, You are with me. You protect me. You care about my family. I declare, pray and apply the Blood to my children, my partner, my parents, my brother and everyone they represent and care about, in Jesus’ Powerful Name. I apply Your Blood to every route to and from my home today, to our vehicles, our play, our work, our thoughts, actions and motives. Please station angels, hosts, creatures, and the resources of Heaven wherever they need to be today, please God. I submit to You as my King, Priest and Judge. You’re my friend and my life. I love You. Please give me the ability to love You more today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

March 11, 2022

Okay Lord, today I need an infusion of energy in order to walk into my morning. I’m believing that You are now pouring out a willingness to inhabit my life with expectation. I am alive. I am here to feel passionate about the things that You’ve created me to feel passionate about. You’ve given me the ability to draw on my craving for Truth and Healing to permeate this world in order to stand before You and advocate for others. Please activate my zeal for intercession, devotion and worship today, Jesus! Please enliven and awaken my spirit and my mind on behalf of people, worldwide, who need help. Please help me to move with flexibility and mercy throughout my day and to apply prayer always. I connect my dreams with Yours, I align my thoughts and responses with Yours, and I reject and rebuke any/all negative, unkind, judgemental knee jerk, in the moment reactions, in Jesus’ Name. Give me Your ability to examine and to see, today please, God. I choose the lens through which You see, and speak fresh life into my spiritual and physical eyes. Life, desire, robust and steadfast endurance, valour, confidence and determination are MINE today, in Jesus’ Name. I am choosing to be forceful and audacious in the Spirit realm alongside of You, God. You say to watch, listen and learn from You. You sent Your Spirit to teach, remind and guide me in all things. You speak constantly. I WILL avail myself of every spiritual resource available to me today. You bless me all the time, so I return that blessing, and honour Your heart, hands and mind today, God. I bless Your eyes, Your feelings and Your deep and unknowable compassion.

Thank You for making me and for placing me in my family. Thank You for the land that I was born on and the land that my ancestors lived on. Thank You for placing interests and passions before me and giving me curiosity and wonder. Please increase my delight in Your world today and drive me to importune on behalf of all of the places and people who need Your intervention!

Thank You for health and protection. Thank You for healing. Thank You for all of the promises that line up to be fulfilled in my life and beyond. Thank You for constantly supporting life on this planet. Thank You for every ability, sense, blessing and gift that You’ve given to me. Thank You that You’re constantly working, regardless of what/how we see. Thank You for being real and reliable. Thank You for the gift of eternal relationship and FREEDOM. Please bless this world and it’s inhabitants today, beyond our wildest dreams, Jesus, in Your Name. Amen.

March 10, 2022

Here’s what I know; human heroes are fallible. God is always speaking and always surprising. He NEVER fails, is never distracted, bored or apathetic about us. He uses the most unlikely, odd circumstances and techniques to drive truth deep into our beings and solidify our understanding of the fact that He treasures our uniqueness… And, as always, it matters how we react.

It’s disappointing and tragic when a leader succumbs to things we know are wrong and ugly. Our hope is that everyone is able to reach for beauty, honour and reality at all times, but we’re all so flawed and difficult. I went out with the dog this morning needing an explanation…Instead of a podcast, I just listened to Purple Rain. It’s a song about grief and desire, friendship and loss. The music is crying. My body hurt for the Beloved, for everyone whose been injured by the Church through the ages. It hasn’t stopped. We’re still people who want what we want when we want it…even when we’ve experienced His presence and we know what He wants for US.

God! Please show us how to love each other. Please give us Your feelings for the people in our spheres. We’re so desperate to be loved, touched, seen and heard, that we forget sometimes that You’re right here. Please remind us, every second of every day, that You are in us, around us, before us, behind us, above us, beneath us AND You’re at the finishing line screaming with encouragement and excitement for us to keep breathing in Your stamina and focus. YOU LOVE US. You’re here with us to HELP us with the stuff that we struggle with! You don’t get grossed out by our foibles or hiddenness. Your whole heart aches to draw us out of captivity and into full sun in order to bleach out impurities.

Please heal victims of spiritual abuse and manipulation. You take their injuries seriously and You long to be gentle and kind to them. Please speak truth to the ones who value position over people and bring them to a place of reckoning and repentance. Please draw shame and fear out of the woodwork. Help us to talk about what we think are the hard things with frank honesty and clean motives. God, we want to be healthy! It’s really a no-brainer. You never wanted to be our weekend Lover, You just want to be some kind of a Friend. I am burdened with ZEAL for Your heart today, Jesus. I am ravenous for Your Presence and Your voice. I am broken for Your community and I scream for HEALING today! Collect every shattered piece, God, and rebuild. Scar tissue is always stronger. I declare UNITY, PEACE, TRUTH, WHOLENESS, VITALITY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY; THAT THE LOVE THAT THE FATHER HAS FOR JESUS BE EMBEDDED INSIDE OF EACH OF US! Holy Spirit, have YOUR way today, teach us how to value one another’s bodies, minds and spirits and to teach our little and not so little ones to do better. Thank You for forgiveness, thank You for all of the chances You give to us. Please help, Jesus. In Your beautiful Name, Amen.

March 9, 2022

God, thank You for today and for the gift that You’ve intended it to be. Thank You for Your gifts of protection, productivity, rest, patience, wisdom and resilience that wait for me this morning. I receive, appreciate and apply. Thank You for activating my enthusiasm for my life this morning. Flip the switch from sleepiness and fog to clarity and zest for everything and everyone You’ve got lined up for me today. Right now the maple trees are running with sap that is able to transform with heat and become outrageously sweet and valuable, so I’m latching onto that metaphor and asking that You cause what’s in me to move in abundance, purity and OVERFLOW. My vigour becomes golden and nourishing because You cause it to RUN! I am deciding to abound with thankfulness today, God. I am deciding to flow with the patience and receptivity of Jesus.

God, let Your wisdom and compassion flood the earth today. Bring peace and clarity to every citizen, worldwide, big and little. Deliver, rescue, intervene, heal, encounter and display Your wonders today, Jesus. I anticipate miracles and signs globally.

I am grateful for the way You made me today. I am beautiful and strong because You created me. You tell me the truth about myself minute by minute and all I need to do is hear and agree with You. Thank You for freeing me from the tyranny of self examination. I declare freedom for my kids in this realm today. Believe in what Your God says about you and ignore any/every lie thrown your way to hobble you and throw you off of your path!

I apply the Blood of Jesus to each of my kids and to my partner right now. I ask also for protection over every route to and from our home, our vehicles, our animals, home and belongings. We are surrounded by cohorts of heavenly beings and You dance, sing and celebrate over us today, God. You are a Celebrator! You have feelings and thoughts and dreams. I bless all of these today and I thank You for Your Great Heart. I choose You again today, and I love and appreciate You so much. Let the day unfold, and Your kingdom come and Your will be done in it, as it is in heaven! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

March 8, 2022

God, thank You that even when I begin the day feeling disheartened or disengaged, a simple request for redirection and help is immediately answered. When enthusiasm has dwindled and my energy is on empty, You are already on it. All I need to do is shake off the malaise that’s so easy to sink into, change the script in my mind, and allow You to fill and inform my spirit. You are fully capable of topping me up and providing abundant overflow as a result of my agreement with Your desire. My ‘yes’ is my energy, my power and my refreshed engagement with my day. I say ‘YES’ even when I’m feeling ‘meh’ today, Jesus. Yes. I want to plug into my Source again. I want to feel inspired and alive. I want Your vitality in my mind, spirit and body, please. I am deciding again today to be a host for Your mental health, Your self confidence, compassion, empathy, encouragement, comfort and exhortation on behalf of everyone I’m coming into contact with and beyond. I WILL trust and know that You are at the helm of humanity, Lord. I DO believe that You are present and reliable and ALIVE. You are True and Able, and I’m confident that You’re lifting my spirits and nudging my zeal awake right now because You want me to be fully loved and aware of Your beauty today. I am loved. I’m enough. I matter and I WILL be here, now. I will be Your friend today Jesus. I will speak to You all day and listen and watch for Your creative responses. I open to Your invigorating presence and life. I choose gratitude and intercession today. I worship and adore You and reject and refuse anything that’s not affiliated with You and Your kingdom today. I carry my family with me into this new day and claim all of this stuff for them also. I bless my kids with the ability to examine, remember and appreciate their salvation and I declare an activation and enlivening of their spirits today, in Jesus’ Name. Be empowered to live with freedom, abundance of joy and wholeheartedness, with identity and radical and liberating FAITH in Your Creator today. I am filled with zeal, life, energy, endurance, stamina and passion on behalf of this beautiful world, God. Please open my eyes to encounters, connections and new ways of seeing and being with You today, in Jesus’ Name, and do it for my family and my world as well! Amen.

March 7, 2022

God, You are omniscient, strong and capable of more than our minds can comprehend. You are the embodiment of pure love, and the Source of all authentic comfort and Peace. You hear us when we speak to You and Your whole heart is laser focused on us. You make ways where paths seem impenetrable and impossible. You release us from captivities we don’t even know we’re experiencing. You listen, move, intervene and rescue at the sound of our voices. You heal and restore like nobodies’ business, so today, we’re in a posture of expectation with regards to creative healing and restoration. You are a Transplanter, Remover, Augmenter, Builder, The Great Physician and All Seeing Connector!

Intervene today, Powerful and Authoritative God of All, to shock us with Your Goodness and attentiveness. You conceptualized, designed, created and breathed life into our bodies, minds and spirits, and today we declare collectively that You dictate obedience to every errant cel, thought or ungodly belief in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Come back under the Authority and alignment of the One who made and placed you, right now.

We declare a zeal for life to and over those struggling with their purpose, we apply the health, vitality, strategies, creativity and stamina of Jesus into everyone who has lost the plot, in His Mighty and Powerful Name! Lift their gaze, their heads and their spirits, God.

For everyone who’s starving their bodies and senses, fill them with a ravenous hunger for nourishment for all of their parts, Jesus. Show them how valuable they are to you. Breakthrough with truth, clear vision and sanity for them, please.

We declare shocking favour for those who need to see Your wonders, Your goodness, Your touch and Your miracles and signs today, Lord. Creatively cut through any lies, red tape, despair, sorrow or feelings of futility and loss. I declare flourishing, miraculous, radiant LIFE today, for all who call on You, Creator! Smash through obstacles, demolish strongholds, obliterate stumbling blocks or distractions with Your Mighty Love today, Father! You are abundantly capable of blowing our collective minds today, and we’re poised and ready to be wow’d by You. Keep going, God! You are beyond present in our circumstances and we attach ourselves to Your promises. ‘You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. You have laid Your hand on me! This is too wonderful, deep and incomprehensible! Your understanding of me brings me WONDER AND STRENGTH.’ Psalm 139:5&6

You organize our past and use the junk to create golden authority, You release us from the tyranny of shame and the expectation of disappointment or failure. You hold our lives in the palm of Your safe hand and You infuse us with awe, courage and strength. We are called ‘more than conquerors’ because You take up residence inside of us. Show us Your intensity, presence and deliverance today, God! We are ready to be amazed! Thank You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

March 6, 2022

God, thank You for the life altering and mind shifting gift of Gratitude. Thank You that even when I feel depleted, sad, anxious or weak, choosing to even mouth the words ‘thank You’ is all the permission You need to lift me from a place I don’t need to be in. Thank You that when I have nothing left to give, no insight, no joy and seemingly no hope, You are standing by, waiting for me to signal You with my last shred of willingness to be filled again and again with Your enduring Peace and Your foresight and Hope for my present and my future. Thank You for being a trustworthy friend and guide for my kids. Thank You for the discomfort of having to watch one of them be drawn to their knees with no choice other than You. Thank You that You use everything to draw the world back to Your heart, we just need to open our eyes. You are our oxygen. You’ve created divine symbiosis everywhere…we choose to perceive every miracle that You’ve prepared for us today, in the natural, in our stories, in our bodies, minds and spirits, in our families, in our work life, our homes and our relationships. Thanking You brings clarity of mind and demolishes obstacles we’ve constructed due to our our human stubbornness. We choose to be pliable today before You. Melt us down and remove every last vestige of junk please, Jesus. Where there’s hardness, separation, distraction, structures of protection we don’t need anymore, ungodly beliefs about Your character and identity, we give You total access and permission to smash it all into oblivion, God! Integrate all of our parts today, Lord! We apply the beautiful and regenerative Blood of Jesus to all of our parts. You are the One that holds all of our needs in Your open hand. Thank You for Your lavish and attentive oversight and protection today. We trust You implicitly. We believe in Your power and reality. We submit to everything You are today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

March 5, 2022

‘You did not receive a spirit of religious duty, leading you right back into the fear of being not good enough. But you have received the Spirit of full acceptance, enfolding you into the family of God. You will never feel orphaned, for as He rises up within us, our spirits join Him in saying the words of tender affection, ‘Beloved Father!’ For the Holy Spirit makes Gods parenthood real to us as He whispers into our innermost being ‘You are MY beloved child.’ Romans 8:15-16

God, You are all about the little ones. You’re crystal clear in Your word that we need to watch them and take notes about their pure reliance on and often very unwarranted trust in us adults. Little kids, when the conditions are what God intended for them to be, are guileless, observant, unfettered by fear in the place of creativity and imagination, forthright and shy all at the same time, careful and wild, clever, clear and open to learning. They are the ultimate innovators. It’s us big people who oftentimes, through overlook, exhaustion, or actual villainous motives, erase these incredible facets of this chapter of development. Even when we have the best of intentions and are full of love for these people, we fail them on the regular. That’s okay though, because they’re so full of the ability to forgive and reset. That’s what makes them so tender and vulnerable to people who have been destroyed themselves as little ones. God, please compel us into a place of intercession for vulnerable and victimized children!! Go now, please, to every pocket of this planet where children are receiving the opposite of healthy touch, where they’re being used, trafficked, abused verbally, physically, mentally and spiritually and INTERVENE! Highlight them to people who ordinarily wouldn’t see or notice them! Send rescue and healing in the natural and the supernatural! Work Your miracles and lift hidden children into the LIGHT of day, now in Jesus’ Name! You LOVE these precious and important teachers, Jesus, You see them and Your heart is utterly ravaged by what they’re enduring! Go NOW and snatch them from every dangerous place. Connect us with them. Inspire us to put our money, time and homes where our mouths are, God. Help us to give from what we’ve been given and to help where/however we can. Help us to parent and befriend authentically and with deep honour for these ones whose lives we’ve been placed in. More love, respect and honour for kids, please, Jesus.

You said Yourself, Jesus, that kids ‘demonstrate what faith is all about.’ Their minds haven’t been tainted by ‘what ifs?’. They understand that we don’t actually have to understand, we just have to believe and be open. The resonance of the voice of Aslan citing the ‘deep magic’ that existed before the foundation of human time, makes sense to little ones, and so it should to us. Restore a childlike faith in all of us, please, Lord. We want prudent AND adventurous hearts! Would you please reinstate wonder, amazement, belief and open minds in us, Jesus. Shock us with Your reality and beauty today!

When You bless us like You blessed the multitudes of little kids, You are transferring and anointing us with outlandish freedom, the ability to grow, learn and change while remaining our essential selves, a spirit of discovery… You’re imparting an ability to desire and claim protection on all fronts, authority, peace, ordered thoughts; Your coherence and sanity within us! You touch us with Your hands, You see ALL of us with Your eyes, You breathe into us and You illuminate and activate our senses. You inspire us to new levels of learning, You anoint, consecrate, sanctify and QUALIFY us with Your blessing, Jesus.

I apply all of these facts to my own kids today, God. Flood them with Your peace, hope, joy, wholeheartedness, awareness of Your intense and loving favour, faith, loyalty, wonder and authentic confidence and courage today, Holy Spirit. Guide each of their steps today and speak clearly to them. Give them radiant, awake spirits that captivate and draw the lost. Remind them about the unending and eternal joy of their salvation and revitalize and invigorate their spirits, Lord! Thank You for my kids, and the myriad of ways that they inspire me. You knew what You were doing when You placed them in my care so that they could be my spiritual instructors. Thank You. Amen.

March 4, 2022

‘An understanding person demonstrates patience, for mercy means holding your tongue. When you are insulted, be quick to forgive and forget it, for you are virtuous when you overlook an offence.’ Proverbs 19:11

I had an interesting conversation with my partner yesterday about Direct Communication. I’m just now, at the age of fifty-one, embracing and utilizing it, and I’m amazed by it’s efficacy. T was surprised by my surprise, since he’s been busy being almost embarrassingly direct for a good forty-eight years. Why the difference in communication styles up until now? Being raised in the ‘70’s and early ‘80’s meant that, as a girl, I was taught two ways of communication, a sort of sidling passive aggressiveness OR actual aggression, and he was taught to be…you guessed it: Direct. This is so frustrating, but it’s exciting to be able to jettison what didn’t work and to welcome a new way that is effective and far more immediate and merciful for all parties involved.

Here’s the dance though, as a Believer, I’m to be forgiving, compassionate and expansive in my ability to understand and relate to all sides of an issue. In other words, where does being a ‘nice Christian lady’ stop, and being a doormat begin? So many factions have used scripture to subjugate so many people groups, by cherry picking and isolating. I am just as much a royal priest as the next guy, and my ideas, responses and perceptions matter.

Here’s where the beauty of the Direct Communication of Jesus comes into play. He did NOT dance around anything. Jesus said things that can initiate a spit take. He kept it real, wise, sharp AND deeply compassionate. It’s possible. In frustration or anger, the ability to articulate in the moment the way Jesus does is crucial. Needing a minute is important. Say it. Be open and candid, while harnessing the ability to articulate the way that Jesus does that is ours for the asking. This is a behaviour only forged via habit and constant application of prayer. Otherwise, our human nature dictates offence and grudges and it amplifies things to epic proportions. We can’t keep a record of wrongs, but we can absolutely advocate for ourselves from a place of desire for relationship, healing and understanding. Self control is a gift and it is eminently available.

Jesus, please give me the ability to be direct, articulate and able to advocate for myself with compassion, while at the same time holding a deep honour and love for the person I’m experiencing friction with. You were able to speak up and say difficult things, while maintaining Your status as wise and kind. I want to embody the authenticity that You’re famous for, so please fill me with a desire to be direct and humble, compassionate and strong. Help me to model self control AND a lack of human pridefulness, Jesus. Help me to remember whose/who and what I am. My middle daughter is a circus performer, and one of her secrets to confidence on the stage is to ‘remember that I’m royal and carry myself that way.’ God, help me to remember that I’m royal, and help me to carry myself that way. Please be constantly reminding me that I have the finest Lawyer, and that You are my Real defence always. You see everything and You ARE Justice, so I don’t have to always be on the offensive. This is a pathway to mercy. Thank You for feeding my desire to be understanding and merciful, while at the same time You’re building my spiritual backbone! I’m strong and pliable, steely like iron but so flexible. A dove and a serpent. A wild ox and a beloved child.

Thank You for Your amazing presence, Holy Spirit. I’m overwhelmed and undone by the miracle that is You today. You’re real and full and so zealous to give me as much of You as I can take, so fill me up, please. My desire to be like Jesus and embody that incredible confidence and empathy is at an all time high today, so come and have Your way! You are so exciting and full of promise! You are rescue in every way; physical, mental, spiritual, financial, practical, geographical…You are the entire worlds’ Answer, so woo us with faith today, and find favour here, God! I love You and I apply Your Son’s outrageous Name to the earth and it’s inhabitants today. Amen.

March 3, 2022

In learning to inhabit and take freedom from my new ability to see my own beauty and to use it as a launching pad to more interesting discoveries about myself, I’ve just pocketed the useful fact that one of the most used translations for ‘beauty’ in the Song of Songs means ‘to emerge from darkness to project beauty’. This carries so much weight when I compare and contrast images of myself as a young woman with my present self. I am so much more ME these days and my perception of myself is full of mercy, appreciation and admiration as a result of His definition of beauty.

I’ve also been enjoying hearing His voice really clearly these days, and am always gobsmacked by His humour and playfulness, even when His eye is somehow also laser focused on all human misery and tragedy and He’s involved wholeheartedly in intervention and rescue. How is He able to be everything and everywhere for everyone? He’s a miracle.

However, I occasionally think ‘what if all of this isn’t true?’. What if I’m wasting my life believing something utterly wrong? I believe that these moments of pull back and examination are actually a gift from the Father. This is the way people who haven’t stepped into a life of faith yet think. This is the doubt and unbelief that are scary and lead to tremendous anxiety and existential freak out. Faithlessness and fear are not where I want to live.

This is why and when I get to say ‘I believe! Help my unbelief!’. There are absolutely pockets within me that need to be filled with faith. Jesus, have Your way today to continue to take up real estate within me. Inform my faith today, God. Your inexistence is untenable. You are the MOST real and I need to continually wrap my brain and my spirit around the fact that is YOU. You truly do communicate in a myriad of ways and I’m asking that You build my incentive to be even more sensitive to Your voice today. Help me to see/hear and touch You via Your Word, and help me to value it appropriately. I want to be so hungry for Your wisdom that I ingest the Word until it’s my natural language. Your scripture and story are the unchanging You, chain breaker, liberator, deliverer, lover, friend, instructor, trailblazer, adventurer, Creator and unshakeable TRUTH. You extend the possibility and reality of communication. You invite me to be a conduit of Your Word, spoken in the voice that You gifted me with. I am able to be an embracer and displayer rather than a fearful denier…HELP me, please, to do right by You, without stress or criticism or anxiety. I’m a weak, human hothead, like my favourite disciple, Peter, but You loved/love him as a brother, so I can learn from his foibles without worry about You being punitive or manipulative. You’re never that! You are so kind, so capable, so free, so real and so HERE with me. Thank You for the journey of discovery that every human being gets to embark upon every day. Sometimes it seems impossible and overwhelming, but You invite us to choose our perceptions and feelings daily. I choose You today, Jesus. Thanks for being who You say You are. I believe in You. Amen.

March 2, 2022

I’ve been examining old photos from my wild teenage and young adult years recently. I led a pretty untamed life for a long time, and it shows. Though the pictures are beautiful, they’re also haunted, and sad. I look pretty and hollow. It was a revelation to me that the more recent images of myself tell a much better story. It’s surprising to feel so much more whole, far more beautiful and real than those images of that lonely kid. (I’m not gonna lie, I was having tremendous fun, but that chapter’s been written and I learned a ton.) Thank You, Father, for transforming me from the inside out. I’m beyond grateful. Please sneak up on me even more with revelations about how much renovating You’ve done in and for me. I love it. Ageing is a gift and a blessing and I embrace all of my parts today. Thank You.

More importantly;

Today I also want to claim Your protection for every citizen of the Ukraine, big and little. I stand in front of You this morning in order to remind You of Your role as Defender, Shield and Shelter! Encapsulate every person on that land with Your wall of angels, hosts and creatures. I call heavenly armies into the fray, in Jesus Name! I apply the Blood to the land and the people this morning. Make the Ukraine an utterly new creation today and reenergize the people where they’re flagging. Overshadow them, Great Warrior and Strategist! Rid their land of oppression and invasion! Hide those who need to be hidden and highlight those who need to be seen. You are pouring out Your confidence to these champions in front of the world and we recognize You! Your massive arms are holding that place, and we state again today that we trust You implicitly with these people and this place. Your majesty and ability broods over the Ukraine, be tangible today. Shield children from harm today, Jesus. Miraculous provision, refuge and fortification please for all of them. For nursing moms, please let them overflow and be able to provide for their little ones, no matter what! Keep families intact and reunite those who are separated in Your perfect time. Bless that land in wild ways today, Lord. MORE help from the Sanctuary of Justice and Activity! You promise to greatly protect us when we call on You, so I ask that the faith of the people be elevated this morning and that they would collectively raise their voices to bring You into the narrative in brand new and shocking ways today. Satisfy the Ukraine with LIFE today, Jesus. I love and trust You. Amen.

March 1, 2022

‘I pray that He would reveal within you the unlimited riches of His glory and favour until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with His divine might and explosive power! Then, by constantly using your Faith, the Life of Jesus will be released deep inside of you, and the resting place of His love will become the very Source and root of your life. Then you’ll be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences-the incredible magnitude of of the astonishing love of Jesus in all of it’s dimensions. How deeply intimate and far reaching is His love! How enduring and inclusive! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding-this extravagant love pours into you until you’re filled to overflowing with the fullness of God. Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all of this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination. He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you!’ Ephesians 3:16-20

Often I receive messages from people saying ‘I wish I was able to believe in something as much as you do’, or ‘I’m really jealous of your faith. I try to believe, but I just don’t’. I want to reassure anyone who’s ever said anything like this; that articulating a desire to believe, however casual or hopeless, is prayer. You’ve requested an impartation of Faith, and that never returns to your Eternal Parent having accomplished nothing. It’s yours. Just when you least expect it, your fragile hope will become reality. You will miraculously and seemingly senselessly believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the unseen is more real than what’s in front of you. I back up and agree with every wish that’s been whispered, however casually, and believe that you will see the Goodness of God operate in your spirit, mind and body. Speech and thought are prayer. You construct with your words, and the intensity of His desire for your friendship and reliance are more powerful than you can imagine.

Today as I was out walking the dog, I kept hearing the word ‘biodynamic’. I’m well aware of what that means in terms of farming principles, but was curious what it had to do with me. Embracing biodynamic techniques illustrates a desire to honour life, and the innate value every component of the growing process, however tiny or unseen. Life, dynamic dunamis power, strength, growth, potential and progress are part and parcel of a life of active faith.

Today I choose dynamic, life giving power, God. I choose to inform and revel in my vitality by strengthening myself in You and being hungry for Your wisdom with regards to all of my nourishment. Nourish my mind, my eyes, my emotions, my interactions and my body today, Jesus. Make me alive again this morning, new and vital! My capacity for growth, activity and change are waking up with Your touch and I want to radiate the life and power that Jesus walks in all day. I honour every component of my body and choose to see myself holistically and fully operational today. You are the Force that stimulates an eagerness to learn and to share. Your Identity fuels, informs and strengthens my interactions with people today. I open again to the Mighty Love that You embody. Thank You for revitalizing every cel of my body this morning. Thank You for redirecting my thought life. Thank You for helping me to focus on the Good and to begin to perceive properly.

I will be open to Your creativity in new ways today, God. I receive the language of heaven to communicate You in ways that are tailor made and free of Religion to every person I come into contact with. Show me how to be me today, please Jesus. I step further into You and am eager to see You wherever I look.

Your power is real. You are real. You are for me and never against me. My life is meaningful and rich. Have Your way today, Jesus, and please connect with those who didn’t think they’d ever be able to hear or feel You. I love You. Amen.

February 28, 2022

God, thank You for the month of February 2022. I welcome March with open arms and bless and thank You for another season. Thank You for this remarkable planet and for our journey around the sun. Thank You for the miracle of gravity and for placing us, reinforcing and holding us in time and space, for such a time as now.

Lord, I bless and thank You for liberating me from the tyrannical spirit of self scrutiny and criticism. Thank You for cleaning and recalibrating my vision on a daily basis so that I can see beyond myself well. Every day that I bring You into focus and rely on You for my perception of self, You gift me with more freedom.

Than You for the revelation of Gratitude itself. Thank You that as I recognize and honour Your fingerprints and kindness, You build and inform my heart with wisdom and solidity. My embracing Your goodness reinforces my sanity. I reject the trap of ignoring Your hand in all things and instead I choose to honour You as God, the Masterful and Artful Liberator of All. You guide and shepherd my heart through all the days of my life and I am eternally grateful to You. Thank You for caring about every single human being who was, is and will be. I declare protection and value over every person, worldwide today, God.

I choose to lift my eyes from this realm in order to see Your plans, purposes and ways. You are wildly active and passionately Just. You are also radically relaxed and present.

The freedom You’ve poured into me and continue to lavish me with is busy always building compassion and new levels of ability to love well. I want to think like You think, speak like You speak, touch like You touch and love the way that You love. Continue, please, to launch me into a place of intercession that I’ve not yet experienced. Encounter me with Your heart for the world and its’ people. Show me how to care about flora, fauna, the atmosphere, the oceans and the land. Today I apply Your name like a poultice to this planet. You draw all poison from all wounds. I release Your active Name into the world! You are pure resolution, deliverance, creativity and freedom! You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning, the Middle and the End. You are EVERYTHING. You are pure reality and pure life. I am full of Your Spirit, Your health and Your sanity today. I am beautiful, valuable, able and strong because You say that I am and I host Your presence within. I am blessed when I go out and blessed when I come in, I am full of favour and I radiate the love of my Father today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 27, 2022

It’s feeling very tiny and presumptuous to pray for a nation on fire. From my warm, safe home in a prosperous neighbourhood, to a city huddled in subway tunnels in order to stay alive. I’m interceding from within a family whose eldest son and partner are safe and nearby, and haven’t been pulled from vehicles to stay behind in order to fight for their homes. I’m grieved and undone by privilege this morning.

Hope is the expectation of good things. Ultimately we know that all will be restored. Every promise finds its’ ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ through the Messiah, but these times call for unprecedented grit and faith. I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it until I believe it wholeheartedly; there’s a reason I’ve been saved for this chapter of human history. It’s because God believes in me. Everything I need to survive and to conquer evil in this age has been planted inside of me by a wise and omniscient Master Planner. I have no choice but to cling to His perception of me. I choose today to be worthy of my placement. I belong. I choose to lift my gaze from devastation and to connect my mind with His. He doesn’t leave me alone, and He surely hasn’t left the Ukraine alone. He believes in those precious people and He believes in that place.

The mayor of Kyiv, Natalia Balasinovich, has said that ‘the enemy wants to destroy everything.’ She’s one hundred percent correct. The beautiful antidote to that statement, however, is that the Messiah came and crushed death and destruction at the Cross so that the Ukrainian people could have access to LIFE. Today I apply that word and everything it holds to the city of Kyiv, to the entire Ukraine; the people, the land, the air, the flora and the fauna. Take heart, beautiful country, you’re seen and known. Shower that land and it’s people with outrageous blessing and favour, God! You say in Habakkuk 1:5 that You’re about to show us wonders that we wouldn’t even believe if we were told. Unleash WONDERS in the Ukraine today, in Jesus’ Name. Wonders that take place on the world stage. I speak PEACE into and onto that place and it’s people. Seal them in Your encapsulating protection today, Jesus. I apply the Blood again to every border, every place and every person. May the shocking power of the Spirit of God suffuse your lives with everything you need to walk through this, and may you be infused with miraculous HOPE and resilience.

God, You are our only safe place. You protect and defend. You teach unity and faithfulness. You are our Champion. Flood the subway shelter system in Kyiv with Your holy presence. Fill those tunnels and stations with tangible Peace. Please encounter every person seeking protection underground in whatever way works for them right now. Please minister to the families who are scared and grieving as a result of their loved ones being ripped away in order to serve their country. Please fill those who’s time is now to rise up with courage and zeal. Speak clearly to those who never thought that this was their destiny, but who are all in. Come and take up even more space in the Ukraine, Holy Spirit! We release this beautiful place into Your capable hands! Come and instil Your order and unity. Where devastation and death seem to run rampant we say our ‘NO’ with the authority of Jesus. We speak recovery, redemption, rehabilitation and utter RESTORATION. Ukraine, you are established and beloved. The Lord still holds plans to prosper you and guide you forward into your future. Bless every leader with salvation, wisdom and the strategy of heaven.

Let the enemy be utterly vanquished, God. We call for help from the Sanctuary, and anticipate the armies of the Lord of Hosts be untethered and unleashed into the Ukraine. Reinvigorate the already exhausted, Holy Spirit. Call forth those who didn’t know they were eager warriors and protect every family! Thank You for this incredible planet, for every climate, every bit of topography, every hidden place, every unexplored or undiscovered place. Bless this precious planet today, Jesus’. Thank You for life, for the ability to feel compassion and love for ones we’ve never met, and for Your sacrifice that purchased our ultimate and eternal freedom. Amen.

February 26, 2022

Well, I’d been wondering how long it would take for the day to come when this was going to be the last thing I felt like doing. Turns out, it was today. But guess what? It’s something I’ve committed to doing, and I know that it’s what is changing me daily from the inside out, that connecting to my Creator in a public forum and with others on my mind, is building a love that I’ve never felt before. I shook off the malaise and feelings of annoyance and duty and turned again to the facts; Prayer is a privilege and a lifeline. Prayer and connection bring real change and unleash heaven into circumstances that I’m often not even aware of. Jesus is my friend and my family and He waits to interact with me. I made a commitment to Him and I choose to honour it and believe that when I choose encounter, I receive it. Actions aren’t precipitated by feelings. Feelings happen as a result of what I choose to think and do. I felt ambivalent about prayer, so that’s an obvious prompt that prayer is the ONLY thing I should be doing as a result of that feeling. So here goes…

Jesus, You are my loyal advocate and intercessor. You are my example of a passionate Person of prayer. You tirelessly stand before the accuser day and night for me and wash me constantly with mercy, grace and forgiveness. You know me better than I know myself and You are the most faithful and present friend. You’re my King, Priest and all access ticket into the holy of holies. You bought my ability to be a child of God, no strings attached! I am free as a result of Your bravery and devotion. You extend positivity and possibility when I’m feeling separated or moody. You open Your hand to me and it’s full of beautiful choice. I choose You again today. Thank You for the ability to examine my thoughts and for the awareness to be able to investigate my motives and feelings in order to change my mind.

I reject utterly any lies pertaining to my identity and I eagerly receive Your thoughts about and for me. Anything that’s trying to take up residence inside of me that isn’t of You has zero legal right to be anywhere near me, in Jesus’ Name. I am clean because You make me clean. I choose Your mind today, Jesus.

I ask that You would release this world from captivity and heal and mend every fractured idea, place and person in Your incredible Name. Fill every person with solidity and salvation. Remove all of the toxic ideas, lies and preconceived notions about You from everyone wrapped up in Religious misunderstanding, God. You’re not a philosophy, theory, painting, sculpture or dead and distant idea. You’re King, Kinsman, Ruler, Uncreated Master Choreographer and Saviour. Messiah, Best Friend, Saviour, Rescuer and Redeemer. You’re my next breath, You are my heartbeat and my central nervous system. Be revealed in all sorts of ways today, God, all over the world. Be in every tiny crevice, every chasm, every emergency and every peaceful pause. This is Your world, please have Your way. Thank You for drawing humanity even deeper today. Amen.

February 25, 2022

Jesus, You make it abundantly clear that we are to do two things with abandon; love You and love others. You instruct us in and model shocking humility, devotion and service. Our original mandate was and remains to this day to steward every part of our earth with care and honour. You see this place and its’ inhabitants holistically, where our human compulsion is to divide and conquer on both micro and macro levels. Greed, derision, division and brutality are abominations in Your eyes, and out of control pride and nonsensical lust for power, whether personal or political, are the absolute antithesis of Your heart, plans and dreams for every last one of us.

A lust for control breeds senseless behaviour on the world stage and behind closed doors. The crazy, infuriating thing about You, God, is that no one is exempt from Your grace and forgiveness. Nobody is too far gone, no one disqualified from sonship once they’ve encountered their only Hope. The free gifts of repentance and faith belong to every member of the human family who decides to enter in and receive.

It’s a ‘too good to be true’ scenario that flies in the face of and offends our perceived right to schadenfreude. A reversal of fate for a villain isn’t what we’re trained to hope for. Jesus is clear that He relentlessly pursues the lost, the delusional, the dangerous and the violent, no matter what. Intervene now, Jesus, and change the script of destruction and degradation! Display Your splendour in ways that are offensive to our perceptions of the narrative of humanity!! Redeem the seemingly irredeemable, in Your Name.

Today I apply the Powerful, regenerative and miraculous resource that is the Blood to every square inch of the Ukraine. You say in Hebrews 11:34 that ‘Faith sparked courage within them and they became mighty warriors in battle, pulling armies from another realm into battle array’! Collectively, we call in the most qualified fighters to be stationed wherever You decide is most effective, Jesus. Angels, hosts, creatures, sound and substances from the Sanctuary, come and help! Compel us into places of deep hope, faith and intercession for these precious people and their home today! Bless Ukraine with everything and beyond today, Jesus. Amaze us with signs and wonders of deliverance and mercy! Have Your way, Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in and on that land and in lives today as it is in heaven. Bring comfort, courage and the ability to survive physically, mentally and spiritually to every single citizen, from the youngest to the oldest. Send aid immediately to the Mums giving birth in the midst of this, to the families in the throes of already stressful medical or relational crises…You are THERE, Jesus! Run, move, touch, rescue, push, protect and deliver like ONLY You can! That land belongs to YOU!! You are the King and ruler over all and we hand the Ukraine to You right now. We trust You with every outcome, however shocking, however creative, however You see fit to accomplish what You set Your hand to. Thank You that You move at the sound of our one voice and our collective voices, so we raise them in order to call in order, Peace, deliverance and protection today, in Jesus’ Powerful and Authoritative Name! Amen.

February 24, 2022

‘The Lords’ training of your life is the evidence of His faithful love. And when He draws you to Himself, it proves you are His delightful child.’ Hebrews 12:6

God, I embrace the ways in which You teach me. Sometimes they seem awful and impossible, but I can conquer anything that comes at me as a result of Your life inside of me. Your joy and wholeness is my ability to withstand. Whatever I need to wade through today, You’re with me and in me, and I am eminently capable because You go before me in order to organize everything so that I come through the other side with flying colours.

I am stating, for the record, that I know that You love me. Help me to be able to host more of that love today, in my mind, spirit and body. Jesus, I have access to Your passion and determination and I am encouraged by You to apply them to my own life, my family and every circumstance that concerns You. Consume me with what consumes You today, God. I want to feel the way You feel. Compel me to a place of deep intercession for trafficked people, for marginalized and hurting people, for people who think everything is just fine, and for those who want justice and restoration and are struggling with what they see in the natural. I want to embody Your peace and extend Your hand today in creative and non-religious ways, Jesus. Please give me an ability to slip into the cracks today and speak, see and touch the way that You do. You are such a case by case Person. You see what’s real and deep and inside.

We are all Your children and You ache to gather us all under Your wing and be gentle with us. You brood over us, dance over us, cry over us, celebrate, grieve, protect, and parent us so wisely. You are always paying attention and You always care. Nothing is ‘too much’ for You. I am never too much or too little.

Today I claim this for my kids and for my world; flood them all with Hope, Faith, Positivity, Peace that surpasses all human understanding, Receptivity, deep and abiding Joy, the Zeal of Jesus for their surroundings and everyone they come into contact with today and most importantly, a brand new connection and encounter with the overwhelmingly satisfying LOVE of God. Rush in and overtake, Holy Spirit. You are EVERYTHING. Amen.

February 23, 2022

Lord, You created speech. You made sound and brought order to a place that was dark nothingness. Your clear voice delineated sky from water, organized atoms to build beings that are so numerous, we haven’t even seen them all. You kept the tide from slipping up onto land. You released sound and caused brand new living organisms to move, grow and break through the surface of the new earth You had laid down. You designed these plants and placed them carefully in order to bring nourishment, healing and pleasure. You built our ancestors and gifted them with the ability to communicate. The language of the eyes, touch, speech and creativity were birthed through You, the Parent of ALL. You freely gift the ability to articulate our praise, in individual ways that bring pleasure and delight to Your being. Thank You for my voice. Thank You for the detailed connections that happen in order for my mind to conceive, for my thoughts to be conveyed to my physical being and my vocal cords to begin to move in order to bring that thought through my lips into the atmosphere. Thank You that my ability to connect with You and speak Your dreams and thoughts has an impact on my world.

I think of my brother, who hasn’t been able to communicate with speech other than a ‘yeah’ or ‘no’ for almost forty eight years. God, thank You for him and for the lessons that he embodies. One day he’ll tell us the story of what his life was like as a person who didn’t/doesn’t use traditional speech to interact with his world. You gave us so many ways to be with one another. Please make me worthy of deep, meaningful communication today. I refuse the idea that I’m somehow not worthy of being able to be a conduit for the beautiful and weighty things of God today. You promised Moses that You’d be right there, that You’d be the One organizing his ideas and speech. You made him brave and articulate and You’re not a hierarchical, judgemental evaluator. You’re open to the one who says ‘choose me, I’ll go.’ The joy of Your heart is an open mind and a willing spirit. That’s what I want today. I want the shaky courage of Moses, after speaking with You, to swallow his doubt and get the show on the road. You’re so able to link Your voice with mine so that I can comfort, exhort and edify today. It’s amazing that You love my cadence, vocabulary and delivery, simply because it’s part of me and You made me to communicate in specific ways. Thank You. I’m giving You, incredible Creator, free reign over my thought-speech highway today, in Jesus’ Name. I’m blessed to be able to reason and speak and pray. I love You. Amen.

February 22, 2022

God, You make it very clear that I’m not to allow myself to be derailed by untruths about who I am. I’m not to align myself with lies or agree with a thief that wants me to live in a state of constant self scrutiny, fear or negativity. I am to be aware, alert and constantly lining up what I see with what I know, in the world around me and within my interior ecosystem. Here’s what I know: You’re real. You hold all power, all authority, all wisdom and all LIFE. The dream of Your heart is that we’re all able to see and access You in order to live free. When I hate, intentionally misunderstand, judge quickly or speak with intent to wound, it hurts You. You play no favourites, but we’re all Your favourites. You’re a mysterious paradox, the closest best friend and a vigilant, constantly awake Creator of universes, a Giant of perpetual movement and activity that defies categorization but somehow stills Himself for hours to sit with me and speak clarity and passion in a place of ultimate stillness and peace.

You’re fascinating; always changing but always the same. When I need You, You display Your splendour in creative and unexpected ways that are irrefutably You. You help me to live through things in order to extend aid and possibility to others. It’s Your joy and life’s work to revitalize the world…You wait for agreement and for us to roll our sleeves up and share the pleasure of ushering in the kingdom that’s existed from before the foundation of our earth as we know it. Today we agree with You, Jesus, whatever it means for each one of us, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. You have every loose end, every straggling, ugly, unfinished or forgotten strand woven seamlessly in already, and even though we experience pain, loss, anger, despair or hopelessness, You are the ONLY answer. You are our Peace.

God, today I claim safety, protection, health, wholeness and encounter for my family and my world. I apply the medicine of Psalm 91 again to my kids, my partner and my home and receive Your Spirit again with open arms on behalf of all of us. Encounter, connect with and speak clearly to all of my kids today, please Jesus. Restore and revitalize their spirits within them and remind them of the incredible miracle of their salvation and relationship with You in all sorts of creative and interesting ways. I say again that I trust You implicitly with the lives of my family members and loved ones and am relying on You, Your Word, Your Blood and Your wild favour and presence to shepherd them through their days.

Today I choose to believe in my own worth and beauty, inside and out. You only make treasure and I qualify. I receive energy, radiant positivity in the face of negativity or upset, vision, the perspective of Jesus for myself, my people, my neighbours, city and world. I am able to see like Jesus today. I choose Your words, touch and discernment. Today I will love better than I did yesterday. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 21, 2022

Every day I approach my computer with a mild amount of trepidation. What’s going to happen, prayer-wise, this morning? I have all of these ideas and strategies about how to communicate what’s on my heart and in my mind, but God never fails to remind me that I’ve made a commitment to allow my spirit to drive this project. As I hit the ‘edit’ option, it feels exhilarating, scary and humbling. I’m allowing Him to use my voice to carry His voice.

My job here, in the world, is to believe that Jesus is who He says He is, and that He is the the Living Embodiment and Expression of the Father. My role as His friend is to allow Him to love me, and, as He holds space for me, I hold space for Him. I choose to be present spiritually, physically and mentally for Him. I work to keep from being rushed by, sidetracked or annoyed in my relationship with Him. I focus on how He must be feeling as One who doesn’t flinch away from the pain of the individual, no matter how gruelling or awful it is. I want to support His heart and bless it with my focus and my desire to bring Him joy and comfort in our friendship. He sees things that we can’t imagine. We couldn’t survive the depths of grief He is able to metabolize as a result of seeing His beloved people be victimized by one another. It’s easy, I think, because people don’t understand the ways in which He’s present in our hurt, to hate or reject Him.

God, I reject today any and and all misunderstanding about where You are in my world. I know that when I’ve experienced hurt, pain and injustice You’re not far away or distracted, but that You meticulously collect my tears and honour them. You’re a word away, a reach away, a heartbeat away, waiting to be seen and asked for help. It’s so hard to comprehend, but You’re in the midst of unimaginable sorrow, intense pain or horrific circumstances; poised to deliver aid, healing and rescue. You’re in the journey and You stand by ready, willing and able to intervene. You go to the deepest depths of hellish abandonment to lift us from wells of invisibility. You travel to graves of neglect and to lineages of trauma to breathe life back to individuals and family lines with Your beautiful spirit and Your miraculous Blood. Nothing is irreversible or too much for You. There’s nothing and nobody too far gone or too wounded for You. Be completely unleashed and unbound to be the BREAKER OF CHAINS today, Jesus! Run to the places that need You to triumph and rescue today! To those who are trafficked, enslaved, stolen from, lonely, trapped, lied to, abandoned, offended or labouring under the yoke of ungodly beliefs, I declare: RESTORE! Encounter them, Jesus! You are an All Consuming Fire of LOVE and I am clinging to that on behalf of a world that needs to feel the warmth of Your easy and effortless presence. You’re the only option. I declare redemption, visibility, desire and desperation for You, worldwide today. Make us truly Family. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 20, 2022

‘Let the sunrise of Your love end our dark night, break through our clouded dawn again! Only You can satisfy our hearts, filling us with songs of joy to the end of our days. We’ve been overwhelmed by grief; come now and overwhelm us with gladness. Replace our years of trouble with decades of delight.’ Psalm 90: 14-15

God, thank You for the opportunity to transform into a new creation daily. Please clean my mind, body and spirit and forgive me for any dumb stuff I’ve done, said or thought about. Please realign my thoughts, pick me up, shake me off and place me back onto my specific track. Wherever I’ve gone off the rails, Your delight is to bring order back to my life and welcome me further up and further in with open arms!

Because of Your incomprehensible mercy, Jesus, You turned the ship of humanity around. You faced torture, murder and separation simply so that we could celebrate together and be friends. You hand delivered the ability to be clean and to worship You with abandon and expectation. I believe that You are excited to be with me this morning. I believe that You love me beyond my human understanding or the capacity to love well myself. I believe that You are God, and there’s nobody else that I can rely or lean on with absolute certainty. You are the only One able to teach me how to inhabit my own story with determination and presence. You serve me my life every day and I gladly take it and run with it as long as You’re with me. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me.

No matter what’s going on locally or globally, I know that I can trust Your process and Your oversight. I know that You are the only One capable of unsnarling knots that look impossible. Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven, God. Teach us all to live with honour on this planet and to treat it like it truly is our home. Give us love and compassion for one another and a deep understanding for the privilege of sharing space and acknowledging ancestry and history without offence or anger. Give us the humility of Jesus for our human family, God. Open our eyes to the value, tenderness and neediness of everyone You made. We’re all here with plans and purposes, so please help us to see well.

I choose love today again. Thank You for being in me and healing me from the inside out. I am wildly open to more ability to love, God. I receive MORE today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 19, 2022

‘Everything I’ve taught you is so that the Peace that’s in Me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in Me.’ John 16:33

Today I choose to access the tranquility and order that belongs to me because my being hosts the Spirit of Truth. I believe that You are trustworthy and reliable, Jesus. Strengthen my belief in You and help me to lean into and onto You. It’s hard to choose rest when life is what it is. I want to be refreshed and replenished today please. I breathe deeply and fully today. As I breathe in, I draw more of You into myself. You say to be a partaker of the divine nature of God, so as I breathe today, I will be very aware of being desirous of Your taking up more space inside of me. I will breathe out ungodly beliefs and alliances. Just like a wise steward of land allows it to lie fallow, today I choose to still myself and allow You to blanket me with safety and stillness. Even if I have to move around and do stuff today, my spirit is in recovery mode. I am an open vessel for You today, Holy Spirit. I am larger on the inside than on the outside. Calm my mind and gentle me today, Jesus. Quiet my spirit in the midst of noise. Please give me shocking abilities to harness tranquility even when surrounded by chaos. I choose the imagery of Your reality…as any/all hell unleashes, I’m in an oasis of protection and kingdom activity. I align myself with Your faith in what You’ve allowed to roll out. Nothing is a surprise to You. You’re able to handle, choreograph and arrange ALL because everything falls under Your authority. You are pure survival. You are the Uncreated Master and Unifier. You are full of activity, justice, light, energy and sound. Your presence is power. I place myself today inside of the impermeable column of Your Profound Goodness and Protection, in Jesus’ Name. My family is covered, sanctified, protected and overseen simply because I ask for them to be. I speak rest and redemption out over the land, water and air today, God. Be refreshed and released from captivity! Be well and flourish under the hand of your Maker. I receive fresh energy for my world as a result of allowing myself to rest and receive today. Build my internal infrastructure in the quiet place, God. I submit to You again today and am so grateful that as I learn to listen to You, You tell me things that liberate me from fear, criticism and anger. Thank You for snatching me from danger and ushering me into my identity. I get to be holy and wild, unorthodox and obedient, unleashed from tyranny and tethered to You. Thank You for the ways that You made me to be. Please give me the courage and tenacity to choose real rest today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 18, 2022

Every morning I walk my dog for at least an hour around my neighbourhood. It’s a given that I run into multiple people I know and have many positive interactions with those I don’t, because; DOGS. It’s always pleasant and relatively wholesome, depending on what podcast I’ve chosen; true crime or something Jesus-y. Today, I felt like I’d been thrown into a master class on Blessing v. Cursing. Those who’ve known me for awhile are aware that my go to choice for chaotic confrontation has been to dive right in and give as good as I get, particularly when it’s a ‘heat of the moment’, ‘I have no idea who you are’ scenario. This morning was wild. Two instances of overt rudeness that literally came out of nowhere. They were shocking, and in hindsight, perfect examples of the tinder that once would have ignited a literal street fight!

I was confronted by a large man and accused of something preposterous that I had zero clue about, since we were clearly respectfully sharing space (my perception anyway)…I surprised myself by pointing vaguely at my headphones and saying ‘ sorry, I can’t really hear you.’, and sauntering away asking God to bless him with peace and the desires of his heart today. Whaaaa?! No adrenaline rush, no yelling, no self righteous soap box climbing and zealously using my words to shred this guy and send him on his way with his tail between his legs. Just…calm. This was not for me to enter into.

The second instance was the cherry on the sundae and such an obvious Jesus plant that it just made me laugh. Bless all of those people who are having a tough time with school closure and the snow. Clearly, time crunches and reorganizing ones’ family on short notice can bring out the worst in people. We really have no idea what others are dealing with and we MUST get over ourselves and keep it moving.

I do interior checks on myself periodically and am always impressed, mystified and utterly grateful to God for His constant custodianship of my thought life and reactions. He is always cleaning and reorganizing because He has permission to transplant, remove, augment and heal whatever needs to be dealt with in me. I want to see people not as problems or offensive jerks. I want to see the real person. Everyone has an origin story. I like to reset mine every day, while honouring who I was and where I came from.

God, today I bless everyone that I have come into contact with or will interact with throughout my day. I choose to be humble, and see with Your eyes. Bless those people who had had it already with life by nine am. Give them PEACE, enthusiasm for their day, the ability to articulate whatever it is that they need, give them Joy and vitality and please show Yourself to them in a way that they’ll understand and receive. Please shock them with Your Goodness today, God. Organize their day today so that they have breathing space and smooth sailing. Help them to relax into You no matter what’s going on. I speak blessing, favour, sweetness, salvation and love into and over them today. Bless their vehicles, animals, homes, time, families, past, present and futures and please pour out blessing on their minds, bodies and spirits also, in Jesus’ Name. Thank You for those two people, Lord. You know them and love them. Enrobe them in Your Holy Spirit and lift their gaze today. I choose blessing today for all people, and ask that You teach everyone who knows You to have Your ability to move through offence and unkindness with radical grace and humour. You are pure BLESSING! Thank You for being Salvation, Jesus. Far be it from me to pretend to be judge and jury. I reject any impulse to heap shallow human judgement onto anyone today. I am giving You permission again today to have Your way with my thoughts, reactions, ideas and ways of seeing and examining situations and people. Your love is bigger than any offence. I choose to allow You to love me, and from that, I draw on energy and incentive to love others with a wildness and a tenacity that I’ve never experienced before. Today is a new day! I choose to be more open, loving, faithful, loyal, flexible, creative and relaxed than I’ve ever been before because You inhabit me and Your kingdom is HERE! Thanks God. I love You. Amen.

February 17, 2022

Often during these days, when I think I’ve managed to carve some time out to chill and stare at a wall or something, that’s precisely when my adult children come out of the woodwork and need some advice, conversation, prayer or reassurance. I have two choices; get mad and self-righteous about it, or step up to the plate and deliver the face time they need. These are still my kids. I’m blessed that they trust me and want my perspective. Being a young adult can be brutal, particularly in this hour. I choose to open my arms and home and usher them in again to unpack whatever they’re struggling with. Sadly, being a human being, I often get reactive and frustrated, but these kids are so trusting and merciful that they always give me another chance to display my love and loyalty to them. My deep desire is to offer friendship, safety and aid, where/whenever I’m able. Sometimes it’s just physical touch and sometimes it’s practical help. Occasionally it’s just a reminder of who/why/what they are and how they’re valued and seen. It’s always met with prayer, and I have to be very discerning with regards to when He wants to be referenced and spoken to and about. I remember struggling as a young person and the first knee jerk response from an older adult was to lecture me about God. This was NEVER helpful to me and NEVER met positively. Hearing Him in the moment, when dealing with those that I love so dearly, is key. ‘When should we pray, God?’, ‘What should I say now?’, ‘Help me to communicate Truth without being didactic or speaking Christianese!’, ‘Please come alongside me and speak through me in order to remind them who You are and where You are in all of this.” These are examples of the interior conversations that are going on when I’m listening to my older ones unpack their lives and troubles. Being in two places at once is a learned technique that the Lord loves to teach. Discerning His voice as one of wisdom, clarity, deep compassion and direct communication is such a gift and one so simple to begin to learn and hone. Once we practice in the stillness of an audience of One, we can move out into busyness and continue to ask to hear just that ‘still, small voice’ that may manifest itself in our other senses, or in ‘coincidence’ or the voice of others. We must be radically open to His promptings and ways of speaking and that begins with simple one on one time. Feeding on His outrageous attention and friendship will bring unprecedented internal fortitude and stability. I often wonder if I’m missing something in my genetic make up by not freaking out about kid things in ways that I’ve been taught by media or zeitgeist are an appropriate response. I refuse to be rattled and I want to hear His take on any/every situation. We make a lot of emergency human assumptions, particularly when loved ones are involved. My aim is to cultivate the sang-froid of Jesus! He has the coolest of heads and the most solutions and ways of seeing what’s really going on.

Jesus, today I just simply say that I really love my kids. My love is a small, fragile, conditional fraction of the ways that You love them. Thank You for loving and caring for them more and better than I’d ever be able to. I’m repeating that I trust You implicitly with their lives, bodies, spirits and minds today. I trust that You’ve written their stories and You have their best interests at heart. I declare outrageous favour for and over them all today, God, and ask that You shower them with identity, abundance, clarity, wholeheartedness, understanding, the ability to see and perceive You and with new lashings of faith and a spirit of questing after You. I apply new levels of Hope to all of my kids today; the expectation of GOOD things! Ultimately, they will be with You forever and for that, please make them truly thankful. You are their Parent and I ask that they look to You in new ways today. Give them crazy encounters with Your kingdom today; gentle and/or dramatic. Please fill them with any/everything they need to walk with confidence and joy into their day today knowing that they’re seen and appreciated. Clear any scales from eyes, any obstacles from their paths and any distractions, stumbling blocks or impediment that keeps them from You-be utterly obliterated now, in Jesus’ Powerful Name! Peace, joy, life and lightness be gifted to them now, in completely new and creative ways, God. Fill every empty or coopted place inside of them, please, Holy Spirit. Have Your way and do what only YOU can do, Jesus. You make everything better, more fun, deeper and more meaningful and you deliver the ability to take pleasure in and inhabit ones’ life that is unprecedented. So I make the decision today to get out of Your way, so that my kids can see You unimpeded by me. I’m not God, You are. Have free reign with my family. You’re in charge. Restore to my kids (or gift to kids for the first time) the JOY (wholeheartedness, contentedness, peacefulness, passion and identity of God) of their salvation and renew and awaken their spirits within them. Kiss them today, God! I trust You. Amen.

February 16, 2022

I was thinking this morning about how much easier it is to rely on God when things are firing on all cylinders and life is moving smoothly. It’s when our plans go sideways and a crisis happens that we tend to move to panic mode and forget our Source. It’s crucial that in times of doubt, trauma or confusion, we make wise decisions about who we’re going to believe about what’s going on. I remember having a life changing valley of decision moment during the most harrowing year of my life. Feeling depleted, desperate, conflicted and angry about the possible death of my daughter and the year that seemed stolen from my other kids propelled me into a choice. I had very little energy and was so sad. It was time to pick a lane. Was I going to agree with what I was feeling and seeing, or was I going to put my money where my mouth was and hold on to what I had said that I believed? I started to speak promises out loud. I ran to the feet of Jesus and planted myself there, because that was the ONLY safe and positive place for me. My energy shifted. My faith in my family began to rise. We COULD get through this, and we would. We are so able to carry heavy things, as a result of the ONE who carried all. Jesus is so strong, so smart, so present and omnipotent. He’s the embodiment of compassion, exhortation and empathy and stands poised to be asked to share.

Something that I craved in that season was the energy to face another day of uncomfortable things. The courage to walk through things I never thought would come my way. God gave me every tool, every bit of strength and fortitude required for every task and trial. He is SOLID and reliable.

God, You are the source of ALL power, growth, regeneration and energy. Today, no matter what is happening, I receive the vivacity, enthusiasm and muscle to move into and through my day, dominating any attempt to hobble or hurt me or my family. I have the authority of Jesus! That means that I carry the ability to make decisions, give orders and enforce obedience in the spiritual realm. I have control over my emotions and I welcome Your Holy Spirit into my mind, my stamina and my physical body. I am a champion and a warrior who is gentle, open, tender and iron sided. I have hawks eyes and a lions’ heart. I am peaceful as a dove and wise as a serpent today. I am wildly open to Your ways, Jesus. I align myself with You again, today. You are beside me, in me, before me, behind me AND wherever You need to be on my behalf all at once. Thank You for caring about what I’m dealing with. I trust You to sort and organize my day. You are welcome and wanted. Amen.

February 15, 2022

In October 2020, I began to record my prayers in a notebook so that I could have a record of my communication with God. I love to check tasks off of lists and set a rhythm for myself, but it still felt weird, making time with the Lord a ‘checkable project’. It also seemed right though, and healthy, and very Me. I decided to make saying ‘thank You’ a priority and to examine my experiences and feelings from different angles, maybe the angles He meant me to see and understand but I’d been too busy or focused on ripping through our time together to get to more pressing things. I’d always been okay with hurtling through my day and being reactive or impulsive. I saw that as part of my energetic personality, something innate and essentially mine. It could be fun and it did bring a tremendous amount of playfulness and spontaneity to the table. I never had any complaints. The timing of God is fascinating. He probably thought that my timing was hilarious. He just waited so patiently for me to find one of the Pearls of my life; fusing pragmatism with prayer, recording our conversations and constructing a habit of gratitude and Godly perspective. It began so simply with a written ‘thank You.’ I’ve regaled most of you already with the wild journey of self discovery and freedom from criticism and hatred that this project ushered in. (Check out my blogs about how I fell in love with myself through habitually using and applying the lens of God and then realized that my beauty was the least interesting thing about me).

As a result of daily connection and creating with Him, I’ve noticed something else over the last little while. My petty grievances towards my partner have all but evaporated. I see him far more clearly and with the mercy of the Father. I can communicate directly and have ditched any gross attempt to passively aggressively manipulate or induce guilt fueled behaviour. T is a person. He loves me. I don’t have to trick him or make him feel ‘less than’. I just need to be direct, loving, and receive his acts of service without rolling my eyes because that’s his love language. Guess what? Mine is physical touch, so instead of getting mad that my (intense) needs weren’t getting met, I verbalized what I wanted with kindness. We stopped missing one another in the middle because we weren’t valuing one another’s needs appropriately. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t slowed down and listened. The writing component was really important for me. It made me extraordinarily intentional and attentive to His voice. All this to say; it’s okay to invite the practical into the mystery! Set timers, make a schedule, write the prayer down! If you’re not able to feel Him or hear Him or experience what others seem easily able to do, get aggressive. Make a ten minute window in your day in which you sit and wait and open up. Challenge Him. He loves it. I guarantee that this will bear fruit and the results will change your life.

That fusion of pragmatism and prayer have altered me forever and launched me into a friendship that gives me Life…it makes me run into Him daily and listen, puzzle and enjoy. It frustrates me in the best way, incentivizes me, energizes me and makes me a better mom, partner and person. I’m kinder to myself and can see more clearly every day. My breathing is deeper, I don’t get as worried or stressed about things that I have no control over. I feel tremendous love for the environment and am more aware of animals and my relationship with them as a steward of this place.

CONNECT! However you’re built to do so.

God, today I’m making a decision to connect with You. Even if I can’t seem to relate to You like other people can. It makes me mad and upset and sometimes it feels like You don’t care about me or I’m not as important as the ones who easily ‘hear’ You. I reject the idea that You play favourites or that I’m just not able to encounter You. I reject any obstacles, stumbling blocks or distractions that have been put in my way so that I feel small or insignificant to You. You want to be with me more than I can imagine. You want me more than I want You. I’m deciding to believe in Your love for me today. Please fill me with the ability to perceive You. Show me good things that are just for me today please, so that I can know that You see me. I will push through this and it will make my spirit mighty and tender. I am valuable to You. You wait for me, and even though my thoughts are that You don’t care about me, I’m going to isolate that thought and call it what it is; a lie. The truth is that You sacrificed Yourself, Jesus, because You looked through human time to see the real me and said ‘You are completely worth this.’ I am worth all of it to You. I will believe this today. You love me. YOU LOVE ME. I choose You today, Jesus, and I’m going to let You love me and reveal Yourself to me now, in whatever tailor made, creative way You choose. Help. Amen.

February 14, 2022

Today I surrender any/all anxiety to You, God. Please do an interior inventory on me and expose any place or places that harbour unease, fear, tension or stress. I actively choose to attach myself to the direct opposite of anxiety: TRUST. I firmly believe that You are reliable, able and strong. I receive the ability to inhabit the uncomfortable fact that You’re present in the discomfort of maturation and growth. I submit to Your plans, dreams and organizing for/of my story. I agree with the simplicity of my salvation and open my eyes to Your multi-faceted existence. You are Magnificent…intimately acquainted with the minutia of my day, while simultaneously holding galaxies together. You are sound, colour, light, substance, vapour, thought, invention, expression and Pure Reality. I apprehend this Trust and simplicity for whoever is struggling within my family with feelings of anxiety or depression. I’m saying with You, God; ‘Surrender your anxiety-let go, relax! Be still for a minute and KNOW that I AM GOD.’ Take a beat and ingest Him on a cellular level. He is Your sustainer and lifter, Your next breathe and heartbeat, Your eternal paradigm! ABUNDANT LIFE in place of thoughts of death and destruction, in Jesus’ Name. I declare a shift in focus for any/all struggling today! Cut through the crap with clarity and LOVE today, God! Remove and demolish distraction and despair! Joy unspeakable and full of Glory, come and take up residence in a miraculous way today! Erase doubt in anyone who reads this, Jesus. Invade and infuse whoever sees this with FAITH, solidity, understanding and the ability to feel Your presence, especially those who want to so badly but have been somehow unable to perceive You. I DECLARE BREAKTHROUGH NOW, IN JESUS’ NAME! Encounter, Connection and Relationship today for any/all who want/need/are curious about it, or who know You on a head level, but need to feel You as a tangible expression of warmth, love, approval and Fatherliness today. You are so kind, God. You’re in that river waiting, so compel us to come and meet You where we both are. Amen.

February 13, 2022

Jesus, You are the original Trailblazer and great example when it comes to having mastery over our thoughts. Even knowing every second of physical, mental and spiritual agony and anguish that was coming at You the night You gave Yourself up, YOU WENT FORTH. In the garden You had Your moment of freak out, on levels we can’t conceive of, but You covered Yourself in Truth and comfort, rallied, and connected the dots of fully God and fully man in order to usher in a New Day for the human race. You chose Your thoughts, strengthened Yourself in Your Father and Your identity and reality, shook off doubt and extreme distress, and walked straight into the lions’ den. You saw beyond our petty legality and fear, and looked instead at the Joy of eternity and connection with Your friends. You allowed every human frailty, every illness, every ugly, besmirching, defiling, murderous concept and act to be nailed into and onto You on the cross because You saw the Bigger Picture. You allowed Yourself to be brutally, painfully separated from Your Source while You hung up there, struggling for every breath, because I am the Joy set before You. I make Your heart glad. I cause You to spin and celebrate and sing. I choose to believe that You pick me everyday and that You love me. You care about everyone that I care about. I ask today for a fresh infilling of beauty and self discovery in You for my kids and my partner. Surround them with Truth and obliterate any lie or obstacle that would attempt to keep them from perceiving You in intimate ways today, Jesus. Permeate our lives on new levels please. Show us everything You’d like to show us today and please open our eyes to see it all! Please infuse us with enduring Peace, restore and reinvigorate our minds and spirits so that we find ourselves thinking Your thoughts for others. Lift our gaze from ourselves by filling us with confidence and authentic ability to believe in our own beauty and value. Please, Jesus, teach us today to be more like You. You are an all consuming fire of joy, passion, zeal, enthusiasm, conviction and trust. You see the big picture and You are the Great Intercessor. Give us the ability to experience selflessness today and to pour out gratitude, worship and devotion that we don’t even know we feel yet. I love You today, God. Please help me to love You more. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 12, 2022

Father, You are the only Source of true joy and wholeness. There’s nothing else that will satisfy or fulfill us completely. When there’s a heavy weight of shame, sadness, anger or fear literally living inside of us, You are the ONLY permanent way out. Light of the world, You make it Your business to infiltrate and obliterate darkness. Light is real substance. Real science. Darkness is absence and nothingness. Shine in and on anywhere in our loved ones today that is taking up space or harassing them today please, Jesus! Pit mentality GO, in Jesus’ Mighty, Authoritative and All Consuming Name! Fill our loved ones with Your presence, Holy Spirit, and deliver and lift them from any and all darkness, bitterness or confusion! Be free and carried to a wide open space. You deliver because You delight, God. You breathe clean, pure air into our lungs and spirits when we ask You to, so we’re asking You to just that. Come and do what ONLY You are capable of doing for the ones we love so dearly. We love so conditionally and so poorly, even when we think that we’re aching and consumed with love. Our love is a sad and tiny fraction of Your passion and overwhelming desire and zeal for the ones we would take a million bullets for! You offered part of Yourself, Your Son, to the world so that we could feel YOU and speak to You and allow You to lift us from the ashes and put robes and crowns and rings on us and call us Your own! Let the understanding that we will exist with You forever free of sadness, sickness, disappointment or fear compel us to live at Your feet and allow You to fill us with Your wholeness, identity, solidity and contentedness that is our STRENGTH. Give all of my loved ones freedom from oppression today, Jesus, as a result of Your LOVE, sacrifice, attentiveness and longing for them to release their pain and struggle and simply come to You open handed! Release, Relief, and a reminder of the tremendous salvation You are happy to unpack for us again and again and again…restore to my people the joy of their rescue and restore and revitalize their spirits today in ways I can’t conceive of that are tailor made specifically for them. I’m getting out of Your way today, Lord. Please do what only You are capable of. I trust You to move at the sound of my voice to rush with help from the sanctuary. I love You and I open my heart again to You today. Set me on fire. Amen.

February 11, 2022

Great Creator, You say in Your word that I should LET You love me and that You are only waiting for my permission before You nourish and detoxify every part of me. Today I say a loud ‘YES!!’ to You. Come on in and make Yourself at home in the temple that’s me. Feel free to have Your way and heal, restore, reinvigorate, enliven and inspire me today, please. I want to be such a vessel of Your presence that I diffuse power, light, healing and curiosity wherever and whenever I can today. Fill me to overflowing please, Holy Spirit, so that I can offer individualized peace to anyone who is struggling today.

God, I live because You’re my sustainer. I’m nourished and fed by Your love and Your hand. I allow You to gather and lift me up from the ground again today, God. I unify my life; my story, my spirit, my body and my mind with Yours. Refresher and Restorer, I love You passionately and dearly and I’m asking that You obliterate any fear of people today. Fill me with awe and wonder for You and Your character and nature. I want to embody curiosity and pilgrimage. Help me to climb higher, see further, be bolder, love with authenticity and zeal and to see You in everything and everyone today, please. Thank You for my partner, my kids, my blessings and my life. Thank You for making me beautiful, inside and out. Thank You for my hormones, my cels, my systems and my ability to age and mature. I speak protection into and over my family today. I apply the Blood and the powerful Soldier’s Psalm; Number 91, to my loved ones today like medicine.

Thank You for this world, and the chapter in human history that You’ve placed me in. Bless this place, Lord, with the mind of Christ. Bring wisdom and an honouring of You that’s unprecedented. You promised inconceivable wonders, and I believe You! You are so faithful and present. Thank You for our air, water, land, people groups and animals. Please bless this place and restore and release all from futility today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 10, 2022

God, thank You that whenever I’m feeling particularly helpless with regards to parenting, You are immediately speaking truth and calm to me. You enrobe me in wisdom and peace and there’s no need to jump the gun and speak out of turn from a place of panic or fear. Thank You for the ability to dial down and to wait until people are ready, willing and able to hear what You say about them.Thank You for being real and alive and for communicating with me on behalf of my family. Thank You for inspiring impartation in a natural and un-rushed way. You hold space for us so faithfully because You are the kindest, safest, most compassionate Parent. You are physically, mentally and emotionally present for me and for everyone I love. You’re never rushed or stressed about what to say or when. You don’t get annoyed or frustrated with our human struggles and are ever ready to deliver creative strategies and rescue. You support me and inform my feelings when I let You. You stick up for me constantly, Jesus, and I’m so grateful to You for being my Advocate. You do this with overflowing gladness for everyone, with no hierarchy or playing favourites.

Thank You for my kid today. Thank You that every heartbreak, every drama, every battle is Yours to deal with. You pour out Your favour and Your friendship so readily and so mightily. Thank You for vanquishing lies and ungodly beliefs on behalf of my precious one today. Enrobe their mind in Your Blood, Jesus, and renew and refresh them right now! Realignment, regeneration, restoration, renovation and utter renewal for them today, please and thank You. I trust You with my kid and their journey through the life You’ve gifted them with, God. Thank You for nourishing their body, spirit and mind today in whatever way/s You choose. Be released from captivity, be inspired to be thankful so that your mind is healthy and clear, be free to flourish and grow and be aware, on brand new levels, of your innate worth, beauty and value, in His precious and authoritative Name. Amen.

February 9, 2022

God, today You’re poised to fill our entire beings with thanks, praise and gladness. There’s only one February ninth, twenty twenty-two and I will be aware of how precious it is, no matter what. I’m sleepy as I write this prayer, but I’m thankful for how still my house is. Thank You for warmth and safety. Thank You for how cozy my home smells and feels in the minutes before activity explodes. Thank You for inhabiting all of the minutes and moments that construct my days. You give me everything I need to combat negativity and You ARE everything positive and life giving and You’re accessible 24/7. Your hand is on me and You know me. You illuminate my life. You’re welcome into my mind today. Please put my thoughts in order and excise any anxiety or doubt that’s crept in overnight that doesn’t belong in there. I’m giving You permission to organize, renovate and heal my interior again. Wherever I need Your touch today, please have Your way inside of me. I’m giving You free rein to return me to a pain free, balanced and peaceful existence in my body, mind and spirit. There’s always room for more of You! Integrate my parts please, today God and give me the zeal to see others free. Please help me to know how to extend help, practical and/or prayerful, so that people will be able to receive it. Give me language that hits the heart differently today please. I want no part of ‘Christian-ese’, but instead I want to move fluidly and authentically within communication on a person by person basis. I am full of Your beautiful, creative, ferocious but peaceful Spirit today, Lord. You are abundant, open, bountiful LIFE! I choose YOUR LIFE AGAIN TODAY! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 8, 2022

Today I refuse to lose my head. I believe that I am a new and transformed creation and I am clean, refreshed, awake, alert and valued by my Father. I apprehend the mind of the Son today and submit my thought life to Him. I am vigilant but relaxed and totally aware at all times of any attempt to subvert my Peace. I am stable, sane, wise and unafraid because I am accessing the mind of Christ for myself. I prepare my mind for activity, inspiration and contentedness even if/when I’m dealing with something that, if I weren’t able to apprehend Your mind, Yeshua, would make me freak out. I set my thoughts, vision and perspective on true reality. Even if I can’t see what’s going on in the Spirit around me, I stand in faith that the kingdom of heaven is busy being released on behalf of all humanity. I choose to align myself with You, God. You are alive and full of action. I choose also to perceive You and that I need to hang on through process and not make assumptions about the journey based on what I’m able see with my human eyes. Help me to see the big picture, the whole story. Help me, please to know the signs of the times and to trust Your narrative always. My mind is washed, clear, connected and healthy today. I declare it and receive it. I am able to ask You to link my mind with that of Jesus’ so that I can be protected and transformed minute by minute. I declare, pray and ask this on behalf of my kids, my partner, my loved ones, neighbours and fellow citizens in Jesus’ Name. I apply protection, joy, peace, hope, new outpourings of faith, the ability to feel the secure presence of the Holy Spirit, vision, creativity and favour to/over/into my people today, God. I trust You with the lives of everyone I love today. Thank You for being so invested in the people You made. I acknowledge today that You made me to be loved and to love, so please help me to do both of those things with tremendous grace and pleasure today. Amen.

I choose to believe that You cherish and value me today. You made my face and my body. As I age, I am beautiful and interesting. I have so much to offer and I will be full of courage and compassion as I move through my day believing in my own worth. Thank You. Amen.

February 7, 2022

God! Thank You for Your constancy and Your trustworthiness. I declare my loyalty to You today and ask that You help me to fall deeper into a place of reliance on and love for You. I exist in the palm of Your hand and You cherish me. I am loved, seen, known and listened to. You work and exist multidimensionally and accomplish billions upon billions of acts of justice every single second, but Your ear is to my mouth. You are forever and You are the unfailing, enduring God of Wonders. You surpass every single expectation and You never let me down or leave me frightened or alone or bereft. You fill me with Hope and possibility. You lift heaviness from me and restore my faith in my own life and the beauty and value of others. You surround me with protection, lift me up, restore my spirit and gift me with an ability to keep going every single day, Jesus. I attach myself to You again today and declare my allegiance to You. I need You in order to be me. Thank You for my body, mind, face, hair, senses, mobility, dexterity, health, blessings, the abundance I receive, and for my family. Thank You for my kids, God. Please connect with them in completely new ways today. Please pour out Your favour and Your presence in, over and for them today. Show them Wonders today! Be seen and known by them. Be tangible, Holy Spirit. Keep my kids enrobed in the Blood and surrounded by angels, hosts and creatures and pour out lashings of faith, hope, joy, peace and security that they can live from. I trust You again today with my family, God. Thank You for my partner. Thank You for blessing and prospering him. Please give him the desires of his heart today and abundantly lavish him with the favour of God and the favour of man. Surround and protect him as well today, with every resource of heaven! Thank You for my family. Thank You for my life. Thank You for releasing me from the bondage of self hatred and examination into a wide open place of freedom! You are the only One capable of hand delivering authentic identity and an ability to live purely as ones self. I am beyond grateful to You today, God. I love You and I choose You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 6, 2022

Today I’m inspired by something a friend composed and posted about intention and love. This person doesn’t believe the same way that I do, and they don’t worship in the same way either. But I’m seeing that God answered yesterday’s prayer that I’d be able to listen to Him and have an open and pliable heart when it comes to recognizing His voice and His wisdom EVERYWHERE. She reminded me that focusing on division, derision and difference feeds the enemy script. I choose today to bless tenaciously and to reject any form of cursing or complaining. We are made to be family. I reject any spirit of hate, war or death. I again attach myself to an enduring, miraculous, accessible and all consuming Peace that easily overrides my humanness. As a result of this woman’s post this morning, God, I reset my focus and my intention. You matter. Love matters. People matter. The flora, fauna, air, earth and atmosphere matter. You are Good and loving and constant. You infuse us with LIFE and anoint us with ability to live wholeheartedly with stamina and endurance. Jesus, I open up AGAIN to Your outrageous, senseless love. I change my focus and zero in on You and Your incredible passion and intention. Love purely for the sake of Love. I want to feel the way You feel, Jesus, and then to radiate and transfer that feeling to everyone and everything I come into contact with. I breathe You in right now. God, please fill the spaces in me that need to be occupied by Your confident, secure presence. You are the embodiment of Love and I am 100% here for it. Please enrobe me in that Love and approval, provoke me to repentance and realignment before and with You. Suffuse my body, mind and spirit with Your beautiful Spirit so that It spills effortlessly out of me and is utterly contagious. You long to pour out Peace, so fill the people of the world with a yearning for Your wholeness. Reveal Yourself today to anyone who calls on You please, Jesus. I love You. Amen.

Today, I believe in my value because You say that I have purpose, beauty and ability. You designed me, made me, named me and hand placed me. I am full of courage, creativity, confidence and passion for today, Jesus. I claim energy and endurance today for me and for everyone I love. I claim and give thanks today for Your perfect protection over immune systems, senses, minds and spirits, in Jesus’ Name. Thank You for my life and the lives of my loved ones. I apply the incredible promises of Psalm 91 over me and my house today. Amen.

February 5, 2022

Jesus, today I will attune my senses to recognize You in everything. I reject my very human propensity to immediately define and categorize things without listening to Your voice about what’s really going on. I choose Your insight and am beyond sure about Your sovereignty and presence. You empower me to be humble, obedient, curious and unafraid. Everything I need as an overcomer and champion has been gifted to and placed within me because of who You are and what You chose to do, Jesus. It’s an honour for me to be constantly unpacking the mysteries of the natural world and the ways in which You sustain and move in and around it. You made everything, and everything operates by Your grace, Your kindness and Your supremacy. Every invention has been hand crafted and hidden in order for us to enjoy the mystery and the process of discovery. What else waits in the wings for us that You conceived of before the foundation of the world in order to delight and amaze Your people? Molecules, atoms, resources and strategies are Yours and Yours alone. You own and allocate all things. I reject any attempt to grasp or strive or covet. I choose to be satisfied today with what I have and I receive Your generosity with thanksgiving and a desire to be generous as an appropriate response! I am grateful for heat, light, clean water, healthy food, safety, protection, time, kids who get to learn and do their lives without fear or stress, the privilege of self reflection and the ability to know and sit with You. Please flood me with compassion and activity for and on behalf of those who don’t have the bare necessities of life. I want to WANT to give the shirt off of my back and I want to be able to do it on the down low without any desire for visibility. Teach me to be like You today, please, Jesus. I love You and I choose You once again. Thank You for giving us the ability to claim amazing outcomes in Your Name. Amen.

February 4, 2022

Holy Spirit of God, today I open up my mind, body and especially my spirit, to the healthy, life giving fruit that’s available to me. Thank You for the abundant, juicy, nourishing, satisfying and addictive goodness that You extend to me always. I receive it today with zeal and abandon. Thanks in advance for the amazing things that my decision to invite the fruit of the Spirit into the entirety of my being will accomplish, whether I know about it or not.

I receive the Joy of the spirit; the fact of the Triumph of Heaven, the pleasure, wholeness, satisfaction and confidence of Yahweh that is mine for the asking.

I accept the incredible peace that conquers, overpowers and demolishes the enemies’ plans to rob me of my security today, in Jesus’ Name.

I choose the patience of Jesus that can live in me and vis versa. Peace that is durable, lasting, solid and real.

I will choose active, passionate, authentic and creative kindness today. Not performative kindness, but the radically compassionate heart of Jesus touching my heart and moving me to acts of sweetness and practical aid that don’t need to be acknowledged by human beings.

I am full of faith. I believe, God, help my unbelief. My faith wins, conquers and overcomes any vestige of fear that thinks it can take up any real estate inside of me. You can’t. I breath in the fact of God. I breath out any doubt or anxiety that the enemy of my life is trying to make me believe in or host.

My heart will be tender today for people, animals, my neighbourhood, city, province, nation and world. My spirit is strong and healthy and open to MORE. These beautiful things within me are limitless because You are limitless, Holy Spirit, so have Your way in and around me today. I honour, welcome and love You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 3, 2022

God, I believe that struggle or crises are the matrix of faith and radical adherence to Your transformative love and ability. When things go sideways, it takes tremendous strength and fortitude to lean into who You are for/with and in me. You are always present, which, if I’m not careful with my thoughts, could lead to bitterness and anger when things are beyond tough. When I can cut through the panic, pain or fear of the natural to see You clearly and to be open to the calming wisdom of Your voice, that’s when the shift is able to occur. My ‘yes’ and my ‘‘thank You’ in the crucible of crises that seem unsurmountable are the keys to triumph. So today, I take captive every thought that agrees with death, sickness, anxiety or pain and I excise you from my mind in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. I make interior space for more of the mind of Christ. I receive the flexibility, correct vision, understanding, faith, problem solving and trust that occupies Your mind, Jesus, for myself, my people and my circumstances. Have preeminence in my world and my experiences, my body, my mind and my spirit. Show me how You move constantly in our midst and change the script from tragedy to triumph in Your tremendous wisdom and timing. Germinate, stretch, grow, move, roil, reach, bloom, flourish and unfurl the splendour of Your life and Your plans before my eyes today, Jesus! I choose You today. You are God. Amen.

February 2, 2022

Today is my eldest daughter’s second pandemic birthday. I cannot imagine what it’s been like, to be on the cusp of your adult life, only to have the entire world press ‘pause’. Watching her process confusion, anger, insecurity, fear and frustration level nine million has been years worth of lessons in mental and spiritual fortitude for me. I’ve learned to sit with a secondary broken heart on behalf of my kids and allow God to show me the myriad ways He’s prepared and is currently preparing infrastructure for them to walk both into and out of. He has not left the building, removed his hands from the wheel, or left this human art project abandoned in a corner so He can move on to something more entertaining. He is solid and trustworthy and we have the honour of holding onto every beautiful promise that finds it’s ‘yes and amen’ in the Son for our kids.

God, today I’m beyond grateful for Rosie. Thank You for her resilience, tenacity, ferocity, sensitivity and vulnerability. What a paradox of a person! Thank You for her wildness and her solidity. Thank You for every beautiful thing and plan You’ve conceived in her and I bless her with abundance, prosperity in every facet of her life, faith, an open and creative mind, love for her fellow people and an even bigger degree of honour and love for her environment and world. Thank You that You’re her reality. You’re a FACT, not a theory or a religion. Thank You for taking that little baby and growing her into a valued friend and sister. Please show Rosie WONDERS today in her own body, mind and spirit and in her life and story! Thank You for my kids today, God. I choose to see the good, embrace and receive them the way that You do, and attach myself to Your way of communicating with them. I choose Your words, touch, eyes and feelings for my kids today, and for myself. I will be kind, wise, loving, energetic and restful to be around, and I will allow YOU to parent me lovingly and intentionally also. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

February 1, 2022

God, thank You for a new month. Thank You for seasons, and for the deep rest that I’m able to access in You alone in the wintertime. Thank You that You are able to lift me and shine on me even when I’m starving for sun and warmth. I open to Your light and heat today and allow You to reignite my passion for my own life and for my surroundings. You never fail to unfold and display new ways of seeing. I am deciding to perceive You in everything sweet that I experience today and I am alive to opportunity. You are my home and my peace. You care about the things I care about. I apply, pray and declare safety, protection, health, wholeness, hope and peace into and over my loved ones today in the name of Jesus. I apply Your Blood, our precious regenerative resource, to my family, our vehicles, routes to and from our home, to our animals, house, property and property lines and to our respective days. I’m asking that angels, hosts, and creatures of heaven be stationed wherever You decide they should be, God, and welcome Your reality and strategy right now for my family and for me. I love You, Holy Spirit, You’re so welcome here and I’m asking that Your tangible presence be felt today by my kids in a brand new way that continues to solidify their relationship with, and faith in You. You are real, good and attentive. I appreciate You. You are trustworthy and unfailing. Thank You for being with me and my family today. Please help us to be conduits of Peace and Possibility. Amen.

January 31, 2022

A whole month of prayer! Being accountable and intentional has exponentially built my energy and positivity and I’m hungry for more. God, please continue to feed my hunger to see You operate in my life and the lives of my loved ones, and to watch with wonder the ways that You connect with this planet.

I’m walking into February with zeal for MORE love, more energy, more LIFE and more faith. I’m choosing these things before I feel them.

Today I say to myself; ARISE, SHINE, FOR YOUR LIGHT IS ALREADY HERE, present and available! Jesus, You’re my light. The obliterator of darkness, confusion, apathy or hopelessness. You inform and ignite my God given ambition and You liberate me daily from human striving.

I will focus on the habit of vision, connection and the radical hope of heaven. I will herd, carry and radiate that tireless hope of Jesus; the unshakeable belief in and expectation of good things. I receive energy for my own journey and faith in Your communication today. I am fully invested in every small act of service and kindness today…I believe in the mysterious currency of heaven and will do everything unto You, Jesus. Please help me to organize my time and infuse my speech with love, strength, and comfort. I open up to Your founts of wisdom and choose to perceive You today.

Enliven, enlighten and utterly energize me today, God. You are my Source and I anticipate amazing things today, big and little, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Today, I am beautiful, powerful, faithful, strong and brave because You inhabit my body, spirit and mind and You made me carefully and with intention. I am crucial to the time that I live in, important to many, and saved, redeemed and eternal because You called me out of futility into possibility and friendship with You, Jesus. I love You.

January 30, 2022

God, You are the only One able to unsnarl the complications, injustices, misunderstandings and tumult of this world. You are the only Being able to deliver us from hatred, violence, judgement and rage. You are beautiful, shining, awake, alert, wise, perfect and true. You are the ultimate spiritual mechanic, capable of excising and transplanting, rearranging, rewiring and realigning. You are Sovereign. You are the One supreme power and authority, our Highest Leader; Creator and Sustainer of all things that were, are and will be. Our humanness keeps us shouting for intervention! You are a Perfect Parent…when we ask You for food You don’t hand us a stone. Please bring Peace and sanity. Please deliver us from anger, violence, judgement, injustice, human assumptions, impulsivity, gullibility and reactivity! Please download into all of us; the wisdom, discernment, communication skills and heart of Jesus. Give everyone Your eyes and words for one another. Soothe and settle, gentle and inspire. Please have dominion in us, our cities and our countries, in Jesus’ Name. Invade us and be the centre of our worlds, help us to see up and over. I’m asking that You encounter the people of the world with Your reality, and that we collectively fall in love with You. You make things make sense. You are our Redeemer, Deliverer, Pure Love and Reality. Come and do what only You can do, here and now, God. Lift us, wash us, connect with us and establish Your kingdom realm here! Let every one of Your dreams and purposes come to fruition here. We lift and honour Your name and Your plans for us and for this earth. Bless Your creation today, Jesus, please. We love You. Amen.

January 29, 2022

Jesus, my goal today is to be so connected to You that we’re communicating in the moment and that I don’t shut out Your voice or end our dialogue abruptly because of shame or screw ups. I want us to be so bonded, that even when I do or say something insensitive or unkind, when I think something gross or go against what You’re saying to me, that I am IMMEDIATELY back and talking to You about my motives and weakness. I want to be real and humble with You and never run away from letting You wash my feet and restore balance and relationship between the two of us. I want to be authentic and open with You. You know me better than I know myself, so I may as well be honest and give You full access. Please continue to educate and inform me about my identity. I want to go deeper with You, Jesus, and allow You to peel back the layers that don’t belong to/on me. I choose to shrug off the patchwork cloak of hurts, lies, or ungodly beliefs that tries to wear me. I actively choose today to be free of grave clothes. I choose the mantle of freedom, peace, authority, beauty, sonship and purpose that You’re always poised to wrap around my lovingly. I belong to You and I want You speaking to me all the time. I’m deciding to be radically available to You today, Jesus. You are my friend. I declare this over my entire family today: Friendship with and trust in the Lover of their souls, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

January 28, 2022

Over the past two years, our family has had to pull together and usher one another through some pretty scary stuff. One of the ways that young people are choosing to exert and wield some control over the seemingly uncontrollable present, is to restrict calories and become hyper focused on their food and their bodies. Lies masquerading as self care. Practical and immediate help was so in demand, that clinics were full and things were dire. Being present in and to the physical and the psychological is extraordinarily important and life saving, but something that I implemented and doggedly went after with God, was the health of the spirit and the healing of perspective, the rejection of ungodly belief and the discernment required to see through the tiny attempt at human control. We were made to be nourished in all of our parts! Anything less is unacceptable and we have the authority and power of Jesus in the spiritual realm. We also have the ear of the Father. All the time. We are called to stand before Him with boldness and tenacity and partner with our Perfect Parent to release the plans and purposes of heaven into and over our people. Be filled today with the authority that Jesus Himself gifted to us as a legacy…the power and right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience in the natural and the supernatural. Our focus determines our mindsets and our outcomes! I stand before the Magnificent Creator of All and claim and choose LIFE on behalf of all of the precious ones who are scared and are making decisions from a place of self hatred, criticism and lies they’re believing about their lives and identities. NO MORE, IN JESUS’ NAME. I declare hunger and thirst for the gift of food and drink that You made, God, so that we’d feel satisfied, healthy and strong! I declare outrageous hunger for and gratitude to You for rescue and redemption! Clear and clean our vision of ourselves, Jesus. Help us all to see the way You see and to extend and focus the mercy that we freely extend to others, back to ourselves. I agree with God when I say that every part of my precious kids is beautiful, you’re perfectly and flawlessly handcrafted to look the way you look by the One who knows better than any of us. Thank You for making my kids. Thank You for invading them today with love and honour for You and for their own beings. Flood them right now with Identity, Destiny, Joy, Peace, Strength, Wisdom, Nobility, Honour, Security, Soundness and Solidity, Authority, Zeal, Passion, Wholeness, FAITH and new depths of LOVE for You, for others and for themselves. Spur them on into new levels of appreciation for this planet and it’s land, water and air. Give them a sense of purpose and stewardship that changes the game! I declare that my kids are friends of God today, in Jesus’ Name. From that friendship, let a tremendous and overwhelming peace in their own skin begin to blossom and become so ingrained and authentic, that they’re able to LOOK UP AND OVER and inspire others to become more than they ever imagined! I bless their time today, Jesus, that You would overwhelm them in the best way with inspiration and energy for things that edify, comfort and exhort others and for a passion for their planet that people are jealous for! Release, liberate and free them today, Jesus, in Your precious and powerful Name. Amen.

January 27, 2022

Oh God, Your fiery Beauty exists beyond the flesh. Your creative power, shape, colors, form, activity, intentionality, heart and mind are incomprehensible and so powerful! You project and radiate LIGHT, You are proactive, constantly moving, present, aware, ferocious and gorgeous. I agree and align myself with Your juggernaut of Truth, the Holy Spirit, for my world. I am open and ready for You, Spirit of God, to have Your way. I intentionally stand back and bless Your plans and purposes. Unleash beauty, unleash heaven, unleash healing, breakthrough and freedom! Anything and everything is possible because of YOU, Jesus! I submit to You and the agenda of heaven for this planet, God. Come and be in the micro and the macro today! In my/our cells, minds, actions and speech AND in the rollout of public policy and the spiritual health of our planet. Your ways are higher than our ways! You are eminently wise and You own and control every resource, so do what only You can do, wherever needed today, Jesus. I apply the sound mind and the Peace of Jesus to my nation right now. I apply Psalm 91 to Canada and to every citizen right now. I speak vision, comfort, and salvation into every mind and spirit right now. Be seen, Jesus! Obliterate every false perception, teaching, image and lie having to do with You from everyone and speak Truth to them about who You are, right now, Jesus. You are INCAPABLE of lying, You are our ability to survive with gusto and to be fully present to our own journeys. BE SEEN AND EXPERIENCED TODAY PLEASE GOD! You are so Good and so wanting to be loved and relied on. You never bail, You never give up, You are flexible, smart and You never get tired of or bored with us. Holy Spirit, be utterly released and free in to MOVE and cause us to WONDER today!!

“Look at the nations and watch—

and be utterly amazed.

For I am going to do something in your days

that you would not believe,

even if you were told.

Habakkuk 1:5

January 26, 2022

Thank You for Your incredible patience. You display and offer to me a bottomless capacity to withstand, and opportunities to empty myself of any attempts to control or manipulate situations. I am only able to exist because of You. You are my heartbeat and my oxygen. You are my ability to formulate thought and turn instinct to action. You regulate my hormones and refresh and regenerate my cells. I receive Your healing inside of my body, spirit and mind right now, and I stand in the gap today on behalf of Your beloved ones who need intervention and healing inside of them, whether they know it or not. Pour out Your goodness and mercy today, Jesus. You make everything better. You are our healing. You came here as a baby, became a toddler, a kid, a teenager and a young person; fully God and fully man. You understand every feeling and every hurt. You know joy, fear, trepidation and somehow, in the face of Your knowing what was going to happen to You-every second of torture and agony-You rejoiced because You were turning the tide of history. You were emptying the grave, aggressively capturing the keys to death and ushering in a redemption that was and is inconceivable! Your existence is our triumph! You sacrificed Yourself as a Passover lamb, one time, forever. You died, conquered that same death, and returned to vibrant life as our Magnificent King and friend. You hold all power, all authority and all comfort. You are everything we could possibly need, and then some. I choose to access the incredible patience that You embody today, and I speak it over my loved ones, my neighbourhood, my city, my province, my country and my world. Hang on, He’s here and He’s coming, all at once. Holy Spirit, I honour You today and I receive You in a brand new way inside of my mind, spirit and body, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

January 25, 2022

Jesus, today I choose to clean, brighten and energize my mind by choosing to be thankful to You for every blessing I’ve ever had/have and will receive. Fill my thoughts please, right now, and give me the ability to sift, discern and organize them. I want to love today like You love and speak, think and display LIFE as I move through my day. I choose to jettison any second hand exhaustion or devastation that tries to come on board as I see and hear the experiences of others who are struggling with health/relationship/spiritual crises. I will be a conduit of compassion, wisdom, encouragement and comfort for anyone who crosses my path today. I will intercede for whoever You prompt me to pray for today. I receive fresh passion for worship, devotion, intercession and meditation, Jesus. I’m asking for the full measure of whatever You’ve got for me today. You’re a Perfect Parent, God, and You give good things when I ask, so I’m asking for good stuff today. I receive abundantly from You, so inspire me to give extravagantly as You see fit.

My eldest son has implemented a practice of saying daily ‘my body is beautiful, my body is healthy, my body is made by my Creator.’ Simple, true and on point. So God, I say that today for myself; I AM beautiful, because You made me curious, engaged, hungry for information and willing to put in work in order to maintain health and longevity. I’m beautiful because I run after and with You and am open to Your Truth, always. I see myself more and more the way You do and I want everyone to experience what I’m currently just beginning to understand…You are FREEDOM! You are wise, YOU are truly beautiful and imaginative. You’re the original visionary and You never stop dreaming, implementing, arranging, fixing and healing. I declare radical healing today in minds, bodies and spirits! Give everyone who needs it an overwhelming hunger for nourishment, in the natural and the supernatural. You are our survival, Jesus. You are food & drink. You are the Bread of Heaven. You are our sustenance. Invade minds with passion for you and for others today, please! Bring radical healing and restoration precisely where it’s needed today. I speak CURIOSITY today over this entire planet! A curiosity that’s met 100% by YOU, God. You are fascinating. Holy Spirit, encounter everyone today. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

January 24, 2022

God, You say in Your word that every part of me is beautiful. That my beauty is perfect and flawless (S.O.S 4:7). I agree with You in order to be liberated from the waste of time that is self scrutiny and hatred. You are enough for me today. Today I seize LIFE with gusto and choose a robust heart, mind, body and spirit. I open to Your complete and perfect Nourishment. You take immense pleasure in my pleasure, so I choose to revel in my day. I choose forward momentum and Your vision for my life and the lives of my loved ones. I choose mental and emotional flexibility. I choose to allow the flourishing and constantly alive Spirit of the Living God full access to me and to my family members. I choose humour and celebration. Wake us up to Your reality. Help us as a world to see with clarity Your kingdom and Your sustaining acts of justice, love, kindness and rescue. Compel us to join You in extending mercy and goodness. Give us fire in our bellies for justice and fill us with boldness and courage tempered with wisdom and discernment. You are real and You are ABUNDANT LIFE. I speak the REALITY OF HEAVEN into, over and throughout this world today, God. I will see You in my life today. You’re everything I need, moment by moment. I hand my family and loved ones to You right now. Display Your splendour to them and deliver them into an expansive place full of possibility and hope please, Jesus. Light of the world, You obliterate and demolish any vestige of darkness within…have Your way! Amen.

January 23, 2022

Today I bring my children to You, God, and I ask that the fire that roils inside of the furnace of Your heart be placed inside of theirs. Ignite their spirits and minds with the innate longing for interface between them and their Source. Remind them, reignite them, rouse them and most importantly, DISPLAY YOUR LOVE to them again and again today, Jesus. Please make it so obvious and personal. I ask this not so that I look like a great spiritual parent, but because they were made to feel loved and safe. Fill them, from the tops of their heads to the palms of their hands and the bottoms of their feet, with the Peace that overwhelms our minds and hearts! Overcome them with the all consuming Fire of Your identity. You are theirs and they are Yours. I consciously get out of Your way today, so that my kids can see/feel/hear/comprehend You on brand new levels. You are everything they could ever possibly need. You are nourishment in every part, You are wisdom and an unfailing beacon of guidance, You are their safety-body, mind and spirit, You are their past-present-future, You are their Light, their next breath and heartbeat, You are lover, friend, parent, king and Creator. I am handing the reins that I think I hold over to You again today on behalf of my kids, God. Have Your way. I choose curiosity, engagement, positivity, LOVE and most importantly, Your perspective when it comes to each of them and their respective journeys today. You’re God, I’m a person. You are a Perfect Parent. Thank You for loving all of us and being so present and unflappable. I choose Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done in my kids lives, stories, hearts, minds, spirits and bodies as it is in Heaven. Amen.

January 22, 2022

Great Creator, I place myself squarely in front of You right now. I bring my family and my world to Your lap and I revel in who You are for all of us. I believe in You. I love You and I trust You to illuminate and unpack our lives and our journeys for us. Invade our spirits today with Peace, wisdom and joy unspeakable and full of beauty and nobility.

You are my Encourager, Comforter, Helper, Rabbi, Advocate, Tireless Counsellor, Great Physician, Lover of my entire being, my Best Friend, my Family and my past, present and future. You are trustworthy, strong, kind, tender, fiery, smart and constant. You hold galaxies in Your hand, but Your ear is to my mouth. You are the Mighty Choreographer of humanity, the Alpha and the Omega, my Morning Star, God of the Mountain, my Sustainer and Provider!

Be magnified today, God. Be big for everyone on this planet today! Open up ears and eyes and allow truth and reality to become visible where it wasn’t before. Your Creation shouts about You! Flora and fauna, inventions and discoveries reveal Your detail and creativity! You’re real and You’re here! Give us energy and excitement about You today, Jesus. You make everything better, safer, more fun and so deep and meaningful.

Have Your way today. I declare that I am free because You say I am. You deliver me because I make You happy. You sing, dance, laugh and cry over me with abandon. Show me Your world and Your plans today, God. I trust You with my kids, my partner, my career, my daily boring stuff and my really big stuff…please show me how to value all facets of my life and all of the people in it. I matter and You call me beautiful, valuable and capable and I am a Champion today because You believe in me. I love You and I open to the blessings that You’re poised to pour out today, God, for me, for my people and for my world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

January 21, 2022

God, You are in the business of Transformation. I know that Your incomprehensible Love is enough to clean every part of me and cause thorough and dramatic changes in the way that I think, interact with and perceive my world. Today I receive Your forgiveness for any/all junk that I’ve thought, done or said that isn’t aligned with You, Jesus. I want to operate like You, see like You, touch, speak, think and problem solve like You. I want to be able to understand that anything that comes at me that’s obviously not from You is an opportunity for me to see who You are for me and mine. Your compassion is so mighty, that You are eager to wash me in the Blood and restore my equilibrium. My ability to stand inside of my day and bless it and call it a gift, no matter what, is a real blessing to Your heart. Please restore to me today the Joy that’s my birthright and renew and revitalize my spirit. I want my spirit to be so strong, solid and mighty that I hardly recognize my reactions to things that once caused me to freak out! I want my spirit person to be massive and humble, bold beyond belief and meek and tender before You. You are a Purifier and a Restorer, a Cleanser and a Communicator. Let my passion for life and the world be utterly overwhelming today! Refresh, energize and inspire my mind to a shocking level! I will flourish and bloom today in my interior ecosystem…so much so, that it’s obvious and impactful to anyone around me. I will be a positive force today wherever I go because of the Holy Spirit of Peace that I carry and that surrounds me. Abundant Life emanates from my being today, Jesus, because You’re in, around, behind and before me. Please give me a zeal to see my surroundings released utterly from futility and despair. Let me be a conduit of energy and passion today. I choose to be full of Your spirit right now, Jesus, and I can’t believe that I get to be with You forever. Thank You. Amen.

January 20, 2022

I may have mentioned this half a million times before, but in January 2020 I’d had it with feeling weak and unhealthy (even though I was neither). I wasn’t able to do one solid push up. I mentioned this to my pal Ryan and his solution was to just ‘do one push up. Then tomorrow, do two.’ and so on. This really set a fire under me and inspired me to implement some radical changes in my life that were mildly frightening. I made a commitment to build my body up, in words and deeds. I began to tell my brain good things rather than punishing it constantly with what I thought was constructive criticism, feed my body well, move in ways I didn’t think I’d be able to, and hydrate myself consistently. I made a choice and then made that choice every day since. I had a sense that one should not just be spiritually fit, but that my body needed to fall in line with the muscle building in my spirit person that prayer and time in the Word automatically engenders. I wanted full integration and to become the person I knew I was. All it took was a shift in my attention and to habitually align my belief in myself with Gods’. He knows that I’m capable and have the mental integrity to access His help and inspiration with regards to my own journey. I am an example to my daughters and my sons. I am strong and resilient because He says I am and I place my thoughts under His care and authority daily.

All of that to say that last night, I had a minor panic that I hadn’t reached my water goals for the day so proceeded to chug three giant glasses before retiring for the evening. Consequently, I peed like a pregnant lady all night long. Laying in bed staring up at the ceiling in the wee hours I thought ‘God, what does it feel like to be rich? Like, ‘no problems ever’ rich?’ His response; ‘you ARE rich, buddy.’ I lay there and let that sink in. I own an eternal destiny of freedom, abundance, adventure and curiosity. I’ll see everyone I’ve ever loved again. I won’t have worries, pain, sadness or anxiety. No concern about resources. In fact, access to the best of the best…things I couldn’t even conceive of. I began to simply say thanks for the things that make me me and for the quotidian blessings that I use and enjoy.

Jesus, thank You for my partner. Thank You for each of my kids and the plans and purposes You have handcrafted for them to prosper them and give them joy, fulfillment, hope, and identity. Thanks for my spirit person, for my brain, body, face, hair, senses and the ultimate gift of being Your friend. Thank You for my home, heat, light, running water and all of the privileges You’ve provided me with. Thank You for all of my abilities and gifts. Thank You for my relationships, past, present and future, and thank You for my life. Thank You for everything You have planned for me. Thank You for the gift of gratitude that illuminates and quickens my mind. Thank You for Your generosity, oversight, protection, connection, attention, loyalty, abundant blessings and for saving me from death and destruction. Please heighten my awareness of You and everything that You open Your hand and extend to me today. Thank You, Jesus, for Your Blood. I apply it to my family today, to myself, my home, my vehicles (skateboards, bikes, toboggans, skates, cars, vans, trucks etc…), property lines, animals, belongings, work place and routes to and from home for all of my people today. THANK YOU!! Please cause my gratitude to be obvious and contagious today, God. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

January 19, 2022

Jesus, today I’m asking You to activate and engage my heart for anyone whose vulnerable and alone. I choose to be filled with the compassion, empathy and overwhelming sensitivity of Jesus. Give me the ability to handle the way that You feel about Your precious people who are unsafe right now. Surround little ones with a solid wall of protection. I call forth angels, hosts and creatures to deliver rescue, visibility, emergency help and comfort right now! Highlight anyone who needs me today, Jesus, and give me the ability and impetus to intervene in whatever way You choose. I will be bold and courageous today on behalf of ones who are weak. Give me a mighty spirit of intercession to go to bat for people all over the world who need someone to stand up for them before Your throne. I am able to walk directly up to the Throne of Grace and speak directly to You about things that grieve Your heart. Compel me into prayer today, Jesus, for Your hurting ones, worldwide. I bless Your heart today, Father. You see it all unflinchingly, and it makes You ache to extend Justice and healing. I align my spirit and heart with Yours today and draw a line in the sand with regards to the pattern of generational victimization. NO MORE, IN JESUS’ NAME. Enough is enough! Give me clarity with regards to the Power that’s in me and the Word that I have access to in order to speak deliverance, healing, redemption and rescue. I have the power and desire to shout ‘RESTORE!!’ and believe that You hear me! Revitalize and wash this planet, God! Rescue little ones, trafficked ones, defeated and brutalized ones today!! I stand on the precedent of John Newton…turn the tide for traffickers! Save them all and bring them to their knees in repentance!! Jesus, set me on fire for Your Justice for this world that needs You to invade the secret and hidden places. Let today be a day of no turning back! Intercession, worship, devotion and gratitude, flood me and fill me to overflowing that I would be radically committed to FREEDOM! In Your Name I’m asking, Amen.

January 18, 2022

Jesus, You are my Supreme Advocate. You tirelessly defend me before Your Father 24/7. I trust Your legal skills 100%. You are omniscient, powerful, above any human system, bureaucracy, administration, government, realm or authority. I submit to Your protection today and trust You to work on my behalf as my Unparalleled Defender. Today I choose to allow You to inform my thoughts. Please calm and organize my mind, hormones and reactions. I welcome the sound mind of Christ. Your problem solving skills, Your foresight, vision, ways of perceiving, wisdom, processing and communication are all things that I can access today. I am at peace, even when it seems crazy or senseless to be. I have You living on the inside of me. Today please brighten and clarify my imagination and protect it with the Blood. Zero spin outs or ‘worst case scenario’ wanderings in my brain today, in Jesus’ Name. Flood me with the Light that obliterates darkness, God. You are Good and I attach myself to Your profound Goodness and radical Grace today. I am loved, surrounded, filled, covered, adored, faithful, protected, delivered and justified. You are EVERYTHING, Jesus. I love You…please give me the capacity and incentive to love You even more today. I’m thanking You in advance for everything You’re up to on my behalf today. Amen.

January 17, 2022

Jesus, You are triumphant. You carry the day for me. You are a Lover and a Fighter and I trust You implicitly with all of my battles. I lean into You and receive Your peace in the midst of what seems like chaos and destruction. In the middle of the storm; HERE YOU ARE. You are solid, sane, strategic and safe. You are my strong tower. You are my health and wholeness. You are salvation and revival. Refresh me today please, Jesus, and flood me with what’s True. Let this crazy time be the crucible in which Your irrefutable reality is displayed. I declare encounter, connection and renewed and restored relationship with You today within my family. Please show us who You are again today, Jesus. Let this day be another opportunity for You to meet us where we are and display Your splendour; dramatically or softly. You are our only Source. Today is Yours and I choose to walk forward into it with gratitude and confidence. Have Your way all day long, Jesus, I am radically open to Your presence right now, in Your Name. Amen.

January 16, 2022

Today marks the 217th day of deciding to believe in what God says about me. I have created a habit in which I thank Him profusely for things I don’t even feel yet. I have chosen to see myself the way that He does. I am beautiful, strong and powerful because my Creator says that I am. This journey, from head, to heart, to spirit, has been the most valuable and liberating one of my life. The more I open to His eyes for me, the more I like myself and the less I need to think about myself. What a paradox! Habitually and intentionally focusing on my value has removed any need/propensity for navel gazing, obsessing or criticizing every part of myself! I am free to use my brain for more useful and productive pursuits.

God, today I’m thankful to You for all of the connecting, integrating and miraculous healing You’ve done in and for me ‘behind the scenes.’ I’m reminding You again that You have total access to all of my parts today. I choose to be happy within my own skin. You’re my Designer and I’ll nourish myself with Your concept of me. You see me as beautiful, clever, worthy, interesting, loving, able and Real. I embrace my face, body, age, mind and identity today. Lead me, step by step, back into a healthy and childlike comfort and confidence in my being. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Please keep on connecting and creating all of the heart, mind, spirit connections within me, so that I know and believe beyond a shadow of any doubt, that this is TRUE! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

January 15, 2022

It would be really easy to succumb to grief and fear with regards to our young people right now. Kids who were on the cusp of something big, about to leap into their futures with abandon and excitement, abruptly shut down. It’d be simple to give up, lose hope, agree with the worst case scenario and abandon any security or faith in the promise of a hope, a future or promises of prosperity and safety. I believe wholeheartedly that the God who handcrafted these young ones and lovingly and strategically placed them in time and space has been working and creating tirelessly on their behalf. He is about to display WONDERS to these precious people. They are about to step into a destiny that is beyond their comprehension. The artists will deliver the beauty and challenges that people are thirsty for, the inventors, creators, scientists, academics, athletes, future parents, nurturers, chefs, designers, performers-the list is endless-are about to be reminded that the sunrise of the Love and oversight of their God is poised to break through their night and display the brightest dawn! Any and all who have been overwhelmed by grief and sorrow are about to be overwhelmed by the Goodness of their Father! Replace months of agony with decades of favour and abundant blessings! Let Your beauty be tangible and obvious for these patient ones. Give them inspiration and foresight and let them endure with stamina to the next chapter of their lives. Teach them to BE. Gentle them and give them fresh lashings of Faith and trust in Your process…let them know that they now possess a perspective and a core of iron that is unprecedented. Release Your lions into this needy world with the creativity of Heaven! Give them the ability to see the meaning in their own lives today, Jesus. I declare absolute protection, wholeness and soundness of mind into, around and over our kids today, God. You are their strong tower and I trust You with their lives today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

January 14, 2022

Okay Lord, I’m going to go with David’s example and not put myself on probation or keep myself from you when I screw up. I’m sorry for being hot headed and losing control. Please forgive me and restore me. Please wash me in the Blood and refresh my joy and my gratitude and give me a renewed appreciation for the Cross and my salvation. Please revitalize my spirit and breathe over it right now, so I can feel whole again. I receive the gift of self control and equanimity right now. I can move through feelings of anger, frustration and annoyance AND the bitterness and guilt that they engender, by the holy presence of Your Spirit! I welcome You, Spirit of Truth, Peace, Restoration, Realignment and Beauty. You’re mine. I am Your home. I will come back confidently to You, Jesus, knowing that Your arms are constantly open and Your advocacy for me never stops.

Even though Covid is hitting closer to home now, I refuse to submit to fear, but instead BELIEVE beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the claiming of Psalm 91 is my/our medicine. You are the holder of my/our immune system/s and I trust You implicitly with the lives of my family members.

Today I am brand new. The yucky stuff is erased and I am launched into my day feeling vigour, positivity, purposeful and alive! Thank You for our constant resurrection, Jesus. Thank You for Your incredible sacrifice, and for turning the tide of humanity because You love that deeply and that well. Amen.

January 13, 2022

Jesus, today I align my thoughts and emotions with the pure reality of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let me believe today, even more solidly, in Your magnitude, Your love, Your justice, creativity, oversight, goodness, clarity, power, and the presence of angels, hosts and creatures all around me, that outweigh, overpower and nullify any attempt to scare me or steal my faith today. I am a person of trust, loyalty, worth, health and peace. I WILL radiate Your Spirit today, Jesus, and claim release from any/all futility or fear wherever I go in Your powerful Name. I will break through into the miraculous wholeness, identity, satisfaction and radiant splendour of Yahweh that is my/our strength and source of all power and restoration! I speak this over myself right now in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

January 12, 2022

A memory popped up on social this morning that spoke volumes to me. My then eight year old had asked me to do something for him before bed and I said ‘no, I’m depleted.’ My then ten year old was nearby and whispered ‘…and undefeated.’ Wow! Wisdom for today and the season we’re in. Even if we’re drained and exhausted, we’re still victorious Champions and over comers because Jesus is ours and lives inside of us. We choose the forward momentum of that kid, David, who ran full force towards the giant who was screaming and threatening and frightening, because he was SURE, solid and convinced that the One who told him to move and do was going to undergird him and give him the power to crush the challenge that nobody else saw themselves undertaking. God! Even if we’re not feeling it today, we’re choosing it. I declare the anointing of David, the forward momentum, the crazy FAITH that gave a little guy the confidence and power to kill a predator with verve and violence and the ability to see up and over for all of us today, in Jesus’ Name! Later on, David ‘strengthened himself in the Lord…and RECOVERED ALL!’ We choose right now, whatever it looks like and whatever it means, to STRENGTHEN OURSELVES IN YOU, GOD, and to receive and recover, in the Name of Your precious and unbeatable Son, Jesus. Amen.

January 11, 2022

God, You are a fountain of Hope. I will nurture inside of me a desire to cherish and protect my agreement with with what Your heart is set on with excitement about what is going to happen. Ultimately, You steer the course of humanity and even when things are thrown at us to cause us to fail, feel lack and/or die, You are ready, willing and able to turn it all into golden authority, favour and perspective. Today I choose to attach myself to the dreams of Your heart for this city and the people in it. I claim health, wholeness and the plans and purposes that belong to us for the display of Your splendour for everyone around me, in Jesus’ Name. I declare that everyone reading and aligning themselves with this prayer would experience the miraculous and tangible presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Beauty, Peace, Hope, Joy, Strength, Wholeness, Satisfaction, Endurance, Inspiration, Creativity, Solutions, Vision and the gift of Redemption, over and over again today! BE VISIBLE to everyone today, God! Give us the stamina to keep going! We want to be utterly uplifted and filled with perspective and calm because You are on Your throne! Have preeminence. Be lifted this morning, everyone, in Jesus’ Name. God, we bless Your heart right now. Thank You for being who You are. Amen.

January 10, 2022

Today I choose to foster a habit of compassion. I choose to see others the way their Father sees them. I will cultivate the ability to see people the way Jesus does. I will have empathy, understanding and concern for others. I align my mind with the mind of Jesus for my fellow human beings. I choose Your strategies, solutions, words, offerings and belief in the value and dreams of people right now. Give me real time prompts as I walk by homes to pray prophetic prayers of rescue and redemption for the people inside. I believe in our partnership, God. I believe that You love my friendship and my loyalty. I’m calling myself Your friend, student, and disciple today. Show me the people who need me and please give me the ability to intervene, in the physical and the supernatural. I have the authority, power and mind of Jesus because I’m asking for it and You’re a Good Parent, who doesn’t withhold anything that I need. I receive the lavish compassion of Jesus. For my world and the people in it. For the environment, for every species, for every land mass and body of water. Restore, revive, renovate and realign today! Pour out Your love into and onto this world that You love, Jesus! I speak energy, zeal, passion, stamina and endurance over me and my world right now, in Jesus’ Name! Encounters, dreams, visions, the Reality of the Kingdom of Heaven that’s here LET US SEE!! Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts, spirits and minds that are open to Your thoughts and ideas please. I am overflowing with compassion right now because I’ve asked to be. I will value and treasure others and myself today because we’re all fearfully and wonderfully made. This is a day that You’ve handcrafted for me, so I WILL be grateful, full of Wonder and possibility, and I will inhabit my life with intention and worship today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

January 9, 2022

God, thank You that at the end of the day, what truly matters is what You say about me. I am completely open and receptive to Your thoughts, plans, dreams and visions for me. I am sealed and protected from any lie that would attempt to rob my purpose and/or identity from me, by the unassailable Blood of Jesus. I am visible only to the Truth. Your opinion about me today will be mine as well. I’m deciding again to move through this chapter of human history with all of the mental, spiritual and physical stamina available to me as a result of who Jesus is and what He accomplished on the cross. I am a continually overflowing vessel of the expectation of Your Goodness. I choose excitement for and anticipation about what Your heart is set on for the earth. I receive health, solidity and protection in every part of me. I attach myself to the mind of Jesus. I’m receiving healing right now, even in places I wasn’t aware of. Your kingdom come and Your will be done inside of me, within my family, my city and my world now as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

January 8, 2022

God, today I choose to be grateful for the way that You built me. I’m deciding to value myself and speak kindly to and about myself. I extend the same mercy towards my own being that I would to anyone else. I am full of identity, possibility, insight and appreciation right now. I am a person of substance and worth. Please renovate and wash my heart with the Blood and revitalize and kiss my spirit awake again today, Jesus. I pray that You’d remind everyone that I love who/what and why You are, and encounter and bless them beyond their wildest dreams today, God.

As I walk through my life today, I will be a Trailblazer and a shifter of atmospheres, because I’m a temple of Your powerful Spirit! The mantle of Peace that enrobes me will fill the space that I occupy because You are with me. I will impact my world today as I move into it with abundant life and vigor. My words will be impactful and tailor made to bless everyone I come into contact with. I choose to be a conduit of LIFE today, Jesus. Fill me to overflowing with the Joy that IS strength and encounter and captivate my family now, in Your Name. Amen.

January 7, 2022

Today God, I claim resilience and positivity for myself, my loved ones, my country and my world! You’ve given me the insight, faith and power to lean into the promise of utter transformation and release for every place, every person, every bit of flora and fauna, discovered and undiscovered, endangered or extinct. You have the omniscient power to RESTORE and REVIVE all things!

I declare release from captivity today for my mind, spirit and body. I speak it with authority over my family and my environment, my health and my city. Every seed planted, every word spoken and every idea that’s true about You, Jesus, I speak growth, flourishing and blossoming in Your perfect time and in the power of Your Name. Come and have Your way today EVERYWHERE.

Because of the Law of the Spirit of LIFE, I am empowered and free to live by the dynamic power of the same; Your Spirit in, through and around me. I receive everything You’ve got on Your agenda for me today, God. I am able, energized, inspired, passionate, clear headed and forward facing moving into my day, no matter what comes down the pipe. I have the ability to inhabit my life with authenticity and zeal today because of who You are. In Your incredible Name I claim all of this stuff, Jesus. I love you, help me to love You more. Amen.

January 6, 2022

Once upon a time, I had a really sick kid. For almost an entire year, she existed in a grey and scary limbo-not dead, but not truly alive. She was a mystery and things kept getting more and more dire. I had always been used to things chugging along fairly easily; everyone healthy and content, for the most part.My life’s rhythm uninterrupted. The thought of my child dying was horrific and beyond painful. This chapter was my classroom wherein I learned to consume and rely desperately on the WORD-Jesus-for incentive not only to get out of bed and move through my days, but to see my baby the way He did. She had purpose, choices to make and a life to live. This wasn’t a waffly ‘oh well, there’s a reason bad things happen, I guess’ kind of existence, this was a BATTLE. I learned to wield the unchanging but forever speaking Life inside of the Scriptures to claim my baby back from a frightening place. She became a WONDER to her specialists, her family and the people who had been paying attention. Since seeing her life gifted back to her, my confidence in the Power of the Word to turn the tide grew to become utterly unshakeable. As a result of my front row seat to the Power of the Word, I began in October 2020 to declare Psalm 91 daily over my family. We have access to a Shield of protection unlike any other.

God, You are a mighty and impossible to breach wall of solidity. I declare right now that I trust You when You say that You offer me protection, courage, and security. I am enrobed in Your greatness. I have access to the incredible Blood of Jesus; the most miraculous regenerative resource there’s ever been. I don’t have to understand it to claim it and apply it, so I lavishly speak it over myself and my loved ones. Your majesty, shield, fortress, arms, shadow, hope and stronghold are more than enough to protect me. You are the Master and Choreographer of all things and I choose to love You and delight in You, no matter what. Please give me hunger to run after and with You and restore my curiosity in You. I reject distraction and fear and choose instead to be inspired, energized, positive and full of LIFE. You are my Great Deliverer, satisfy-er and friend and I am deciding today to choose to inhabit my life with abandon and interest. I love You. Amen.


January 5, 2022

God, I’m opening up from the top of my head to the palms of my hands and the bottoms of my feet. My spirit is wide open and my mind is receptive and ready to allow You to pour out Your lavish, overflowing and constant fountain of HOPE. I expect that You have my best interests at heart and I declare that uncontainable joy in the face of chaos is overtaking me right now. I aggressively attach myself to Your perfect Peace and understand that the power of Your Spirit encapsulates my life, no matter what. I receive ample, lavish, abundant LIFE AND HOPE-the absolute expectation of Your goodness-in all of my parts and I claim all of this for my family as well. Obliterate despair and hopelessness in my kids, in Jesus’ Name! Fill them with the solid understanding that Your plans and purposes for them are still firmly in place and that their lives have outrageous and deep meaning. Fill my family with identity today, Jesus, please. Suffuse them with the satisfaction that’s found ONLY in You right now, no matter where they’re at in their spiritual journey. Encounter them all and show them, again and again and again, who You really are today. Thank You God, for my life, my brain, my body, my spirit, my circumstances and for the ability to know You and speak to You intimately, knowing that You move at the sound of my voice and that I’m the apple of Your eye. Amen.

January 4, 2022

Jesus, when Your friends gave You a hard time about not showing up for Lazarus, You said that it was a good thing that You were ‘late’ because now they were going to have another opportunity to see WHO YOU ARE and that trusting You and Your amazing timing was/is wise, even when it looked/s utterly bananas.

Jesus, You hold ALL power, authority, ability, hope, faith, zeal, passion, identity, destiny, protection, wholeness and health in the palms of Your hands. You are our only Source. You are our daily nourishment. You are LIFE ITSELF. We grab hold of You and trust You for everything we need and beyond today. You already intimately know what needs to go down today, interiorly and exteriorly. Personally and globally. Have Your way in me today Jesus. Have Your way on this planet. Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in my body, spirit and mind AND in my country, on my continent and on the earth today Jesus, as it is in heaven! Have the preeminence in the micro and the macro. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU! I believe, help my unbelief, in Your Name. Amen.

January 3, 2022

Radical Renovation.

Jesus, please restore and revitalize my passion for living my life. Please activate my spiritual hunger and help me to experience, consume and embody the Joy, wholeness and vitality of the Breakthrough that You deliver. Let my heart overflow with love for You and inspire me with zeal to worship and be loyal to you with the ENTIRETY of my being. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I decide right now to appreciate my body, my face, my mind and my spirit with clear eyes. I am who You created to be and I am always myself, while at the same time constantly growing, learning, trying and reaching without stress or striving.

I choose to see myself and others through Your lens today, Jesus. Give me Your eyes, hands, voice, thoughts and confidence please, in Your Name. Amen.

January 2, 2022

Today I’m choosing to cultivate an interior atmosphere of honour.

God, You’ve made me strong and capable. I can do challenging things and triumph over challenges. I’m deciding to aggressively climb obstacles and attack any problems, real or perceived, with the mind of Jesus-a mind that’s clearer and cleaner than any other. Jesus, Your mind is flexible, clever, creative, positive and sound. You have unmatchable problem solving abilities, unparalleled strategic prowess and innovative design skills. You carry vision, momentum, and absolute, unshakeable faith. I choose YOUR way of thinking about me. I was planned for, named, designed and built for everything that I need to deal with today. Everything I need to exist as an Overcomer and a Champion is in me now as a result of Your presence. I am enough. Jesus, please continue to teach me how to be tough, vigilant and strong when I need to be, and pliable and open when it’s necessary as well. I pray and declare all of this in Your powerful and authoritative Name, Jesus. Amen.

January 1, 2022

God, thank You for a completely new year. Thank You for every plan, relationship and adventure You have in store for me. I actively lay down any preconceived expectations and assumptions about how it’s all going to roll out, and I commit my journey to You with completely new levels of trust and loyalty. Thank You for the privilege of living at Your feet and the ability to hear and perceive You that gets deeper and better the more I practice. I choose to be grateful to You right now, no matter what my thoughts about myself are, for my body, mind and spirit. Thanks for my systems and for my abilities, talents and every interest that’s specifically mine. I am totally open this year to the growth that flows directly from You. Give me WILD VISION that fuels courage, curiosity and audacious faith. I choose utter fearlessness, whether I feel it or not, on behalf of my family. I actively release any attempt to control the people I love from a place of anxiety and/or fear. Instead, I get out of Your way and give You full access and permission to the people who are precious to me. Revitalize, realign, energize or gift for the very first time the Joy and Strength of Salvation and restore a healthy and focused spirit within me and each of my family members today and beyond, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!


Gratitude is a relationship solidifier. Being thankful reinforces our ability to acknowledge and believe in the ways that we’ve been loved and overseen. When I was in the throes of a rough miscarriage in the fall of 2017, I took a break from the pain of labour and the backwards scrambling of trying to hold onto my baby girl to go deep inside and check in with what was going on in my spirit. I was frightened, and anticipated feelings of despair and rage, but came up with only one thing. I felt like I was breaking through a surface of glass into a place of senseless Gratitude. I had been transformed into thankfulness. I was able to open up and release Beatrice (whose name means ‘bringer of Joy’) and to inhabit my body once again and be at peace with what was going on. I saw the outrageous Grace that had hunted me my whole life. I remembered the five beautiful people I had birthed and I saw my best friend and partner beside me, supporting me. I was thankful all over again for the baby I had aborted in 1995 and was overwhelmed by the Goodness and constancy of God, and I was suffused with thanksgiving because he has never felt pain, sickness, betrayal or disappointment. 

THANK YOU, GREAT CREATOR, for our lives! Thank You that even when we walk through horrible, terrifying or perplexing valleys You are literally behind, above, beside and in us AND You’re somehow also at the finish line declaring our ability to withstand! You lavish us with strength, stamina and ability for our personal marathons. What an honour to be able to ask for whatever we need in the moment and to thank You in advance for providing things we didn’t even know we were going to require!